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Cleo's Mom

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cleo's Mom

  1. Cleo's Mom

    Being fired

    Well, I guess I'll just have to be the bad guy for the other side: Whether or not an employee is remarkable or not is not the criteria by which an employer should allow time off for surgery. This is why I strongly support unions. In a negotiated contract the terms of taking sick leave would be spelled out and in some cases it would require advanced notice for scheduled sugeries and care but not for unexpected, sudden illnesses. This is a win-win for both employers and employees as each knows what the rules are. The employer should never be the one to capriciously "grant" medical leave. Without a negotatied contract it is seldom a win situation for the employee as the employer has all the rights and it isn't a level playing field. Employees who negotiate a contract are better employees because they have had some say in their salary, benefits and working conditions and don't feel exploited.
  2. from what I have seen on forums of people who had the band and were revised to the sleeve - their experience with the band has been mine and their experience with the sleeve is everything I thought the band would be and isn't.
  3. Cleo's Mom

    Help me I'm eating and I cannot stop!!

    First - get rid of all the unhealthy foods in your house. If your husband and son want to eat them - let them go out. Buy only lite whole wheat bread, I can't believe it's not butter spray, fresh fruits or those no sugar added 1/2 cup fruit cups, whole grain, low sugar cereals, skim milk, and if you like cheese and yogurt (I hate them and can hardly type the words) - then buy the low fat/sugar kind, some lite Soups (Progresso makes good ones), some whole grain Pasta (if you can eat it), egg beaters, tuna fish, etc.. Start with a certain number of calories you want to do. Maybe start with 1500. Then figure out how to get those 1500 with 3 meals and two Snacks. Write down your food for the day that fits in those calories - one day you might have the Cereal, skim milk for Breakfast, the next day egg beaters and a slice of lite whole wheat toast with low sugar jelly and for dinner maybe some chicken with fat free gravy. I buy rotissiere chickens and remove the skins. And chop up the chicken and add some bbq sauce or fat free gravy. Add some veggies. Maybe have a rice cake with some Peanut Butter for a snack or some string cheese. And of course, drink your Water and get some exercise. Start with walking. Go to a mall without your wallet and just walk around. These are just some suggestions. Once you get started it will get easier. Getting started is the hard part. Good luck.
  4. Cleo's Mom

    Being fired

    If you were being laid off then why were you written up? And right after you said you would be taking a leave for surgery? I am glad you will be covered by insurance and that you are leaving an unhappy job, but keep in mind that future employers will check with previous employers so you need to make it clear to your present employer that you will be expecting a good letter of recommendation if asked. Former employers have been sued successfully for saying derogatory things about former employees applying for new jobs.
  5. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    Let's take a look at this deficit that the republicans and teabaggers keep yapping about. The number one best way to reduce the deficit is to get people back to work, paying taxes and stimulating the economy. The second best way is to increase the tax rate on those making over $250,000 to the Clinton years when 22 million jobs were created (from 35% - 38%- keeping in mind that these people at one time paid about 90%) The reason for the deficit is largely due to the recession - so let's start there The recession was caused by wall street and corporate greed and gambling with our money and the failed policies of the bush administration. This caused a loss of value of over a trillion dollars for people's retirement, investment, homes and wages. Another big reason for the deficit is the unfunded programs put in place by bush: 2 wars, 2 tax cuts for rich and medicare part D. Now read this slowly: THESE UNFUNDED PROGRAMS DIDN'T STOP BEING PAID FOR WHEN OBAMA TOOK OFFICE - THEY ARE STILL BEING PAID FOR - CONTINUING TO ADD TO THE DEFICIT. Now, however, the republicans want to blame the middle class, the working poor, the unions, public employees, the health care bill and senior citizens for the deficit. THEY DIDN'T CAUSE THE DEFICIT AND IT SHOULDN'T BE REDUCED ON THEIR BACKS. PERIOD. Why isn't Wall Street on the chopping block? Where is their contribution to deficit reduction and the recovering economy.? They are sitting on 2 trillion in assets. So the republicans want to cut home heating oil for the elderly poor or funding for mammograms and pap tests. Why not look at the abuses in the lucrative defense contracts that they get for their donors? A pentagon study in January found that it had paid $285 billion in three years to more than 120 contractors accused of fraud and wrongdoing. I'm still waiting to find out what happened to the $18 billion Halliburton "lost" in Iraq. But hey, the republicans want to freeze grandma while making sure that Halliburton and the likes can still get their bonuses. People who voted for them will get what they deserve but unfortunately drag the rest of us down with them.
  6. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    More updates: As the healthcare bill has taken effect, more people support it and fewer oppose it. However, the republicans have voted to repeal and de-fund it. This will cost jobs. Experts doubt the claims that health care law is a "job killer". In fact, it has been estimated that 4 million jobs will be created. I mean - you inject 32 million people into the system now demanding healthcare that weren't there before - and increased demand increases jobs.. Boehner seems to believe that loss of federal jobs are okay. I guess those employees don't count - they don't pay taxes, buy homes, stimulate the economy. But if they become unemployed, they will sign up for unemployment, possibly food stamps and maybe lose their home - all further burdening federal programs.
  7. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    UPDATE #3 Here's what the republicans have been upto in DC and around the country. How many jobs will all of this create. Hmmmmm??? Top 10 Shocking Attacks from the GOP War on Women 1) Republicans not only want to reduce women's access to abortion care, they're actually trying to redefine rape. After a major backlash, they promised to stop. But they haven't. 2) A state legislator in Georgia wants to change the legal term for victims of rape, stalking, and domestic violence to "accuser." But victims of other less gendered crimes, like burglary, would remain "victims." 3) In South Dakota, Republicans proposed a bill that could make it legal to murder a doctor who provides abortion care. (Yep, for real.) 4) Republicans want to cut nearly a billion dollars of food and other aid to low-income pregnant women, mothers, babies, and kids. 5) In Congress, Republicans have proposed a bill that would let hospitals allow a woman to die rather than perform an abortion necessary to save her life. 6) Maryland Republicans ended all county money for a low-income kids' preschool program. Why? No need, they said. Women should really be home with the kids, not out working. 7) And at the federal level, Republicans want to cut that same program, Head Start, by $1 billion. That means over 200,000 kids could lose their spots in preschool. 8) Two-thirds of the elderly poor are women, and Republicans are taking aim at them too. A spending bill would cut funding for employment services, meals, and housing for senior citizens. 9) Congress voted yesterday on a Republican amendment to cut all federal funding from Planned Parenthood health centers, one of the most trusted providers of basic health care and family planning in our country. 10) And if that wasn't enough, Republicans are pushing to eliminate all funds for the only federal family planning program. (For humans. But Republican Dan Burton has a bill to provide contraception for wild horses. You can't make this stuff up). Note: that redefinition of rape would require that it be forcible rape. Isn't that redundant. The very definition of rape is that it is forcible. Just more evidence that republicans have a low opinion of women.
  8. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    UPDATE PART 2: Why is it that all we have heard from the repubicans, particularly Boehner, is the deficit, the deficit, the deficit? Two reasons: 1) They don't have a jobs creation program (remember how they used to ask Obama - where are the jobs?) . Now it is my turn: HEY, BOEHNER, WHERE ARE THE JOBS? 2) They are using the deficit as cover for what has been their larger agenda for 30 years - to de-fund social programs and de-regulate corporate america (their donors).
  9. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    Let's have an update on how the GOP (Grand Old Phoneys) are doing in congress since taking over. 1) The reading of the constitution - some parts they didn't like were excluded and some pages stuck together. Couldn't even get this right - those tri-cornered hat wearing defenders of the constitution. 2) The swearing in - 2 republicans didn't make it - they were at a fundraiser (guess they didn't get the memo) and thought they could just raise their hand to the tv coverage on c-span. 3) Every bill was to have a constitutional authority - except when it didn't - like their first 3 bills. 4) The American people have polled consistently that jobs, jobs, jobs overwhelms all other concerns yet the first three bills by republicans restricts american's access to health care. Nothing about jobs. 5) Those who don't attend sessions are supposed to be named - but haven't been. 6) Failure to cut the $100 billion as promised 7) Dueling SOTU responses 8) 3 legislative loses in 24 hours that they put through on their agenda 9) Boehner supported a $3 billion extra engine (F-35) for aircraft that the military doesn't want and several freshmen republicans don't want - but Boehner wanted it because it means jobs in his district. Can anyone spell EARMARKS? (it was defeated) 10) There was to be an open rules - that allowed democrats to add amendments but this was violated with the first 3 bills. 11)They were to cut spending to offset any new spending in new bills - except that that didn't happen in their first 3 bills. And Boehner said that since Obama took office, 200,000 new federal jobs were created (NOT TRUE) - when it was only 58,000 according to the BLS. He said that if federal jobs are lost due to budget cutting then "SO BE IT" . He must have an incompetent staff that can't even fact check - so, I suggest starting this reduction of federal employees with them.
  10. Cleo's Mom

    Democrat COWARDS

    This isn't about the democrats refusing to be bullied by Walker, it is about the bigger, more sinister agenda of the republicans in DC and those who are governors. Walker will not negotiate with the democrats. He has dug in his heels and refuses to compromise on the issue of unions losing their collective bargaining powers. Because that's what it's all about. Let's take a look at the so-called reasons behind the bill. That these states have to reduce spending and somehow the unions are blamed. The reason that state pension plans are in bad shape is that they lost billions in the stock market (like everyone else) due to wall street and corporate greed and the failed economic policies of the bush administration and now they want to blame unions and public employees for this. The unions are willing to pay more for their health care and pensions, it is the loss of collective bargaining rights that they oppose. But Walker will not budge. The bigger, more sinister agenda of republicans for the last 30 years is to starve the beast (de-fund all the social safety nets from FDR on), de-regulate corporate america (their donors) make the rich richer, and bust the unions (and thus votes for democrats). We need to have collective bargaining rights in this country to have a balance of power. Otherwise the employer has all the power and those at the top (CEO's) get to negotiate their contracts so why shouldn't the people who actually do the work negotiate theirs? As to the support for unions - well, 70,000 showed up today - overwhelming the Koch brothers, corporate funded tea baggers they brought in for the opposition.
  11. Cleo's Mom


    13 people out of the millions who have taken xenical have had some liver problems. All medications, prescription and OTC have side effects. You have to weight pros and cons and be under a doctor's supervision. What's going to happen when years down the road the FDA says those who have had the band for 20-30 years (this foreign, unnatural object in our bodies) results in an increase in pancreatic, stomach, esophageal and colon cancer? Could happen. It's the risk we all take when we put something in our bodies - pills or surgery.
  12. Cleo's Mom

    Being fired

    Actually that is not true. My band has been unfilled for over a year and it still provides some retriction - there are certain foods that I can't eat a lot of and my total capacity is reduced. This only differs from when I was overfilled in that I don't get reflux, heartburn, or stuck. I have had hunger from zero fill to overfilled and in between.
  13. Cleo's Mom

    Being fired

    This is why I am a big supporter of unions. They wouldn't be able to fire you without cause and a process of hearings, etc.. That being said, you might be in a protected class due to your age (40+), race, religion, etc... You need to call the EEOC to find out if what they did is legal. Make sure you get it in writing why they are firing you. When you say you were written up - what does it say? You are entitled to look at your personnel file. I suggest you do that. You are entitled to see what is in it and have a copy. If I were you I would call the EEOC and I would find a good labor attorney who deals with worker's rights. Some will do a consultation for free or a small fee. Do not let your employer get away with anything that is not 100% legal. Good luck and post again to keep us updated.
  14. "It's a tool" is an overused term, IMO, and one I could do without seeing in replies. That being said - this is the band's job and it is your SURGEON'S job to see to it that it works this way: At the proper fill level the band will allow you to be satisfied with small amounts of healthy foods and keep hunger at bay for a certain length of time. You do NOT need to be overfilled, too tight, suffer with vomiting, reflux, or heartburn to lose weight. YOUR job is to make healthy food choices, not drink with meals, and exercise and choose appropriate Snacks. In addition, some require a certain amount of Protein a day or restrict carbs. That will be something you have to decide for yourself as to how your weight loss is progressing. Some are able to be successful without counting calories or measuring and weighing - others write down and measure every molecule. Some do the whole low carb thing - others don't. You will find the way that works best for you.
  15. Cleo's Mom


    I've had the band for 2 1/2 years but have a total unfill. Thought I'd try NutriSystem this past month. I lasted two weeks. The food is soooo incredibly bad. I threw the rest out. I hate green peppers and so much of their food has it so my selections were reduced. Additionally, you can't pick and choose among the frozen food (the stuff they show on tv) and I wasn't going to pay for meals I couldn't eat due to the peppers, so I ordered all the regular food. Do a google search about nutrisystem complaints. I wish I had read them first. Many people go sick on the food and had to go to the doctors or ER. Some food had bugs or worms in it. I got sick after 2 weeks on it but blamed it on the stomach flu. I had horrible diarrhea and had to go to the doctors. I don't know if it was the NS food or the stomach flu but that was the end of it for me. On top of it all - I wasn't losing weight and I was starving. It didn't work, it's very expensive. If I were you I wouldn't do it.
  16. Many, like me, were required to attend a WLS seminar by the surgeons who would be doing them. At this seminar information about both lapband and RNY was given. The office nurse and nutritionist were present. There was a Q&A. Next was an appt. with the surgeon and tests were ordered. Now here, I believe, doctors can order different pre-op tests based on the patient's health history but my surgeon was a one size fits all - EKG, stress test, sleep study, sonogram of gallbladder, upper GI, endoscopy, 24 hour urine study, sonogram of leg veins, blood work and the basic vital signs - BP, etc..as well as the psych evaluation. There was a big long sheet of the tests required and it was up to me to get them all done (some were scheduled by them). Six months of a pre-op diet with nutritionist (required for insurance) followed by 2 weeks of liquid only pre op diet and then 2 weeks of liquid only post op diet. Then mushies, then soft food, then solid food. Post op testing the day of surgery was an upper GI and blood work. I can't remember what other post op testing other than blood work was done. And you have proven my point. Why did you not have pre-op testing? What if you had some undetected heart problem or sleep apnea that would present a problem with anesthesia?
  17. The band does work differently for everyone and they usually will find out by trial and error if and how it works for them. However, I still insist that bariatric doctors should have a set standard of care from the time you go to the seminar until you have surgery - from the basic testing, to the pre- and post-op diet requirements as well as recommendations for the solid foods and liquids. There should be a model of the band and stomach in each office and its and the port's placement explained. Patients should be told the size of their band and why and how many cc's in each fill. Patients should be told that they could be hungry until they reach that sweet spot. They also need to be told that the band doesn't work for everyone. Each person will have problems with certain foods that others don't, but that is not what I mean. Doctors are just all over the place with their advice and explanations resulting in tremendous confusion in patients.
  18. Cleo's Mom


    I was on xenical for 9 years until this past summer and then switched to Alli. I only took it after dinner since my breakfasts and lunches didn't really have any fats. You do need to eat a low fat diet but I knew exactly how it worked for me and didn't have any severe side effects. I look at it as another tool in my arsenal to help with weight loss.
  19. What your doctor has told you just reinforces what I have been saying and that is that bariatric doctors are all over the place and there is no standard of care for pre-op and post op testing or the pre & post op diets, how the band works or what and how to eat (and drink) when you start on real food. I think there should be a consistent standard of care and because there isn't there is much confusion on the part of patients. The doctors should be on the same page and the fact that they're not just shows me that they really don't know how the band really works. I have early stage breast cancer. No matter where I would have gone for care, the process would have been the same (either lumpectomy or mastectomy - my choice) - a sentinel node biopsy, radiation and possibly chemo (depending on pathology report). But with lapbands it varies greatly from doctor to doctor. Some let you eat full meals until the day before surgery - others (like mine) require a strict 2 week liquid only diet. That all being said you have the right to know how many cc's are in your band. Nothing should be a "only the doctor needs to know" - it's your body. You should know. And the doctor should pull out what is in your band and measure it before doing a new fill. Ultimately you will learn what works for you. But for some, like me, the band does not work as promoted.
  20. Cleo's Mom

    i need hope :(

    Since you put this out there - here is my opinion: This guy does not sound like someone anyone would want to be married to. He tells you that you just needed to keep your mouth shut and you wouldn't need WLS? Why would you want to stay with someone who says something like that? I don't believe this has anything to do with your having surgery or losing weight. It has to do with who he is as a person. And he sounds like a jerk. If he can't support you with your WLS - when could you ever count on his support? In addition, he doesn't even care that you left. Ask yourself that Dear Abbey famous question: Would you be better off with or without him? I clearly think you'd be better off without him. His attitude is just a preview of coming attractions. He's not going to change. So you need to dump him and move on. You deserve better.
  21. Cleo's Mom

    I'm kinda worried...

    Everyone does not vomit and vomiting is not normal. Nor is it the price one has to "pay" to lose weight with the band. If you are vomiting it is either because: 1) You're too tight (a common problem among those who depend too much on the band for weight loss) 2) Eating the wrong foods 3) Eating too fast 4) Not chewing enough 5) Or possibly something wrong with the band All vomiting should be reported to the doctor.
  22. Whether or not your band will slip is not the issue. The fact that you "throw up all the time" is. You should not be throwing up all the time and you need to tell your bariatric surgeon as well as your gyne surgeon about this. It is not normal nor healthy and it will cause problems in the future if it continues. You are either too tight, eating too fast or the wrong foods, but whatever the reason, it needs to be addressed.

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