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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    Anyone here?

    Isn't this such a head game? I think the early dieting also screwed up my metabolism. But I know the answer to that and that is to exercise more. I gotta get my head right about that. I don't recall mom ever feeding us badly. I know that for years I went to the cafe across from the school because I refused to eat hot lunches there...they were BAD...and I ate a corn dog every day for maybe four years!! I haven't had a hot dog in probably 20+ years.....LOL I've always had an active life...just maybe not the right kind of active. I know my "day job" is sitting on the couch...but in between sessions, I motor around. I just saw an ad for Zumba...latin aerobics. 8 bucks a class...I'm toying with the idea at least a couple days a week. Too bad cell phone or phone talking isn't aerobic...tons of kids would be svelte!! :rolleyes2:
  2. Sula

    Anyone here?

    I remember thinking all my life I was overweight. I went to junior high eating an apple or having liquids such as v-8 juice. When I see pictures of me back then, tho, I was not thin, but not fat either. I did always have thunder thighs!! But when I played sports, I got them down a bit, but never gone for good. I think they are with me forever. Anyway, I was trying to think what I weighed at 18-20...I went to alaska right out of High school and worked for the summer, and ended up with a spare tire (not a pretty thing on an 18 year old)...now they are called muffin tops...only I wasn't squishing mine into jeans. I remember, one summer, I was getting really fit to test for some law enforcement jobs. I think I got to 169 and wore a size 12. That was good for me. I was running and doing aerobics almost daily. The best weigh loss for me has been when I've run...which isn't often..but it really works. I was going to try this year but didn't...ick..I hate it. But I've been mentally working on that for next summer (spring if the weather cooperates). You know what just kills me...winter. I think about all the effort to get to running and then lose it all over the winter. Altho, that could just be another excuse. I'm pretty good at that!! I'm with you tho...slow and steady wins the race. I keep reminding myself when I get off track that this is a lifestyle and not a temporary fix. And at least the scale is more forgiving and doesn't go up five pounds with a lapse.
  3. Sula

    Anyone here?

    Tonya, I totally understand the obese part. And I know about being at the lower end of goal so that you have some wiggle room. I am somewhat suspicious of the whole BMI math tho. How does your height and weight compute if you're a body builder? Or have more muscle mass? Or am I just looking for excuses? I'm shooting for a healthy BMI, but I think there must be some variable that makes it not quite accurate for some (probably not me) folks. So, I'm reading something today (might have been here) and a lady went from size 27 to a size 16 or something. And she lost what I've lost...around 60 pounds. I've went from a size 20 womens to a size 16 (regular). So, there has to be something about body mass and flab? One of my biggest sources of envy and consternation is that some of you have lost so many sizes so fast. While I've just crept down to another size. I kid you not...today...just today, I get into a size 16. Whhhoooo hooo. A red-letter day to be sure. Anyway, just my random thoughts.
  4. Sula

    Anyone here?

    Good for you hitting this gym this morning. I sure could have because I woke up at 5 and had a dickens of a time getting back to sleep. No particular reason except I have this internal alarm that when I set it, that is it for the next week. Why do you have two different goal weights? Didn't you think the Dr. was okay? I keep thinking my goal is where you are at now. 170. I probably need to be 165 to get my BMI right tho...I fiddled around with those calculators to see what I needed but can't recall right now. It looks like I creeped down a bit in my weight the past week or two. I didn't weigh in last week. In spite of crappy eating. I pound till I have lost 60 pounds. And three pounds till I'm in onederland!! I can't even imagine. I should just starve myself just to get there!! It is a bit unreal. I haven't been doing any exercise..just daily life stuff. My DH commented last weekend that my butt was looking good! NO ONE HAS EVER SAID I HAVE A GOOD LOOKING BUTT!! He's insane! :cry_smile:
  5. Sula

    Anyone here?

    Hi Tonya, Been away for a bit but back in touch again. I can understand your trepidation about others knowing about the band. I still haven't told many people and those that know, keep their mouths shut. I do wonder why we feel it should be secret. We of course know how much work this whole process still is..especially at this stage when ever ounce is a labor of love (hate!). I think before I get another fill...I need to get myself over eating so late a night or I 'll have reflux as well. I have had some lately...so I need to get after it anyway. I also feel pretty tight so I am reluctant to get too tight. I do learn from reading others (yours) posts. My DH keeps making comments that I'm eating too little...but the scale isn't budging. I am losing fractions of inches tho. I think that is because I'm active in a different way and using different muscles that are tightening up. I haven't really tended to my proper eating lately and need to get back on track. I'm dealing with entitlement issues again..I deserve to eat...blah blah. Sounds like you are doing great. How is the exercise going?
  6. Sula

    Anyone here?

    Morning friends, I've decided that the reason I don't come here more often is I HATE the way the site is now. (Or has been for some time.) I used to come and browse around, read many other posts and reply if the mood fit. I can hardly understand the layout and have lost where there few people I liked to read about have gone. Maybe I just have to spend time here and get to know the site again. Sigh..but I don't like the layout! Tough day lots of stress ahead. I've got to take a dog in to be put down. I go up and down about it. It is time for him and he is suffering. So, I'm okay with it but the grief comes and goes. I will sit with him and hold him and then when it is over, they will take him to be cremated. I can't handle the thought of them dumping him somewhere in a pit. AND then I go to work all day and put on my happy face. Is that wacked or what? My DH left about a half an hour ago...tears in his eyes...he can't do it. I don't want to be tougher, but I am. I don't think I could eat a thing. Will do a protein drink just to have some energy. Anyway...send me some strength!!
  7. Sula

    Anyone here?

    List 1. Crossing legs is soooo nice and feminine. 2. Watch band keeps getting tightened a notch more. 3. I'm with you gals on the towel size, even though I'm still over 200....just! 4. Being able to get up from a kneeling position without having to crawl up my legs or the couch. 5. I weigh less than my DH!! 6. I'm not ashamed of my eating. 7. I have so much more physical strength and energy. 8. OH, probably my biggest...I can get on my horses without having to use the bumper or the wheelwell of the trailer! This was a very shameful thing for me...I'd say, oh I have a bad back...I'm just pooped...all BS of course...I was fat and weak (physically). 9. My DH says, you sure feel thinner (even when the scale says nothing has changed. BUT...I am still scared to try on clothes...I have that hesitation that just gets me. Happened today..went to Penney's..couldn't decide which department...back and forth back and forth..then just wussed out. Didn't want the dissappointment of being in womens sizes (which I don't think I am) but....afraid to try on the regular size. I'm nutz!!
  8. Sula

    Anyone here?

    Hi all, I am thinking I lost a few pounds. I weight in at my lowest yesterday and had just started my TOM so I'm hoping and praying that I may be down a pound or two when the thing is over! Inches (or fractions thereof) are coming off. That is cool. I think that it may mostly be due to a more active lifestyle right now. I helped friends roof for the past two weekends and lots of leg and arm and twisting movement. Whatever it takes. Tonya, get back to that gym! You probably already are! I admire you for your motivation in that area. I haven't been out walking for about a month. I'm starting up with my excuses. On another note...I went to town on Monday and bought a new gas range and micro hood. I know, I know...but I have a 1974 house with a harvest gold double oven stove in it and some parts don't work. My DH would be perfectly okay with keeping it forever..but I've been saving my dimes and voila', it goes in this next weekend after some gas is plumbed into the kitchen. I'm soooo excited. Shawn
  9. Sula

    Anyone here?

    Tonya rocks!! And you do too Tracy for always coming by and keeping an eye on us!!
  10. I've had the flu and vomited, not fun but nothing worse than without the band. I also vomited after I came out of the anesthesia and again later that night. Not desirable since it was soon after the surgery, but again, no problems. It did hurt tho. I've found some foods that make me vomit now (and didn't in the beginning). A vomit being different than a PB. Celery kills me.
  11. Sula

    Bad...bad fill today

    It seems like your initial and second fill are so huge! My fills have been slow and gradual. And increasingly smaller. And I'm pretty sure I'm not at my sweet spot, after 19 months of this...but I have pretty good restriction and things are going well.
  12. Sula

    Anyone here?

    I love my band too. And know that without it I would be putting on about 10 pounds per year. So, I'm with you Tonya, if this is all I get, then I am still happy with it. I feel so much stronger, physically and active. Altho, I have a killer back ache today..whew..don't know what happened, but I just took some aleve. It is sitting there waiting to go down...such a lovely feeling, I was really feeling tight in my chest (stomach) in the middle of the night..sort of heartburn without the burn part. Not TOM..just the quirk!! I have a bad habit of gulping water occasionally...I do it intentionally...I just feel that I need to do that ...and once in a while it backfires...with PB. But just water, no biggie..but sometimes I also have the gurgle of liquids in the morning. Like today....just protein drink for breakfast cuz nothing else is going to go down.
  13. Sula

    Anyone here?

    Hi All, Been gone for a long weekend, but just got caught up on the postings. Good news for your two gals and your biopsy. That is terrific. I frequently tell people, that know about the band I have, that it is alive and has a quirky sense of humor inside of me. When I think I'm in control.....it shows me different. From day to day and morning to night, who knows what the eating pattern needs to be. I PB on weird things and expected things. I eat volumns sometimes ( I love huge salads!) and yet a scrambled egg can kill me. I haven't had a fill since January and I feel like I should get one, but then I have fairly consistent restriction in the morning, sometimes at noon and usually not much at night. Band-ee just smiles!! Tomorrow I'll show you somethinig else! I used to do the oatmeal in the morning, but lately I've been having protein drinks or nothing (another latte actually!) and waiting till lunch. I just wonder if a fill would make all that much difference. This is all so unknown, don't you think? what the heck is the sweet spot? Does weight just fall off, no matter what or is it really easy to lose or do you still have to diet and exercise (I'm hoping for the former but I suspect it is the latter!)
  14. Sula

    Anyone here?

    Guess I have been gone for a bit too long..lots of reading to catch up on. Seems we all are working hard and trying hard, tho. Tonya, I'm glad your fill is working and that is amazing. What a time you have had! And congrats on your workouts. I'm hitting it, but not as many times per week. Mommi-hammi, hope all is going well. I am a very strong believer in the power of postitive thougths...I have taken workshop classes by Dr. Bernie Seagal (can't remember how he spells his name but he has a great book out) and as a MD, he was working from the medical model and illness to work in his oncology practice. He began to notice that others such as social workers (me) work from a wholistic approach and has adapted his whole practice to that. Spirituality, imagry, humor, art, etc, all are used to combat cancer with his patients. He believes in spirits that come from "the other side" to help and support. Our guardian angels if you will!! You will have much help in this process.... :crying: If I could quit eating late at night (dinner not snaking) I think I would get the darn scale moving! I got home at 8:15 last night...DH was in the hottub...nothing heating up. I should just settle for a protein shake, but I got some parmesean crusted talapia at the store and wanted some. I just had salad a veggis with it, so it wasn't a bad meal, but I bet I sat down at 9:00...to get it down. DH is going to be gone all next week and into the week after so I'm pondering changing things up and trying to establish a new pattern. It would be helpful for both of us!!
  15. Sula

    Anyone here?

    Good Morning, How is everyone doing today? Sticking with it? Gerio, I think if I had the reflux and had to eat earlier in the night instead of the 8pm thing I end up doing , I'd lose weight. Since I go to bed at around 9-10, it doesn't leave time. My bad. I work late several nights a week and we just got into a bad habit. I know I should change, but lack the ability to stick to it... It does sound as if you are too tight. Have you talked to your doc? I'm working on my "stiffness" and aches and pains by adding in some yoga/pilates...just a bit. I feel better today but also didn't do my four mile walk. The dogs barked off and on all night and I couldn't get good sleep so I'm dragging a bit. I do some walking when I get off work, tho. BTW...we live in the country so the dogs only bug us...not the neighbors. Appears the coyotes and a skunk were visiting. Pee UUUU.
  16. Sula

    Anyone here?

    I suppose the best option would be to count calories. I hate that. When I did it for a while, I was suprised at how many calories I was consuming when I thought I was at around 900 to 1000 (it was like 1500. It was actually difficult to get to 1200. I probably could do protein drinks only. I think I eat like a thin person...most of the time. So why aren't I thin? Argggg. Too many fat cells? Off topic...do you guys have aches and pains? I'm 49. Geez I get stiff sometimes and achy. I did my four mile walk...in a hour, so I was moving. But as I sit here on the puter...ouch when I move. Sad, huh? I need to start doing yoga or pilates again. Seemed to free me up.
  17. Sula

    Anyone here?

    Hiya Lynn, So glad you posted. Inspired me to get right over here and be supportive. What a tough time. Hope the biopsy comes out invisible .... if that works, I mean!! As in nothing there. Anyway, I think you're being too hard on yourself and if you have caught up on the reading here, you will see that many of us are in the same boat...we could have a rear kicking fest!! I think getting a fill would be a good start for you. For me, I gotta get consistent with the exercise. I think I push too hard with work and house stuff, then exercise on top, then I have a week where I'm pooped and don't do anything. But, stick with us...we will help each other. What a time we all seem to be having!!
  18. Sula

    Anyone here?

    Well cheesecake is a protein, isn't it? :biggrin: Some day I'll tell you about white chocolate!! My bad!
  19. Sula

    Anyone here?

    Wow Tonya, that is something. I wonder what the "norm" is supposed to be. I know we have pondered that whole "sweet spot" deal and what does it feel like. Beats Me. I envy the people where the weight comes off just by the reduction of portions and eating right. I should be there if I were in that category. How is the BFL routine working for you? Keeping after it? I'm a slug this week....barely getting out of bed to do my morning chores!! Up down,up down. I should make my goal consistency!!
  20. Sula

    Anyone here?

    Hi Band friends, Sounds like we are all working our programs as best we can. Way to go. I'm still plugging away but not losing. It just takes time. I was marveling at how much physically stronger I am. It feels good. Tonya, do you PB very often? I struggle with the thought of having a fill because I PB about every other day. I feel that most of the time I'm eating correctly, it is just whatever food...and time of day, day of week, etc. Very varied.
  21. Sula

    18 month check in

    Lori, You are to be commended for all your successes and hard work. 125 pounds is amazing. Tell us all what worked best for you and what were your challenges? I'm struggling somewhat with that last 40 pounds. I slacked off for many months and have been on a plateau but I'm working harder now. I absolutely feel that the band has been successful for me. I know from years of trying to lose weight and knowing that all I've accomplished is to gain 10 pounds each year, that the band has been the best investment in myself that I have ever done. I'm not done losing yet, but if I only lost the 56 pounds that I've lost, that is still pretty wonderful for me. I feel physically stronger, have way more energy, and I feel much more happy...go figure!
  22. Sula

    Other Montanans Out There

    Judy, What does the doc charge for fills? Shawn
  23. Sula

    Anyone here?

    Good Morning, Just got in from my four mile walk. So warm out already at 5:45. I didn't even need a jacket. When I got home from work last nighth at about 7:45...it was 104. Whew...too hot. Course, I work in air conditioned comfort, which means I need a sweater!! I didn't lose any weight over the past week. It is just a slow go, i guess. Tonya, I feel like I'm in the same boat. I haven't lost anything to really speak since about October or so. I guess this is just part of this process. I wonder why some people just whiz down to their goal weight and some us of plateau. Maybe we are the statistic that says we only lose 50% and then have to struggle like HECK to get the rest off. I toy around with another fill but I PB enough as it is. A few times a week..but I've been thinking about a 1/4 cc fill. I really don't think that is the problem..is it kicking up the exercise another knotch.
  24. Sula

    Anyone here?

    Maria, soon you'll be busy running four miles a day after your little one. Whew...makes me tired!! No kids for me. But I have 8 dogs and 6 horses and three cats. That makes me tired...but also gives me joy. I slept in today...after two early EARLY mornings...I crapped out and laid in bed. I was going to do some stretching yoga stuff...but the bed felt sooo good.
  25. Sula

    Anyone here?

    Hiya, Hows everyone doing? Busy weekend here. We have begun the season for training our bird dogs, so I'm up at 5 and riding horses and training dogs for about 4 hours. Then home to do the usually up keep. I'm a little stiff and I think I will do a pilates yoga DVD tomorrow instead of my four mile walk. I'm hitting the hottub tonight, tho. My riding venture on Saturday pretty much cinched the deal on a breast reduction. I've gotta book a consultation with the plastic surgeon. My shoulders and back were killing me. I have an awesome bra by enell...great for active large breasted women, and it is the only way I'm able to ride like I do, but I still got sore. What is going on with the rest of you? How about a quick check-in and update?

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