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Posts posted by camille01

  1. Hello Everyone,I went to my siminar on Dec 2nd and I will be having my first Dr Visit on Jan 10th

    I will keep you all posted as to what they are looking for,I heard about the 6 month weight Management program

    I have already gotten 3 months complete,they only want you to be aware of your weight and that you will have to cut way back on your intake,but If you do loose a lot of weight they will tell you that you can do it on your own,so from me to you just try like you have been trying but remember you dont want to be set way back so Just make your self aware of the problem that we all have and try to cut back,Instead of a whole meal eat haft of it and eat the other haft later but dont eat past 6:00pm...I have a lot of my stuff complete before they ask for it (the heart doctor)and another few doctors that I know that they will ask you to go see get it done ahead of time,when you go to your siminar ask the nurse what all does it consist you to do and start doing it..and dont forget after the siminar call the next day and schedule your conceltation with the doctor and the neutritionist even if they tell you to wait do it any way,I was told to wait and I was glad that I didn't because I would have never gotten in......please keep posting because we all need the incurragement...thanks camille01

  2. Hi there,

    I am just starting as well,I am 100% behind the young lady that said ,Dont let anyone deside for you or you will be in a rut for the rest of your short life,I am 44 and I have 2 girls one is 11 and the other is 20 ,I don't want to leave and let my oldest take care of my youngest,this scares me to but death scares me more,you have found plenty of friends when you started posting and I am one of them,so I say its your life not your kids life so if you want to extend your time here on this earth,I say DO IT,who would you benifit being sick,of course not your self or your kids,so come on and join the wagon for better health,I have my 1st appointment on Jan 10th and I am so excited,that excitment comes with a price,you have to work for it.....I am ready to work for it myself...and I need the encurragement of a friend.....you cheer me and I'll cheer you...camille01

  3. Hi everyone,

    My story in a nutshell is I started my process in October 2009 and everything is complete. I expected to have my surgery in May 2010 however my health insurance put up a road block to make me wait until January 2011. I have a follow up with my surgeon on January 4th and they will submit it back through insurance at that point and I should hear back within that week. I have no other road blocks they can put up so it should be a sure thing! I've been waiting and counting the days down until now and it's FINALLY HERE!

    I've been mentally prepared and managed to maintain my weight and drop 5 additional lbs since my last appointment in May. I've heard maintaining your goal weight is one of the hardest things after everything is said and done.

    I'm ready to get the show on the road!! :-)

    Hi JMH80,

    I understand how you feel,I have looked at the lapband 2 yrs ago but ran into such negitivity I put it in the back of my mind,Now I'm not letting anything stop me now,I have been researching this same info for the last 2 yrs I feel ike I can do a siminar my self,...lol,but anyway I have my 1st appointment with the surgeon on Jan 10th, I've started what they told me to do in october and now I have 3 months of weight management complete and my referel,I just had a appointment with my heart doctor last month in case they want the information she has,I don't know wha else they may want fron me but I guess Ill find out soon....I know your process has been long and I pray for you that your road traveled is comming to a complete,and you get to start living....Yeah...keep posting and let us know how things are going............camille01

  4. Hi...I'm a newbie. I don't really have a date for my surgery. In fact, my initial consultation is on 1/8/11. I'm really just not sure what to do yet. I'm getting so depressed.

    My husband is very supportive and I love that. However, I recently told my close friend that I was considering it and she was very negative. She said things like people need to just diet and exercise instead of doing this "quick fix" surgery. It's not like that for me. I was a size 12 (which is the size that I really loved) and I'm now almost too big for a size 24. I was diagnosed with a thyroid condition and shortly after discovered I was pregnant. I gained over 100lbs in the past 2yrs (with thyroid and pregnancy) and I have tried every diet and exercise regimen...but they just don't work. My friend's comments made me feel bad as if I was a slacker for even considering the surgery. Did anyone else have a similar response from friends/family?


    I was just reading your blog and thinking about what you were writing about as I was reading,I was in the same position ,my husband was against it till we shared in the info,then it gave him a better understanding as what I wanted to do this for,there are reasons we do what we do to our bodys,there is several different websites to educate your self before making such a drastic desision,and your friend,she cant really call herself a friend if she doesn't support you in your desisions that you make because if it was her I am sure that you will support her,this is like a life altering change that we make,I havn't had my 1st appointment yet until Jan 10th and Iam excited so if your friend dosent support you in your desision ,you need a new friend...think about it if the shoe was on the other foot,I am here if you need dont mind support from a strainger...Just keep your husband by your side,he's your best friend anyway....love and cherish your relationship with him like I do and please thank him for being there ....thanks for reading and leting me share my feelings....camille01

  5. congradulations!!!!!...I am waiting for my 1st appt. but its a good wait...I can do it,I was told by a friend the other day,why rush your life,don't you want to be around to enjoy it once you get it so stop rushing, and beleave you me I want to see myself in a size 14-16 again.....so take your time and enjoy yourself,learn what your new(2nd) chance is all about and live life as it was ment to be lived(enjoyed)....camille01

  6. congradulations!!!!!...I am waiting for my 1st appt. but its a good wait...I can do it,I was told by a friend the other day,why rush your life,don'tyou want to be around to enjoy it once you get it, and beleave you me I want to see my self in a size 14-16 again.....so take your time and enjoy yourself,learn what your new(2nd) chance is all about and live life as it was ment to be lived(enjoyed)....camille01

  7. Hi Michele

    Once you get settled go on line and look up www.lapband.com and there's a search bar there you can find a siminar and a surgeon that holds the siminar in your area,the site is legit and you can find exellent sergeons on there ,thats where I found mine and Im in NYC...wish you good luck with your journey and check it out and see what you think.......caille01

  8. Hey everyone,

    Happy Holidays to one and all! I have a job up in Piscataway, NJ and will be arriving up that way the last week of January. I am so very excited but at the same time a nervous wreck, I know NO one there and once again it is time to make more new friends.

    I NEED to find a great doctor! I want the best one not just one who does this lap band process...The doctor I now have here in St Louis is simply the best and I will not settle for anything less no matter where I go.

    If you know of a doctor please let me know as time is of the essence!

    Thanks a ton


    Hi Michele

    Once you get settled go on line and look up www.lapband.com and there's a search bar there you can find a siminar and a surgeon that holds the siminar in your area,the site is legit and you can find exellant sergeons on htere ,thats where I found mine anf Im in NYC...wish you good luck with your journey and check it out and see what you think.......caille01

  9. I am 48 Years old and have been married for 28 years. I have three grown kids and one grand child named Aden. I weigh 260 and am so afraid of dieing youngish. I want to get the lapband surgery or the Gastric Sleeve surgery but do not know which is better. I have watched several different videos of success stories on you tube and have seen many of people who first had the lap band procedure and then went on to have the sleeve done. Is this typical? I for one, don't have the money for more than 1 surgery so which is the best in terms of weight loss and less complications? I trust those of you who have actually gone through these kinds of procedures and have suffered the good and the bad of it, ya know? so any help or advise it welcome. I thank you in advance.

    Hi there,I was reading as well where some people that go through slipping or erosion of the band went ahead and had the sleeve done but thats something that you really have to give some thought about because it is not reversable but the lapband is,If you havn't attended a siminar yey Please do because the info is so important and informational with this,the gastris bypass and the sleeve removes a part of the stomach but the band doesnot,thats my only problem with thise surgerys,and the recovery time is longer....but you have to talk to the surgeon and your PCP about what you want to do......good luck with your desision.........camille01 ,by the way I am 44 yrs old and married for 4yrs(weight in at 267 and I am 5'6 ),I am going to do the lapband,I am still waiting on the insurance and my appointment to come around

  10. Hello everyone,

    I am new to this forum and I have so many questions about banding, I don't even know where to begin!

    First off, I am a 24 year old, 5'8", 250 lb woman who has been overweight her entire life. I have always been self-conscious and have allowed my self-esteem issues to interfere with my life in many ways. I am happily married to a great, supportive man, but I still feel like something is missing: my self-confidence and confidence in my future health! I have gained and lost, gained and lost with many different diets, calorie counting, and exercise programs and after each attempt I usually end up heavier than when I started. This year alone I yo-yoed from 240 up and down several times and here I am around 250. Basically, I don't have any other major health problems (YET), but I am 100lbs over my "ideal" weight (even though BMI is 38).

    My major question is: do I currently qualify for lap-band surgery? Does anyone have a similar story? What is the first step I should take in order to pursue this? I have done a lot of research about this surgery, and I do understand the commitment involved, and that is really why I feel this would be good for me: it is a commitment that I can't just give up on.

    Anyway, any input would be greatly appreciated! Congrats to everyone who is meeting their goals with this surgery smile.gif


    hello catlady,I was just reading your Blog and in order for you to understand that will take place and the quilifacations go to www.lapband.com this is the information website,it wll answer all your questions,but besides looking up information on the surgery you can go to the lapband.com website and find a place near to your residents and schedule yourself for a informational siminar thats where you start at,once you go to the siminar and get the doctors info and call to get your first appointment then you will start your journey from there,they can then tell you if your insurance will pay for the surgery.....once you find this out every thing else falls into place from there.....good luck with everything .......camille01

  11. Hang in there guys,I was told it gets a lot better,I've not been banded yet but after the pain stories I still want it,you know how we are we have to to it ourselfves in order to beleave it,every body situation is different but the gas is still the same,and also there is a website strickly for baratric surgery,where you can buy your vitiamns and Protein products,....ILL get the website and repost if any one is interested...........camille01

  12. Hello:you are probley excited about the surgery,I dont think its nothing to worry about,I had one done yesterday and honestly I was looking for something to be wrong but the doctor said that I had a strong ticker,she says I need to do a stress test on you before you have the surgery and her nurse says well she has had ond not even 6 months ago so I got out of that,so dont let it bother you ,I think it was where you were excited.....keep your head up and do what they ask and you will be fine...camilleo1:D

  13. Thanks Camille!

    I have been thinking about the lap band for a couple years now too. It can be a tough decision to make, but I know it is going to be worth it. I am almost 6 months pregnant now. Due in early April or late March. I'm thinking that I would like to get it sometime in August. I talked to my OB today and she said that I should give myself atleast a couple months to heal and that I may be at a higher risk for infection if I do not. So Im thinking about 12 weeks. I hope your journey goes well! I also have a doctors appt in January to meet a surgeon. Let me know how yours goes! :-)

    thanks Sarah8807 thats a really good Idea,and very Important for you and the baby,thats the bonding peroid between mom and baby,and he's gonna really need you,please keep me posted when you deside to get your surgery,I would go ahead and have everything set up so all you have to do is call and get an appointment for the surgery....let me know how everything goes....I'll be here,I hope already banded,maybe or marbe not....thanks.camille01

  14. Im right here with you. I had my seminar date in august 2010. Seen the entire bariatric team. I have been approved. I even allowed myself to get super excited and they told me to call monday for my date. I was jumping all over my house, in joy. Then monday came and they informed me my surgery date is november 7 2011! She was giving me pro op diet dates and stuff and i was numb. I couldnt even ask her questions i just could believe they were gonna make me wait a whole year before giving me the surgery. After i got over the shock of it i called them back and asked why so long. They said they are booked all the way up till then. I just cant believe it they had me do my labs and everything that you do pre surgery. Those cant be good a year from now. It was certainly a blow i didnt see coming. In august i even asked if they have a waiting list they said no. Im just really bummed. Sorry to be the downer, but on a good note at least your closer than me. Hope all goes well with your surgery and i wish you much success!

    hi there,I was just reading your blog...have you ever thought to ask the Doctor to referr you to another doctor or another hospital,that is crazy to have you waiting for a whole year,the surgeon can reffer you to another surgeon to do the surgery......they would have to give me some hope with something..call your insurance company your self and ask them If you were to find another hospital to have your surgery at, or can they have your info transfer to a new doctor....or you can call another bariatric doctor and ask them if they can transfer your things to their clinic or hospital..tell them all you have to do is your liquid diet for your pre-op ......I wouldnt sit and wait...thats crazy...camille01

  15. Hello Everyone! My name is Sarah and I am not yet banded. I decided about 6 months ago that I definetly want to get banded. The week I made my decision on finding a doctor and getting this thing rolling I also found out I was pregnant! So, of course now I have to wait to get the band, which is fine. But now that I know I have to wait to get it I am getting more and more excited. I know I will not be able to get banded right away after birth. I am thinking about 12 weeks after my little boy is here. :) That is if everything goes well. I have an appointment set for January 2011 to meet a surgeon to start looking at my insurance and possibly start running some tests. I have been overweight off and on most of my life just like a lot of other people. I lost 100lbs in high school and got down to my goal weight with very intense (and probably not the healthiest methods) of exercise and extreme diets, only to gain it back. I am 22 years old and I want to be able to get a handle on my health before it is too late. I have parents that have struggled with their weight for many years and I hope that I will not. I am posting this to anyone that wants to chat about where they are in the process or to those who have already got the lap band. I would love someone else to talk to about this whole process!

    Good Luck Everyone!!

    Sarah :D

    Hi Sarah,how much longer do you have before you have your baby?

    if you've been checking this out for a while you can still ask your physican

    and see exactly how much longer you do have to wait,I'm not banded yet

    but hoping to get it really soon ,I've been thinking about this lapband for about 2 or 3 yrs but never took it any futher but nows the time,I dont eat much any way ,me system stopped burning fat a long time ago ao I feel I need to do something about it now,I feel that maybe your doctor will give the ok sooner than you think,it all depends on if you are breast feeding ,don;t give up just ask questions,It wont hurt anything to ask,,,I have a Dr's appt comming up on the 11th of Janurary,and things I hope will move along from there...you take care and like I said Don't give up....camille01

  16. My husband's military so I have Tricare; from what I've read if you meet their requirements they're very quick to approve. I have been very fortunate this time around as I have had difficulty with them in the past. My doctor's office didn't require as much as yours seems to; don't know if that's good or bad. Either way, hope everything works smoothly for you and I wish you well on your journey!

    By the way Good luck with your new you,and you are in my prayers....

    thank you so much,I am sure that the insurance will approve the surgery,I recieved a letter from them but it is all in what they require,I sent them an email questioning them about that procedure and they said that the insurance will cover it but the wait in sometimes unbarrable,I just have to find out what there requirments are and the co-pay ,.....thanks so much for the info it was a big help...camille01

  17. I'm HOPING to stay overnight; I like the idea of someone professional keeping an eye on me a little longer, plus I wouldn't have to come back the next day for the barium test. I don't have kids so I don't know what it's like to be away from them, but yeah, I say enjoy the extra time in the hospital. I too have had worse procedures and was sent home the same day and was wishing for a little more time to be 'taken care of', so to speak.

    Hi Melzie_99

    Jus ta question to ask,What type of insurance do you have,I have Ghi and BCBS,my husband has it thruogh his Job and I am hoping to have every thing go quik like I see the way your has ,I've had my siminar on Dec 2nd andmy first appt. is on Jan 10th,thats to get I guess the reat of my info and to meet the neutri,and I think the doctor,I have started my 6 month diet prog.through my PCP

    and I have my refferel,Im just waiting to see what else I need to do,I know I have to go to 2 group meetings<i got the schedule for that,but its in Feb,still pushing things off,I am ready to start,and get started.......

  18. I'll be seeing Dr. Vemulapalli on the 10th of January I'm wishing it was sooner but if you get to meet her tomorrow please let me know how she is.

    hi thereSimplymechanged2011-- I went to the siminar on the 2nd of December and Guess what,Ill be having my 1st appointment on Janurary 10 also,Maybe we will see each other my app.time is 3:20pm,Ill be looking forward to your next post on here to find out how eveything went maybe we can compair notes...you take care and maybe I will see you there...camille01

  19. even though I didn't ask the question I want to thank the person that did because the info really helped me also,I have my first appt on Janurary 10th 2011 and I am so excited about it,I was so glad that when I called to ask about the insurance the nurse sent me through email the exercise/weight form that my PCP has to fill out,I've gotten those started 2 months ago,so all is well,thank you for this Blog,it has helped me also...camille01

  20. Hi Pamalamadingdong user_popup.png Maybe thats the hospitals procedures that with that type of surgery you are requires to stay the night,or maybe with the info that the doctor has is his or her file it would be good to let you stay there,I havn't had my surgery yet but with some insurances they require for you to stay,maybe you have blood pressure problems or maybe diebetes or any little thing,when I go for my surgery I would love to stay just to make sure htat every thing is ok andI get enough rest,If you are that persistant about Im quite sure that they will either let you know the reason or will make an acception to let you go home..either way good luck with every thing and keep us posted on your progress...and If you can please relax and get some needed rest because this is a surgery ,..you can bring your MP3 or even some of your ravorite things to do like cards or eletriconics for fun to keep your mind occupied...Just relax it will be ok ...my prayers are with you...Camille01

  21. I am almost at the end of my rope! I have done all the steps needed, even checked my heart out as my Dr wanted. Now I wait until the call comes that I'm approved. I still need a date by end of year or I'm not sure I can do it without my insurance.....it starts new in Jan. I have even started the 2 wk diet.....2 wks ago! So when they call I'll be ready as soon as possible! I even went to a christmas party last night and had roast turkey and raw veggies,, drank Water. I didn't even have any lumpia I fried for the party, I knew if I even "tried" one that I would be wanting more! I keep saying maybe I'll hear something this week! I call my Dr to make sure he has sent everything he needs too! It's all up to them now.

    The good thing is I have lost 13 lbs on this low carb diet!! And I can tell! This is incouraging me to do more exercise and feel better!

    Hello,I am in the waiting stage too,I am not as far as you though,

    I went to my siminar and my 1st appointment is on Janurary 10th,so I know

    that it will be some time in the new yr before I will have my surgery done

    I understand what you mean by the stressfull waiting period,I wish you well but I

    think you need to call the Insurance company and put the fire under them,

    Just tell them that you have a surgery pending there desision and you want

    to know if they have come close to any answer as of yet,I hope everything

    turns out for the best,( its like a watch pot waiting to boil it won't happen while you are watching it ): it will happen when

    you take your mind off of it....good luck

  22. Has any one had GHI and BCBS? I havn't went to any appt.yet but I have went to a siminar and got a lot of info and I called the dr. office and she had me to start a 6 month diet ,I am on my 2nd month with my supervised diet by the time I go to my office visit on the 10th of Janurary it will be my 3rd month and I also have my referal...the nurse made sure that I was ahead of myself in getting my stuff ready...

  23. I've tried the chocolate unjury ad with milk, it tastes like chocolate milk, I did not taste any Protein flavor, which is excellent, so that is probably the one I will be drinking the most of. I plan on trying to drink the vanilla one for luch today (and see if I am able to handle it, and not having lunch so I can know what to expect on the pre op diet)

    I am going to have to get some SF kool aid and try that with the Isopure, because I can't stand the isopure, so the clear liquid part is looking to be a real challange. Is it the powder or the already liquid kool aid that we should try?

    Hello,I was reading your Blog and Notice a lot of different drinks on your page,you can look on line at GNC.com

    I know that GNC has a lot of the Protein Drinks on sale and you can get there rewards card for $10.00 and save 20-25% on your purchases the first week of the month,there you can pick and choose what you like to drink for your pre op-and post op. therereally good,they also have chewable vit and chewable Calcium on sale this time of the yr.

  24. I, myself will be banded hopefully in Dec! Im waiting for the 3 month diet that insurance requires to be over and then hopefully end of Nov I will know when my surgery date is. Im a bit scared but excited. Im also thinking bout not being able to eat on xmas or drink on nye :laugh: I hate waiting wish I could have done it earlier but the months are flying. This weekend I go in for my 2nd month follow-up and plan to schedule an early nov appt. ughhhh frustrating.

    Hi Fay,you were saying that you were waiting for your insurance

    approval and had to do a 3 month diet progran that they require.What Insurance do you have that only requires 3 month weight mgt program?

    I have Ghi and Im not forsure what they require but I'm waiting on my 1st appt.let me know Please?

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