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Posts posted by albertogunz

  1. Hi everyone,

    I was sleeved December 20th and have had unbelievable results. I'm doing things with my life i thought were no longer possible for me. i am not complaining by any means, just need some help with this stool problem. I think because of all the Vitamin intake my stools are rock solid and it hurts to go to the bathroom. i've tried stool softener, Fiber supplements, but to no avail. does anyone have a suggestion i now have hemorrhoids and it really hurts and sometimes bleeds when i go to the bathroom.


  2. No regrets. whenever I get a little negative I open my drawer and look at my old diabetic meds. I was sleeved Dec. 20th and between liquid diet pre-op and post-op 2 weeks now have lost a total of about 32 lbs. I have lost 40 since I started seminar in an incredibly short period of time. Most importantly since post-op my diabetes is gone,complete remission that would have never happened without sleeve. i have more energy than i have had in years and i feel great. Sure, not every meal is perfect, there are still some challenges between head hunger and physical hunger, but I'll take those compared to what life was like with no restrictions. My quality of life has improved tenfold since getting sleeved.

  3. How are you feeling? How was your surgery? I am 2 days pre-op and just curious....I was told you have to walk for a few weeks first but I am not too sure. Congratulations on your weight loss so far!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

    I feel awesome! The liquid diet gives you the strength of 10 men-LOL. Weight is still coming off pretty regular although I feel soft and flabby, would like to work in some exercise soon. I stopped taking pain meds afert 5 days, I walked a lot at the hospital and believe that really helped my recovery. I go to the doc tomorrow to find out what the deal is on the exercise-I'll post answers here.

  4. Hey you two,

    First off congratulations... Next, don't panic have a positive attitude and do whatever they tell you to do. I am six days post-op (sleeved Dec. 20th) I was walking around the first night and continued to walk as much as I could-it helped me go to the bathroom and it cleared gas. I was religious about doing my breathing exercises with my volometer (hospital will give you one). It cleared all the Fluid in my lungs and also brought down the chances of having infections etc. I have been off pain meds since waking up day five but have only been taking about half of what i was supposed to right after i was released. My type II diabetes is gone-I stopped checking blood two days ago-it's pretty much resolved. I have been eating very slowly, so I don't feel a lot of pain or discomfort from being too full. I am not hungry which is a miracle, but I am totally sick of liquids-can't wait to at least move into mushies. I feel great don't have any other complaints and know the weight is pouring off me right now-it's incredible. I feel the hope of having freedom from limitations.

    It's going to be great for you to-please check in after surgery.

  5. Hi Everybody,

    Just a quick check in. I was sleeved last Monday morning, Dec. 20th by Dr. Michael Schwartz-here in Saint Paul Minnesota. Everything went great, only problem I had was I couldn't void my bladder because the Anesthesia over relaxed everything. Ironically the catheter was the most painful thing I experienced throughout this whole journey. I've been up walking around no problem, The best part-I don't feel hunger at all right now.

    Thanlks for all the support-just waiting to get discharged and go home.

  6. I made it... At 7:30 AM this morning I was sleeves and had mt gall bladder removed to boot. I can't believe I finally got here, i feel pretty good all things considered, I have walked around a couple of times already, went to the bathroom and the pain is definitely manageable-not that bad at all.

    I am so grateful to have this community, I need it to remain accountable. Thank you all RFID all the positive feedback and warm wishes, I couldn't have gotten here without you guys.

    I'm excited to let the post-op journey begin. Best of all I haven't been hungry at all.

  7. Good luck to you. i would start on my pre-op and act as if everything were going to work out. Have faith if it's meant to be it will all come together. I definitely can relate, insurance company has added more stress in my life than anything else this year. I am going into surgery tomorrow morning and still fear that they'll pull me out of the O.R. and tell me where the was an insurance glitch.

    Hang in there.

  8. Congrats Michael,

    That's a long surgery-I hope the pathology turns out OK on the tumor. I also have heard that that type of Protein isn't as good as a pure Protein shake or an eas advantage shake. I too am from Chicago, and am pretty freaked out about not being able to enjoy pizza or cheezy beefs anymore -LOL. I get sleeved on Monday, it's good to see another active male on here. Keep checking in on your progress.

    Go Bears!

  9. I have the approval letter in hand, I received the call from Surgery admissions on Friday, and I still feel like I'll be turned away at the hospital for some kind of glitch-LOL. I just made it by the skin of my teeth... My Insurance company (Health Partners) is dropping WLS coverage beginning 01/01/2011. It has been such a long journey. I will believe it's all going to happen as soon as they put me under. Monday morning, Dec. 20th 7:30 AM couldn't come any faster. I am excited and nervous all at once.

    I guess it was all meant to be, I feel very fortunate and grateful for this chance. Thank you everyone out here for helping me with my decision. Almost got Lap-Band. Tiffykins, Texas-T, and Monk you were instrumental in helping me through making this decision. I feel hopeful of being healthy again.

    The Pre-Op liquid diet was not that bad-Only cheated once with a bite of pizza, I took from one of my kids, (I couldn't stand watching them eat it anymore-I was going to eat one of them if I didn't get a taste) other than that it was a lot easier than I expected. Don't fear the liquid diet Pre-Op candidates-You can do it for sure if I can!God willing everything will go well on Monday and I will finally be sleeved. I'm going to need to lean on you all for support, the journey is just beginning and i know I can't do it alone. I need you guys to keep me accountable.Thanks for being there for me, and listening to me rant up to this point.

  10. Congrats-I know what you mean with insurance. i have an approval letter in my hand got called by Surgery admittance on Friday and still feel frightened, I will be turned away at the hospital due to some last minute insurance glitch. I too am getting sleeved Monday the 20th 7:30 AM... Happy early sleeve Birthday!

    I hope it all goes smooth for you.

  11. I received a letter from my insurance company (Health Partners) last week approving my surgery and verifying coverage. Today, however, some of my claims for pre-op orders and tests (ultrasound, EKG,, chest x-rays) were denied-for reasons due to pre-existing condition????

    I'm confused-How can I be approved for the surgery and at the same time receive denials on claims for orders, tests and evaluations that are pre-requisites required by Health partners for approval. I did have a lapse in coverage and the only thing I did was get a health screening at a CVS minute clinic so that I could apply for insurance before I found my last job. It's very frustrating. If anyone knows how best to appeal this please let me know. If anyone has also experienced this any information would be helpful

  12. It's officially two days before I get sleeved(Dec. 20th)-Yippee! I'm excited, nervous and bewildered all at once. I can't believe I've come this far-Day twelve liquid diet successfully completed. I am a little scared about not being able to enjoy eating again for the rest of my life. I know it's silly because so many of you here say that the way you eat now is better than it has ever been, and that you no longer crave the foods that got us all into trouble to begin with. I'm sure it's true-it's just really hard to fathom from this side of the equation. It still feels like a dream that after all the ups and downs surgery day is almost here. I'm excited to be healthy, but also scared at what that might mean and how much it could change my life. My wife is going through some serious insecurity right now, quoting that the post op divorce rate for WLS is 85%. she has been dead set against this since day one and now I know why. My intent is to get healthy again and embark on a journey that will be beneficial to our entire family-her and my kids. No more diabetes, no more complications, better quality of life for all-she just doesn't seem to believe that. If anyone has any advice on how to talk the spouse off the ledge, please let me know-I'm trying to remain calm pre-op and i just want to relax this weekend.

    On a separate note-I obviously have approval for the surgery, I received a letter from my insurance company last week verifying coverage. Today, however, some of my claims for pre-op orders and tests (ultrasound, EKG,, chest x-rays) were denied-for reasons due to pre-existing condition???? I'm confused-How can I be approved for the surgery and at the same time receive denials on claims for orders, tests and evaluations that are pre-requisites required by Health partners for approval. I did have a lapse in coverage and the only thing I did was get a health screening at a CVS minute clinic so that I could apply for insurance before I found my last job. It's very frustrating. If anyone knows how best to appeal this please let me know. Wish me luck on Monday...

  13. Hi Everybody,

    It's official-I'm getting sleeved Dec. 20th. Earlier I posted about being stuck between band and sleeve, and thanks to your feedback I've decided to get sleeved. My diabetes is a bit out of control levels over 300. I'm on day 3 of the pre-op liquid diet and have been able to get it down to 150. Insulin shots tonight for the first time ever to make sure I'm good to go for surgery. I feel confident that i will resolve that issue as soon as I get sleeved-thanks for everything you all shared on that topic. Looks like I have gall stones and that's coming out too-2 birds with one stone-Wouldn't have been able to do that with the band

    After some serious talking I won over the support of my nuclear family (Mom, Dad, Sister), my wife however is a different story. She is dead set against me getting the surgery, I'm afraid I'm not going to have her support going into the OR and worst yet when I return home. she is very negative about the results believes that it is all going to come back in 2 years and it's a sham. Thinks i will need a modification to RNY. She thinks i can do it on diet and exercise alone, because like many of you I've lost it and put it back on-I can never maintain. It is putting tremendous stress on me everyday trying to get her to not be so narrow minded and look at things from my point of view, I don't think i will get her there, and it's driving me crazy.

    Any suggestions on what i should do would be helpful. i have invited her to talk to my surgeon and ask him questions. She's really bumming me out while I'm going through a difficult time.

    Thanks for your support

  14. Thanks for your feedback-these are great things to hear-it sounds like you are all happy with the sleeve. I'd love to hear from more band-to-sleeve converts, did some more research and it appears it is really great for Type II Diabetes as well. Have either of you had any complications at all as a result of your surgeries, or has it just been smooth sailing?

  15. Hi Everyone,

    I am a 44 year old male with Type II Diabetes and a BMI of 37 I weigh about 260. i was originally going for LapBand Surgery on December 20th (18 days away-yippee) and received a call from my doc this morning after he received a pre-op lab. My sugar levels are very high and they are afraid that i might not see the same success in reversing my type II condition as i would in considering a sleeve. Can anyone share any info they have regarding sleeve vs. band and how it has been working for them. i know there are a lot of converts from band to sleeve on this site , so I'm starting to lose a little faith in the band and weather or not that would be a good choice for me.

    Any and all feedback would be very helpful. I need to make a decision in the next couple of days and I'm a little confused.

    Thanks for your help

  16. Thank you for the kind words of support. It's all so confusing some times G-Bypass versus LapBand-I see you have lost 80lbs. that's extremely inspirational-congratulations. I appreciate you talking me down from the liquid diet ledge-I'll definitely check in when i get started. My sister is going to do liquid with me, but she lives across the country. Wife is thin and doesn't really understand this whole thing-said to me tonight she is sure i will get it removed soon after I have surgery. Thinks keeping off weight is easy.

    I know three absolutes in my life as they pertain to weight. i can put it on really easy. i can take it off fairly easily too. i just can't maintain any weight at all-It's been a constant yo-yo.

  17. After tons of stress about pre-existing conditions and being turned down by insurance company was finally approved last Monday for a Dec. 20th Surgery date. I'm a Type II Diabetic and am hopeful to put that disease in remission and start felling good again. Start liquid diet on the 6th and I'm anxious about it-two weeks on liquids alone feels like an eternity to a guy who is always hungrier than a runaway slave-lol. I'm excited and scared all at the same time-I'm thankful for this community. I'm open to any feedback/advice.

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