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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Pippy1973

  1. using a heating pad can also help the pain. if you don't have a heating pad, a cheap alternative is to take a tube sock and fill it with rice. heat in the microwave and place it on the spot that is hurting. the other comments are exactly right as well. walk, walk, walk....get up and move every hour at least. gas x strips help. right now is not the time to be a lady. if you need to belch or fart, let them fly. best of luck to you on your journey!!!!

  2. i have only felt really tight once since my surgery on 5/16/11. for me, it felt like i had a knot in my throat that would not go away. i had no desire to eat because it did not feel like anything would go in. all i did was sip Water. a friend told me to drink something hot and that helped to loosen the band back up to where i was able to eat. from what i know, too tight would mean that you cannot keep anything down...food or Fluid. i wish you luck!!!!

  3. i had my surgery on 5/16/11 and i do not have a fill yet. i have reached the point where it does feel like everything is just rolling right through my band. i have increased my fluids and added another Protein Shake, but i still get hungry before i should. i will be getting my first fill on june 29. i have been told that it can take several fills to have real restriction so maybe it is time for another for you. best of luck on your journey!!!!

  4. i had my surgery on May 16th. i did not have major gas pain thankfully, but i did have alot of pain around my port site for about 12 days. it has eased up now, no stabbing pain anymore, just a dull ache. i have moved on to mushies and must say they are heaven after weeks of liquids. so far, i have eaten a scrambled egg seasoned with mrs dash and with a little shredded cheddar, mashed potatoes, and egg salad. tomorrow, i'm going to put a little homemade chili in the food processor to mush it down and try that. i am beyond happy with the results i have seen so far. oh, and back to the gas pain...i did have pain yesterday in my shoulders majorly when i went for my first longer walk. a hot shower took care of it though. I wish the best to all of you on this journey!!!!

  5. i am in complete agreement with all the statements above. you are setting yourself up for failure by breaking the rules which will lead to not only no weight loss, but cause you health problems. your body has to have time to heal. the reason you aren't very hungry is because you have restriction from swelling inside your body that you can't see. take it easy...one step at a time...and before you know it you will be back on solids following docs orders. i wish the best for you...God bless!!!!

  6. i too had sharp pains at my port site. it felt at times like a hot knife going in my side. i was assured that it was just my port healing and that since mine was attached with the self clamping, that recovery would take a few more days. i am now 13 days out from surgery and though it is still tender, i have not had a stabbing pain in over 24 hours. i wish you the best of luck on your journey...God bless!!!!

  7. After a rather heated discussion, I thought I'd do this....

    I think it should move. This board has lost a lot of members because of the uncomfortable nature of the chat. I, personally, am not offended by much (Subby - shut up ;))....but others are and it represents poorly to new members entering chat for the first time.

    People forget this is an international board - "after dark" can be early morning for some members.


    You are exactly right, luuluu. There are many good people who have quit coming to chat because of the nature of after dark chat. There is a room for adult conversations already in place. We are all adults and there is no reason we cannot conduct ourselves in a way that is acceptable to all people. New people come into the room and leave because of the nature of the conversation. There are a very few in the room who state that they don't care who leaves, but they forget, we were all at one time new and in need of support. If you want to have those type of "adult" conversations with each other...keep it out of the room...keep it off cam....go to the adult room and use your private messages so that all do not have to be subjected.

  8. To those of you disagree with DaveNW's version of what happened in the Chat Room:

    I do not know DaveNW, nor have I corresponded with him at any time. However, I have observed that he is a very helpful, supportive, and polite individual who only wants to lend support and advice to people who are struggling in this process. He has become a valued member of this community. I enjoy most of what Dave has to say, and he has been very supportive of a number of members here.

    Unlike YOU clowns, who have chosen NOT to contribute a damn thing to any part of this community other than amusing yourselves by discussing subjects that (amongst reasonably civilized, mature, and cultured individuals) would be considered private topics. Your responses here also make it abundantly clear why some men PREFER Military service over being at home with the wife.

    You don't think you're "attacking" Dave here? Perhaps you don't. You probably don't even understand the word, considering it has more than one syllable.

    And after reading your childish, absurd and STUPID remarks in THIS thread, I can say without a moment's hesitation that I will confidently believe Dave's version of the events over YOUR foolish, fictitious version any day of the week.

    I think that you would be doing the community-at-large a significant service if you would crawl back into your little chat-hole, close the hatch, seal it, and concentrate on keeping your Bieber-Fever under control .


    dave was anything but kind and helpful on this night. as you yourself said, you were not there so you really have no right to comment. oh, but wait, yes you do...because men like ali's husband are fighting to support the rights for any person to state their opinion regardless of how ignorant it makes them look. now, let me explain this even slower so hopefully even you can understand. those of us in chat like the real time conversations that we are allowed to have there. for many of us, the chat room is our support group. i have not had one question about the band that has not been answered in this room. that being said, many of us are there for hours a day. we talk about many things in our lives. the band is just one of them. ali's husband was returning from iraq and, as she told you and you so coldly insulted her for, she was having concerns. as her friends, we were helping, supporting her through those. i have never seen anyone with a question about the band not have their question answered by at the very LEAST one person in the room. the regulars are friends though....and as such, we have supported each other through many things. the band is a LIFE CHANGE. all areas of life...only a small minded person would believe that life change means we only discuss a plastic ring around our stomachs.

  9. I appreciate you posting, but I think you may be misremembering how it went. I made ONE statement to the other guy in the room about being tired of all the sex talk, and everyone went off on me. I am not one to insult ANYONE, online or in person. It is absolutely not my style. If insults were being posted in the chat room, they were most definitely NOT posted by me. I don't DO that. After several minutes of the harrassment I received, I made one final post, which was, "Okay Ladies, you can have your fun." And I left the room. I have not been back since. If you truly remember something negative happening, it was after I left the room. Maybe it was the other guy. He was still there when I left.

    In my earlier post I was not accusing anyone of making it a porn site. I was referring to the explicit chat happening at that time, and how I felt it was inappropriate. True, I don't go into chat rooms as a rule, but I am certainly intelligent enough to have an idea how they work, or I wouldn't have gone in there. In that case, I did think I was making a private comment to the other guy. Sorry, obviously I was in error. I quickly figured that out when it was pointed out that my post had been seen by others. But I also didn't ask to be openly humiliated by everyone who felt it was acceptable to make fun of my error. I didn't post anything else, waiting for the assault to end. But when the hostility continued, without me saying ANYTHING more, I realized that was not the place I needed to be. So I left. It was made very clear to me that I was not welcome there.

    The greater point that it happened AT ALL points out the problem with unmoderated chat rooms. My bringing it up on this thread was in response to the OP saying she encountered similar treatment on another forum. Prior to this thread, I haven't brought this event up to anyone, and it happened last Fall. So obviously I wasn't that traumatized by what happened. I just happen to think it was uncalled for. Just as I think your several insults to me in your post here are uncalled for. Anyone reading what you've said here can easily see the open hostility in what you said about me. It pretty well supports my memories of what happened in the chat room that night. Thanks for helping me out.


    stating the truth as it was...as others support it to have been...that is not hostility...that is HONESTY. the ONLY reason you felt unwelcome is because of the reaction you got to the pm's you mistakingly posted for the whole room to see. you were acting like the school yard bully who pulls hair and then expects a hug instead of a slap to his face. you can convince everyone who was NOT there of your innocence in the matter...you won't convince those of us who were actually there so easily. that is the one transcript i wish i had to share.

  10. I'm not sure why you're attacking Dave. I wouldn't consider it "hanging onto" a memory by simply responding to a post who's subject was specifically about internet trolls who use posts to say mean and angry things directly to and about other posters. hmmmmm........

    Resorting to calling someone you have never met rude names shows true childishness and immaturity. I stated nothing but the facts. Unfortunately, Dave tried to post his rude post in a PM and did not know what he was doing and it instead was shown to an entire room of people who did not appreciated his hatefulness and told him. Dave was in the room for about 5 to 10 minutes. I have been in this chat room for months. I have seen a full range of topics discussed...from the lapband...to the death of a friend...to quitting smoking...to sexual questions...to parenting questions...etc. I could go on and on. When you make a comment about anything without fully education yourself you are going on nothing but assumptions. People who make those kind of assumptions come off as true asses. If you want to post a rude comment about chat, stay in there longer than a few minutes to see what it is ALL about. If I am in the room, there is not one person i do not say hello to and ask how they are when they enter the room. If anyone has a question that I know the answer to it, I explain it to them. If anyone is in the room making a fool of themselves, I tell them that too. I do not support anyone causing problems in the room...which is exactly what Dave did. You ask why I am attacking Dave. I am not attacking him, I am stating the truth. However, I realize that there are many who can not handle that truth. hmmmmm indeed...take care

  11. That's amazing, but more typical than it might seem. A lot of forums are like that. They have their core of frequent posters, and anyone who goes against the grain, or who doesn't sit quietly in a corner until learning the perfect way to post a question is given nothing but hell. A number of car enthusiast forums I read are like that. Heaven help you if you should ask a quesiton that someone posted previously, or if you have a misunderstanding about the finer points of owning a certain kind of car. The "regulars" will eat you alive.

    But you know what? The same exact thing happened to me, right here on this forum, in the chat room. Several months ago I dropped into the chat room to see what it was about, hoping to learn more about what it meant to be banded. There were about a dozen women there, and only one other guy. The chat was extremely graphic sexual talk among the women, who were discussing very frankly about their sexual activities, which personal sexual devices they preferred, and graphically describing how they performed sexually for their husbands and boyfriends. It was pretty shocking and completely unexpected.

    After several minutes of this kind of thing, I tried to send a private comment to the other guy in the room. All I said to him was "I'm getting tired of reading all this sex talk." Well, due to my inexperience, the comment wasn't private. It was posted in the main chat room. The women went CRAZY. It was a feeding frenzy of open, hostile harrassment. They all went way over the top, and completely humiliated me in front of everyone else. They openly laughed and ridiculed me to the point that I left the room and haven't been back since. It was completely uncalled for, and showed a complete disregard for the point of the chat room, which I (mistakenly) believed was to discuss weight loss surgery. Silly me!

    The larger lesson is that it showed me there are a lot of aggressive, angry, low-life people in that chat room who are no better than the common bullies I went to school with. They should be ashamed of themselves.


    It just happens that I was there the night that Dave is referring to. Now, let me explain something. Yes, this is a chat room for discussing lapband. It is also a support group for many of us. Many of the regulars talk for several hours daily. If all we ever talked about was the band, it would get pretty boring for all of us quickly. We are all adults and thus, yes, sometimes even sexual questions get asked. We answer those just as well as we answer band questions. If someone needs support in any area, we try to be that support. Your accusation that is nothing more than a porn fest is completely ridiculous. As far as anyone attacking you, that is also ridiculous. We kept trying to tell you that you were posting in the room...that we could see everything that YOU were saying about us. YOU were the one who started tossing insults that you did not mean for us to see. YOU thought they were being said privately which shows you had no spine to say it to us directly and were instead resorting to gossip. YOU kept doing it even after we had told you that we could see it. I was the one who finally posted your pm that we were all seeing in the room back to you so you would finally understand that we were seeing it. ATTACKING YOU? That is hilarious. Instead, I was trying to show you that you were not understanding how to work private chat in the room. The others responded to the crude things you were saying about us. Let me add, this happened MONTHS ago and you are still hanging on to it? REALLY? All I can say is that I am personally sorry that you did not have the intelligence to work chat right so you could insult us without us seeing it. I am sorry that you got your feelings hurt even though you were the one who starting making insults. I am sorry that obviously this traumatized you so badly that you are still talking about it months later. I am sorry that you have such soft feelings that you could not handle someone trying to show you that you were messing up. Have a great day!!!! I won't hold my breath waiting for an apology for the things you said about us. BTW, had you waited around a few minutes, the entire conversation changed...just as it does anytime anyone has a question or a need. The regulars in this room are friends and we support one another through ANYTHING. We don't whine everytime someone doesn't pay specific attention to us.

  12. anytime a doctor refused to listen to my concerns and try to find alternative plans for easing my ailment, i would be finding another doctor. weight loss cannot only help many illness, it can completely irradicate them. talk to your insurance carrier...look for a doctor who is more understanding of bariatric care. Best of luck in your journey :)

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