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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kjangraw

  1. kjangraw


    Depending on the venue, there isnt a bad seat, however you do miss detail if they are against a certain part of the cage. They do show close ups on big screens thoughout the place too.
  2. kjangraw


    If you get a chance to see it live, I suggest you do. I dont live too far from a major Casino in New England and they have alot of events there. My personal fav is Forrest Griffin, I think hes a funny bastard.
  3. kjangraw


    UFC fan here. Woman at that. Got into it when they started the reality show, now Im hooked. I use to be a huge Mike Tyson fan back in the 80's and got into contact sports then. I went to one of the fights at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut and it was just AWESOME. The thing I love most is that it is REAL, these fighters are so groomed and conditioned. Its all heart and hard work. ITs one of the things my husband and I enjoy to do together, watch UFC and football.
  4. kjangraw

    Holy crap

    Ok, so I had my first seminar yesterday and because I had been to one about 6 months ago, I knew what to expect. There were about 150 folks in the room and there were no seats, people standing and sitting on the floor, it was PACKED. Kids running around, people fighting over surveys, because there was only a few. It was a mad house........................ So, they proceeded to tell us what their requirements were, meaning the hospital requirements. They are as follows Meeting with the nutritionist Psych Eval Loose 10 pounds And no less than 2 additional seminars, so yesterday was seminar 1 and they only hold them once a month so I have to wait another 2 months at least, not a problem but dont understand why I have to hear the same thing over again twice, they hold the same exact seminars every month, folks I undestand its part of the committment to the surgery but how bout meeting with the nutritionist twice to quiz me if I know what I need to know, not sit in a room full of screaming kids, you couldnt even hear what they were talking about, the mic didnt work, and they had a wacked out fitness lady who everyone was laughing at because she was such a fruit cake Sounding pretty standard, right? So somebody asked what we could be doing to push though approval with the insurance and they said they dont contact the insurance company until all of the pre-op work is done. So somebody asked, well what if we do all the pre-op stuff and we dont get approved? The nurse said well I guess your out of luck. I thought you guys would think these questions were pretty funny and would love to hear your reactions. What if we cant loose 10 pounds? What if we dont have anyone to watch our kids? If we dont work can we get a date sooner than the ones that work? Is welfare going to cover the surgery? Do I live on another planet or was this just CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I beleive the surgery team and the nutritionist were very straight forward and I have confidence in the physician, etc.......but do you think it was so crazy because there were so many people there? Maybe it was unorganized? I felt like I was at a flea market...... Any thoughts?
  5. kjangraw

    Holy crap

    Yes, they seemed very overwhelmed, ran out of forms for us to fill out, kept having to run to the copy machine to make more copies. People were literally, and this isnt an exaggeration, following the nurses around who were trying to pass things out. One of the nurses asked everyone to be quiet and said,"If anyone has any questions, please write them down and put them in the comment box as I really need to concentrate of getting everyone the information they need to fill out to take home." As soon as she said that, people started asking her questions. Duhhhhhh..... So, I took my forms home, had all my medical records prior to the meeting which also included the discussions with my primary about the surgery, my expectations, my physical, everything.......included all my receipts from WW, etc....and sent a big package on Friday evening, the day of the seminar. The nurse also said at the seminar that the folks who filled out their information forms from the prior seminar, which was in the middle of December, would hopefully be entered in the system soon. So that means it takes almost a month for you to even be entered into their data base. I think one of the reasons I am not going to attend another seminar in another facility is I dont want to see that I am jumping around to get past rules or regulations<-------does that make sense, meaning looking too anxious, not willing to live by their rules...... I will however, call them this week to make sure they received my packet and start my other appointments pronto, I am also going to start my diet to loose more than than the 10 pounds they require and hopefully they may see that I am indeed serious and not looking for an easy way out.
  6. kjangraw

    Holy crap

    I agree, its worth the wait and Im willing to stick it out. However, I anxious to start posting some good news......... Good night.
  7. kjangraw

    Holy crap

    I felt discouraged, I really did and I will see if there are any other programs. This hospital happens to be affiliated with my primary and they have the most experience with the surgery in the state. The leader of the seminar couldnt beleive how many people there were, it was a mad house but I think it was because people were mad they had to stand, people were fighting to get in line. I swear it was like being at a flea market. All the questions they asked were so stupid. Not one person asked any smart questions. There was one point where the surgerons assistant said that unless you diet and excercise, the surgery will not work for you. Some lady stood up and said, arent you sappose to loose alot of weight after the surgery? The PA said, well yes, but it takes alot of work on your part too and she got mad and crossed her arms. Im wondering if the leader was aggrevated, maybe overwhelmed....Maybe they were aggrevated with the lack of intelligence.....Who knows..... My insurance does cover the surgery, I talked to my HR person and there are no restrictions. The owner of the company I work for has his wife, all 3 kids, grand kids and brother who all work for him and share the insurance so basically when he signed up there were no restrictions at all.
  8. kjangraw

    Holy crap

    I am in NH and my insurance will only let me have the procedure done in NH. I think the hospital and staff are fine.....Maybe I was just expecting something else, who knows.......
  9. Indeed he is. Star Jones has a weird looking head too. Like her skull bones are too big. It just looks odd like she might fall over from the weight of her head.
  10. kjangraw

    BC/BS HMO Small Group - Texas

    I am with a small BC/BS group in NH and it is covered. When I started the HR person told me that it was one of the better plans. I thought she was trying to lesson the pain of the 100 per week I pay for it. I also work for a family business so the owner opted for everything on the plan as his wife, son, and DIL all work here too. Pure luck.
  11. Randy Jackson from American Idol had it done but he looks like he is gaining weight too.....Im with you on the Al Roker...He is an odd looking man.
  12. kjangraw

    How quickly were you approved?

    That gives me hope. I have my first consultation this Friday and my insurance company covers the surgery. I already have my medical records, had a physical last month, receipts from WW. I dont want to go in too anxious, but looking prepared and that I am serious. Plus I have all the knowledge I have obtained from the awesome site, Im hoping it wont be very much longer after that.
  13. kjangraw

    Im new and have a question

    Oh, I forgot to mention. When she decided to get that janitor job at the bar, did they tell her she had to clean DURING club hours and everyone had to watch? Did they also mention that her work uniform would include a full length skirt? Did her husband feel the need to go to work with her and take pictures of her working? I think Im going to use this as my argumentive research paper I have due for school. I will post it when Im done.
  14. kjangraw

    Im new and have a question

    I too think this is a crock. Maybe someone who couldnt get approved or some sort of religion freak. Think of the gruemsome pictures that the anti-abortion folks find to put on their signs. What kind of respect is it to show naked pictures of your dead wife all over the internet? Some of those pictures are definatly altered and what kind of husband would let their wife get that way without dragging her arse to the emergency room, etc........I wouldnt base your decision to get banded on this documention because it is a crock.
  15. kjangraw

    Newly Banded and Hopeful!

    Good for you Cricket. Im all about the positive attitude and your right up there. Its amazing how good your life can play out when your happy.
  16. kjangraw

    Who's on your "what if" list?

    Yes, there is something about the UFC fighters that are totally hot. My husband and I go as often as possible. I guess there is just something really hot about beautiful men wrestling around in underware beating the crap out of each other. I LOVE IT....Forrest Griffin is AWESOME, Tito Ortiz too......
  17. kjangraw

    Who's on your "what if" list?

    What a cool thread? How sad that I can answer this question in 1.7 seconds...... Mine would be Vince Vaughn, Julian McMahon and Tom Brady(QB for NE Patiorts) Hubbies would be Gisele Buncheon<-----not sure how to spell that, Shania Twain and Carrie Underwood.
  18. kjangraw

    Calling ALL MYSPACE nerds....

    I cant lie, I did see things I didnt want to but she is pretty open with me about stuff and so far no lies, just really a bunch of hard to swallow reality. I do feel Im being a good parent by being realistic of what a teenager does in 2007.
  19. kjangraw

    Hello from NH

    I was originally going to Lahey in Burlington but double checked with my insurance company as to whether I could have the surgery there. They said it would be denied in MA but approved in NH as my insurance is out of NH, Anthem BC/BS. I have my first seminar next Friday.
  20. Hello all I am in the beginning stages, not banded as of yet without a surgery date. Seminar next week and the rest to follow. Just wanted to say hello and I look forward to getting to know you. Kerry
  21. kjangraw

    Calling ALL MYSPACE nerds....

    I got one, I spy on my daughter. I also download a crap load of hard to find music. Love it!!!!! http://www.myspace.com/kbeanzo
  22. Yes SherriBerry I second that. I love your humour.
  23. kjangraw

    Band new

    Hi Tony I love your attitude, so positive. I am actually in the beginning stages as I am only going to my first seminar next Friday. My insurance definatly covers it so its a matter of getting my fat arse down to the DR and get this rolling. Im located in NH and have been stalking this website for about 2 weeks or so. Lots of good info. Id love to track your progress and here what keeps you so positive.
  24. Nashua, right over the MA border
  25. Hi kedasmom What type of insurance do you have? I was wondering why they required such a long period of meetings. Im in the beginning stages in NH though. Kerry

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