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Farmers Gal

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Farmers Gal

  1. My name is Kelli, I was banded Nov 2010 in Mississauga Ontario at the Surgical Weight Loss Center.

    I am 28 years old, have been married for a year, and the whole reason i started this process was so that i could have a safe pregnancy and have a healthy baby!

    I have to say, i am well on my way.

    My starting weight was 319.8 lbs, and currently, i weight in at 217.8lbs. Only recently did i pass the 100lb mark!

    I am so happy, and proud of myself, and feel soooooo amazing!

    I had a complication, and port infection about 6 months ago, and had to have a port revision. Since then, its been nothing but clear skies. Hopefully it stays that way!

    For Christmas this year, my husband got me a gym membership and a personal trainer. Its an early present. I've been going for about 2 weeks, and am actually starting to enjoy myself while i'm there!

    Anyways, i would like to get to know some of my fellow Canadian Bandsters, and maybe swap ideas, and some Canadian products. So many recipes from this site have ingredients that we don't have here, so it would nice to get some new ideas!!

    Hope to hear from you all :)


  2. Well, its true! The day finally came!!!

    I HAVE LOST 100LBS!!

    I have been over the moon for the past few days since that magic number came on the scale!!

    I have worked so hard towards this first huge hurdle, and now, I feel like I can do anything!!!

    When i went for the consultation Late Oct 2010, I weighed 319.8lbs.

    Today I weigh 219.1lbs, and couldn't be happier!

    3 more days, it is my 1 year post op picture day, and i will update my album with my new pic!

    Its feels so amazing, and I am soooo thankful for all the support and love i have from all my friends and family :)

    Thanks to all of you for sharing in my big accomplishment!

    My next goal is to be under 200lbs, that will put me out of the high risk category for pregnancy!!

    Look out hubby, here we go!!! hahaha

  3. Well, its true! The day finally came!!!

    I HAVE LOST 100LBS!!

    I have been over the moon for the past few days since that magic number came on the scale!!

    I have worked so hard towards this first huge hurdle, and now, I feel like I can do anything!!!

    When i went for the consultation Late Oct 2010, I weighed 319.8lbs.

    Today I weigh 219.1lbs, and couldn't be happier!

    3 more days, it is my 1 year post op picture day, and i will update my album with my new pic!

    Its feels so amazing, and I am soooo thankful for all the support and love i have from all my friends and family :)

    Thanks to all of you for sharing in my big accomplishment!

    My next goal is to be under 200lbs, that will put me out of the high risk category for pregnancy!!

    Look out hubby, here we go!!! hahaha

  4. Hi Kelly

    I have to say, that where my port is, it looks funny too... i think it is how it was stitched closed (too tight and pulled the skin lots)

    However, i did have a port revision, and only my second port looks like this.

    Make sure you follow up with your Dr about the appearance, just to make sure everything is good to go :)

    Good luck!!

  5. So, i am coming up on my band being removed for a recurring infection of my port.

    I have gone through a port revision, and now the new port is infected too.

    My physician has suggested that i have the entire band removed for a few months to let the infection heal, and for my body to rest.

    Has anyone tried/know anyone who has had a gastric balloon? they do it at the clinic where i go, and was wondering if while the band is out, and my soft tissue is recovering from the infection, if i would be able to have a gastric balloon put it?

    I know gastric balloons are for the short term, which seems to be exactly what i need until i can get my new band in.

    Any thoughts?

  6. I am on vacation for 2 weeks, and have just discovered that i have an infection of my port.....

    I have had this before, and i had a port revision. Looks like the same thing is on the horizion this time.

    I'm starting to lose all hope in this band. The band itself is working great and have lost 85lbs since Nov 2010.

    I'm worried about all the time off of work i am having to take because of this problem.

    Will I continue to have to have my port replaced:? this will be the second time.

    At least because i live in Ontario, any problem involving the band is covered by Ontario Health care...... its just the stress and anxiety i have to get over.

    How am I supposed to have a fun vacation when this is all i can think of??

    looking for some support or some advice from someone who has gone through the same thing.


  7. i am 19 and just got banded my biggest concern is excess skin and that i will lose my boobs and then theyll b ugly too:( i am about 5'9 close to 5'10 and my starting weight was 275 before my surgery i was very active im a cheerleader andd i love to swim i have fairly nice size boobs and its my favorite pre -op part of my body im scared that i will lose them and i scared about my arms and ....well all of my body extra saggy skin is like one of my worst nightmears.

    Ok, so pre-op i was 320lbs, and the same height as you. Since surgery I am down to 235lbs.

    I feel great, and look great too :)

    i'm going to admit, yes my breasts have shrunken with my whole body, but I look proportional to the rest of my body.

    I would be less worried about the reduction of your breasts, and more positive about the healthy choice you have made to improve you life :)

    Be happy that you are changing for the better :)

    good luck

  8. So, I was thinking today about all the things that I want to be able to do once i reach my goal, and these are things that i'm not even going to try until then, so that its sooooo much more enjoyable.....

    Heres my list:

    - Horse back riding

    - rock climbing

    - go on rides at Canada's Wonderland and not get kicked off (believe me, this happened, and it was mortifying!!)

    - run 10km race

    - start a weekly sport to meet new people

    - get a head to toe makeover

    - surprise someone i haven't seen in years

    - try on my wedding dress (haven't put it on since that day, and its a size 26.... right now i'm about an 18!)

    Whats on YOUR list??

  9. I have found that NOT keeping the secret has been amazing.

    Yes sometimes, i feel like people are judging me... jeez, that girl has a band... what is she doing putting THAT in her mouth??

    Even if I haven't had something for 6 months!

    I think people will say that whether they know or not, cause i'm still a big girl.

    I have found that because people know, i am getting support from unexpected places. Friends at work, and family of course.

    It has helped me stay true to my goals and work as hard as i can :)

    But i know this isn't for everyone........ I just love the support and understanding from most (you'll never get everyone on board)

  10. Ok, so i had a port revision about 3 weeks ago, and for some reason, my surgeon felt the need to add some fill to my band when he was in there. We never discussed him doing this, so i'm very frustrated that he did.

    I have had about 5 'sticking' episodes, and had another one tonight.

    I'm eating super small bites, and I feel like I'm eating slowly.

    I'm so frustrated, and I'm so scared to get a fill because of everything that I've been through.

    I had to have the port revision because i had a huge infection (which is most likely from fills)..... so now i'm super nervous!!



  11. I have also had some hiccups on the road to my goal.....

    They had thought my port had flipped over, had to go for a special xray exam to have an xray guided fill... turned out the port was fine.

    That was a few months ago.

    Now, i have just recovered from have a port revision (old port taken out and new port put in) due to a large infection.

    As much as this can be discouraging, you have to think of it as just a hiccup, and you will be back to new in no time! I'm 2 weeks post op, back to eating normal again, and back to work tomorrow!!

    I feel the same as you... now that i'm feeling better, i can make better decisions and have a better outlook!

    Good luck to you and I hope there are no other 'hiccups' along your road!!

  12. For me, i enjoy eating a yogurt cup with either a 1/4 cup of granola or some special K strawberry Cereal mixed in for breakfast.

    lunch is usually a salad with lots of goodies, like chicken, beef, almonds, strawberries, dried cranberries, that type of thing..

    dinner is mostly red meat (since being banded, white meat is too dry and often gets 'stuck') with veggies.

    I have had some complications with my band (port infection that required old port out and new port in) but have been able to overcome everything, and still lose. I am down 75lbs (7months post banding) and loving every second.

    You can do this :) I wish i had done this before my wedding (i did it one month after with my husband) but am happy that we finally made the decision!

    You just need to figure out what works for you, and that is often the hardest part.

    I find for exercise, i like good ole walking, and even a few walking exercise videos called 'walk away the pounds' they are very easy to follow, and certainly get me sweating!

    Good luck to you! have faith and work hard! IT WILL ALL BE WORTH IT!!

  13. Wow!!!

    Everyone looks sooooo amazing!

    I just got banded 3 weeks ago, along with my husband!

    We got married two months ago, and this is something that we just HAD to do!

    These pics are very inspiring, and I can't wait to see some serious results!!

    My husband has lost over 60lbs so far (we were on shakes 3wks pre-op)

    and i have lost 30.

    Thank you for sharing your pics!

    I hope that one day, i will be brave enough to share my success with the world!!!

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