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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mandyb

  1. What a week!

    treadmill.gifWell I have had an exhausting week! I went back to work on Monday! OH BOY! I have so much catching up to do (Paperwork)! I must tell you how nice it is though; I went back to work and the folks (developmentally/intellectally challenged) were so happy to see me! They showered me with hugs and kisses! It made me feel so good to know I make that much of an impact on their lives! I am so happy to get back into routine and I missed work so much! It is just great to be back!fullimage.jpg

    So let's get to business! This pic over here on the left is me last week! I took this pic and was amazed at what I saw! I was looking at this pic and feeling proud of all the things I went through to get to this point! Going through everything I did... it was a HUGE eye opener! It really makes you cherish life for what it is worth!

    I went to the Lung Dr. this week! I have a major NON scale VICTORY (NSV)... I am no longer on my inhalers for Asthma! This is HUGE! HUGE!!! My numbers are excellent! My Dr. could tell I was exercising cause my pulse and blood pressure were much lower than they ever had been! I am so much HEALTHIER! That is all I wanted out of all this! To be Healthy! Guess what.... I AM!

    I must tell you how much I have missed "FOOD"! I am stickin to my healthy lifestyle though and making good choices! I am actually eating a meal! Not a few bites; A MEAL! I am still trying to stear clear of the Carbs!!! Those are my worst enemy! Cause I love them oh so much!

    I have been walking! EVERY DAY I walk! I am now up to 3 miles a day! It takes me about 45 minutes to walk! But boy it feels GREAT! I love the rush it gives me; the way I feel after! It really makes me proud to know I can walk 3 miles! Then I come home and do a bit of resistance bands for some toning! I am getting into a great workout routine!


    This week was my first week really doing this on my own again! Back to Weight Watchers! So I really thought I would have gained because of the amount of food I had been eating! I lost .6 this week! I keep thinking to myself it is better than NOTHING!!! But I guess because I was so used to the big weight losses every week, I was a bit bummed! I feel good though! I am proud of myself! A total of 89.4!! Wooo Hooo

    Well I hope everyone is doing well! I have been so busy I am really falling behind on blogging! I haven't read blogs in about a week! Shame on me!

    Well till next time! Take care and stay healthy!


  2. What a week!

    <A style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 1em; FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 1em; CLEAR: right; cssfloat: right" href="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XY28b1Yte7Y/Tc7ls5jjiFI/AAAAAAAAALw/fV5JfT8plVw/s1600/treadmill.gif" imageanchor="1">treadmill.gifWell I have had an exhausting week! I went back to work on Monday! OH BOY! I have so much catching up to do (Paperwork)! I must tell you how nice it is though; I went back to work and the folks (developmentally/intellectally challenged) were so happy to see me! They showered me with hugs and kisses! It made me feel so good to know I make that much of an impact on their lives! I am so happy to get back into routine and I missed work so much! It is just great to be back!fullimage.jpg

    So let's get to business! This pic over here on the left is me last week! I took this pic and was amazed at what I saw! I was looking at this pic and feeling proud of all the things I went through to get to this point! Going through everything I did... it was a HUGE eye opener! It really makes you cherish life for what it is worth!

    I went to the Lung Dr. this week! I have a major NON scale VICTORY (NSV)... I am no longer on my inhalers for Asthma! This is HUGE! HUGE!!! My numbers are excellent! My Dr. could tell I was exercising cause my pulse and blood pressure were much lower than they ever had been! I am so much HEALTHIER! That is all I wanted out of all this! To be Healthy! Guess what.... I AM!

    I must tell you how much I have missed "FOOD"! I am stickin to my healthy lifestyle though and making good choices! I am actually eating a meal! Not a few bites; A MEAL! I am still trying to stear clear of the Carbs!!! Those are my worst enemy! Cause I love them oh so much!

    I have been walking! EVERY DAY I walk! I am now up to 3 miles a day! It takes me about 45 minutes to walk! But boy it feels GREAT! I love the rush it gives me; the way I feel after! It really makes me proud to know I can walk 3 miles! Then I come home and do a bit of resistance bands for some toning! I am getting into a great workout routine!


    This week was my first week really doing this on my own again! Back to Weight Watchers! So I really thought I would have gained because of the amount of food I had been eating! I lost .6 this week! I keep thinking to myself it is better than NOTHING!!! But I guess because I was so used to the big weight losses every week, I was a bit bummed! I feel good though! I am proud of myself! A total of 89.4!! Wooo Hooo

    Well I hope everyone is doing well! I have been so busy I am really falling behind on blogging! I haven't read blogs in about a week! Shame on me!

    Well till next time! Take care and stay healthy!


  3. I had my band removed last Monday! I was doing great since I first had it put in.. but all of a sudden I was unable to eat! I was sliming, regurgitating, vomiting, even water! My Dr. sent me for an Upper GI... found no slip! Had me go in for a Scope.. didn't see any ulcers... Opened me up and found an infection. They had to remove the band and my Dr. refuses to replace it!

    I have lost 88 lbs (not sure if it has to do with the "infection" that I had).. not even sure how long I had the infection... I am terrified to gain anything back!

    I am able to eat! I can drink... but I have a JP Drain to help drain out the fluids and infection out...

    I am upset they removed it.. but I am Happier they found the infection in time.. and I AM ALIVE!! :)

  4. Everything happens for a reason~

    Do you believe that saying? I have b[/url]een thinking, thinking, and thinking! I guess things happen for a reason...

    Although I am still not sure as to the "reason"... I am probably confusing myself and everyone else...

    I have the words at the tip of my tongue; they just don't want to come out!

    I began this journey just over a year ago! Trying to make me a happier and healthier person! Although there have been many struggles, I must say there has been many successes!

    I am not sure what else is in store for me. I do know that I am not planning on any more "surgeries"!! My husband looked at me the other night and asked me "Honey, are you done"? Basically meaning; he has watched me suffer enough and does not want to see me suffer anymore! I know he loves me for who I am and how I look and my body and all!

    success.jpgAnyways... my successes on this journey!

    **I quit smoking! I have added years onto my life! April 8th, 2011 was 1 yr Smoke Free!

    **I can walk a mile and not be out of breath!

    **I can fit in a booth at the resturaunt!

    **I can wear a regular hospital gown and Tie IT! Without my ass hanging out!

    **I can paint my own toenails!

    **I actually know a good (healthy) meal plan!

    **I sit closer to the steering wheel...My belly is not in the way!

    **I am more active (well not at the moment)..but In General....!

    **I am happier!

    I really was upset that I had to lose my band, but I can't dwell on it and focus on the loss! I need to move ahead and look forward to the future! This is and was all part of my LapBand Journey and just because the band is gone...doesn't mean my journey ends!

    DSCN1291.JPG You know it's funny how things turn out! You realize who is most important in your life when you really need people! You realize those who surround you are those who love you! Those who call you are those who are concerned for you!

    My mind is all over the place lately! I was on Facebook and found this status shuffle that fit perfect for the way I have been feeling!

    I would rather live my life with mistakes made and lessons learned than to live it full of regrets, if onlys and what could have been.



  5. lapbandout211.jpgI am home from the hospital! I was released yesterday afternoon about 4:30. Monday mornin was my surgery and before I went in the OR my Dr. came by and we chatted for a few about what he would be doing.

    First he would go down with the SCOPE, check for ulcers or any obstruction..If nothing was found there, he was going to open me up and find out whats going on... Dr. told me that maybe from the Sliming and Vommiting; someting was really irritated. Dr. said the last resort would be to remove it, and just assume I am Band Intolerant!

    I remember them asking me to move over to the operating table (I was high as a kite with the cocktail mix they gave me to relax)... I woke up in the recovery room with my Dr's assistance telling me everything went well, but they had to remove the band.

    I cried, cried and cried! I am upset that it had to come to that.

    Later when I was in my room the Dr.'s came by and explained to me they found an infection underneath the rim of my band. One of the stitches came undone (possible from vommiting).

    Dr. gave me a few options! We are going to see if I can Maintain or even lose weight on my own (since I lost a huge chunk weight with the Lap Band. If I struggle and can't keep it off or can't lose any more.. we will discuss the options of Gastric ByPass.


    So, I am out of work for 2 weeks and have a drain coming from my stomach..to let the infection drain out! I can't sleep...I have 2 antibiotics and a narcotic to help with the pain.

    I am so full of emotions! I am just lost!

    I have a Visiting Nurse coming to the house to change the dressing and empty my drain!

    I JUST WANT TO SCREAM! I am so mad! I am upset! I am SCARED!

    Once this is all healed, I will work my ass off to try to lost more weight! I am 30lbs from goal! I will put my mind to it!

    Thank you all for your support! I see the Dr. on the 5th of May to take out the drain and discuss my options!

    Thanks again!!!


  6. They finally let me go home.. About 5pm EST. I was told by my Dr. I will never had the band back b/c of the infection! Not sure what exactly happened, but he said one of the stitches came undone! Could have been from me vomiting and Sliming! But when he went in to see what he could do.. he found the infection and just took it out! I

    I have a drain that sucks out all the infection and bloody Water and what not! I will have this for 2 weeks. I go for a follow up with my surgeon on the 5th.

    I am happy that they fixed the problem.. that infection could have lead to some serious infections...and possible death!


    Thank you all for you support through everything!

  7. I think many many people who have WLS go through the emotional roller coaster! Your body has been through "trauma"! Surgery! We can't eat our emotions away anymore! So I think that has alot to do with it too for though of us who eat out of our emotions!

    I was a train wreck! I cried every waking moment! No-one understood why I was crying! Half time I didn't even know why I was crying! I was still crying up til a few weeks ago... My new Prozac is finally working! LOL... I needed something to really help me through the tough times!

    Good Luck!

  8. Tomorrow I am having surgery; hoping they can fix my problem of "Being TOO TIGHT"! With no Fluid in my band! I haven't eaten in 2 1/2 weeks.. and anything I put in my mouth either comes back up or hurts like hell going down!

    I need to be at the hospital for 6 am! I will be up at 4am to be out of the house by 5:15! I most likely will not sleep tonight!

    I went to the park today with my hubby and kids and walked around the track (walked a mile today)... While I was walking, I keep thinking.... "What am I going to do if I wake up and they took my band out"!!!!!!!!!?????????

    I am scared that I will just end up gaining all the weight back! I know I have my mind set to keep going and keep losing! But in the back of my mind I am scared as hell! Like I wake up and there it is.. I am back at 270 and this was all a dream! I never lost 85 lbs!

    I am scared for tomorrow! I am not sure what to expect!

    Needed to vent! Thanks for listening!

  9. Hi glen,

    I have not been able to eat in 2 1/2 weeks. I try to eat and it comes up! I have symptoms of being "too tight" But I have Nothing in my band! They took all the Fluid out 2 weeks ago! (I only had 2cc's in my band)!

    If for any reason I can get anything down it hurts going through the band! I tried Cream of Wheat the other night and I felt like I was having a heart attack! It really hurt! I tried having half a freeze pop and threw it up!

    I gurgle all the time! I have a sip of anything and I am making all kinds of noises! Noises that are just not normal! I am so dehydrated they gave me the fluids by IV on Friday and I am really hoping they can fix it tomorrow morning during surgery!

    Good luck and keep me posted on your troubles!!!!

  10. I use Centrum chewables for my Multi Vitamin, I also take a chewable Calcium w/ Vitamin D. 2 sublingual (dissolves under the tounge) B-12's and a Chewable BeneFiber!

    If I need a pain reliever I take Childrens Chewable Tylenol or Liquid... whatever I have in my house from my kids.

    I used Gas X dissolvable strips after surgery... they have a minty after taste.. so your breath feels fresh!

    My incisions were glued shut. With dissolvable stitches on the inside.

    Hope this helps!

    Good Luck

  11. I have been dehydrated! I haven't been able to keep anything down. liquids hurt going down... I went to the hospital the other day for IV Fluids! Not sure why we get dehydrated to easily, maybe cause we eat so little now too! I am not sure!

    I can tell I am dehydrated cause I used to pee at least 10 times a day if not more... lately I am luck if I pee 3 times a day!

  12. Hi Living My Dream,

    I am not sure how one can be Band Intolerant..My Dr. told me it doesn't usually happen till Years out of surgery. Your body just cant handle the band anymore! He was not more specific! I tried to get what I could out of him. There isn't enough studies though, so I was told!

    I am really hoping they can take care of this too! I am so afraid that they have to take the band out! That is my worse fear!

    I wish you the best of luck!

  13. mesad.jpgI went for my Upper GI today! Wow, what a different experience than the first time! I don't remember it being that bad! There was a few times I threw up the contrast (barium) and cried through the rest of the test!

    I then went downstairs to the Weight Center for IV Fluids to help hydrate me! Here, I met with my Dr. and he reviewed the Upper GI...

    Everything looked good on the Upper GI; so what do we do now? Why am I having such great difficulty!

    Few thoughts that came to mind...

    Maybe I have an ulcer- So I am going to under go the Scope to check.

    If there is no ulcer- I will be opened back up to explore! I have symptoms of being "too tight"... But he tried again and I have NO NO NO NO NO Fluid in my band! Nothing!

    iv.jpgSo we will see whats going to happen! I was asked if I wanted himto take it out! I told him if its bad, then "Yes"! I can't live the rest of my life like this! I am starving! Thirsty! I am Tired! Just feeling so Uggghhhh Lately!

    So thats the update I have for today! I am back in surgery Monday morning! I need to be there for 6 am! OMG that sure is early! I may be staying for the night as well so the Dr. can keep an eye on me and to keep my fluids running and keep me hydrated!

    Till next time,


  14. I haven't eaten a real meal since 2 Fridays ago.. Almost 2 weeks that I have eaten a good meal. I am regurgitating, gurgling, and it hurts to eat! I threw up last night (1/2 a freeze pop)! I am weak and not feelin right; I know something is not right So I finally called the Dr. again.

    MInd you I have nothing in my band-NO FLUID! It is completely deflated and I still have trouble!

  15. I called the Dr's office a few minutes ago...They said what I am experiencing is NOT Normal! theyare going to schedule me for an Upper GI to find out if the band has slipped.

    If the band slipped and that is the problem I will be going back into surgery to have it replaced.

    If the band did not slip then I will be having an endoscopy to see whats happening with my esophagus!

    I haven't heard when my Upper GI is...but I will keep you all posted!

    UUUgggghhhhh! Why me???

  16. Last night is the first time I actually vomitted since I had this Lap Band Surgery! After my post last night about Still not feeling well! I was eating a Freeze Pop and when I was done (I only ate 1/2 of it)! I had to RUN RUN RUN to the bathroom to throw up the freeze pop!

    Really a Freeze pop! I am not sure whats going on... but come one!

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