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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by jlux

  1. Wondering if anyone has any ideas... Had my band for three years next month. When I behave, it works really well for me. I have really slacked off the past year and gained back 1/3 of what I originally lost. I started having heartburn last winter that I could manage with tums or pepcid. In August, it was so severe I couldnt sleep at night. Doctor removed all restriction, put me on nexium, and did an EGD. EGD showed GERD in my esophogus but my pouch was fine with no erosion. The nexium has taken care of all my heartburn issues.

    I went for a re-fill in front of fluro last week, thinking it would be routine, and my doctor wouldn't fill me because she said that my pouch as draining really really slowly without any restriction in my band. I asked about slippage or a possible new erosion and was told no, my band appeared in the right spot. She seemed to be at a loss as to what would cause this. She put me on liquids for two weeks for a re-check.

    Anyone else have this happen or have any idea of what might be causing slow pouch drainage? Prior to this appointment, I felt fine. No vomiting, no heartburn..

  2. How are things going for you now? I have a similar but varied story. In Aug- I had wicked heartburn that kept me from sleeping at night. All that went away with drugs and an unfill. Went back for a refill last week having had no issues at all in 3 months. Now they are saying my pouch is draining too slowly without any restriction in my band. I asked about slippage, since that seems to be so common, and I was told that wasn't it. And they said my pouch size was fine. I have had no recent vomiting and am not in pain but I am on liquids until I can go for another fluro next week.

    Hi all. Let me give you some background. In July I was having heartburn and reflux so I called the Dr. Went in & had a UGI & it showed a very very small esophageal dilation (stretched pouch). They removed some Fluid and gave me some heartburn meds and said we would do a check-up in Sept to see if it helped (unless symptoms got worse). Well the symptoms didn't get worse, in fact I thought I was getting better (no nightly reflux and less heartburn), so I went for my 2nd UGI in Sept. This time the pouch is HUGE! It is so large they aren't sure if I am that stretched or if the band slipped. They drained my band empty and I go back AGAIN Nov 18th for another UGI to see if draining helped at all or if I need surgery. Don't you get sick with a slip? I never threw up and I could and can still eat. In fact I have had my band 9 months and only ever threw up once or twice and that was way back in the beginning. I am so scared I will lose my band and that I will gain weight back. Have any of you heard of this "fixing" itself? I am a natural worrier and waiting until Nov is KILLING me!!

  3. talk to your doc about nexium.. I was told to prop up my bed but only use one pillow. Multiple pillows actually put too much pressure.

    I've been having nighttime reflux/coughing/vomitting with varying degrees of severity for some time now. It doesn't seem to matter when I eat my last meal. When I lay down to sleep I wake up in the middle of the night with coughing and vomitting. This happens most nights of the week. I have the head of my bed propped up, I try to sleep with lots of pillows (I usually end up slideing off of them and sleeping flat), and its worse if I'm on my left side than on my right. When I get up and vomit, my stomach contents are primarily liquid and phlegmy, no solid pieces of food. So there's no blockage of the band opening.

    I had an UGI done 12/2009, diagnosed a hiatal hernia; repaired 03/2010. Band tightened 07/2010, untightened 10/2010. Vomiting improved after unfill, but not gone completely. Does anyone have any insight on how to help this?

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