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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by AquarianCrab

  1. AquarianCrab

    a silly little NSV

    Good for you! I've been trying to hold off on buying new stuff because I'm trying to save my money for my new goal wardrobe!. I'm trying to wear what I've got for as long as I can so I don't have to buy so many different sizes. I may have to rethink it though. On Friday, my sister took me for a manicure & pedicure for my birthday. She said she was embarrassed because my jeans and top were so big I looked like a bag lady. For some of the cheaper stuff, like panties and jeans, I'm going to take them in until I can't take them in anymore. I don't want to do that to my work clothes because they are more expensive and in excellent condition and I'm going to try to sell them at a yard sale so I don't want to alter the size.
  2. I add about a half scoop to a yogurt and a full level scoop to my oatmeal. I also add a packet of splenda to both. I honestly don't taste the Protein Powder.
  3. I use Unjury protein powder. I really like the chocolate splendor and the vanilla flavors, and the chicken soup flavor really does taste just like chicken soup! Best of all is their unflavored powder. I mix it into almost everything - scrambled eggs, oatmeal, mashed sweet potatoes, and even into yogurt to increase the protein content. It has no taste whatsoever.
  4. AquarianCrab

    A bit depressed...

    Here's what I did to conquer my sweet cravings. I bought some really yummy gummy multivitamins and calcium w/vitamin D. Every night a couple of hours after dinner, I sit down to eat my "treat". My mind knows it's the required vitamins, but my tongue thinks it's candy! So far it's working like a charm. (When I go get them from the pantry, I say to my husband, "time for my goodies").
  5. AquarianCrab

    almost passed out and got sick

    My surgeon said to put absolutely nothing on the incisions. Just bathe with plain, unscented soap & water and pat dry.
  6. AquarianCrab


    My surgeon said no alcohol at all for the first year, but the reason was because it will sabotage your weight loss.
  7. AquarianCrab


    I was wearing a 46C before beginning my pre-op diet, then down to 46B on surgery day. Today, at 4 weeks post op, I can comfortably hook the 46B on the next tighter eye, but the cup is too big. The extra fabric scrunches under my shirt and looks awful. In the meantime, for work I lay a folded up sock inside my bra underneath to help fill out the cup so it doesn't look so bad. When the band part is too big, then I'll buy a smaller cup size as well (geez, that's going to be an A.....)
  8. AquarianCrab

    Everyone says only eat if you are hungry, but...

    I'm 4 weeks post-op and never hungry. My surgeon said I have to eat 3x daily, even if I have to set an alarm clock to remind me, for nutrition's sake. Sometimes I get so busy I honestly forget, but then I get weak and dizzy, look at the clock and realize that I missed a meal. I did that a couple of times and it was scary so now I make sure I don't forget to eat.
  9. Me too. The Isopure was just awful. It had the worst aftertaste I'd ever experienced. So I tried the Biggest Loser protein water powder and the same problem. I was okay with the Special K protein water powder, but there's only 5g in one packet. Even with that, I could only drink the iced tea flavor. The strawberry kiwi was nasty and also had an aftertaste.
  10. AquarianCrab

    Post Op Symptom is Lingering

    I had the annoying feeling as well. In fact, in one spot it still feels that way 4 weeks later. I also had a ringworm infection (for those who don't know, it's not really a worm but rather a fungus) all over my abdomen about a week after my surgery. I'm not sure if the two were related, but I still have a sensitive spot and the ringworm is gone now thanks to a prescription cream.
  11. AquarianCrab

    Sabotaging couch?

    My mother forbade us to eat anywhere but the kitchen table and as soon as I moved out of the house I began to eat wherever I darn well pleased. When my sons were growing up, most of the time we ate in the car as they both had jobs (paper routes) and were both involved in sports but had different schedules (drop one off, get other dinner, drop him off, pick other up, get him dinner). We had our best conversations at those times, one on one in the car. When they didn't have practice, they ate where they wanted. Life is too hectic for kids, between school, homework, and sports to stress them out by demanding that they sit at the table, and everyone needs some daily alone time (kids included). After they grew up I was living alone and so I ate wherever. Sometimes in front of the TV or computer, sometimes in bed while reading a book, and every once in a while at the table while working a crossword puzzle. When it's just you, sitting at a table just to eat is, well, boring. I never found it to be a problem, really. I put my food on my plate, carried it to wherever, and ate what was on my plate. My problem wasn't where I was eating, it was that I was putting too much on my plate. Now I do the same thing, only with a smaller plate and less food.
  12. I absolutely dread figuring out what kind of exercise program I'm going to be able to do successfully. I'm 4 weeks out, so I need to figure it out soon. My problem: severe arthritis in one knee and moderate arthritis in the other. Even walking or standing at work (I'm a teacher) is extremely painful, sometimes unbearably so. (It's so bad I have a handicapped parking placard, just so you know how really bad I'm talking about here). My rheumatologist warned me because he thought I figured having the surgery and losing weight would make it go away. He keeps reminding me that it won't - the arthritis is there to stay. He said I may feel less pain as I lose weight due to less pressure on the joints, but I will never be pain-free. I was on medication for it, which helped, but I can't take it now because it presents a risk of severe stomach irritation. The pain was gone completely while I was taking my pain meds after the surgery, but now it's back. I've had a series of injections in my knee, been to physical therapy, and nothing gets rid of the pain. Sometimes it wakes me up in the middle of the night. I can't even climb steps left-right; I have to step right and then bring my left leg up to the same step. It's discouraging to say the least. Only 15 years ago, I used to walk 5 miles daily. Now it's all I can do to walk around my classroom while I teach. So, I've been stretching. I stretch and twist. I bend over and try to touch the floor. It just doesn't seem like enough. I pray that I can lose at least 100 of the 150 I need to lose to be healthy, with a please, God, please let me be able to walk 5 miles a day again. Anyway, my point is, you do what you are able to do. If it feels good and nothing hurts, then you're doing okay as long as you're moving.
  13. As a few others have said, I think sometimes it's just the way people write. It's hard to distinguish some types of humor/friendly sarcasm from real hurtful intent. Sometimes I have to think about what I read. If it rubs me the wrong way I reread it and try to figure out if maybe they were trying (albeit unsuccessfully) to be funny.
  14. AquarianCrab

    Waiting and Wishing

    I used my wait time to look up recipes and practice cooking.
  15. I was told that after I went under they would be inserting a urinary catheter. I suspect that's why you can't wear underwear.
  16. AquarianCrab

    New at this

    Oh my! I was also banded on 1/10/11 and you took the words right out of my mouth! So all I'm going to add is: Yeah - what she said!
  17. AquarianCrab

    Lapband cookbook

    I have the Dummies book and the Eating Well After book and a couple of others. I'm disappointed in the fact that the recipes make way too much food. I'd like to see a cookbook with recipes for only 1 or 2 servings. I don't want to make 4-6 servings (some even make 8) because I'll be eating the same thing all week! There is another forum for all WLS patients (not just bandits) that has a recipe thread. Many of the recipes were developed and posted by WLS patients so they make much less. I'd give you the name of the forum, but I don't know if that's good netiquette to suggest a forum on a post in a different forum. The other forum doesn't have as much traffic as this one, so many of the posts are old (as in years) but the recipe thread is excellent. If you can message me, I'll tell ya.
  18. My doc told me NOT to count calories! He said it will bias you and you'll eat all wrong. He told me 2 oz. every 2 hrs. even if you have to set an alarm clock to remind you, and you will get enough. I'm on soft foods now, and I will say that he was absolutely right. I had those 2 oz. of liquid every 2 hrs. (and yes, I did have to set an alarm to remind me) and I felt great the whole 2 weeks of liquids.
  19. AquarianCrab

    Day 4 Pain is this normal

    I'm 3 weeks out and I have tremendous pain every time I sneeze. My port is still very tender and burns from time to time. My mantra has always been: Home should be clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy. It's now: Home should be clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to remain healthy.
  20. I also got my band on the 10th and I'm on soft foods this week. I was told to eat only canned meats because they are soft and wet. My son made a big pot of chicken soup and picked the chicken meat and put it back into the soup. I was able to eat that but I haven't eaten any real meat. I figure if it's not on the list for the week there's gotta be a reason.
  21. AquarianCrab

    Day 1 of Mushies

    I had diarrhea until this week when I started soft foods.
  22. AquarianCrab

    Recovery/Returning to Work

    I had my surgery on a Monday, and took two weeks off. If I had it to do over, I would have taken three or four weeks. Although I felt good, it was tough going back to work and still eating mushies. I'm a teacher so my breaks are built into my schedule and I can't eat when I need to. I also can't eat in front of students. My doctor has me eating 2 oz. every 2 hrs. which is impossible with my teaching schedule. This week I'm on soft food and it's easier to pack a lunch, but I still can't get in the 2 oz. every 2 hrs. Most other teachers take off a month, but I thought it was excessive and went back after two. I wish I had stayed home longer. Not because I didn't feel up to it, but because of the food issue.
  23. AquarianCrab


    The Chobani yogurt is excellent if you add a packet of Splenda. I also ate some mashed potatoes that I added some unflavored protein powder and extra skim milk to make them thinner. I made a leek and potato soup that I pureed with a stick blender and that was satisfying. I poured some in a soup mug then added the chicken soup (Unjury) flavored protein powder to it. I also made plain oatmeal, and used protein powders to flavor it. I used banana nut bread and cinnamon roll flavored protein mix and it was very tasty. I tried eating some baby food (meats and veggies) and they were awful. I remember tasting it when my kids were babies and thought it was good, but this new stuff is just plain nasty. The dog loves it mixed in with his soft canned food though, so it won't go to waste.
  24. AquarianCrab

    moving on to soft food tomorrow - help

    I will be starting soft foods tomorrow, too. I was told any canned meat is soft enough for this stage. Also most fish is soft enough to eat now. Fibrous veggies like salads, celery, green Beans, etc. are still no-nos. Carrots are ok if cooked well, as are peas. Most beans are good, too. I found a recipe for fish cakes made with white beans instead of potatoes and I'm going to make that tomorrow for my first "real" meal. I'm so sick of soft, yucky mush and my teeth are dying to chew. It's been at the point yesterday and today that I don't even want to eat because none of the mushies even look appetizing to me. Just the thought of eating anything mushy makes me want to puke. Right now my son is making a venison stew for my husband for dinner tonight. I'm glad I don't like venison or I'd be jonesing to have some as well. I told my husband I was going to pick up a pint of wonton Soup and chop the wontons up into tiny pieces and he said "no - you're not supposed to eat real food until tomorrow". I don't understand what difference 12 hours makes, since I'll be trying an egg for Breakfast tomorrow.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
