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Honey's Child

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Posts posted by Honey's Child

  1. Hey Everybody!

    The pouch test should only be a gradual increse in Protein. So you start with liquid Protein for 2 days, soft Protein for 2 days and then solid protein for the last day.

    Soft protein could be tuna, or any kind of fish, cottage cheese etc...

    More solid protein would be chicken, grilled meats, steak, etc

    From what I've read, we can't eat veggies during this time.

    I actually completed my 5 days and I lost like 2.3 lbs. Not good enough! LOL

    Has anyone had any success??

  2. Hey Everybody,

    I've been enjoying getting into high gear with my workouts, especially since I've started Spin class and using my XBox 360 Kinect. But I am finding that my workout partner (my husband) is not as motivated as me. And when he doesn't feel like working out, he tries to discourage me. I don't know if it's on purpose or what. But I am kinda feeling like I am in this by myself. Most of my friends are either broke or live out of town, so I don't have anyone to work out with! It's very frustrating.

    So my question is...how do you stay motivated when you're by yourself?

  3. I have the Wii fit which I love! One thing I like is the customized goal setting and fitness plans that it offers. I also like the fact that it takes all of the work out of remembering what your last measurments and weight was. Each day you can do a body test to see where you stand.

    However XBOX 360 KINECT IS THE NEXT BIGGEST THING!! I love it!! No balance board or controllers. So if you weigh more than 330 lbs, no worries, you can still workout and get the full benefit. Games like Biggest Loser, Zumba Kinect and Kinect Sports are just some of the ones that can really get you a great work out. I had friends over on yesterday and we played Kinect sports for about 2 hours...my body bug read that I had burned over 600 calories!!

  4. Hey Everybody,

    For those of you that stated you were starting the Pouch Test today, I am opening the forum! We can come here, document what we are consuming and ask questions. Veteran bandsters are welcomed!!

    Even if you're not doing the pouch test, any type of jumpstart back into your WAY OF EATING is welcomed. Please, only positive and constructive feedback.

  5. Hi Missy!!

    That's a great idea. If you want we can all do it next Monday - Friday. That will give us our 5 days....I am going to be logging my menus here as well as on FB for all those that are watchin me lose.


    I don't think that's a stupid question at all. I ididn't buy the book about the 5 day pouch test. However, I know its focus is more on low carb high Protein options. Since Beans are higher in carbs, I would say stay away from them during the pouch test.

  6. Wow!! Thanks everybody for the feedback...I am trying it now. I find the liquid phase the hardest to follow, but I am going to give it a whirl and see what happens. I've been working my butt off in the gym and I'm ready to see some serious results.

  7. I am starting a new Facebook page this weekend called Letitia WatchMeLose Young. I will be documenting my weightloss journey in 2011. You will be able to witness my successes, triumphs, menus, workouts etc...

    I want to be a help to someone that may be just starting out, and I need all the support and motivation to keep going. I want to extend an invitation to all of my lapband talk buddies.

    If you would like me to send you a friends request and add you to my page, please send me an inbox message on lapband talk or just reply here. I look forward to going on this journey with you!

  8. I am starting a new Facebook page this weekend called Letitia WatchMeLose Young. I will be documenting my weightloss journey in 2011. You will be able to witness my successes, triumphs, menus, workouts etc...

    I want to be a help to someone that may be just starting out, and I need all the support and motivation to keep going. I want to extend an invitation to all of my lapband talk buddies.

    If you would like me to send you a friends request and add you to my page, please send me an inbox message on lapband talk or just reply here. I look forward to going on this journey with you!

  9. I am with you!!! I need to kick into high gear as well. I am starting a Facebook page for all of my friends to watch me lose weight...video blogs, menus and daily motivational posts!!! It's time to take my life back. I was banded on 02/08/10 an I've lost about 70 lbs this month. I am trying to have a baby and everything this year. I am desperate for this...

    Thanks for being the catalyst to get us motivated!!!

  10. Hey Everyone!!

    I am starting a new Facebook page this weekend called Letitia WatchMeLose Young. I will be documenting my weightloss journey in 2011. You will be able to witness my successes, triumphs, menus, workouts etc...

    I want to be a help to someone that may be just starting out, and I need all the support and motivation to keep going. I want to extend an invitation to all of my lapband talk buddies.

    If you would like me to send you a friends request and add you to my page, please send me an inbox message on lapband talk or just reply here. I look forward to going on this journey with you!

  11. I recently had an adjustment. I haven't felt like I've hit my sweetspot in a long time but I am not sure if this is it. I can eat a fairly good amount of food, but not a whole lot. But I don't feel hungry at all during the day. I've been trying to eat something, but whenever I do, I feel overfull. If I'm not hungry, should I just not eat. How will I get my grams of Protein in otherwise. Am I to tight if I don't feel hungry?

    Not to sure what the sweet spot feels like. Can someone help me??

  12. Hello!

    I am not new to LBT, but for some reason I couldn't sign on with my old login stuff when they changed it to this version.

    However, I am about 9 months post op. At first, I had a lot of momentum, now it seems like the thrill is gone. I don't know what to eat. Should I still be measuring food? I am also suffering from CARB CRAVINGS!!! It's killing me. Plus I need some help on what to do for a work out.

    I just need a positive successful person to be accountable to. I am ready to get back in high gear before January...no New Year's Resolutions for me! Time is now.

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