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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TracyV

  1. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    morning ladies.. I cant believe how the weight is dropping off..ok so I shouldnt step on the scale everytime I go in the bathroom, but wow....I am sure it is because I cut my caloric intake to about 1/8 of what it used to be, and I have been drinking water and being a good girl...this band is such a mental thing, ya know? I mean, you spend that kind of money and go through the discomfort,so you dont want to screw it up by not following the rules..so todays creation? I am going to boil some cauliflower in chick broth and add some creme of chedder soup, just a tad, and some milk and blend it all up...I have invested in a bunch of those ziplock bowls and whatever I dont eat I freeze, then I can take a diffrent soup to work each day next week...woohoo this is fun!:hungry: No PB's so far, but I think my cream of wheat was too thick because my tummy feels "tight"...oh well trial and error, right? Im off to see my horsey, and to walk, and hopefully will be able to ride by next week (yeah, I dont have a bf, so I dont need to worry about the next time I "do it",,IM sure I will be quite healed by then(like the year 2009 or something))!
  2. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    sherilynn, I made a really good concoction tonight, I boiled some onion, a carrot, and some broccoli in chicken broth, then added some tomato juice and when it was all soft I blended it. I put a little dollap of sour creme on the top. It was delicious. finished off the evening with a nice cup of tea with non dairy creamer and splenda..and now I am ready for bed..feeling very satisfied!
  3. TracyV

    Banded today! (1/31)

    I was banded on the 31st as well and feel pretty great. I walked today about 1/4 mile, and the only pain I am having is where the the port(I think) is located. Also a bit of chest pain when I drink something too cold. I havent taken any pain meds today, just two tums...I am glad the surgery is over and the healing phase has started!
  4. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    Yes, I do feel restricted, and my band lets me know when I have had enough or too much...mm, yes, the yam was good, I baked it and put it in the blender w/ some chicken broth, then added a little milk and a wee little bit of Brandy..had about 1/2 a cup and the rest is in the fridge..my next thing I was thinking about was taking an avocado and blending it up with some tomato juice and lemon, kind of like a cool soup..the avocados are on sale right now, and nice and soft, and I have a tree full of lemons..Im feeling super great today!
  5. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    it is funny how all doctors are different...I only had 24 hours of clears, and had some very thin cream of wheat for breakfast..it was the best thing I have ever tasted! I am going to see my horsey for the first time since and take a nice walk...my doctor is so cool, he emailed me last night and told me to WALK WALK WALK...I am going to buy a yam today, bake it, mash it, then thin it with chicken broth and have it for lunch...I have always been a creative cook, now it is just going to be smooshie fare....
  6. I got banded yesterday and feel pretty great..my doc said I could have creamy soups starting today, but I watered it way down...had a little bit of discomfort because I was sipping it out of a tea cup and probably had too much too fast..my tummy hurt alot this morning, and I took a trip to the store, which kind of wore me out, but I feel like tomorrow I can have a normal day...gas wasnt too bad, heating pad helped. Also, my lower abs hurt alot this morning, and the nurse told me to apply cold, which I did, and it helped. I only have four little scars, and dont even know where my port is?
  7. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    gigi, I know what you mean about forcing things down today..my doctor said clear liquids for 24 and then full liquids..so I got right on that..but like I said, I think I overdid it...the gas pains werent so bad they kept me up, but they sure are annoying..I feel the best that I have right now, so maybe tomorrow I will take my walk~:clap2:
  8. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    hey gals.. little sore today, went to the store and it kind of wore me out...my tummy is ouchy and Im a still a little gassy..it is very hard to force my self to eat anything,but I am..had some cream of celery soup, watered down w/ milk and strained, and I think I ate too much..kind of got a side ache and was really uncomfortable for about an hour. did any body notice when they first got out of surgey a Plastic taste in their mouth? I am also looking forward to my first bowel movement..I looked at my scars today, only four, and they are teeny tiny.,.my doctor did a great JOB
  9. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    well I did it and live to tell about it..I was banded and home by 11 oclock..my left side shoulder and chest are just now starting to hurt..thank god for the heating pad...I have had 2 cups of broth, a jello, 1 cup of apple juice and a protein water...I am going back to bed, but wanted to check in...not looking forward to a gassy night but o well..luv ya...
  10. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    its six AM and Im off.....
  11. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    yes, tomorrow is the big day...I took a xanax and am ready to go to bed. wish me luck..and I PROMISE I will post tomorrow and tell everyone how I did...Nighty night, and tommorrow is really the first day ot the rest of my life.. :clap2:
  12. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    ps I am really nervous about the general anesthesia...I am afraid I will go to sleep and not wake up..I know it is silly...
  13. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    GOOD for you getting back to the gym..my big plan is to start walking wednesday evening, after resting a bit...there is a dirt 1/4 mile track at the barn, it is a beautiful walk with lots of bunnies, birds, sometimes a coyote or two...I am going to ask the dr. to get the extra gas out before closing up, like someone had mentioned...I had my last big dinner tonight, tomorrow I will watch the food intake, although my doctor said I didnt have to do anything special..I just dont want any big surprises saved up, if ya know what I mean..eeeek...
  14. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    good luck gigi, make sure you post when you get home and let us know how you do..my life changes on WEDNESDAY
  15. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    where is audree tonight? she hasnt posted since yesterday, that is unlike her...
  16. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    three days...stocked up on EVERYTHING thanks to everyones tips..including gasx and liquid tylenol, have my broth, multiple waters(propel, vita water, special k protein water), jello, popsicles, and heating pad..am I forgetting anything??? oooh, Im nervous, I am goign to call my doctor tomorrow and ask for something prior, like valium or xanax...does everyone have to stay overnight in the hospital? I am planning on going right home after surgery..but it seems like alot of you stayed the night...I dont want to, I want to be in my own bed (I washed all my bedding and did all my laundry!) Im soooo ready!!
  17. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    so this one lady at my barn (where I keep my horse) just goes on and on about how I am making a poor decision, and I look fine and beautiful the way I am.(of course, she is slender and fit).I am at the point where I can no longer be polite to her...it is really pissing me off...then she says, well, you can postpone it and think about it..hell, I have had this appt. scheduled since nov! I am going to try to avoid her until wednesday..damn...I wish I didnt say anything...ug!!:angry
  18. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    thank you..good thing I only spent 99 cents on em..
  19. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    helloooo everyone...this is my last weekend of eating like a pig! I am being banded wednesday..I stocked up on the chicken and beef broth (wolfgang puck), popsicles, apple juice, and crystal light...still need to pick up a case of water and the special k protein water..hmm...whatelse do I need..oh yeah, bought some straws too! figured I would get more h2o in that way...I am only taking off three days from work, and the weekend, so it will be five total..anyone else go back to work within a week?
  20. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    I have 10 days to go..last night I was lying in bed wondering if I am doing the right thing. I will never have the same attitude about food again. We had a big stir fry dinner last night, and this morning, I had a cinnabon! I can not wait until my life is normal, and doesnt revolve around my next meal! UG! I appreciate all the POST OP tips you all have been sharing! Keep it up.
  21. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    errr....13 days...the days are creeping by...It feels like my surgery date will never come...my clothes all fit so tight and I cant wait to fit in to my size 10's again...Im nervous, excited, scared, but most of all impatient~I WANT TO BE ON THE OTHER SIDE////
  22. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    thanks for the vote of confidence...I know I should just not talk about it to people at all..but I get so excited about the prospect of being in control of my weight...I am at the highest weight I have EVER been it gets depressing..I know I dont have to tell you guys anything...my family it SO supportive of me and that is all that matters..thank again!
  23. TracyV

    January Bandsters???

    hello fellow january bandsters...I am 17 days away and boy..am I ready~ is it just me...or did alot of you have people telling you you dont need to do it this way...and you should try to diet and exercise...I get sooo sick of it...I had to walk away from a conversation today from two gals who told me I just need to chew my food better and cut down on soda..come on, get a grip..I didnt get this heavy overnight..."sigh" I am needing encouragement right now..
  24. TracyV

    losing friends

    yeah, the token fat friend..always hated that label..I never HEARD anyone say it, but I am sure it WAS said..
  25. TracyV

    The Port

    Can your partner feel it? I dont have a Significant other, but I am sure I will in the near future, and I dont know if I would share my secret...so is it obvious...also, does EVERYONE experience the gurglie noises? DO TELL:confused:

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