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Posts posted by camille01

  1. Hi everyone!

    I'm new to this and have not been approved yet. I have qualified and expect a March/April date.

    Just wondering if a psych evaluation is required for everyone. I was told the requirements have changed since 2010 and this is new for 2011.

    Thanks all!

    Hello,I recently started going through the procedure,I went to my siminar on Dec 2,2010 and I had my first doctors visit

    on Janurary 10,2011 I was given my list of doctors visits I had to complete before scheduling a 2nd visit with my surgeon

    and yes we still have to be evaluated by the psyc. as a matter of fact I have my evaluation tomarrow Jan 25,2011 and I also have to complete

    a 6 months of weight management with my pcp.or the neutritionist.I chose to go to my regular doctor(pcp). there are some insurances that dont require different and some that do,so hopefully you have one that doesn't.I kinda glad that mine does so I will know that I'm ready when I do have my surgery,it makes me feel like I've earned it and I have someone else to answer to besides myself...hope your journey is a good one...keep us updated....camille01

  2. Hi, I am new at this? I am having to wait to see if i can get my BMI which is now 34.5 to 35 as I have 3 comorbidities. I have checked with my ins which is TRI Care Standard and should have no problems if my BMI is 35.

    Has anyone had to wait to increase or how to increase your BMI.

    hello,from my understanding,If you have 3 comorbidties you dont need any other excuse,you will quilify anyway.,,once you go to your siminar you can ask the surgeon who conducts the program,she or he will let you know..and your BMI fits the chart....you can go to www.lapband.com and there is a BMI chart there for baritaric surgery,..because the BMI charts are the same...hope everything goes good for you...camille01

  3. My surgery is in early Feb .. just wondering what people's experience has been about the benefits / disadvantages about "coming" out to friends and family about "going under the knife". I can see both sides ... great to have support .. but you might get so many negative opinions. I am certainly doing this for myself ... but am not good at lying. Your thoughts?

    hi there ,Just thinking about your blog..just think about it like this if you were going into rehab for something that you need to stop doing how many people would support you with your problem,(it could be clepto-is stealing-or alcholisim-or another problem that people go through for help...who do you think you can tell that really wont try to judge you for the problem that you have you are trying to get ride of .......(there is just a few people you can tell that you are going to weight lost clinic to get cancelling)---its your choice who you want to tell that you dont think you will be judged for what you are trying to do for yourself......just tell them that you are going to a weight lose clinic to get some help about your weight.....you will be gone for 1 week and you will have to go back everyother month for cancelling....you wont be lieing..just you wont be telling all the truth......camille01

  4. I am just wondering if anyone has ever went through GHI and BCBS because I am almost through my appointments,I was wondering if anyone has been approved through GHI-ppo,and the time limit that they have waited on the approval,I am not in a hurry but I dont want to have to wait,I am ready to start my journey with my new friends so that we can share our stories....

  5. I had my band from 10/09 until 1/7/2011 when it was taken out because of erosian. I am heart broken to loose this tool and have a broken heart now. I was successful and lost 97 pounds, no issues until I got strep throat two times, in Nov and Dec 2010, took Keflex and got H pylori bacteria. I have lost weight before and never kept it off. I want to have another band put in, but not sure. Insurance no issue as they will pay for this as it came out in medical emergency. My doc is not sure if he can put it back. Has this happened to anyone? I look good but want to keep the weight off and not sure if I can. I need help and something but what. I am not gaining weight, and not hungry, but I have some pain and am still on medication. Please give views on situation. I had band place and removed in Louisville KY,

    hello,I havnt been banded or had any other of the surgery yet,I am looking more towards the sleeve,I know it is new

    but I asked my doctor about the surgery and what she feels about the band and the sleeve,,she told me that she favors the sleeve over any other of the surgery,with the sleeve there is a hormone that causes you to be hungery and with the sleeve is it cut out ,,,please go to lapband.com or realizeband.comand view the part about the vertical sleeve...or go to verticalsleeve.come and please read some of the blogs about people that has the band removed and converted to the sleeve and they love it....I am just personally scared of the bypass ,,,,,but with that surgery you will never worry about stretching the stomach out....the sleeve can be streched but the doctor said that they never had the sleeve streched to the point of where the personhas gained over a few pounds.....check it out and let me know...camille01 and on verticalsleeve site I am sleevless4now.....look me up....please check it out

  6. hello nevrhome: just a few words to help you think,do you know that a person go into rehab to get away from a problem that they are facing ,well the lapband is like that program(rehab) that one goes into to get away from a problem,of course it takes a while and a few classes and several months get you thinking about your problem,( just like obesity),we go through so much being overweight but first we have to admit to our selves that we have a problem with eating and once we get the help we need to get away from our problem we try to avoid it at all possibility but it is still there no matter what you do then something its there to make us pay attention because there is no other way to get away from it.,,, the other lady's are right,....the lapband is a tool to help us realize that we do have a problem just like there's other programs,but they are here to help us get away from obesity but you have to want to do it for yourself,,,and your loved ones ,so you can be around to see your lil ones maybe graduate,or one that is in college finish school....but any way you have to want to do this for "you"

  7. I just wanted to know if anyone went through having shakes and when will they stop. I am starting to figure out that if i drink broth they calm down some.

    Any recommendations????

    ask your doctor about Iron supplements,maybe your blood level is low,

    I used to shake all the time and my blood was low,

    I just hav my blood test takem from the surgeon and they

    called and told me that I needed more Iron in my blood, my level was low.

    my toes stayed cold,,my nose too..so call the dr office and see what they recommend

    that you do.

  8. This is my experience too...I have been busy doing tons of tests, evaluations, and specialist visits, I'm assuming the insurance will cover all of them...since my insurance covers weight loss surgery. I have not even had my consultation with surgeon yet...My understanding is that once your primary gives the referral to bariatric program, that's enough to get the ball rolling...and for these visits & tests, they have only collected my co-pay.

    hello: along with the other doctors visits (yes they are covered) but thats not all,once you get the psyc visit,blood test,x-rays,neutrit,visit and the completionof the 6 months weight managements,you will still have to get a medical clearance from your pcp,before the surgeon will do the surgery, but everything that the dr. sends you to do they will be covered be the insurance and all you will have to pay is the co-pay......


    hello,I had the opportunity to speek with my surgeon about leakage and she said that

    if you dont have a leak with in the first 10 days of your surgery you wont leak,that was incurraging

    to me but you will need to write done all your questions ,start now ,,in order not to forget anything

    write it down and ask,,ask,,ask,,,because if you don't ask you will not know...that was my 1st question

    that i had asked,the second one was about the lapband and her preferance as to which one she thought gave the best results and she said the sleeve,,,now I was sure that I made the right choice,,

  10. Hi people, I'm going in this morning, sign in 6:30. Surgery 8:30, around 3-4 hours then recovery... out of recovery by 2 or so... thats what they say, lets see what happens! A little nervous about starting a new life with some old habits to contend with... think of me, I'll report back from the other side.... Kimrolleyes.gif

    congradulations, and hopefully im not too far behind you I have a few more test to complete,

    I'm also waiting on insurance approval,but I am happy for you so dont worry about those old habits

    ask God to help you contend with them as you face them and he will substain you....think slim

    ...I am very happy for you....sleevless4now........

  11. Hey guys... Bronx NY in the house... we should definitely get an NYC meet and greet one day.

    hello,I'm from the Bronx as well,I will be having my surgery at Monte-foire hospital on Gunhill road,the surgeons are wonderful and we do have a support group that meets there on Feb 1st,2011 if you can try to attend you would really be incouraged...there are a few friends thaat has had the bypass,sleeve and lapband,they tell there story on how they got to this point and how they got out,,you will enjoy your self and it last 1hr...from 6-7pm...if you come look me up my name is Marnetta Miller and I usually sit down front........sleevless4now.....

  12. hello,just a little input on the Vitamins, when you go for you 1st dr appointment, they have you to for blood tests,they check the blood for Iron and other Proteins, but the vitamins my doctor required for me to take was a 1 Multi-Vitamin adult formula,1 iron,or you can take a multi-vitamn with Iron included,calcium with vit.d included and B12, if you are prementapausal you need to take a b6 to help balance the hormons..but please check with your doctor.....when they have you to go for blood test the vitamins you take are based on your system,as to what your body is missing....sleevless4now.

  13. I'm not sure if t's all GNC's, but the ones in my area in New Mexico have Isopure RTD 20 0z. bottles on sale for BOGO 50% off. Not bad. I tried the green tea version and liked it.B)


    This sale lasts until 2/24/2011

    Hi Michelle Lee,I find that isopure is one of the best Protein drinks around it is high in Protein and the reviews on this product are wonderful....thanks for posting this,and also GNC has a membership card when you have one you can also get a 20% discount off as well as the bogo......enjoy and goodluck on your weight lost.....sleevless4now

  14. My surgery is in three days. I am soooo nervous. I have had surgeries before and have never really been very nervous before. I am so scared and I don't know why. I know that I will be at the hospital for 2 nights (all other surgeries have been outpatient) so that should make me feel better. I am liking the idea of the pain pump, but I am still just scared *&$less

    Hello:I don't want to tell you not to be nervious because being nervious showes 2 things( 1)that you really love you and want to do something to be around for a lil while longer and (2)that you are really depending on God,so when you go to the hosiptal say a prayer to the God Almighty and thank him for the freedom that he gave us to be able to make choices expecially the ones that allows us to want to love longer,this showes that you are relaying on him to get you through....Praying is a good thing...and being spiritual is even better....May God carry you through.....sleevless4now...but not for long...please blog and let us know how you are doing

  15. Hi, I'm new on the forum, I live in Québec Canada, I had a lab band for 3 years, lost 70 pounds the first year. I had a surgery last year (not related to the band) and they had to empty my band because I was to inflated, result I gaines 30 pounds and even if they restarded to refill my band, I'm still gaining wait.

    So I'm seriously thinking about the sleeve but reading your posted I realize that they can't do it in one surgery (taking out the band and proceeding with the sleeve), is that right?

    Thank you


    Hi frenchie,I was reading your blog and not forsure how much time has past sence you have posted it but you can go from the band to gastric bypass right away but there is a wait from the band to the sleeve.they have to let the area heal first I hope everything goes better for you,and I havnt had my surgery yet and my surgeon told me first and up front that she thinks that the sleeve would fit me better.....I was so glad to hear that before finding out too last because I am a big chicken anyway...it is 1 time and 1 time only for me unless.....what ever mey happen.....and that covers a lot of ground....thanks sleevless4now

  16. GOD! This head hunger is a killer isn't it! Sorry to be changing the subject but i'm dying I think. . . my tummy is fine (satisfied) but man would i love something to snack on . . anyhting. . .I'm drinking my Water as directed, but shoot this is awful! I didn't think i would have head hunger but man oh man. . . . doctor doesn't want us snacking AT ALL! This is only the beginning of week 2. . . any help would be appreciated

    I had to find a puzzle when I was quiting my old habits...within 2 month I completed 1,1000pc and started on a 2000 pc puzzle and finished them both so have fun with it..or you can buy some suger free drops and put 1 in your mouth to keep away that grumpy feeling because head hunger will P-you off if you dont get something to occupy your mind either that or it will make you upset quik........camille01

  17. I am not a big eater. I do not eat many sweets (ie Cookies, cake, junk food). I just need reassurance that I can still be a loser with a sleeve. I don't even eat half the volume my hubby eats. He weighs about 50 or 60 lbs more than me.

    Does losing weight make you more active and help with the loss? I was told my new tummy will only hold about 4 ounces. It seems like I would have to eat day and night to NOT lose weight with that small of a tummy.

    Hi there Kabinkitty,I'm not a big eater either,Problet if you take what I eat all day and put it on a plate it may make some one 1 good meal,I think thats where my weight comes from,I chose this surgery 1st because where I am such a small eater it will help me to want to maybe eat a lil more,I want to use this as a tool to help me control not to cut down what I eat but to help me to eat right,I eat 2 pc of rasin toast for Breakfast, I take my vitmans,calcium,and my regular meds after I eat breakfast,and the Water that I drink fills me up so I really dont get hungry till dinner and try not to eat after 5 oclock because my system slowes down and I am afraid that I will keep gaining weight,....trust me it is scarry that you dont eat to keep from gaining weight and your matabilisim comes to a complete stop and you cant loost what your body has stored up.....best of luck and keep us posted as to what you deside.....sleevless4now

  18. so i have all of this paperwork to fill out before the seminar on Jan 22nd. ive got the base of it finished, the last two pages are 30 questions for my insurance company representative.

    the first question is do i have benefits for weight loss surgery for morbid obesity if medically necessary? then, i choose yes or no. if yes, i am suppose to complete all 30 questions...if no, i need to ask the rep to read the exclusion to me, then it says if i have an exclusion in my policy, would i self pay for surgery, and i cant. and if i say no, i dont even go to the seminar, it just ends there.

    ive emailed a rep and all it said, point blank, is your plan does not cover obesity related surgeries. so is that it? its just over? I dont understand. i thought going to the seminar would help me through all of this. and i thought if it isnt included in my plan i can "challenge" it? am i wrong?

    Hi there,I just hope that I dont confuse you any more but I went to the siminar and thats where I picket up a packet of information,you are confusing yourself,if I was you I would call the hospital and ask the cordinator for the surgerys and ask her or him personally, Do you already have your surgeon picked out if so you need to go to the siminar and they give you some info to fill out and then you take it from there,(where did you get your papers at or your questionaire at? until you actually talked to the cordinator and got your packet from her I really wouldnt worry about it until you go to the siminar,,,they are there to answer questions for you so if you are sutck about that Just wait.....I contacted my insurance and had them to email me and tell me if my insurance covered the surgery,and of course they did and I took it to the canceltation with me and the girl told me that they did there own legg work and get there own approvel but I tell you she kept my coppy of the approvel letter that I took in...I thought that was crazy and she kept it anyway....best of luck sweetie and I hope everything goes well...camille01

  19. It's liquid!

    Up to 5 high Protein SlimFast shakes (I'm using powder + milk, cheaper and you get more liquid)

    One meal = 5 oz lean meat + 2 cups veggies

    FatSecret says I'm consuming 1200 cals.

    I'm doing 1 shake for Breakfast at 8am, lunch at noon, then Dickeys BBQ brisket platter with double green Beans at 4pm.

    I toss the bread and sauce into the trash.

    Then another shake at 8pm, go to bed at midnight.

    I'll keep my FatSecret logs updated every day from now on.

    hello: Im just getting started my dr's appointment is Jan 10th,I've been looking at GNC's powder on the internet and they have 1 that is highly recomended,it's the Isopure,,,look it up,its a little expensive but you wont go hungry and the taste is wonderful....check it out for yourself.....good luck and if you need a buddy I'll be there for incouragement....my name is Marnetta (my sign in name is sleevless4now...

  20. Hello I am A Bronx Beginner,I went to my 1st siminar at Monte-Foire Hospital on Dec 2nd And I am so excited but I am worried at the same time,The only 1 thing I have to get approved through the insurance , I am trying to get a major surgery approved now but the only thing I have had approved before was medication,Has anyone that has Ghi and Bcbs ever went over this hurdel.I am hopping that I can jump high enough to go over it with flying colors,,....please give me your input,I have already started the process without have insurance approvel and I dont want to be builded up for a big let down......If you are out there let me know if your dates are with mines I have my 1st appointment is on Jan 10th and the group meeting on the 11th,let me know if you have these dates at Monte-Foire around 3.00pm..(I need a buddy)..................camille01

  21. HEy Don't get discouraged,the 6 month weight management is to benifite you because I used it as a test because it gave me time to really think acout the surgery,and to make all the other Dr.'s appointments so Once you go to your siminar call and ask the nurse at the surgeons office and have her to e-mail you the form and print off 6 forms and get started,thats what I did and I thought it was a waste of time too but if you know it has to be done why not just do it,you dont have to rush your self in to loosing weight ,they want to know that you will wait and that you are giving it a try,trust me if you can do these test and stick with the program,you deserve the surgery,but make sure you do all the steps because if you miss any of them expecially the group therapy we have to do 2 times,they will start you back from square 1 and dont no body want to do that....just put your foot forward and don't take any steps backward.....goodluck and leep us posted with your progress because I will....I havn't had my surgery either but my 1st Appointment with the surgeon is in 5 days......camille01

  22. hello everyone when I went to my heart doctor she told me that I was pre menopausal and I know what really put me in that state,About 3 Yrs I went to my GYN and she ask me several question about my cycle and I told her honestly I was having bad ones and we schedule this procedure called NOVASURE you can look it up and ask your doctor about the bad peroids(bleeding) that you have and my heart doctor that reconized that I was in that condition,she told me to take 50mg of vitman b6 and after about 2 or 3 months It really helped with the mood swings and the hot flashes stopped,,,just check it out.....it wont hurt anything to look...go to www.novasure.com,,,,i havn't had a peroid in 3 yrs sence I've had the surgery.....camille01

  23. Hi everyone,

    I used to read the forums a lot back in May/June, when I first started my wls journey. I kinda slipped away, and here I am again, with quite a dilemna. Since I made the decision to have the lapband, I have not wavered about it. Recently I have been thinking about the band vs. bypass, mostly because almost all of my online friends have had the bypass, and are very happy with their decision. I have started to doubt myself and am worried that I might not succeed with the band. I don't like the idea of having my insides rewired, but I see that so many are having such great results. I don't know any people who have the band, in person and online. I would like to hear from bandsters who are having success with it, especially those are recently banded up to 1 year out. I need some support, help!

    Hi Susi,form my understanding once you go to your 1st dr.appointment they require you to attend a group meeting with some of the friends that have the band already and those who are undesided ,I have my 1st dr's appt.in 5 days if I see you on here ill let you know forsure but once I make my 1st appt.I will be going to a support group on the 11th ,I don't have the Band either and I am so excited....if you get a chance go to lapband.com and read and listen to some of those peoples story,,AND also there is the SLEEVE surgery that they don't reroute the intest.you can find info on this website for that surgery,I have a girl friend that wants that surgery....it sounds good but please make sure that this is what you want or it wont be a success story.......keep posting and let us know what you desided to do.....camille01

  24. So someone asked me a question today and I didn't know how to answer it. She said, "With what you eat after surgery, it's such a small amount, how is it different than you having an eating disorder?" Her point was, how is it healthy, we don't lose our hair etc. etc. It was a valid question and I'll be interested in taking the class to see what the answer is.

    Hi TaraRose, that is an interesting question , when you get a professional answer let me know....but I think personally,we are required to take Vitamins,Iron and calcum with Vitman d3 for the rest of our life,that is the main reason we dont loose our hair, we get our suppliment like that but if you think about it, in other countrys there are people who live off $1.00 a day and only eating 1 meal or having mush for Breakfast,lunch and dinner....yuck...but look at what a baby eats in a day time and the only reason he eats more is that we give them more,so if we can get full off of 1/2 cup of food per feeding at 1 sitting and remain healthy why question it,don't take me wrong but I bet the person that asked this question is heavy them self ...because I don't think a skinny person would ask how can you survive off of such a small amount....think about it.....keep posting..and give us some good news about your success....camille01

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
