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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Tuckersmommy2010

  1. I have Aetna. Before being banned I had to go to a doctor for 6 months ( Seeing him once per month) and go on a diet. I also had to do a dietitian consult and psychiatric consult ( Which i did in the 5th month) . I would first choose who you are going to have perform the surgery and go to them for the 6 ( or however many) monthly visits. From what they told me, they have a special form to fill out and keep to send in the the insurance company and most doctors office ( like a primary doc ) doesn't document the things they should and one mess up could ruin the whole thing. They have to write down weight , new eating habits , and a few other things. There isn't a way to fast track it... I wish there was!! My time actually went fast. My one biggest advice would be to really work on the pre op diet. I didn't lose any weight in those 6 months. It would have made the big changes to come much easier if i would have worked on new habits then rather than going "cold turkey" LOL I was also approved on the first try. It did take about 2 weeks however!

    Best of luck!

  2. My boyfriend and I have been TTC for about 6 months now. I recently discovered that i have PCOS. My doctor put me on birth control, which wasn't exactly what i wanted. ( We have one child together already) He said that because I have been pregnant before, most likely i should be able to get pregnant now. When/ before i was pregnant i weighed about 60 pounds less and i didn't have PCOS at the time ( Or at least no signs of it )

    So i had a few questions....

    1. Has anyone used Clomid?

    2. Does it come in a generic form?

    3. What drugs/pills did you use?

    4. Any advice?

  3. I agree. Listen to your body. It will tell you when you are full. Most places now have a "Healthy " menu. Order off that. I always do and its not bad. If you have a newer phone you can download "my fitness pal" and it will tell you what is in what and calories... ect.

  4. Well here is the situation...I am banded and last weekend got stuck a couple of times and was quick sick trying to get it back up. I did get it up no problem, but I found the next day my stomach was not feeling well and I was also getting pains in my sides. I have noticed I can now eat a lot less and still have a nauseated feeling after I eat. It has been 5 days now. I am having diarrhea and just feel like I have the flu. Maybe it is the flu or maybe something wrong with the band? I live a 3 hour flight from the closest band doc, so going in for a routine check up is not that easy. Any thoughts?

    I think you freaked yourself out ! Sounds like the flu. : )

  5. Hi. I have my surgery date for lap band July 25th and am really nervous. My whole life I've been overweight and I just want to be thin and healthy. Anybody who has done this and maybe is now older or who is going through it now at my age please respond back. It will he greatly soothing!


    I am in your shoes! I am 20 years old and was just banded (6/30/11) I am happy with my choice. All my life my weight has been up and down. I started really gaining weight after high school. When i met my boyfriend i had lost some weight and was the smallest I'd ever been in my life. After a year of being together i gained even more. After the birth of my son i gained almost 70 pounds. In a span of of 4 years together i've gained about 110 pounds. Finally I said enough was enough! I looked into it with the insurance, and they covered it. Did my 6 month pre op... and here i am now. In 7 days I've lost almost 13 pounds. I feel great already. In the past seven days I've had my ups and downs. My best advice... Tomorrow is always a new day! Work hard and don't get discouraged!

    Best of Luck! Add me as a Friend & keep in touch!

  6. I agree. I kept mine to myself until i actually did it. A friend i recently stopped speaking to was kinda of like the posts' above. At one point during a conversation I was telling her about how i was unsure about lapband. She made the comment , " Well my mom and I were talking and we think you should wait till your older ( I'm 20!) I am pretty sure my jaw dropped to the floor. First off- What was it her mother business? Secondly- Her own mother HAS lap band!! Half of her family had lap band... All of her Uncles and Aunt...

    Don't let the negative people affect you. Sometimes that means cutting them out of your life as i did. She always judged me on my weight ( and she was only 20 pounds less than me. ) and she always wanted to go out to eat. She was truly a bad friend!

  7. I was banded 6 days ago and should be on a "liquid/ Mushy" diet....

    The tittle says it all..... I am a cheater.... I absolutely cannot do it..... I've been eating regular food lately. The first few days I did good and followed the rules. The only thing mushy I have eaten the last two days was yogurt for Breakfast. Part of me thinks being banded around the holiday was a bad idea! I've been eating smaller amounts & food that is better for me... but its not what i should be eating "now" . HELP ME!

    Any advice or tips?

    Anyone else have this problem?

    Could i potentially hurt myself?

  8. I got back on the 14th. What had happened was he said he would come by before i left and explain everything in detail to me... He said between 4-5pm. Come 8 he was still not there... So the nurse paged him again. He intstructed go ahead and let me go. All they gave me was my discharge paper and a sheet that talked about eating slow, chewing and ect...

  9. I was banded 5 days ago and it feels like either my band or the port is rubbing. When I sit down, it feels like there is friction against.. lord knows what-- my ribs or diaphragm? It feels like something shifts inside of me. Then when in the seated position, its uncomfortable.

    Has anyone else had this issue!

    I am so nervous!

    I was banded on 6/30. I haven't had that problem... yet! I am still kinds or sore and it hurts to lay on my sides.

  10. Hi, Tuckersmommy! I hate it for you that your dr. isn't good with the aftercare!

    This post-op diet is pretty much identical to the one my doctor is going to have me on--maybe this guide can help you! Lap Band Post-Op Diet meal plan

    This one looks good, too: Lap Band Diet Guide

    If I were you, I would choose one of these (probably the first one) and follow it.

    Will this same doctor's office be doing your fills?

    Yes- After looking at what he does.. only 30% of it is lap band. So he doesn't do much.

  11. I reported her.; I had seen the post to you and the one here as well. I went to her profile and read a post about someone's ticker needing to be changed because it had movement. We come here for answers and had I done that last year I might not have gone backward.. I think most of us are here to support, get support and commune with others who face the same issues we do. If we were able to do everything right we wouldn't need the band. Yes, we need the band. It works differently for each of us. Many lose without ever having a fill, some need their bands almost full to get to the right place. And there are many like me who get so dang happy about having lost the 20-30 or 40 lbs. we never thought we'd loose, we fall off the wagon in happiness. I went over a year without a problem. I almost felt bad about some of my posts because I didn't have problems like some others here. Maybe I just had an outstanding surgeon, or I am just really strong and bounce back well. Whatever your need, progress or ability you should be able to share it here without a negative reply!

    YES~! I reported her as well... I looked at her profile and it was all negative comments... On her own things and others blogs... ect...

  12. I was banded on 6/30/2011

    My doctor is about worthless ( other than cutting me open and placing the band! )

    I had only one day of the pre op diet ( liquid ). I stayed in the hospital over night then they let me go. My doctor said he would come by and explain things to me before he let me go. He said he would come about 4-5pm and he never shower. Finally the nurse came in at 8pm and gave up my Rx to fill just in case it was later before we could go. She gave me a paper that stated i could have liquids for 2 weeks. Here are a few ?s i have

    1. My doc says no Protein shakes/drinks AT all. Do you agree? ( because i don't at all, nor does anyone i talked with )

    2. Two weeks of broth & juice ( no milk,..ect )

    3.Do you have the stitches removed or do they dissolve?

    4. Should i be taking any Vitamins or something? I'm getting at most 500 cals a day.

    5. What did you eat the first week, second week & then finally at a month?

    6. Can you take Gas EX?

    Please no * rude * comments. I am open to advice and comments

    However- I cannot change docs due to my insurance, he is literally the only one in the state that i can see.

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