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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Bardy

  1. Bless your heart! This is a very emotional journey for sure! But you have taken the first step and are on your way -- this is a very positive thing that you are doing for yourself -- you are taking charge, making the decision to get the tools you need to overcome this issue -- you are not a failure - it is just really difficult to lose and keep the weight off. This tool will help you, and all of the learning and support on how to make it work for you and change your lifestyle so you will feel better and have a happier life. It is a process - I was deep in depression triggered by my mom passing away 3 years ago and the weight piled on. I finally decided to take some steps to feel better -- first I found a doctor for support, was actually treated for depression with medication and counseling, and finally took the steps to have the lapband - I am so glad I took the steps necessary to finally feel better and have a better quality of life going forward. You will too and you will feel so much better to see the weight coming off rather than going on -- Good luck, you will do great!

  2. I hear you sister -- I definitely am looking forward to feeling better about myself, increased confidence, and a return of my personality -- also meeting men :D ... you are not alone and it isn't silly -- that is one of the definite benefits of losing the weight -- to feel good and sexy again! I also understand about not telling everyone - I think that is wise -- just your very closest friends/family for support - no one else needs to know until you are ready to tell them. Some tend to judge and we don't need that - we just need encouragement as this is a definite life changing event and will be ongoing for the rest of our lives. Take care and good luck -- the surgery is really minor and you will do fine. I just got banded on December 3 and feel good -- looking forward to the first fill to feel the restriction, but have already lost about 9 pounds and feeling so much better already.

  3. I think everyone messes up now and then. Just get back on the wagon and start making better choices -- you know what you have to do and can do it again. I haven't had a fill yet either and noticed that I can eat without restriction, but I put a mental restriction on myself -- choose only certain foods and use little plates - whatever tricks I can to make sure I keep the portions small. Good luck, you'll be fine.

  4. I agree, it is really a learning curve to get used to -- drinking liquids at the right time and getting enough Water in throughout the day. My docs office suggested I set an alarm for 1 hour after my meal to remind me to start drinking water and then keep a large bottle of water at my desk to keep sipping up until 30 minutes before my next "meal". I am on mushies too, so you really have to pay a lot of attention to balance everything. I think it is establishing new habits that is tough -- we have to make extra reminders and things that will help us continue to set these habits in place. Good luck - I need it too!


  5. Stick with it -- it is really worth it and so are you! Make sure you have Protein Drinks for your liquids and remember you are doing this so that you can feel better for the rest of your life! It is an exciting time -- the surgery is really no big deal - I had it 2 weeks ago and feeling good -- already lost 8 pounds and feeling more in control of my life and encouraged that I can actually do this for the first time in years. I know that the liquid diet can be hard but it is worth it and you will be happier for having taken control. Hang in there and good luck!


  6. I too have suffered from depression that led to excessive weight gain -- I started with going to my GP and getting some medication for the depression and also started therapy to deal with the head issues plaguing me. I then went to the www.lapband.com website to find a doctor and seminar near me -- I made sure to find a doctor well-qualified with the Lapband procedure and after several months of research I made the decision to go ahead with the procedure. I am in California and my doctor is Carson Liu -- he has done over 4,000 procedures and is one of the leaders in perfecting it over the years. His practice navigated the insurance for me and I was qualified and had the procedure 2 weeks ago. This is the first time in several years that I now have hope of overcoming this weight issue and getting healthier and happier! Take all the steps to a happier life for yourself - you are young and you are worth it! Tackle the depression so that you are in a better frame of mind for the procedure as it still is work to change your lifestyle. I wish you luck and perseverance to get started to a healthier happier life!


  7. I strongly suggest that you go to the www.lapband.com website and find a surgeon in your area that is trained and qualified for the lapband procedure. Then make an appointment with them and let them navigate the insurance situation. They know exactly how to find out if your insurance will cover the procedure and can probably find the right situation to get you going toward a more healthy life. I just had the lapband procedure 2 weeks ago and it was really not scary or painful at all -- I know that this will be the way I can make a new life for myself and you can too! Be sure you choose a surgeon who has been trained and qualified through the maker of the device -- they have the most training and the most expertise. I don't know where you live, but I am in California and my doctor is Carson Liu who is one of the leaders in this procedure. I have other health issues as well -- high blood pressure and depression. I did start on an antidepressant and counseling to deal with that, and then the next step was finding the lapband surgeon -- it is a whole life overhall and you need to take care of all issues. I wish you courage and good luck to start your journey. You deserve it!

  8. I really didn't need any pain meds post-op -- there was just a little discomfort and tenderness at the incision sites but nothing really requiring meds. For other pills at first I crushed them and mixed them into Water or juice until I felt comfortable swallowing them. My regular medications are really small so after a while it workd just to swallow them. I would definitely try to get liquid meds if you could. The most discomfort I had was in my throat from the breathing tube! It was so sore I could hardly swallow at all. I ended up using some codeine Syrup from a previous cold and it eased the pain in that area. Good luck, you'll do great.

  9. Good luck Rick -- if you have the right mind set and it seems you do this will be a great tool for you to get going. I too amd 55 and was very tired of being tired and not feeling good about myself and wanted to make the most of my second half season, so got the band just about 10 days ago now -- feeling encouraged and staying the course with the eating plan - this definitely is a tool and you have to do the work - better food choices, Portion Control, balancing liquids, chewing and eating slowly, etc. This site is great to keep in touch and stary reminded of what it takes and some of the challenges along the way -- we may be older, but we CAN do it! Take care.


  10. Sounds like you shoudn't have it filled at all until things stabilize - or just a tiny bit only and start out slowly again like in the beginning with just liquids and then mushies and remember to eat VERY SLOWLY and chew everything to death. What does your doctor say? You shouldn't be having this much trouble that is for sure. If things are always coming back up I think the band is too full, but definitely go back to your doc until you get it right.

  11. Thanks Desi -- I am getting used to the liquids and try to balance Protein drinks and other liquids as well. Thanks for the encouragement - I really needed that today! I am tracking my progress on the lapband.com website as well and am encouraged to see that actually I have dropped 4 more pounds since the surgery! BMI has already dropped 2 points! Of course I'm only 13% toward my goal but that is definitely in the right direction, and after only 4 days!

    You are right about the age thing -- the metabolism is definitely not as quick to respond as it used to be. I am trying to walk a little more every day to increase my activity level and stamina -- hopefully when I'm fully healed I can do more - that is a definite key to this whole thing.

    You hang in there, we can do this! Have a great day (or night since you're on the opposite side of the world :))!!


    Hi Bardy,

    Thahnk for all the info, yes there are a few concerns I have , mainly the gas, and also the two weeks on Protein Drinks. Lets face it no one likes to be hungry.

    I see you said you only lost 10 lbs before your op, thats really good, you are doing well, just remember us more mature ladies have got a battle loosing weight , every thing is not as good as they used to be.

    You are doing a great job so hand in there, just remembet we are all in this together

    Take care and I hope you have a awesomwe day!!!

  12. It's great to get started with planning for your date -- I did just that when I started researching this procedure back in April and actually only lost 10 pounds before my surgery date which was just this last Friday, December 3. The first day after was the toughest with soreness and the gas pains, but I'm feeling better each day. The liquid diet is a challenge and I feel hungry and have a headache -- guess that will go away as my body adjusts. I have Soups and Protein Drinks and have mixed in the Beniful Fiber for the digestion issues. I check in with my doctor in two weeks so we'll see how it goes. I am already down 4 pounds since the day of surgery! I'm glad you area all here so I don't feel so alone. Sometimes it can get discouraging especially if you're hungry. tongue.gif

  13. I just got my lapband on the 3rd as well -- I felt pretty awful on Saturday -- bloated and sore, but much better Sunday -- up and around and walking as much as I can. I have had Tomato Soup, Jello, Water, Vitamin water, chewable vitamins, and some liquid Protein Drinks - starting to feel hungry and wondering how I'm going to get through the 2 weeks of liquid diet that seems like FOREVER. Glad to find this site to compare notes and get encouragement and other ideas.smile.gif

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