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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LaurenAshely

  1. Okay...this is kind of embarassing but I just possibly had a light bullb moment.

    I have been dealing with a rather embarassing problem for my whole adult life. When I get turned on, even from just a heavy make out session I get SO wet. Like...WAY too much. I know its a normal body function, blah, blah. Im a labor nurse and well versed in sexual function and how our bodies act.

    The problem is its embarassing AND has a negaive impact on my sex life. I LOVE oral sex and can get pleasure so easily they arent down there too much. However, once sex starts, I cant feel a thing because Im so dripping wet the friction is gone. And though Ive never had any complaints, I have went through a decent amount of guys who complimented my kissing and foreplay and massages to high heavens...but didnt come back for second after finally getting me in the sack. That could be because the thrill of the chase is over, but Im thinking its more likely because they couldnt FEEL anything!!!

    Ive googled the problem several times only to hear how "lucky" I am and apperently there is no medication for it. I really dont want to hear how lucky I am. For dryness you can use lube. Being WAY too wet is having a negative impact big time.


    With "stress incontinence" being a co-morbidity, does being excessivley wet have to do with being overweight??? Has anyone else battled this??? Or was my lightbulb for mothing? I hope its weight related although Ive never read that and believe me Ive looked this problem up a TON. If anyone HAS battled this problem, did it get better when you lost weight?

    Maybe its just me with this issue...but Im desperate. Thought Id see if anyone else had this problem...

  2. http://princesslaurenashli.blogspot.com/

    I just started a highly personal, yet highly necessary blog about my journey with weight loss and the band. But as anyone who blogs knows a blog is nothing without readers and people who you can read back!!! Its not something I want my friends or family to see because its highly graphic and personal, but I am going to keep it public because there is nothing I would care if they read or saw. Im a pretty open person so I dont think it would shock them, haha. However, my struggle with weight is one few friends and family understand, they just know I struggle with it and they support me.

    So while Im not going to put the link on my Facebook or anything Id like to post it here so you guys can send me links to your own personal blogs. Id love to follow someone going through the same journey as me!!!



    Lauren Ashli

  3. You will do fantastic! Im trying to decide whether to wait on my insurance and "waste" another year being fat or to self-pay. I can DO it but it would be a major squeeze and once Ive lost some weight Im going to want that money to start living again!!!

    Isnt it funny how everything we do is controlled by weight? There are so many things I dont do because of it and if I have to wait a year to get the whole surgery paid for, thats almost too long and I litterally am contemplating financing it just to not "waste" another year.

    Now who says it has to be a waste? Me. I feel like anythign I do as a fat person is a waste. My therepist isnt fond of that mentality, but thats how I feel.

    I am excited for you. Post your results and let us know how you are doing!!!


    Lauren Ashley

  4. My rebirth is fast approaching.. Hello all I'm a 30 year old middle school Language Arts teacher. Its taken me about a year to get approval fro Humana and we are scheduled for Jan. 18th. Five days after my 31st birthday. So for me this is a re-birth. I've had a count down going on FB about the "New Me" thats on her way. Iknow a great deal of things will change in my life and all will be for the better.

    I started my Clear Liquids diet on Jan. 4, by the 7th I felt as if I were starving to death. I gave in to cheese and some meat. This landed me in bed sick as a dog. So lets say I learned my lesson.

    This surgery means so much to me. I've been the "big gurl" all my life. No one in my family understands the struggles I have just to so simple things in life like walking up a flight of stairs. So in 2011 I'm living for ME. I know along the way there will be hiccups, but I have a greater purpose in mind. I well all suggestions and encouragment.

    I pray all my fellow "band-ets" continue to prosper and stay blessed.

  5. As sucky as it is you may want to try low-carbing it for a couple weeks to shock your body back into the mind set of losing weight....I HATE cutting carbs down anywhere lower than 50/day...but whenever I do it jumpstarts a weight loss. Weight loss is so personal this may not work for you, but hopefully it will!!



  6. Thanks so much everyone! I never in a million years expected such sweet and well-thought out replies! I am used to getting answers I already thought of and thinking "why did I even ask? but everyone has been so suppotive and well thought out its very nice and makes me feel like this is something I definatley want to pursue again. I am working with an amazing psychologist to work out my insecurities of why I got heavy in the 1st place. I have a surgeon only an hour away and ALL he does is Lap band day in and day out. They got annoyed when I called it a "lap band factory", haha, but actually all that experience makes me more comfortable. His price includes a year of monthly follow up and they are BIG on the follow up and that makes me more comfortable.

    Thanks again everyone for your perspectives. I think Im gonna start the process of financing (Ugh!) Haha


    Lauren Ashley

  7. Thanks Guys!

    Its funny because I use the old "TripAdvisor" analogy ALL the time when trying to find a place to stay. (Im an AVID traveler.) People never compliment when they get what they expect, rather they just complain when they DONT get what they paid for. Not that I blame them. I have had plenty of good service and never wrote in about it, I simply paid them because I expected good service, lol. I guess I never thought of that in the Lap Band world but I suppose its true there too!!!

    Thanks for all the positive input. Im looking into financing today and the comments really helped when thinking about borrowing 15k!



  8. Im thinking of getting the Lap Band and have done a TON of research...then I get to this site and Im starting to get a little more than concerned. I will be a self pay patient and I keep reading about the hundreds of people who arent losing wieght, feeling unsuccessful, or have had out and out complications!

    Are there people out there who havent had any complications and their band is working to help them lose wieght at a steady pace? Anyone who isnt disappointed and the band is working as intended? Being self pay I think my biggest dear is leakage or some other small compication.

    Any input would be appreciated. Id love to have the surgery, I just dont want to waste my money if complications are more probable than I origionally thought.

    Thanks Guys!!!



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