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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by rktaurus71

  1. THANK YOU. Forgive me, but I have not been misguided. I am COMPLETELY aware that the lap band is merely a tool --- BUT that tool IS supposed to restrict hunger. My doctor and nutritionist both say so -- otherwise what's the point. I will let you know how my next fill goes!

    Oh, how I feel your pain! I'm not sure what size band I have because I have never asked, but I had my first fill of 2.4 cc today. Unfortunately, I'm still hungry and the tummy is growling as usual. Also, that nasty hunger headache is here as always too.

    To clear up any misconception that some people may have, I NEVER went into this thinking that the band was anything more than a tool. I am very aware that being banded is a lifestyle change. Even so, I did go into this expecting the band to be the tool that helps me to not over eat as over eating is what made me need the band in the first place. If the band does not give me enough restriction and I am going to be hungry forever, then the band is not doing what it was designed to do.

    Correct me if I am wrong rktaurus71, but I think your expectations from the band are the same as mine. Good luck moving forward and I hope your hunger pains leave soon!

  2. Hello,

    I'm one month since surgery. I have an 11 cc band. Because I was so hungry, my doctor gave me a fill. I'm now at 5cc's. I don't feel ANY restriction, so basically I am just dieting (and working very hard at dieting), but I feel just like I always did on a diet --- no energy and very very hungry. At what point will I feel the restriction? My doctor is going to give me another fill on Monday. I'm feeling dismayed.sad.gif

  3. Thanks, Cheri! You're the best. It's all a bit confusing. I'm trying to just eat light and when I want to snack I have hummus or 0% sugar free greek yogurt. Oh, what a journey. I just want to lose, lose, lose, but I know I have to be patient. I think I started to feel my fill last night for the first time - I felt full and had some back pain from eating too fast (something I'm working on). But I'm still very very hungry, so I'm looking forward to finding what they call the "sweet spot" in my band.

    Hey Ross,

    Listen to them. Their menus sound good. I never have much hunger so I eat weird. I have 2 big cups of coffee for Breakfast. About 4:00 pm I will eat a Protein bar. About 7:00 pm I will have either tacos or taco salad for dinner. Sometimes part of all of low carb Protein shake before working out.

    When I was first starting out like you I ate eggs for breakfast and a measured out 3/4 cup amount of chicken salad with eggs, FF mayo and eat the same for dinner. The rest of time is drinking all that Water.

    I tend to pick something I like and stick with it. I did chicken salad for 7 months straight. I bought big cans of white chicken meat at Sam's (Costco) and made enough for the whole week so I did not have to think about food just get my bowl out and fill it up and that was it.

    I have been considering getting a juicer because I hate vegetables except the bad ones. So I thought I could drink my veggies. I do best when I do very low carb NOT no carb but low carb. I also eat low carb yogurt love it!


  4. THANK YOU SO MUCH, THIS IS GREAT rolleyes.gif

    This is one of my days of food... Or to generalize it, Maybe 3 meals, 300 calories or less each, then 1 or 2 Snacks 100 calories or less. This is "soft" foods, haven't ventured into solids yet, (gotta go shopping, but i'm sure this will work)

    1/4 Cup Egg Beaters (30 cal, 6 protein) 1/2 serving 2% mexican blend cheese (40 cal, 3.5 protein) 1 tbsp Salsa Verde (5 cal, 0 protein) 1 packet oatmeal (120 cal, 4 protein) 1 tsp of Brown Sugar (15 cal, 0 protein) (I made oatmeal because i realized 1 serving of egg beaters was way to small! and I really like breakfast) 1/2 cup Fresh & Easy Cranberry chicken salad (~180 cal, 11 protein) 5 Water crackers (90 cal, 2 protein) "Taco Salad" 1/2 Cup Ground extra lean ground turkey (120 cal, 26 protein) 2 tbsp Salsa Verde (10 cal, 0 protein) 1 serving 2% mexican blend cheese (80 cal, 7 protein) 1 tbsp lite sour cream (40 cal, 2 protein) 1 whole grain taco shell smashed (55 cal , 2 protein) (then I broiled the top if you were curious ahha, or i'll do that with mozzarella and Pasta sauce) Later I had more "taco salad" with less stuff 1/2 Cup Ground extra lean ground turkey (120 cal, 26 protein) 2 tbsp Salsa Verde (10 cal, 0 protein) 1/2 serving 2% mexican blend cheese (40 cal, 3.5 protein) 1 tbsp lite sour cream (40 cal, 2 protein) 995 calories, 63 protien 40 minutes of cardio burned about ~300+ calories


    Didn't your doc give you any nutritional advice/menu

    We are to eat healthy - Low Fat - Limited Sugar - Limited Carbs

    Always eat Protein 1st..

    BF - Greek Yogurt & fruit - or Egg Beater w/a little ham & cheese - or Steel Cut oatmeal - or a piece of meat

    or a pt shake w/fruit

    lunch - salad w/protein - or meat & Veggie

    dinner - Fish/Meat/Chicken - Veggies &/or salad - 1/4 c rice

    Snacks - 100 cal popcorn - Yogurt - SF Fudgesicles - SF puddings

  6. I've tried them all! There is only ONE I really like and it is so easy to get (no powder or mixing, either). CARNATION INSTANT BREAKFAST "NO SUGAR ADDED". Available by the case on Amazon.com --- I think they taste really good and don't have that weird protein-shake-synthetic taste.

    So i am on day five of my 14 day pre-op diet. Mine consists of 2 shakes for 2 meals and 1 low carb meal (under 400 cals). I can also have a yogurt/fruit and another shake for Snacks. I have collected a small army of whey Protein samples and have been trying them out since i cant go back to normal food until 6 weeks after surgery. **yikes**

    I would love to start a thread for everyone to share some of the brands of Protein Shakes or low calorie frozen meals in order to help out those on the diet or going on the diet. Please let me know the shake/powder/meal brand and flavor and why you loved it or why it made you gag. I have around 14 other sample packs to go so i will keep updating as long as everyone else does or some interest is shown.

    Syntrax nectar Cappucino: absolutley loved it. Tasted like bottled starbucks frappucino. Mixed with skim milk easily with a spoon. Didnt sound like a flavor i wanted to mix with Water even though it states you can.

    Syntrax Nectar Fuzzy Navel: Hated it. Even drank half the glass to see if it would grow on me. No Protein after taste i just personally dont like peachy juice. This line of protein powders state they can be mixed with Water and with a spoon. They can but finding a flavor you like is key. They do taste like juice which is what they advertise. Will be trying lots more flavors in near future.

    Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein (chocolate): Bought a big tub of this at Walmart. Mixed with milk. Ok taste. Has that wangy bitter protein aftertaste but is not as bad as others. Doctored this several times with either sugar and fat free pudding, instant coffee, or with davinci Syrup (<-def a product to check into). This powder needs mixed with a shaker. A spoon just makes clumps.

    Atkins Advantage Mocha Latte Shake: Wouldn't drink this every day but it is very convenient if you are going somewhere you dont want to lug around powder or milk. Not as bad as the Body Fortress but no where as good as the Syntrax Nectar Cappucino.

    Will be trying unjury unflavored tonight!! And the Luna chocolate and Peanut Butter Protein Bar. (sounds so yummy)

  7. Hello,

    I'm 4 weeks out from surgery. I initially lost weight because of the liquids, then gained a few pounds back over the holidays. I now have a 5cc fill in an 11 cc band and am still hungry. More importantly, I'm going off of mushies and onto "regular food" this week. Since I 'm re-learning, i really don't know what to eat. It sounds stupid, I know, but I'm not much of a cook (I live in New York and usually go out or pick up). For the mushies I'm eating tons of hummus, o% sugar free yogurt, fat free cottage cheese, scrambled eggs. When I move to 'regular food', I'm just not sure what an average day should look like. I desperately want to be losing weight. I would love to see what kinds of things you eat during the day and in the evening. Thanks for your help.

  8. I tried the Muscle Milk lite and really disliked it. BUT, BUT, BUT, I found one that I really like - even love and it is SO easy to get. CARNATION INSTANT Breakfast "NO SUGAR ADDED". You can buy it on Amazon.com and have it the next day.

    I was at costco today and bought a package of Muscle Milk lite....I have never tried it before and probably should have but I got it anyway and was wondering from others out there if it taste good...

    I have tried many different Protein Drinks and have yet to find the one I really like...

    Please comment if you have tried it and liked/disliked it Thanks....

  9. Hi Scuffy,

    It's a little too early for me to call myself a "success story" because I just had surgery one month ago. But, I wanted to say how much I understand. Having gone through it all now, I am THRILLED that I had the surgery. I can already feel a difference. I am so tired of the self-hate of wondering exactly what you said "how did I let myself get this way". I'm so tired of not fully participating in life. We are obese. It's a horrible thing to have to say and write. But, we are not bad people. We are NOT weak people. Instead, like millions and millions and millions, we have a problem with food. THERE IS NO SHAME WHATSOEVER in pursuing the band. I spoke to my therapist many times before going through this --- she put it so well. She said "Look, you have a problem. You've tried EVERY diet. And now, guess what, you're trying something new. You should be PROUD for exploring this." She was right. I didn't have the patience to wait for my health insurance company (6 months of supervised dieting), so I went ahead and paid for the surgery. I have a fantastic surgeon who has walked me through everything. Whatever you decide, just please remember ---- you are not alone. Stop beating yourself up. I wish you all the best and feel free to ask me any questions.

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new here and new to considering the Lapband surgery. To be honest, the idea has kicked around in my mind for quite a awhile, but I guess I was not ready. I've done a lot of soul searching, and although I wish I could lose all this weight "on my own," I realize now, I need help. I'm excited at the idea of being healthier and able to do things with my granddaughter that I could not do with her mother because of my weight, like go horse back riding. I know it will be a long journey, and I'm literally at the starting point. I go to the WLS on the 10th of this month, and then will start the process to see if I am approved. I think I will be; I need to lose 150lbs, I'm diabetic, have high blood pressure and sleep apnea---wow, when I write those conditions out I could cry. How did I let myself get to this point?

    I would appreciate any success stories and words of support anyone can offer. I am here to be supportive of everyone in return. I think we all can relate to the pain of being morbidly obese and the dream of changing it.


  10. You are SUCH an inspiration. I am having my surgery on Tuesday and TRYING to quit smoking :( I'm nervous about the surgery and I really want the weight loss to work. Your story is so exciting!

    I read all these failure stories on here and I hope they dont put anyone off having the band, it may have put me off if I had found this site pre op. This will change your life if you let it!!. I did one week pre op - cheated on that, gave up smoking a couple of days before surgery. Had the op, had very little pain. Followed my own post op diet ( 10 days of liquids and the 5 days of soft and then about 14 days of solids). Then I had my first fill 5 days ago. I had 4cc when banded and they put 3 more in. I was solids on the first day after fill and had very little restriction, then in past three days I have really felt the restriction kick in and it feels good. I have spent my life struggling with food and ciggerettes and it feels liberating to be a slave to neither! I know I am still very new to this and people who have been banded for a long time may think that this is just the novelty and maybe it is but I will ride this feeling as long as I can. 6 weeks ago I had high sugar levels and hypertension, right now I have neither. I am down 37 pounds in 5 1/2 weeks, I am exercising a bit more but nothing crazy. I am 5-7 and currently about 230lbs. Anyone considering this surgery, stop considering and just do it, it will be the best choice of your life. :wink2:

  11. I would love to talk to you. You can message me or e-mail me either one.


    Hi Cheri! Thank you so much for responding! My surgery is Tuesday and I'm getting a bit anxious about it, and the first 10 days after. Not sure what to expect. You can e-mail me directly at rk@filmrk.com --- it is SO NICE to be in touch!!! Ross

  12. Hi,

    I'm having my surgery on December 7th! I'm nervous as hell. And I TOO am at war with these shakes. It feels so impossible. Don't feel weak or bad about yourself --- apparently they don't prepare you for the nightmare of the pre-op liquid diet. I had non fat yogurt this morning. Don't tell anyone!

    I know i should be following the dietitians advice but me and Optifast are at war here, I've taken my shakes plus i've been nibbling (i know) sux. My op is on the 6th of Dec. Im not sure if i can even old out until then since a nibble here and there is gonna stuff up my chances even having the op. i am weak i know and i can't even hide behind the lines ' the devil made me do it' and does anyone feel scared of having this surgery done cos im scared as hell..................................just wondering

  13. Hello,

    I'm on the fourth day of the liquid diet for pre-op. I'm using Carnation No Sugar Added shakes. They taste fine. But I'm starving. Is there ANYTHING I can supplement this with. My doctor told me 'off the record' that I could eat thanksgiving dinner --- ?? which surprised me. So, if I could break the diet for that , can I add 0% greek yogurt or something? Anyone else have a brutal time with the pre-op part? Thanks for the support.

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