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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by TracyV

  1. I have NOT learned to sloooow down when I eat..I still try to inhale my food as if it is my last meal..I guess 45 years of habit die hard....I am a little over 40 pounds down, and have about 25 to go. Who would have ever in a million years known that I could lose that weight and keep it off? I still enjoy ice cream and sweets, occasionally..just not as often and not as much! I have no complaints about the rate of weight loss, and recommend the band to any person I know that is overweight! Best 18 thousand I will ever spend!

  2. I have lost 40 pounds since being banded on Jan 31, and I am thrilled! 40 pounds on a 5 ft 4 frame! I have 30 to go..I just keep thinking the slower I lose, the better my skin will adjust to the change..so far NO STRETCH marks..it will keep coming off..just be worried if it starts creeping back up!

  3. Hi all,

    Sorry it has been so long since I posted..new job, new move, new religion, dad was diagnosed with colon cancer..BUT I have been losing weight at a healthy rate...kind of miss eating lots and fast..but like my new body much better...was checking out the Hair loss post, and yes, I have been losing hair as well..good thing I have lots to spare...hope you all are doing well...


  4. oh sweet restriction! I get it now...the poundage is going to start flying off me now...I am so glad my doctor gave me a second fill, and probably extra just to shut me up..I CANT eat anything I want, not even close..and am not hungry all that much..YES!:lol: :clap2: But I did get a bad cold, started feeling icky on friday, cant breath, hacking up lungs..oh well cant win em all...:sick

  5. hello ladies...

    when I went in for my second fill yesterday, I was worried my doctor wouldnt do it..he now does not do fills on Fridays, and I had lost 5 pounds in three weeks..so I told him, well, I am eating anything I want, but have been walking, I have no restriction and I never have...he said walking wont take of the pounds, only caloric restriction..so needless to say he wasnt buying the excercise card..BUT, he did give me a 1cc fill, and said I had resorbed my last...I felt immediate restriction, and, yea!, didnt feel starved yesterday or this morning...the receptionist was even surprised he had done the fill, as I guess he wont do ANY on fridays..*I promised I wouldnt call him this weekend if I had any complications :(...so I am a happpy girl at this point...woohoo...

  6. I hear ya sistahs...I have been eating far more than I should, and only by pure will power am I sitting here right now not munching on crackers or something...I have no restriction and dont want to bug my doctor, so I will wait it out..he was saying I may not notice anything for three weeks..how does that work?? I would think you would notice right away moreso than waiting a few weeks..anywho..I am right there with you when you say you are eating more..I am weighing myself every day just to ensure I dont gain any weight..

  7. I have a 10cc band. (why) I feel like I should have gotten a 4cc, I dont know why he gave me the big one...my first fill was 1cc and I gained a pound since then..no restriction, eating like a pig, and pissed...my doctor emailed and said eat a small meal and "walk away: if I could have done that, I wouldnt be paying 467 dollars a month for the next damn 6 years! I am quite disappointed, (can ya tell?) I am on my way to my sisters for dinner...lets see how much I can eat there...sh$#!!

  8. hello all..

    so I got my first fill today, 1cc in a 10cc band..sure doesnt seem like much! when I weighed in today, I had only lost 1.5 pounds since my last visit..but my total weight loss all before the fill is a bonus, so they tell me.. I dont feel any different, no restriction, and could eat(like) a horse right now. my doctor said it would take about three weeks to notice restriction. why so long? if it is a 10cc band, why not filler up with at least 2cc's?? i am seriously considering going to bed right now so I can hurry up and got past the 24 hours of clears and eat something good tomorrow! someone please tell me I will feel restriction soon.

  9. I was bad and had a diet coke today with my lunch..ug!! and the worst thing was, it tasted good and I didnt have any problems...I feel like I fell off the wagon..my first fill is next friday, that is if the doc feels I need it..the past couple days I have had some "slime" and "PB" experiences because I was eating way too fast..anyway, those are my challenges at this time...I am losing weight though!

  10. ok guys..I havent checked in for awhile, and lately have been feeling guilty because I am eating more now and feeling hungry sooner...then I read and see that almost EVERYONE is having the same issues...misery loves company, eh?? I am down about 15 pounds, and using strictly will power...my first fill is march 16, and my doctor said I may not need it..BS>.I paid seventeen thousand dollars for this thing, and I want to USE it...I am almost tempted not to lose anymore weight so I am sure to get the fill! My favorite thing to eat is chicken or fish tacos..but I really dont have a problem with any foods, except for peanut butter...the only time I am ever uncomfortable is when I dont chew well or eat too fast...so anyways..lets get filled!!!!!

  11. Hey gaks,,

    had my first PB today...I have been released to slowly introduce normal foods, and was doing good, until I tried a peice of rye toast w/ peanut butter...ug..felt like I was having a heart attack. It was awful..but glad to know my band is working like it should..had my first glass of wine today too...and rode my horse..a day of firsts...I will not miss mushies, thank you very much!

  12. hey chicas..

    I had my first real food today! A chicken soft taco from Del Taco. It was sooo delicious. I just chewed chewed chewed until my jaws ached! Where I would usually eat, no lie, five and gulp down a big ol diet coke, I just ate one and felt pretty damn good..I could tell in my tummy I was full..and I had alot more energy at the end of the day..so one week BANDED~ my post op is on friday. Can anyone tell me what "restriction" feels like? The only way I can explain how I feel after eating is like I have a side ache and it hurts by my port after lunch (2) until I go home(5). I would describe my energy level at about 70 percent right now, and have no energy to go see my horse after I am finished at the office. One day at a time, eh? Audree, do you work? If so, when did you return? Also, at what point did you feel "back to your old self?

  13. and pam, let me apologize for my snarky comments...I just feel I spent alot of money and put a lot of research into my decision, and yes, I am feeling grumpy and hungry, so I turn to these posts for inspiration, (thankyou audree) and when I read depressing statistics, I second guess myself and wonder what the hell I am dong> so sorry, again, and good luck with your journey..BTW, I am on my way to work wearing a pair of slacks that havent fit me since before christmas! and they look fabulous, LOL...:)

  14. im with ya all who are hungry, but just remember this too shall pass...I am tired at the end of my day, and am only getting about 800 calories a day..my port area is a little tender, but when I read the board and see everyone in the same boat, it makes me feel a little better...PAM-Im not sure where the depressing statistics come from, but I for one really dont want to see them here, in this forum, please..most of us are banded and I think I might speak for the rest of us when I say I would appreciate no more of those kinds of posts~

  15. OK checking in for the day..went back to work, it was hard because my bra was rubbing on my rash and stab wounds, so I took it off mid day~ I was wearing a button down shirt and a sweater so it wasnt obvious..the oral surgeon I work for told me the rash may have been from the surgical solution they slather you in, then when they put on the surgical drape it "burns" your skin slightly..it is getting better, but still itchy if I get sweaty there..I am more and more hungry, but trying to keep it to three meals a day and lots of liquids. I have never felt like pb'ing at all, and never have felt really uncomfortable..I am sure I could scarf three peices of pizza if I had the chance:heh: , but I just keep thinking I didnt pay that much money to cheat, so I am following my doctors orders to the T..he only has you eat two ounces at a sitting after the one week post op...and you are eating like you are restricted, but youre not..I think it is a mental thing..anyway, I am bound and determined to do this thing right..someone asked me if I went to a superbowl party yesterday! yeah right, cant eat, cant drink, I DONT THINK SO>>>

    so I took a benadryl, womens one a day(I take em at night, so they dont bother me as much) and a vicoden because work made me a little ouchy..and I am going to bed to watch tv...keep up your spirits, gals..we can do it~ if I can cut back on eating, ANYONE can, for real..I have a voracious appetite, and Im doin it~ooh yea, and my creation today was campbell bean Soup with some Tomato juice, blended, heated, then some cheese on top;;;yum

  16. I took a big ol horse pill Vitamin today, it went down fine, but I sure do hate them...I have a rash on my stomach too, that is itchy, dont quite know what that is from.(took some benadryl, which knocked me on my butt for about 4 hours) Finally went to the bathroom today, yippee! Feeling frustrated cuz my head is telling me Im hungry..ate my food a little fast today..tomorrow is back to work so I hope that goes well..congrats to all of you on your successes.

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