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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by serious

  1. yes, I am interested in finding out whatever you found you liked or could at least tolerate. It's the clear stage I am worried about.

    I know when I am on full liquids, it won't be a problem because I love the Peanut butter/chocolate whey Gourmet.


    I thought I was all set for both the clear and full liquids stages. Afterall, I had to do these stages when I had my band. I had raspberry Water that I get from Whole Foods and sugarfree popsicles. I had B12 and this liquid multi Vitamin that has everything in it. I had Protein Powder that I've used in the past. I already drink soy milk. I thought I was good to go.

    Needless to say, thank God those stages are only 10 days each....it's been trial and error finding stuff post sleeve that I can tolerate. My sweet tooth, at least for now is gone. I've been able to get through it, but I pretty much did the same limited things for the clear stage, and am basically doing that for the full liquid. I have had no problems drinking; water, whatever goes down fine and I am not nauseous. It's just that things that have very small amount of sugar taste horrible. Artificial sweetners, too sweet. My wonderful Multivitamin, can't stand the taste.

    It was so bad immediately post op that when the cleaning lady came in my room to mop, I had to ask her not to; The lemon smelling cleaning solution made me nauseous; it was too sweet smelling.

    Don't get me wrong, I am glad for the change even if it is temporary. I've always eaten healthy, just too much and too many sweets. I used to wish for something to calm down my sweet tooth. Well, my wish has come true.

    It's true that not everybody has this taste change post op sleeve, so you may not. I just wanted you to be prepared jus in case.

  2. Elizabeth, Susan, OregonDaisy,

    Don't forget to tell Dr Aceves and Dr Campos that you want your band back. You paid for it, might as well keep it. I looked at mine and said, "So you are the thing that kept me from eating healthy and turned me into a fat bulemic; band induced. I can't believe that thing was inside my body that long, it looks pretty clean and harmless.

    I remember thinking the Docs must have cleaned it off before they gave it to me.

  3. Elizabethsew,

    I too, was a band to sleeve revision. I had my band for 2 years and 3 months and revised to a sleeve on 3/11th with Dr Aceves. I went alone and did fine. I feel good, just slightly tired. But I am walking all over the place for at least 45".

    I just wanted to caution you about doing too much food shopping preop. Buy stuff in small quantities because your taste changes. For instance, I bought some B12 from GNC that is in a cherry flavored Syrup. I cannot tolerate it at all and had to throw it out. I cannot tolerate anything with any trace of "sweetner" in it. Also, even though I am still on the full liquids, I have to "find" products that I can tolerate. I found some cream of broccoli Soup that my tummy likes and some chicken broth too, but it has definitely been trial and error.

    I love the fact that I cannot tolerate "sweet tasting stuff" because my sweet tooth was my downfall before.

    Also, you will find that the gastric sleeve is restrictive like the band, but unlike the band, the removal of the ghrelin hormone makes all the difference in the world. I Still do not get hungry....I drink because I have to..

    I know I am still newly postop, (it has only been 2 weeks since my surgery), but it has been such a relief to wake up everyday and not have that gnawing hunger. With the band, I was still hungry, so I learned how to eat around it.

  4. Oregondaisy:

    I did, however take my heating pad with me and sleep with it on the side where the port was: your abdomen will be swollen and tender. Also, I took the pain medication when offered. I took a pain med, (Dr Aceves sends you home with some), before I got on the Van on the way back to the airport and again before I got on the plane. I didn't need anything once I got home because I was so tired, (long rainy flight), and I knocked out once I hit my bed.

  5. I am really excited. Did you have a lot of pain where they removed your port?

    I am a little worried about pain as I have a very low pain tolerance. I have to get on that plane and if I am in pain, I am afraid it will be miserable.

    Hey, I have had my band for 2 years and almost 3 months. we must have gotten banded right around the same time.

    I had no pain what so ever after band surgery, so I am a little worried about being in a lot of pain when I wake up.

    No. I had anticipated that I would, but no. I was only really tired the first two days also. I was a pretty active person pre weight loss surgery anyway, just fat, so the exercise part has been a breeze. Plus, it's so pretty outside I love going for long walks. Dr Aceves and Dr Campos came in my room a few hours after surgery, and I was sitting on the couch. He said, "Did you have surgery?" I think it also helped that I was a low BMI. I am so glad to have that lap band gone. I have it now in a baggie. It's weird, after being in my body for so long it still looks kinda normal. I don't know, I quess I expected my body to change it someway. :smile:

  6. Hi Susan,

    I just revised from band to sleeve with Dr Aceves on the 11th of March. Still on the liquid post op diet at this point, but I feel wonderful. To me, it was easier recovering from the sleeve post op than the band. The most wonderful thing is.....no hunger. With the band, I was ALWAYS hungry. I know I am brand new with my sleeve, but since I had my band for 2 years and 3 months I don't feel like a newbie. You will love Dr Aceves, he or Dr Campos will be checking on you constantly. No worries.

  7. I don't watch Oprah because I don't watch like to watch talk shows and I don't like to watch TV before the prime time hours but it is my understanding that Oprah is both a brilliant communicator and facilitator. She does do a brilliant job of entertaining her audience and, well, educating them and doing a little bit of consciousness raising. From what I have heard about her show she promotes reading, writers, and serious literature, has encouraged talking about relationship issues via her promotion of Dr. Phil, does feature the usual array of Hollywood stars, but also features real people and real issues on her show. There is, I am certain, much which has been overlooked in the above list: this is because I have never watched her show. (I've only seen her as an actress in a few movies and she is a very gifted actress.)

    I guess the point that I want to make is that this woman is extraordinarily talented, and highly intelligent and she also seems to have a moral centre. And she favours Obama in the up-coming presidential race.... Did it ever occur to any of you that she may be favouring him because she believes that he is the best candidate? and not because of skin tone?

    And as for this biz of one altering one's speech to suit one's audience, well, hell, Green has been doing this for years now. I am a fairly well-educated and literary kind of cat who spent the last 18 years before I retired building aircraft; do you think that I used the same vocabulary and grammatical complexities when I was hanging with my fellow grunts? And do ya think that my language is as foul when I post here as it is when I spend time with these buddies? Intelligent and sensitive communicators know that you pitch your language according to your audience. This is only a matter of showing respect to your audience the way I see it. It has no more significance than that.


    As usual; "a beacon of light!" Well-said...

  8. I had always considered myself to be an african american woman, but about 5 years ago my consciousness was raised, and now I consider myself multicultural; my mother is african american and my father is native american and irish.

    Growing up, I was always called half-breed, or told by other african americans that I was "the white girl" because I've always had long wavy hair. I was isolated and teased because of my hair, and did not ever wear it down until I was well into my late 20's. Now, I embrace all of my cultures, because it is who I am, and noone is going to make me feel ashamed.

    When I was 4-5 years old, I was sexually abused by a neighborhood candy man, who I now know was a pedaphile. When I was nine, I was molested by a family member. I was raped when I was eighteen. I could go on and on, but I think I've made my point. I am not usually one to divulge so much of my history, but I am just trying to say, I am an adult now, and I have the power. So, I do not tolerate bad behavior from anyone, regardless of their scars. I feel, that given all that I have suffered, if I can move on, surely others can as well. We all have to grow up and move on. I don't make excuses because of my past, and I refuse to be anyone's victim. And, I have learned, black people can be just as prejudiced and mean as any other race. Past bad behavior I have experienced does not mean I can't get beyond it and grow. That is what therapy is for.

  9. Thanks Kat for taking the time to explain. I was not privy to that other thread so I was completey taken by surprise when I accidentally bumped onto this one and saw it get so feisty so fast.

    I had a big problem with a guy a while back whose spelling was atrocious and punctuation non-existent, but what really made me do a fast burn was how he thought he was the only one who was right - and I DO mean right! All the way right and beyond. He was also very insulting to others. To make matters worse, the people who agreed with him were oblivious to the fact that he used such hateful language toward some of us and they became indignant when some of us took him to task.

    This sounds like a very similar scenario. That thread went on forever and occasionally a poster would stumble onto the scene and wonder what the heck was going on.

    It was very entertaining stuff, and there actually was a lot of information exchanged in the process, but it was extremely heated and things got out of hand a time or two. I've been trying to not take things so personally ever since. I do not always succeed, but I do try. Anyway, thanks again for setting the record straight.


    I did not participate much on that thread, but I read it in its' entirety. The reason why Cusano comes to mind, (because in reading through Lee4's threads, that is exactly who came to my mind), is because they are alike in their style...verbally attacking when challenged to the point of being demeaning and abusive, believe me he has provoked a lot of the sentiment here. You have several people here all saying the same thing, everybody can not be wrong or just misreading his posts.


    I think he is someone who has failed at several relationships, and now has a problem with women, not being able to admit that it takes two to tango...He also is being somewhat of a martyr, constantly mentioning how he has to take care of his two boys,( he seems very angry about that), something women have done on their own for decades. I am in accordance with the majority here, so I am afraid we are going to have to agree to disagree. He is not a victim, and if he can't stand the heat...

  10. Katrina was indeed a devistating storm, but it was not the "greatest national disaster in this country's history". On Semptember 8, 1900 an unamed category 4 storm came ashore in Galveston, TX, flooded the city, and killed between 8,000 and 12,000 people.

    Katrina was responsible for 1,836 deaths - a huge number in this day of instant communiction and considering our ability to predict when/where a storm will make landfall. And I agree....the people of New Orleans have done a fantastic job of rebuilding their city.


    Wasn't necessarily talking about the number of deaths...even though the number is NOT 1,836, as there is still much devastation here and they continue to "find bodies..." "Did whoever was president during that period sit on his ass while people drowned and appoint incompetent people to oversee the rescue and recovery?" That is what I meant and several "Katrina " experts mean by the worst national disaster. It is a reference to the government response, on all levels, not necessarily the body count.

  11. About five years ago, I weighed 150#. Got a personal trainer, weight watchers, the whole nine. ( I am 5'2" and small framed). Consulted with a plastic surgeon about a possible Tummy Tuck when in the future. He said, "how much do you weigh now?, about 140 something?" I said, " 152#" He said, "My God!" "my wife is your height and she only weighs 108#!" "Why don't you try walking or something,Jesus!"

    Fast forward to 12/06. I am in the doctor's outer office in Mexico, along with other pre-op bandsters, listening to Dr Rumbault talk about the surgery. At that time, I weighed 191#. One of the pre-op bandsters says, "Why are you getting this surgery, you don't look like you need it." " If I were you, I would just try weight watchers and exercise." Before I could respond, Dr. Rumbault said, " she is a lower BMI Bandster, I operate on a lot of them, and they do quite well." "He smiled and winked at me." The tension in the room went away like magic, and I knew I had picked the right surgeon.:)

  12. I suffer with menstrual Migraines, so I always get them right before my cycle, and usually on the last day. But since most migraines are never just caused by one thing, (ie hormonal changes), I too, have to be careful about what I eat...I have a big problem with yeast, and cannot eat certain baked foods, drink beer or red wine, and cannot tolerate any

    artificial sweeteners, especially nutra sweet. I had the surgery back in December of 06, and my migraines have not lessened, and in fact, are just as debilitating as they ever were.

  13. New Orleans, New Orleans, New Orleans. For several reasons...Despite having felt the consequences of enduring the greatest national disaster in this country's history, and the lack of help from the federal government, this place, these people are amazing. Through the spirit and tenacity of native New Orleanians, and "the kindness of strangers", the city is being rebuilt, as they say, one block at a time. Dont let the negative publicity scare you away. One thing though, it is oppressively "hot" in the summer months. New Orleans is best experienced in October or April for the first timer. If you make it this way, pm me and I will gladly play tour guide.

  14. As a "Sopranos" devotee, I too, was stunned by the finale. However, after reading a post finale interview that David Chase did, and reading some of his earlier interviews, and watching the finale again on Demand, I think the ending was brilliant. If DC would have had Tony killed, some people would have seen it as just Desserts, others, like myself, would have been unhappy. David Chase is an artistic type, and does not subscribe to the hollywood endings you can find on regular TV, where everything is wrapped up in a neat bow. He left it so that we can come up with our own ending. For me, I believe the point was that life goes on. The Sopranos will continue, we just won't be albe to see them anymore. But isn't that edge and artistry what made the Sopranos the masterpiece it became? David Chase says he will never say never, but a Sopranos movie is highly unlikely....but he does not rule out the possibility of a prequel, focusing on New Jersey and the mob scene in the 60's. By the way, for those of you that were Sopranos fans, HBO's "The Wire" is equally as compelling and should be starting shortly.

  15. Hi Sunta,

    I don't know what caused you to be unable to tolerate even Water...but I can tell you that I have had 1.1 ccs in my band forever from my first fill, and can't imagine adding anymore. I am unable to tolerate most solids in the am, even after drinking warm fluids, if I try, I will be guaranteed a PB. I also know that when it is my time of the month, my band gets really tight, it also seems to get tighter if I am stressed. Anyway, glad your doc didn't find any problems with the band.


    "Someone" recently passed this article on to me...

    FRIGHTENING NEWS FROM ATLANTA - once again, the real news in Atlanta is not being reported as it should...Almost everyone eats Pasta...we even got voted as one of America's fattest cities. Now, a famous restaurant is threatening to take all Pasta dishes off it's menu! Will the world say nothing?..... By the way, my New CD is available from Amazon.com, featuring recycled, rehashed music from Serious and the Lapbanders. If you don't think it's the greatest CD ever, then you are truly a fool, and will have to answer to his infinite, THE FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER!!

  17. Honestly? It's kind of par for the course. Not "warfare", of course, but a topic -- especially in RnR -- rarely ends in the same form that it began. It makes for an interesting sort of conversational evolution.

    Especially when people have hidden agendas and their intent was to never discuss what they originally posted, but was in fact a red herring.

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