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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Shelley64

  1. I'm being banded on 1/11/11 as well. Those number have to be lucky!!! 2 days of Clear Liquids.....I think my stomach is going to turn inside out from all the growling.

    I am looking forward to being on the other side of this. I've always said, if I could just eat less I know I could lose weight. this is going to help us eat less and feel better.

    Good Luck. Be sure to post in a few days with how everything went!

  2. I felt the exact same way so I know how you feel. I am on day 6 of the pre-op diet and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I was totally dreading it... way more than the surgery itself. My doctor gave me a list of foods for the various phases of this process. Day 1-8 I can have Protein shakes (20+ grams of Protein and less than 5 grams of carbohydrate), sugar free pudding , sugar free popsicles, light yogurt without fruit, broth, crystal light, tea, V8, light juice. Day 9 & 10, it's Clear liquids only.

    I can tell you that your mind is a very powerful organ and it will make you think you're more hungry that you really are. I'm fine until about 3:00 or so and then I really start feeling just empty. I find that if I wait it out a bit, it passes somewhat. I'll eat a greek yogurt (Chobani brand is awesome and has 12 or 14 gm of protein) or a V8 or a cup of chicken broth. I will also tell you that I have cheated a little. I live about 50 miles from a town with a costco so I drove up after work one night this week and realized I didn't have anything to eat along the way. I got a few slices of fat free deli turkey and ate a wedge of that skinny cow soft cheese to tide me over til I got home. If you're going to cheat, eat protein!! Another thing I did that helped me right off the bat is I really cut back on my portions prior to the start of my pre-op diet to get my stomach shrunk down a little and make the cravings less. 4 days and I'm off to surgery!

  3. I cannot get a multi Vitamin down without gagging. Other pills don't bother me but that mulit Vitamin is huge. I'm getting banded on 1/11/11 so I went on a chewable multi vitamin last week. Kinda embarassing chewing a vitamin shaped like a dinasaur but they taste good and they go down easily. After surgery, I believe I need to chew one in the morning and again at night.

    I've had trouble finding liquid tylenol. I went to Walmart and Target and they were both out. I'm going to check Walgreens today.

    If you're on prescription meds, you're suppose to contact your pharmacist to see if they can be crushed. Just noticed that on my pre-op paperwork.

    Good Luck!

  4. Are you just drinking Protein shakes? I'm on day 5 of the diet but it seems like each doctor/hospital have different pre-op diets. I'm allowed to have the Protein Shakes (need to be 20+ grams of Protein and 5 gm or less of carbohydrate) sugar free Jello, broth, sugar free popsicles, yogurt without fruit, tea, sugar free beverages like crystal light (no soda) and Water. I have to do Clear liquids only the last 2 days so for me that will be Sunday 1/9 and Monday 1/10. I'm good until about 3:00-4:00 and then I'm literally starving but it passes in a half hour or so if I have some broth. My husband has been so awesome. He's been making dinner and trying to have it cooked and eaten by him and the kids before I get home from work so I don't have to look at it. If I can do this, I can do anything!

    Keep your head up!

  5. I'm on day 4 of the pre-op diet and it's certainly not the most fun thing I've done in my life. I've been having a Protein shake at meal time and broth, Jello, sugar free yogurt w/o fruit, sugar free popsicles and sugar free pudding when I feel hungry between the shakes. It's really important to get a really good Protein Shake mix. My doc wants me to have 20+ grams of Protein and 5gm or less of carbs. Stay away from carnation instant Breakfast and slim fast because it's full of sugar and will just make you hungrier sooner. I got my shake mix at costco. I also bought one of those magic bullet blenders. it works so much better than a regular blender. It gets the ice chopped super fine so the shake is cold and frothy. The greek yogurt (I like Chobani brand) is really good and it has 12-14 grams of protein per container. Double of other yogurts. The plain with some added sweetner is creamy and delicious. The last two days I have to do Clear liquids only so that's going to be tough. Bring on the broth!!!! Good luck!

  6. I think you've made the right decision for yourself. I'm a little surprised that your doctor pushed for bypass considering the recovery is much longer and the complications from surgery are greater. I totally know what you mean about "just eating less" I've always said that I could lose weight if I could just eat less and be satisfied. Once I get some pounds off and start feeling better, I'll be more comfortable at a gym working out. I think the band is the absolute way to go for any age. I'm 46 years old and am getting banded on Jan 11th. I'm on day 3 of the pre-op diet which is going ok. I was really hungry last night after work. I felt a little light headed and I had a head ache. I don't think I drank enough Water yesterday so I'm going to work on that today. good luck to you. Keep us posted!

  7. So glad I found this site. I was worried I was the only person my age planning to do this. I'll be 60 on Jan 31st and I'll be banded on Jan. 10th. I'm not having too much trouble on the 2 week liquid diet. I am at the point though where I'm getting really nervous about the surgery and my decision etc. I've only had one other surgery under general anesthetic and that was an outpatient fix of my deviated septum. Part of the problem I think is because my surgeon thought I'd be better off with the RNY bypass. He listed my age, weight, BMI, and the amount I need to lose as reasons for his recommendation. I have known several people who have had the bypass. One died from complications, three had serious complications and the rest eventually gained all the weight back. I realize I will lose slower than the bypass people but I didn't gain it overnight either. I told him I chose this because there are less complications, quicker recovery, less time under anesthetic, no malabsorption issues, it's adjustable, and it's removable if something happens. He didn't seem impressed with my reasoning but agreed to do the band. I can lose weight if I eat less but I have trouble not letting myself creep up to eating too much because I don't feel full when I should. I think the band will give me the help I need. I know success is up to me and the band is just a tool to help so I guess maybe I just need some positive reinforcement. I'm kind of scared now.

  8. I went to the bariatric class in Sept. My BMI was just under 40 but I have high blood pressure, cholesterol and pre-diabetes. I made an appointment with the doctor on Oct 27 and discussed the procedure with him and the nurses. I filled out all the questions on the psych evaluation and completed a medical history form. They set up an appt with the psyciatric counselor for Nov 18 but also set up my tentative surgery date for Jan 11th. I went back to the doctor on Dec 22nd and they took blood, did an EKG, showed me the day surgery place, updated all my info in the computer so I'm ready to go. I go in at 6am on Jan 11th for the surgery. I'm on day 2 of my pre-op diet which can't go fast enough. Tonight is going to be hard because I'm hungry and a Protein shake just doesn't sound that good. Oh well, it must be done and I CAN DO IT!

    good luck to you in the future

  9. I almost didn't read this post but I did. I'm in the same boat....just no interest in sex whatsoever. I feel bad about it because I'm married to a great guy and I love him very much. I won't share with him right away that things may improve in the bedroom....ha ha. I'm so anxious to feel and look better. It's silly but I'm looking forward to buying cute underwear more than I am regular clothes. I'm sick of beige and white granny panties! I can't wait to shop at Victoria Secret.

    My surgery is 1/11/11

    bye for now

  10. Hi there! I'm getting banded on 1/11/11 so it's not far away. I'm on day 2 of my pre-op diet and it's going ok so far. I'm glad I'm working this week to help keep my mind off of food. Yesterday, at home all day, it was really easy to just sit and think about what I couldn't have even when I wasn't physically hungry. Our minds are so powerful!

    Are you having to lose a certain amount of weight before your surgery? Keep us posted!

  11. How cool that you get to do this with your sister! I'm having my surgery on Jan 11th and I wish my sister could get it done too. My insurance pays for weight loss surgery but hers doesn't. She would have it done in a heart beat if it did. My hope is that everything goes great with my surgery, recovery and weight loss so she will make the decision to have it done regarless of the cost. She's been thinking about getting a new car even though the one she has is fine. I told her that she should keep her car and take out a personal loan and get the surgery done. Good Luck to both you and your sister. Keep us all posted on your recovery and weight loss!


  12. Are you eating any yogurt? Greek yogurt has a ton more Protein than any others. I really like the Chobani brand. It has about 20 grams of Protein. I'm not supposed to have any yogurt with fruit so I bought the plain variety and I'll just add some sweetener. I'm not crazy about the shakes either but I'm managing to get the muscle milk vanilla down. It's better when you can add frozen fruit because it makes it kinda frothy but no fruit right now. Hope the yogurt idea helps. Good Luck.

    Hi, all!

    Well, I've been through the approval process and my surgery is January 4, 2011...right around the corner!! I am both excited and terrified. The pre-op diet it kicking my butt in the worst kind of way! I cannot stand any of the Protein Shakes, and trust me, I've tried them all!! Every one of them make me sick to my stomach. I am literally living off Carnation Instant Breakfast in the morning and broth/gelatin/sugar free popsicles the rest of the day. I know I am no where near close to the 70g of protein that I was told to consume per day. I am concerned this could cause a problem during, or after surgery. Any suggestions?

  13. I'm a newbie too. My surgery is 1/11/11 so I'm on day 2 of a very restricted diet. I sure hope the next 8 or 9 days go by quickly. I live in MT and am 46 years old. I'm married and have a daughter 16 and a son 13. They are all supportive of my decision but I'm sure they'll think twice when I have crabby days! I am optimistic about the future and believe I will say "I wish I would have done this sooner". I wish I would have been thinner and healthier when my kids were younger. Oh well, the past is the past. Do you have a surgery date yet? Trying to keep my hands busy today and not think about the liquid diet so blogging is a big help. Hope to hear from you again. Shelley

    Hi, new here. Getting band soon. Glad this support is here! Mom of two young kids in OC and must lose wt to keep up with them. Older late bloomer Mom, so its important I get wt off. Took a long time for me to admit I needed more tools, such as the band and that I can't do it myself. OA too, but still need more tools. I'm excited that I will finally have the help I have needed for so long (Band) and know that along with online support, face to face support groups, I will be successful. I think the decision for surgery is huge and it takes a lot of strength to have it. The Band doesn't go around your brain, so we all need support. Thanks so much.

  14. I'm scheduled for Jan 11th. I start my pre-op diet on Jan 1.....I'm not looking forward to that but I know I have to do it. I stocked up on broth, sugar free Jello and pudding as well as sugar free popsicles. I've got my Protein shake mix ready to go so I should be set. I keep waking up in the night wondering if I'm doing the right thing. I guess its just nerves.

    Good Luck everyone!


  15. My surgery date is Jan 11th too. I'm excited but a little scared as well. It's a huge step towards getting to a healthy weight. I am 46 and my highest weight was probably 240-245. I'm 232 right now. I start my liquid diet on 1/1 so I have an automatic new years resolution! I'm not looking forward to the liquid stage but it has to be done. I loved what you said about Lane Bryant! I can't wait to shop in regular stores for cute well fitting clothes. I think my husband and kids are aprehensive about the whole thing wondering if I'm going to be a raving maniac when I can't eat regular food for a while. I'm looking forward to getting off my blood pressure medicine and reducing my cholesterol medicine to 10 or 20mg. Fortunately, I have good health other than being fat but I literally HATE going to the doctor. The minute they go to take my blood pressure, I go into a mini panic attack and it shoots up super high. My mom has heart disease and so did her mom so I have those genes racing through my blood. I know cholesterol will most likely always be an issue but to be able to reduce medicine would be awesome. I can't wait to go to my regular doctor and not be freaked out by my BP or my blood panel numbers. I'm so glad this site is available. It's nice to read people stories, struggles and successes. It makes me know I'm not alone and I can do it!

    Good luck and stay in touch! Shelley

    Hello there.

    I am so excited. I finally got my surgery date! I kinda feel like I did when I was pregnant with my daughter- and the doctor gave you a "due date". Only this time instead of buying cute clothes and setting up a nursery, I'm out stocking my kitchen with clear liquids and things I will need post op. I have been overweight since I was 12 with my heaviest being right now 252. Wow, I don't know how it got so out of control. I just wasn't paying attention to what I needed instead worrying about my Autistic daughter or going through a bitter divorce. This year, I plan on taking back control over my life. I bid adieu to the girls over at the Lane Bryant store- no more will I be a high roller over there. I'm glad I found this site for support as I go through this process. I appreciate each and everyone one of you and look forward to hearing your stories!

    Haute mama

  16. I am getting banded on Jan 11th too! I don't start my pre-op diet until Jan 1st but I'm already freaking out a little. I think the first couple days will be the worst. Our minds are our worst enemies sometimes. I'm going to try to keep my hands busy.....scrapbooking, suduko..... The evenings will be the hardest for me after I get home from work and the rest of the family is eating! WE CAN DO IT!

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