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Cleo's Mom

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cleo's Mom

  1. Cleo's Mom

    Jobless Rate Falls, Good Job Republicans!

    You're acting like a 16 year old The crap you're spewing You sound ignorant You are sadder with every post You screwed up WTF is wrong with you. Get over yourself You are an elitist of epic proportions You have zero class whatsoever The above are your insults to me personally but I didn't report you. I guess I hurt your feeling and you reported me.:sad: Boo hoo. Well have fun arguing with yourself.
  2. Cleo's Mom

    Oh Such Questions

    What does it feel like to be stuck? Well, my worst stuck episode took me to the ER. It was by far the worst pain of my life. I couldn't even talk to the admitting nurse. I am sure getting shot could not have been more painful. I was given strong narcotics (didn't help) and unfilled. I spent the night in the hospital and it resolved itself eventually. The upper GI the next day showed everything was okay. But if it hadn't resolved, they would have had to go in their with instruments to remove the food.. The lesson here is not to get stuck but few people escape it. Good luck to you.
  3. Cleo's Mom

    Jobless Rate Falls, Good Job Republicans!

    Actually I spoke too soon. Republicans Take Credit for Jobs Report By: David Dayen Friday March 4, 2011 10:36 am It was inevitable and not really even worth rebutting that Republicans are somehow taking credit for today's decent February jobs report. Before I introduce you to their argument, let's go over the three (3) bills that have passed since Republicans came into control of the House: 1) renaming a courthouse in Arizona after John Roll, who was murdered in the Tuscon shooting; 2) extending the Patriot Act for 90 days; 3) extending government funding for two weeks, with $4 billion in cuts added. Now, the third one happened this week, so it wouldn't have any impact on February jobs numbers. So unless an army of 100,000 people are changing the nameplates on that Arizona courthouse, and the other 100,000 are busily employed getting wiretaps on US citizens, Republican "credit" is totally bogus. But you see, their argument isn't based on any legislation passed, but just a feeling. This is from Jeb Hensarling, chairman of the House Republican conference: The improvement in our nation's jobs report is welcome news and demonstrates the resilience of the free enterprise economy in spite of the onslaught of the Democrats' big government agenda. But the real question is why is it taking so long and why is the recovery so weak? The modest improvement can be attributed to two factors the free-market economy is slowly moving toward a recovery from this deep recession, and with Republicans controlling one lever of the lawmaking powers, job creators know the upper limits of the Democrats' legislative pain is behind them. Nothing can be more uncertain than what Republicans have put the economy through over the past month. They waited until the final days to extend the government's funding, and then did so only for two weeks. Nobody knows how things will turn out after March 18. They haven't given too much certainty about raising the debt limit, which could cause a financial catastrophe. They want to block implementation of the health care law, which has a massive impact on businesses and creates significant uncertainty about what their costs as employers will end up being. Same with the effort to block EPA regulation of greenhouse gas emissions. It wasn't so long ago like months when uncertainty was seen as a the biggest obstacle for job creation. Republicans ushered in a whole mess of it. But, House Speaker John Boehner says, it was the tax cut deal that really stopped the bleeding here, and brought certainty to job creators. Those would be the tax cuts which expire again in less than two years (some of them in less than a year, actually). But Boehner actually gives the credit to "the American voters" for forcing the tax cut deal forward. OK, it's at least a little more modest. But let me then ask another question. The American voters have no interest in massive near-term budget cuts, not when you ask them about specifics. This has been polled time and time again with the same result. Yet the House GOP plan would cut those budget items in the near term, risking hundreds of thousands of jobs in the process. So when those cuts kick in, will Boehner take credit on behalf of the American voters, who told him and his colleagues in no uncertain terms that they didn't want them, or the economic fallout that resulted from them? Somehow, I think not.
  4. Cleo's Mom

    Jobless Rate Falls, Good Job Republicans!

    If you're talking to me about insults you need to follow you own advice. As to the subjects of my posts - I will feel free to post about the topics I choose. Last time I checked moderators didn't lock threads just for people going off topic.
  5. Cleo's Mom

    Jobless Rate Falls, Good Job Republicans!

    A new Rasmussen poll in Wisconsin shows Governor Scott Walker, who won with 52% of the vote just four months ago, has become incredibly unpopular, with 57% of likely Wisconsin voters disapproving of Walker. And that's Rasmussen, the most Republican leaning polling outfit on earth! 48% of these voters strongly disapprove of him, while only 43% approve of the job Walker has done. This may be one of the most dramatic reversals in public opinion we've ever seen. Jon Terbush of TPM reports that almost 80% of public union members disapprove of the Governors strong-arm approach to governance. 67% of families with children in school disapprove, with 54% disapproving strongly. I have felt that this would be a victory for Unions and for Democrats, but I am shocked by how fast Governor Walker's political ship is sinking.
  6. Cleo's Mom

    Jobless Rate Falls, Good Job Republicans!

    Even the hypocritical republicans haven't tried to take credit for this. If the tax cuts to the wealthy helped create jobs then since the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 we would have seen that. Instead during bush's regime we went from 4.1% to 8% unemployement before bush's disastrous economic policies combined with wall street greed took us to a 9.8% unemployment. Now that Obama's economic policies and payroll tax cuts to the working people, among other things, has had a chance to take effect, it's working. Great job, Obama, keep up the good work. And BTW, the republican's economic policy relying heavily on spending cuts would destroy this fragile recovery and cause the loss of 700,000 jobs. They had absolutely nothing to do with this recovery and everything to do with the crisis.
  7. Cleo's Mom

    Have we forgotten to RESPECT one another?

    Very well said. And SO true. Thank you for your support. I am so glad the band has worked so well for you - and effortless, too. Isn't that what we all wanted when we got the band? And when it didn't work out for some of us, like it did for you, that is no reason to blame or judge. That is the time for support. And what ever happened to a little bit of old fashioned sympathy? I wish you continued good luck with your lapband journey.
  8. Cleo's Mom

    Democrat COWARDS

    Hey, look over here, some of her posts are long, etc.. Oh, you can't read them. Boo hoo, but I do sympathize. I know it takes a certain amount of intelligence to read and understand my cut & paste posts, so I can understand why you can't do it.
  9. Cleo's Mom

    Have we forgotten to RESPECT one another?

    I agree. I think successful bandsters should be congratulated. I think struggling posters who ask for help should be given help - suggestions, good advice, etc.. things that worked for you. I don't think any struggling bandster needs to be judged, criticized or told that they are a failure because the band doesn't fail you, you fail the band. Successful bandsters post all the time about their journey. That is great and it encourages others. Struggling bandster post too but are often afraid because they get criticized and blamed. And you're right, until we've walked in the struggler's shoes - who are we to be judgemental? So, this seems to be something we can all agree on.
  10. Cleo's Mom


    Not preachy at all. Thanks for this great and informative post. This is EXACTLY the kind of posts that I think struggling bansters need to read. Full of great information and suggestions, not judgemental, not "you failed the band, it didn't fail you", etc.. Thanks again. I will copy this and give it a try.
  11. Cleo's Mom

    Democrat COWARDS

    Nice try, again. But you asked for proof in #154, I supplied it in post #155 - which you didn't read all the way through, because you again asked for proof in #157. And you call asking for proof a second time after I supplied it somehow my fault? Get over yourself. Typical con thinking.
  12. Cleo's Mom


    Just as I thought, you have nothing to back up your specific accusations and attacks against me. I sure hope that your experience with the band is successful and it doesn't fail you but there are no guarantees. And as far as those who don't want to read these posts - well, I guess they can stay off this thread or skip over them. Good luck to you, too.
  13. Cleo's Mom

    Democrat COWARDS

    Yeah, I did. It's in post #155. You asked for proof in post #157.
  14. Cleo's Mom

    Democrat COWARDS

    Nice try but the IRS Commissioner said it and it's good enough for me. I don't have anything beyond what he said to prove.
  15. Cleo's Mom

    Democrat COWARDS

    Florida Governor Rick Scott Rejects Funding for Tampa-Orlando Intercity Rail Project Yonah Freemark February 16th, 2011 | 328 Comments» Despite its capital costs being almost entirely covered by Washington and plenty of evidence that private investors want to move forward, project is off the tracks for now. Just days after the White House revealed its ambitions for a $53 billion, six-year plan for an American high-speed rail network, the place where it was all supposed to begin now appears to be out of the running. Today, Florida Governor Rick Scott ® announced that he would refuse $2.4 billion in federal funds to build a rail line between Orlando and Tampa. The project’s construction would have required $280 million in state aid to be completed, but projections had indicated that the line would cover its own operating costs. The Obama Administration has funded the project more than any other outside of California and hoped that the scheme, which would have opened in 2016 as the first line in a nationwide network, would serve as a model for the rest of the country. Numerous private corporations — including international conglomerates such as Siemens, Alstom, and JR East — have indicated that they would be willing to pick up the state’s tab and cover construction and operations risks, in exchange for the right to operate the trains. Yet Mr. Scott has moved to squash the project nonetheless, acting before those companies were supposed to respond to the state high speed rail authority’s request for proposals. This is a shortsighted move that will only benefit others: The federal funding will be redistributed to projects in states such as California and Illinois. Citing concerns that the project’s costs would spin out of control and that taxpayers would be burdened with operating subsidies, Mr. Scott argued that fiscal prudence gave him no choice. The Governor apparently has no trust in the private companies he claims to laud, failing to give them a chance to demonstrate their interest in the project. He apparently has no interest in offering his citizens the opportunity to pioneer a mode of transportation that has been repeatedly scuttled, in Florida and elsewhere, by the distinctively American ability to ignore the potential benefits of intercity rail. Indeed, while the Governor’s decision may have been framed in a rhetoric of financial austerity, the hastiness of the announcement and its timing just after the unveiling of the President’s high-speed rail proposal indicates that intercity rail, more than ever, has become a tool for partisan disagreement. Republicans all over the country, inspired by the refusal of federal funds for rail systems by Governors in Ohio and Wisconsin, have rallied against almost every such project. The House GOP budget, which would gut the rail program — as well as transit capital projects — is only a continuation of this crusade. What does this say about the state of American transportation? Is the status quo, in which the vast majority of Americans get around only by car for short to mid-range journeys, ramping up congestion and increasing environmental degradation, acceptable? Do we have any interest in developing a future vision for our cities or our society as a whole?
  16. Cleo's Mom

    Democrat COWARDS

    I'll tell you what - why don't you call IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman - I am sure he would be glad to give you the information you seek. Another reason the republicans want to weaken the IRS through budget cuts is because they will have a large role in enforcing (through tax codes) the Affordable Health Care. Horrors, we can't have that. WASHINGTON — Every dollar the Internal Revenue Service spends for audits, liens and seizing property from tax cheats brings in more than $10, a rate of return so good the Obama administration wants to boost the agency's budget. House Republicans, seeing the heavy hand of a too-big government, beg to differ. They've already voted to cut the IRS budget by $600 million this year and want bigger cuts in 2012. The IRS has dramatically increased its pursuit of tax cheats in the past decade: Audits are up, property liens are up and asset seizures are way up. President Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress see stepped up enforcement as a good way to narrow the nation's staggering budget deficit without raising tax rates or cutting popular spending programs. "It makes little sense to cut the agency that collects revenue," said Rep. Jose Serrano of New York, the top Democrat on the House subcommittee that oversees the IRS budget. IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman told the committee Tuesday that the $600 million cut in this year's budget would result in the IRS collecting $4 billion less through tax enforcement programs
  17. Cleo's Mom


    Thank you. I think my post is the kind that are helpful to struggling posters. I think they need support, understanding, some good advice and some concrete suggestion and some sympathy, too.
  18. Cleo's Mom


    See how easy it was for you and me to reply with a non-jugdemental and helpful post even to an OP who says they were doing many things wrong with regard to eating. But the bottom line was they were struggling and deserved our help. Can you tell me what you ate when you did the low carb thing? Did you just drink Water? I don't think I can give up my decaf coffee with artificial sweeter but I could try. You and I have had such a similar experience. I would love to get to the no hunger point. Only ever had it for two reasons in my life - labor & childbirth and stomach flu - never from the band. Give me a run down of what you ate for a day or couple of days. Thanks.
  19. Cleo's Mom

    Democrat COWARDS

    The republican political strategy explained: A corporate CEO, a teapartier and a union worker sit down and 12 cookies are placed in front of them. The CEO takes 11 and says to the teapartier: "That union guy wants yours."
  20. Cleo's Mom

    Democrat COWARDS

    Part 2: Over the last 10 years the top oil companies have made profits of almost a trillion dollars. Trillion with a T But a bill to end $40 billion in tax payer subsidies to them failed when every republican congressman voted against it. And you can't use that oldy but goodie republican lie that this money creates jobs because between 2005-2008, in Exxon, for example, while profits went up, employment dropped from 83,700 to 79,900. Really? The oil companies need $40 billion, the rich need a tax cut, but the probem with the budget is subsidies to Planned Parenthood and home heating subsidies? Kool aid anyone?
  21. Cleo's Mom

    Democrat COWARDS

    Now to move on to republican lies, cons and hypocrisy: They claim to be about reducing the budget and deficit. Really? Then why did they cut $600 million from the IRS budget? You see, for every $1 the IRS uses to go after tax cheats - it generates $10 in revenue ( for debt reduction). Revenue is in their name - that's what they do - and it doesn't raise taxes or cost jobs. That's a pretty good return. Now let me think for a millisecond why republicans would do this if they actually wanted more money (revenue) for debt reduction. Hmmm. Could be because those tax cheats are known as republican corporate donors.
  22. Cleo's Mom

    Democrat COWARDS

    walker has painted himself into a corner and now has no way out. Things aren't going in his favor. -WI republican senator Dale Schultz said that walker has overplayed his hand -WSJ said that they cannot support the bill as written (that walker supports) -most americans and WI people don't support it -most WI voters would vote for walker's opponent if voting today. (buyer's remorse) -walker didn't run on a platform of stripping collective bargaining rights and the people of WI know this -the WI budget stalemate - the budget doesn't really have to be passed until at least May. -walker has rejected every offer of compromise offered by the unions, Democrats and even a republican senator. All of the proposals would balance the budget without permanently eliminating collective bargaining rights. So, there you have it. walker is just stubbornly rejecting every compromise - proving he doesn't care about the budget - he just cares about busting unions.
  23. Cleo's Mom

    Democrat COWARDS

    Why should they retract anything when they exposed fox's deliberate deception? I watched the whole tape. dailykos got it right and those who continue to defend it as something anywhere near good journalism and legitimate are just gullible, in denial, stupid or all three. dodge, duck, dip, dive, dodge x News Airs Random Protest Video To Make Wisconsin Demonstrations Appear Violent Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly isn’t happy that protesters in Wisconsin have been calling out his network for its shoddy journalism practices. Last week, O’Reilly sent his ambush goon Jesse Watters out to badger people protesting Fox outside their studios in New York. On Monday during an interview with Fox News’ Mike Tobin, who is reporting from Wisconsin, O’Reilly was at it again, calling chants that “Fox lies” from pro-union demonstrators “some kind of organized deal.” But during the interview, Fox aired b-roll of some unknown protest that contained physical confrontations among demonstrators and simply labeled it “union protests,” as if it was coming out of Wisconsin. Watch it: Digby asked of the video, “What’s wrong with this picture?” adding, “If you guessed the snowless ground and palm trees in Wisconsin you win a big prize. Your sanity.”
  24. Cleo's Mom


    Don't be concerned for me. I can handle my posts and those that disagree with me. The only thing I've done is point out posts that I didn't think were helpful to the OP and belonged elsewhere. And anyone is free to disagree with me and have and many have come to the defense of the posters I have disagreed with, because they are of the same mindset. And I might add there are many who agree with me and have started whole threads about the bashing those who have problems with the band get from the cheerleaders for and defenders of the band. And while I am disappointed and feel cheated that the band didn't work for me - you misconstrue it as bitterness. But I would rather be thought of as bitter than smug, superior and judgemental like many of the band defenders.

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