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Posts posted by Shelley64

  1. I think it was a great email. I personally have told very few people about my lap band surgery. Obviously my family and a close girlfiriend who lives in another state...That's it! No one at work knows because it's frankly none of their business. People who haven't struggled with a serious amount of weight simply don't have a clue what it's like to be addicted to food or be an over eater. It's like I can't imagine taking drugs, smoking or having a gambling addiction. It doesn't compute in my mind. Most people just think you just need to eat less and exercise more. Well, I've done that but I never got any results and I gave up and quit after a month or two. Trust me, weight loss surgery is NOT the easy way out. I've been banded almost 4 months and i've only lost 25 lbs and all but a few of that was from my pre-op diet. First you have to heal before you get a fill and then you have to play with that until you find the right combination. You've got to figure out what to eat, how much to eat, when to stop,......it's like learning a new job...seriously. I don't regret it for a second but it's a huge learning curve. I consider myself a pretty intelligent person, I know alot about nutrition, I did a ton of research, I know from my past diets and re-gains what works for me and what doesn't. I always said, if I could just eat less I know I could be successful. Well I'm eating less by far BUT I haven't lost that much weight as far as the scale goes. My inches and the look of my body has changed drastically but the scale isn't going down that much. You hit it on the head that this is a tool. A person could sabatoge themselves with the band just like we've all done on past diets. But, if your mind is in the right place and you see that this is a tool and you use it to it's full advantage, you really can't be unsuccessful. It's slow for most people unlike gastric bypass but I truly feel so much more control with what and how and when I eat that it's absolutely empowering. I still crave sweets and junk after dinner but I've never been starving, hands shaking hungry since I got the band and I'm not miserable between meals. The best success I've had is the change in my blood panel numbers. In 3 months my cholesterol went from 286 to 226, triglycerides went from 461 to 225 and my fasting blood sugar went from 176 to 134.....I could have NEVER achieved this without the band unless I spent 6-7 hours a day in the gym, starved and had no life. I'm 46 years old, I work full time, I've been married for 20 years, I've got 2 teenagers the are on the go and this gives me the freedom to eat like a normal person and enjoy my life. Now that I feel better and look a little better, I've got to step up the exercise so I can burn a couple hundred calories extra a day and get to my goal sooner. I do know one thing for sure ....I WILL BE ABLE TO MAINTAIN MY WEIGT LOSS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE!!!!

    Thanks! Shelley

  2. I don't like egg beaters myself so my suggestion would be to use half eggs and half whites. I make a breakfast casserole myself and I use the jimmy dean (light) sausage which is excellent. I haven't compared the calories to turkey sausage but the flavor of the JD is excellent and you'd never know it's light. I normally use 8 eggs but I only use 4 yolks. My recipe calls for seasoned croutons and shredded cheese so that is where the calories increase. The lower cal cheese really doesn't make much of a taste difference after it's baked but I haven't found a solution to the croutons or bread yet. Bummer! it's my favorite brunch dish.

  3. I feel so much better after reading your post! I've been banded almost 4 months and I've never once felt any regret about getting the band but the scale isn't moving and I feel like I'm eating too much. Way way less than before the band but the scale isn't moving. i've had to buy new clothes, people think I've lost a bunch of weight and my blood panel numbers have improved greatly but the scale stil says 210....only down from 232. I will try the divided plate and see if that helps. I too think I'm eating slow enough but I still have sticking episodes. I have a question for you though....What should you do if you get that stuck feeling after say just a couple of bites of your meal? Just bag it and not eat or wait til it passes and then finish? That probably sounds stupid but I get so mad when I eat too quick and get stuck and then don't get to eat at all or finish an hour after everyone else. Advice?

  4. Thank you for sharing. We are almost the same age and I have 2 teenage kids. My starting BMI was 40. I'm only 3 months out so it is so encouraging to hear your journey. I'm only down 20-22 lbs which is so frustrating. My body is changing but the scale won't budge! I'm afraid my doctor and the nurses are going to think I'm disobeying the rules but I don't think I am. I still struggle with night eating but I didn't expect the desire to just disappear. Wishful thinking but not realistic! I am eating soooo many less calories than I used to so I'm a little perplexed on why the scale weight isn't going down. I am walking 4 days a week. I know I've got to do way more exercise but I'm not ready to join a gym plus I'm busy with a full time job and family. I'm sure he'll do another fill when I go in on May 4th but maybe that's what I need. I think I have restriction now....I can tell when I start to get that stuck feeling but I don't really get "satisfied" with 3 oz Protein & non-startch veggies. Maybe another cc will help. I am so happy to read your story and know that I will get there. I truly feel so much better and am so happy I decided to have the surgery. All my blood panel numbers have improved greatly and my blood pressure is now normal!!!! Thanks for sharing.


  5. How nice to hear! I'm only 3 months out and have had 2 fills and I feel restriction when I eat too fast or swallow too much at once. However, when that passes, I can seem to eat forever. I don't really get full, I just figure I've had enough and stop. I'm trying to have 3 oz of Protein (usually a homemade turkey burger, cottage cheese or a thicker type chili that I make along with a non-starch veggie and a salad. After dinner however, I'm having those same "gotta have something sweet" and end up eating 200-300 calories of allowed foods between dinner and bedtime. I know I have to fix my head hunger and only eat when I'm truly hungry but it is still so hard! I'm thankful to hear your positive story. I have only lost 20-22 lbs BUT my body has shrunk. I don't know why it's not showing on the scale but I am smaller. I'm down a couple sizes in clothes and everyone I see comments that I've lost weight so that is excellent. I just wish the scale would catch up! thanks!

  6. Way to go girl! I've got 3 big bags of give away in my bedroom and I just keep adding to it. I'm down to virtually nothing to wear however but it's still fun throwing those bigger clothes in the give away pile. I just had surgery on 1/11 and I've only lost about 20-25 lbs but the inches are just ridiculous. I had a few pairs of 16w pants (tags still on) that I got into after my surgery and pre-op weight loss. I've been wearing them the last couple months (black, navy, brown and gray....) but they are now literally falling off of me. I don't have a big butt or hips, my weight is all in my boobs and belly so I need the womens size for the waist but then they're baggy in the crotch and hips. I got into a regular 16 dress pant over the weeked and 14w in jeans. So much fun getting a few new things. I can't wait until I can shop in the regular misses dept!

  7. I am in the same boat. I've only lost 20-25 lbs but my measurements have really changed. You would think that it would show more on the scale losing 2 or 3 sizes in clothes. I think everyone who struggles with weight is so focused on the scale...we've just been programmed to measure our results based on the scale. It's hard making the adjustment to not be bummed when the scale doesn't move but when people notice that you're smaller, it's awesome!

  8. I am 3 months out from my lap band surgery. I am only down about 20-25 lbs which is a bit frustrating BUT my I literally can't wear any of my old clothes. I wore at 18w-20w pants and a 2x top before. This past weekend I bought a pair of 14w jeans at Macy's and 2 pairs of regular, not womens, size 16 dress pants! I was able to fit into a 14/16 blouse which is technically smaller than a 1x! I went to my primary care doctor this morning and she said I looked 10 years younger. I'm nearing my 47th birthday so that was awesome to hear. My fasting blood sugar is down from 176 to 134, my cholesterol is down from 286 to 226 and my triglycerides are down from 461 to 263. I still have work to do on those numbers but everything is going in the right direction. On top of all that, I feel great!!! Thanks for letting me share.....Shelley

  9. I was banded on 1/11/11 and had lost about 14 lbs pre-op. I only lost 1 lb before my first fill on 2/22 and only lost 3 lbs from there until 3/16. I lose slow anyway but it is very easy to get discouraged. I'm told it's perfectly normal to stay the same or only lose a couple in a month at the start of this process. My dr's office is tickled pink with me going from 232 on my very first appointment to 213 as of last week. Your doc will need to do some fills over time to get you going in the right direction. everyone is different in the amount of Fluid they need in their band so don't get worked up over the number of cc's you or someone else has. My dr's office said the first few months are designed to heal, get used to making different food choices and portions and letting you mind catch up with your body. I'd love to have a total of 40 lbs off by my birthday on June 7th but I don't think that will happen but that's ok because I feel sooooo much better. I'm not as tired, my blood pressure is lower, my measurements have really improved, my size 16w pants are big in the crotch & hips so it's all good. Hang in there!

  10. I had my 2nd fill last week so I now have 6 cc's in a 14cc band. I did the whole liquid thing for a couple days but I definitely notice a difference now that I'm back on regular food. It feels like you've swallowed something too big...kind of a stuck feeling under my sternum. Today I was having a shrimp louie salad at a business meeting so there was salad greens, about 1/4 cup of small shrimp on top and a sliced boiled egg. I chose it for the Protein elements. I took 2 or 3 small bites, chewed well inbetween swallowing and got that kinda stuck feeling. I had to sit back, relax, chat with my table mates for a few minutes til that feeling passed. I ate the rest of the shrimp and the boiled egg but had to quit. I'm at the stage where I'm still eating with my eyes. On all the many diets I've been on before, I want to get as much as I can for my alloted amount of calories. Now with restriction, I kinda feel jipped when I can't eat as much. It's definitely a mental thing. I'm not staying as full/satisfied as long as I would like but the band is telling me when I've eaten too quickly or taken too big of a bite. I can tell this journey is going to be interesting!

  11. It's normal to be nervous....you'll probably be even more nervous the morning of. I almost bolted for the door. I wasn't really concerned about the procedure itself but the fact that I had let myself get to the point to where I felt surgery was the only option. I just had surgery on 1/11/11 so I'm a newbie. I know everyone is different but my surgery went fine, I was sore for a couple days but it got better a little each day. I was back to work (desk job) in 7 days. I expected to start losing weight right away. I had lost about 14-15 lbs pre-op and hoped I'd have another 5-10 off by the end of January. That didn't happen. I also didn't lose more than a pound or two in February so I was a little disappointed BUT I felt great and hadn't had any weird issues. I had 2 cc's in my band from the get-go and then they added 2 cc's on Feb 22nd. I did liquids again for a day or so (definitely do this after a fill!!!) but overall didn't see or feel a huge difference. I went in on Mar 16th and had lost 3 lbs which wasn't that thrilling but I felt like I was getting the whole eating thing kinda worked out. I'm watching what I eat, trying new things, working on different types of Protein, etc. I got another 2 cc's on the 16th and I'm noticing a little more restriction. I thought I had mastered the chewing, small bites thing but I have to literally make myself slow down even when I'm taking tiny bites and really chewing. It's easy to forget for a second and swallow too big of a bite or too many too quick. You learn real quick not to do that. It feels like you swallowed a golf ball. Fortunatly, it passes and you tuck that away in your brain and hope you don't do it again. I had visions of losing 40 lbs by my birthday in June but I'm a very slow loser...always have been. I know it will take a few trys to get to that perfect amount of Fluid where you hit your stride and lose 1-2 lbs a week. My measurements really show the difference more than the scale which is awesome. We all want our excess weight off tomorrow but it is a journey that doesn't happen overnight. I've learned to set more realistic goals in the last 2 months that don't always revolve around the scale. I'm going in on 4/1 for an updated blood panel. I'm so anxious to see my cholesterol and blood sugar numbers. Hopefully I'll have a victory to report. Best of luck to you!!! shelley

  12. I truly think that depends on how you lose weight. I've always been a slow loser. I can remember losing 3/4 of a pound at weight watchers after being on program all week long. It was so frustrating! I was banded on 1/11/11. I lost about 15 lbs with the pre-op diet and then only one pound from there until my first 2cc fill on 2/22/11. I went in again yesterday and I had lost 3 more pounds. Its certainly not going at the pace I was hoping for but I didn't really understand what all needed to take place before a person hits their stride. You have to heal for a good 2-3 weeks. Your stomach has some swelling so that has to heal up along with your incisions. you and your doctor have to find out gradually how much Fluid you're going to need in your band to get that 1-2 lbs a week weight loss. Unfortunately, that takes some time. Here I am almost 2 months post surgery and I've only lost 4 pounds. I wanted to have 40 lbs off by my birthday on June 7th. That's probably not going to happen BUT I feel soooo much better physically and emotionally! I'm going in for lab work on April 1st (3 months from the start of my pre-op diet) to see how my numbers have improved. I'm hoping my cholesterol and A1c have gone down. I'd love to cut my cholesterol medicine in half or get off of it all together. I have white coat syndrom (blood pressure sky rockets when I'm at the doctors office) so they'll probably not let me lower my bp medicine even though my readings are normal when I check it at home. Those are the non-scale victories that will make this decision all worthwhile until my body catches up. Break your goal up into smaller goals and look at more than the scale. Seriously, my measurements losses are way bigger than what the scale says. I bought a 1x blouse at TJMaxx yesterday and their stuff runs small in my opinion so that in itself is a victory! Stay strong!!!!

  13. Don't be discouraged. First of all, you're still in the healing phase. Your upper stomach has to heal where the band was attached. There will be some swelling which will go down after a couple weeks. Your surgeon probably didn't put any Fluid in the band or if so maybe only 1 cc or possibly 2. I was banded 1/11/11 and after about 2 1/2 weeks, I suddenly noticed that I didn't feel satisifed after eating what was on my "list of approved foods" for that time period. I freaked out too thinking I had made a huge mistake! the swelling had gone down so I had less restriction. I got a fill on 2/23 but didn't really notice a huge difference except if I ate too fast or swallowed too big of a bite. I'm going in again next Weds but based on my weight loss, they may not do another fill yet. I hope it shows up on the scale. My clothes are so loose but I still like to see a lower number on the scale. I am keeping a food journal because it really makes me accountable and am trying to keep my calories around 1100 and get in 60-70 grams of Protein. I know for myself, I'm going to have to follow a diet to reach my weight loss goals. The band is helping me eat less at each meal BUT I still have to control what I eat. I'm focusing on making good choices of lean Proteins and veggies. I still get head hungry but I do think it's less than the cravings I had before the band. It might be just my imagination or wishful thinking but I do feel like I have more control. Hang in there! Shelley

  14. I was directed to a website just after my lapband surgery on 1/11/11 that is super interesting. It really explains the science of the lapband and how it works. I see a lot of posts about restriction and allowing the band to do the work. I know there are many misconceptions about the band and I think people have the surgery expecting to just sit back and let the magic happen. I really tried to educate myself before ever attending my first class. My surgeons office gave me a ton of information and laid everything out step by step but it's still can be confusing. If you are interested, got to www.drsimpson.net and click on lap band support over on the left side. Once that is up, click on the various tabs under the picture. It really explains why the positioning of the band is so important, the hormones that our bodies secrete that affect appetitie and the feeling of fullness. I would suggest taking a look because it really helped me understand the whole thing much better. I'm down about 21 lbs but I've lost quite a few inches. I'm getting inquisitive looks from people that haven't seen me in a while so that is fun. I've got about 70lbs to go but I will get there!

  15. Thank you for posting your message. It is so encouraging to those who are just starting their journey to know that long term succesful weight loss can be achieved. It may not happen as quickly as we would like but it can be obtained. What you said about not thinking about food all the time or forgetting to eat simply gave me goosebumps! I've always wondered what it felt like to think like a non-overeater...where food doesn't rule your life! Wow! Good Luck to you on the rest of your journey.

  16. I don't believe your employer can fire you for taking time off of work. What does your employee handbook say? If you've got vacation/sick days coming, you can use them however you want. You won't need to be off 2 weeks for lapband unless you have some type of complication. Most people are off work for a week, some less. The family leave act, I believe, only applys to company's with a certain number of employees. I would suggest you contact your local employment service and ask for assistance in how to take this up the chain of command. It is very very difficult to fire an employee today even if there is a valid reason. Companies want to avoid wrongful discharge suits because they are very expensive to fight in court. I personally don't think they have a leg to stand on. If they went to their legal team and said we're letting this person go because she's going to be off work for a medical procedure, they would get laughed out of the room!

  17. I was banded on 1/11/11. I had lost 15 lbs pre-surgery and have only lost another pound since then. About 2 1/2 weeks after my surgery, I noticed that I wasn't as satisfied after eating a small amount and I got hungry sooner. I thought it was all in my head but I went in yesterday for a fill and the nurse told me that is what happens when the stomach swelling goes down after it's healed. My chart said I had 2 cc's in during surgery but she was only able to pull 1 cc out and then added 2 more. I hope I get that "in control" feeling I had post-op. I've been walking on my lunch hour and doing some fitness bands at home but I know I'll need to do more to achieve my goals. I certainly don't want to become a gym junkie mainly because it's not realistic if you have a job and a family that you care about. I just want to be healthy and feel good about myself and my progress. I hope March brings some decent weight loss so I can meet my mini-goal by my birthday on June 7th!

  18. I had my surgery on Tuesday 1/11 and was back to work Tuesday 1/18. I was sore the first couple of days but each day got a little better. Of course, I have a job that doesn't require lifting or a bunch of physical activity. I felt fine coming back after a week. It still hurt to cough or sneeze but other than that, I was ready to go back.

    Just listen to your own body!

  19. I am surprised your doctor suggested Slim Fast because of the high sugar/carb count. my pre-op diet was Protein shakes that have 25gm of Protein and less than 15 gm of carbs. You need to find a Protein shake mix that you like because they're going to be your friend for a long time into the future. You have to get 70 gm of protein a day and that is hard to do when you can't eat alot of food. Granted, cottage cheese, fish, Beans, etc have a lot of protein but when you're only eating 2-3 oz (this is when you get back on real food) it's hard to get to 70 without a Protein Shake or two during the day. Seriously, I would avoid slim fast or any of the pre-made shakes simply due to their sugar content. The sooner you can get sugar out of your system the better. I thought I would starve to death on my pre-op diet but after day 4 or 5, it got easier and my cravings subsided. Just my opinion but do some research on your own.

    So my preop diet is set to begin on February 14, 2011 and my doctor has asked me to do slimfast however, I am confused about whether i should be just drinking the 4-6 shakes period or this new 3 Snacks, 2 shakes, 1 light meal diet slimfast is currently promoting...can anyone help me with this?


  20. I would just make sure you're not drinking any liquids a half hour before you eat or for an hour after you eat. You want your food to stay in your stomach as long as possible and not get washed down with your liquids. They pounded this into me during my pre-phase. It's hard because I've always had my beverage with my meal so it's been an adjustment but it does make a difference in how long I can go between meals.


  21. I took a week off and it was fine. I had surgery on Tuesday 1/11 and went back Tuesday 1/18. I work in an office as well. My pain from the surgery date got a little better each day. By thurs or Fri, the only thing that hurt is if I had to cough or sneeze. Of course, everyone is different so listen to your own body and choose from there.

    Good Luck!

  22. Oh I know how you feel. The morning of my surgery (last Tuesday) I almost bolted for the door. I couldn't believe I had let myself get to the point where I needed surgery to help me lose weight. Hey, if it was easy as diet and exercise, we wouldn't be in this situation. People who don't have food issues, just don't get it! I guarantee you, if there was a surgery to stop smoking or stop drinking, everyone would be on the bandwagon. With weight, the general opinion, you're just lazy and you eat too much! It's so maddening. Most of us have dieted our way up to our current weight, I know I have. The success rate of losing 100 lbs and keeping it off are so slim it would make you cry. Now, if you spend 6-7 hours a day in the gym like the folks on biggest loser, you can pull that off but that's not a realistic way to live for regular people. With the help of the band, you will be able to eat less of really good healthy food and be satisfied. It is just a tool but there a tons of success stories out there and I'm going to be one of them. I hope you will be too!

    Well I had been dreading telling my boss that I needed off to go to a consult for the lapband. I am the office manager in a small office and have been for 10 years so, yes, I needed to tell him why I would be off. We are good friens so I don't have a problem with him knowing but......

    He kinda shook his head, and I told him that I didn't want his opinion. He said ok but then said well have you tried losing it on your own with diet and exercise. Well yes for about 20 years. He said no I mean really try and stick to it, all you have to do is burn more calories than you eat. So there is the answer, boys and girls, just exercise and diet, lol . I told him I could lose 20 pounds pretty easy but then get comfortable and after awhile I gain 25 back. I need to really get it all off. Oh, well I didn't expect him to understand but it did make me feel like a failure :(

  23. I can tell you, it will get easier. The first few days are the hardest by far. I was on liquids from Jan 1 to Jan 8th and then Clear Liquids on the 9th and 10th. On day 3 or so, I thought my stomach was going to eat itself. Fortunately, I was at work for most of those middle days so that had my mind pre-occupied. I drank my Protein Shakes, drank broth, I was able to have yogurt without fruit (Chobani greek saved my life), Jello and sugar free pudding. By the time I got to the clear liquids, my stomach had kinda gotten used to being empty. Sounds weird but it's true. the morning of my surgery, the nurse asked me how the liquid diet had gone and I told her that it hadn't been as bad as I thought towards the end and she said that's what most patients experience. Now, being on the other side of lapband, I'm truly not really hungry but I know I have to get my Protein shakes in and keep myself hydrated. I can honestly say, I won't drink broth or eat jello ever again! I'm working on diluted low cal gatorade, Water and crystal light. So far so good. My pain level is very minor which I am thankful for. I only took the rx liquid pain medicine on day 1 and 2. Not that my scale at home is accurate but using it just to calculate lbs lost from the day I started liquids to this morniing....I'm down 14 lbs!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
