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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Well, hell...missed the last line cutting and pasting. of vanilla Protein powder and 8 packets splenda. Makes about 36 balls with 9g protein each. Also, the lady who first gave me the idea of lapband...had not ever heard of it before a two years ago. She was eating a couple of pancakes for breakfast on Sunday and couldn't keep them down. PB's and then began to feel worse and worse. Severe abdominal pains so she finally went to the ER and thought maybe it was her gall bladder. Gave her some good drugs and she went home, only to have them wear off and she was in excruitating pain and went back. They did a MRI or CAT scan and discovered her band had slipped. She had to have emergency surgery and the doc said he thought that maybe the mexican doc (original one) hadn't attached the band to her stomach (you know those little stitches to hold it there). So, new band, back to the band hell of liquids forever. AND here is the next big kicker. I called her and asked how she was doing. She had just had some mashed potatoes thinned with gravey. I as giving her a lecture but she doesn't listen to me. Lots of excuses. So, now I'm paranoid about my band slipping.
  2. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I had some scrambled eggs for Breakfast with sauted onions and mushrooms...took forever (not more that 15 mins) to eat...very restricted. Had a can of albacore tuna for lunch and almost couldn't keep it down. I started my Water 30 minutes later and thought I'd have to make a hasty escape from the mens group I was running!! I laid off the water for about 15 more mins and all is well. I just had a Protein drink when I got home just cuz I was hungry. Tonight I'm going to do a dinner that I read out of a rotation diet book or some old diet thingy I did. chicken, yogurt and a few almonds with curry powder. I think there is something..oh some apples, but I don't think I can do the fruit so that may have to wait. My main meat will be fish, turkey burger, chicken, canned and regular and tuna. I can't imagine eating a solid meat right now....like steak or something like that. Feels very restricted. The client that put me on the idea of the pouch test sent me this for "day six" WHAT I EAT ON DAY 6. Here's a sample for ya: 8:00 - coffee w/SF creamer 10:00 - scrambled egg w/1 TBSP shredded cheese and 1-2 TBSP fresh salsa 12:00 (option 1) - 4 oz protein (fish, chicken, hamburger patty, etc.) + sliced tomato (probably 1/2 of a large) 12:00 (option 2) - 2 slices deli ham, 1 string cheese (easy when I'm on the run) 3:00 - SF pudding 6:00 - 4 oz protein (fish, chicken, etc.) + side of brocolli (or green beans) and sliced tomato 8:00 - SF pudding **Sometimes I add in 1-2 "Peanut Butter Protein Balls" for extra calories and protein. Even then, very rarely does my calorie intake go over 1000. I try not to do them too often because they tend to make me not poop (sorry TMI). Peanut butter protein balls is basically 2 cups of peanut butter, 1 cup of dry milk (nonfat), 1 cup
  3. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    My PB's have evolved to vomiting. I can feel all those stomachs squeezing. Lots of force. So I've tried to be careful. Weird thing is...sometimes I get that sour taste in the corner of my jaw...lets me know the food is being totally rejected (and it varies from time to time, what the food is) and I better head to the bathroom. Okay, so the good news..I think. I weighed this morning....198!! Now, I am wondering when I start adding food today what the scale will do so I'm not quite willing to believe that I've actually made it below 200. SO, this isn't an official announcement..Next monday will be the truth. I don't want to get my hopes up. But I think it has given me some renewed motivation. I was thinking about this last night intermittently while I was driving home. I decided that a part of me really didn't think it was possible for me to break that 200 barrier. And maybe as a result I stopped trying as hard as I needed. The mental aspect of this journey keeps unfolding!
  4. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Day one of the pouch test...I made it..but I could eat the computer!! I even doubled up on the protein in my last shake. I think I'm a bit low on the water, so I need to be more attentive tomorrow. I'm going to have 16 oz's before bed then get to bed so I'm not thinking food!!
  5. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Okay, it took me quite a while to figure out the SAHM...duh. :rolleyes2: I deal with the DH eating habits to a small degree. We can have very different schedules so I can actually do my own thing very well. I do all the shopping so mostly it is me getting the crap in the house...corn chips!! But I'm looking forward to cleaning out my system starting tomorrow. I know I have a bag at work so I will bring them home for the DH to finish off. Unfortunately, his weight has gone up as mine has gone down. I have now stopped offering him the leftovers that I can't finish!! My bad!!
  6. Thank you. I hadn't considered a breast reduction until recently when friend here had one. Then I realized I didn't have to lug these honkers around for the remainder of my life so I'm pretty excited. I'm just hoping my insurance will pay for it. We are in the middle of changing insurances so I'm in a bit of a quandry as to how to address it. I was private pay for the band and that is about all I am wanting to pay out of pocket ( and for the fills.)
  7. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Surgical Weight Loss 5 Day Pouch Test Also, why don't you just start on Tuesday...you be on liquids for Tuesday and Wednesday and then soft Proteins on Thursday? Might work.
  8. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Tonya, you got it right. I had to re-read it tho. I did it before as well. I'm doing it for the discipline!! I think the third day is solid Proteins. I liked the good canned tuna so that will be good. And it will make us watch our Water consumption like it is supposed to be. I've gotten so bad about when I drink and how much (usually way too little.) Any other takers?
  9. Loridee, I have a consult for next month on a breast reduction. I'm not real up on this stuff so I thought I'd ask.. if you didn't have a reduction, how come your breasts have gotten smaller? From a DDD to a C? I'm confused. I also had my band done in January 2007 and have lost 60 with 30 to go. I was a 44 DDD and now am a 42DD. I'd like to be smaller and am looking for a reduction..maybe that is what a lift is?
  10. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hiya I have a client and her daughter that had gastric surgery some time ago. They are going to do the 5 day pouch test diet starting on Monday and so AM I!! Anyone want to join us?
  11. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hi all, I've been down with computer problems so had to do some catch up here and see what is going on. Cindi, glad you are back and Juno...geez..ya just had a baby! I don't down talk my band ever...I'm so happy with it and the results that I can't be negative about it. I get a bit down with my progress of late, but know that is me. I'm just not quite yet to get serious again. I have also thought about either doing a 5 day pouch diet or starting over. I'd be happy if I'd just settle for a yogurt for dinner instead of a meal so late at night. I was (this is another excuse by the way!) going to start working out on my ellipitical but we are going to have a litter of pups and the basement seems to be the best spot due to our weird fall/winter weather. Better in house than outside in the kennel, I think. So, up comes the carpet and I suppose shoving things into corners. We have about an 10x10 room that is our basement, with the furnace and waterheater and some storage. Oh well...I was talking to a friend about setting up a time and working out daily...then I said..well, maybe after the first of the year. I need a talking too!! I'm so glad to be able to check in here today and see what is up. You've lifted my mood even more!! Thanks
  12. There are a few people who have problems but I think for the most part, myself included, it has been really a breeze. The problems that come with the band, PB's, heartburn, are mostly self induced and can be managed if you pay attention. I think if you go to the montly lap band sites and read, you will find people who are just going day by day and getting along. Reaching for support and motivation! One of my January 2007 bandmates said she has only PB's twice in 21 months. I do it about twice a week! It isn't that big of a deal, really! I just come to expect it. I have said before, that our bands seem to have their own perverse personality. They are different from day to day and different from time of day to the next. You just have to see how it goes and act accordingly. Getting banded is one of the best things I've done for myself. I feel terrific. My quality of life is better and I'm doing more things. I've lost 60 and have 30 to go. This last 30 is making me work extra hard (which I've been slacking on) but I'm just plugging away! You'll be fine.
  13. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hiya Tonya, Hope you enjoyed the Florida trip,even tho it sounds like it was work related. And I hear you...eating junk food can get to you. I get to missing salads when I do that. I need to hit the salads this week anyway...need the roughage!! No change on my weight, drats...but the waist measurement is smaller. It is shifting around I guess. I really need to start some strengthening routine..like pushups, situps, etc. I think that it will help me all the way around but I get a day or two into it and then stay in bed!! I still marvel at how much more strength and energy I have these days. I love it. Love my band!
  14. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Okay...so I started the TOM month today...and I weighed in yesterday at the same 202...sooooo maybe I'm actually less, when I'm not bloated???? If I can JUST control myself (ate herseys HUGS today) I may come out at a weighloss at the end of the TOM!!! Now doesn't that sound good? :grouphug:) Tee Hee
  15. Sula

    Mexican Bandsters

    A year and 10 months ago I ventured by myself to Monterray Mx for my surgery. Other than the liason not doing a good job, everything went really well. I have no complaints at all. I found the hospital and staff to be excellent and they took good care of me. The night after my surgery, the surgeon and his assistant came to the hotel (across the street) to check on me and see if I had any remaining questions. They provided me meds and contact numbers. The flight home was long (about 12 hours) which was very fatiguing but it would be under the best of circumstances. My only complaint is that the minute I had the surgery, my something or another changed and I went from being generally hot to being cold and I would suggest that you dress accordingly. It seems I'm always cold and the plane had no extra blankets.
  16. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hi Gals, Alls well here...weight maintained...watched what I ate for the most part. And I'm on a Soup kick...homemade, so I think the calories are less, certainly the sodium!! I also wish some of our old crowd would stop by, but I'm very happy with who is here, as well. I wonder if they are either wildy sucessful and have moved beyond us or are struggling and afraid to admit it. Whichever...this is a good place and they can either help us or be with us in our struggle.
  17. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Good Morning! I did weigh in yesterday and am at a solid 202. And the measurements are looking good as well. I'm trying to convince myself to get with the program and get below 200...You'd think it would be a no brainer but my self-sabatour (however you spell it) is apparently happy to be above 200. How are the rest of you doing?
  18. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Waaay to go Tonya. Too bad you were sick, but maybe if you stick with it you can keep that scale down where it belongs!! Not much happening here...big blizzard this weekend so we hunkered down and didn't do a whole lot. I forgot to weigh in this morning so I'll have to do my weekly check in tomorrow. No biggie...just got dressed before I hit the tape measure and scale. I did go for a walk on Saturday, despite the cold and snow. I was getting a bit stir crazy so we went out and did some bird hunting. My Hankie found a boat load of grouse....so he did good. I was just marveling on how easy the walking was when usually I dreaded it. I'm so glad to have lost the weight I have and so glad to have gotten physically stronger. What a blessing! I love my band.
  19. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hi Tonya, Sorry to hear you're coming down with the crud..sounds like yuck!! Not much going here..not attending to my eating much. Need to get going. I think it is the colder weather and getting dark earlier. Altho, when I think about it I'm not eating too terribly bad because my appetite is down. I did make a wonderful dish of homemade clam chowder last night. Yummie. Left overs tonight. I was thinking I'd do a lot more Soups for dinner and am really frustrated with store bought due to the sodium....so, I've got a plan!
  20. Sula

    My baby is here!

    Oh, your baby is sooo pretty! And yes, her name is beautiful, I agree. Way to go...what a good job you did!
  21. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Juno, Congrats on your new baby. Way to go. You'll probably be too infatuated with her to spend much time with us...but whenever you can pop in ...you can keep us informed and we can give you support. How is everyone else doing? My scale popped up a bit, but I'm focusing on getting it down again. Just Water I think as I had a salty taco salad for dinner. AND chips...shessshh!! But I was very active both days...so..oh well, apparently not enough. How about you?
  22. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Tracy, so glad you pop in here every now and then and share with us. Thanks. Tonya...too bad about the headache. I did a bunch of that last week...just needless stressing about nuttin!! As I've aged, my mind won't shut down like it used to. I did some abdominal work this morning. I'm going to try for twice a day. When I try on new clothes...my gut still is tight on the pants. I see that it is smaller, and the tape says so, but it seems like the difference isn't there as much. Not to mention that my lower back is giving me fits and I've always heard that to strengthen your back...strengthen your abs. Have any of you tried those "plank" moves? Whew...I get in the position and hold it for a 10 count. I'm going to try to work on increasing that. But I was shaking!!
  23. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    So far so good....I need to do some exercise, so tomorrow, I will. I did make the call on the PS consult. I'm on a waiting list until January or February, just for the consult. They sounded so interested. I can't believe there are that many people getting stuff done. Sheeesh. A friend of mine just had a reduction and I will see her for the first time on Friday. But there will be others there so mummms the word!! I'm feeling a bit deflated tho...I wanted to get these honkers in perspective but I guess all in due time.
  24. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Good Morning Jammers!! Hope the weekend treated all of you well and we are full of motivation for the week ahead!! I'm feeling particularly motivated. I did hear Tracy suggest a consult with a PS...and I think I will put that on my agenda...I need these jugs reduced and picked back up!! So, maybe the consult will steel my resolve. I stepped on the scale...first time it said 60 pounds lost...second time...58. Crap!! I want it clear and with no hedging!! I'm going to try harder this week. I'm doing my Protein powder this week. And drinking my water!! How about you all..what are your goals for the week?
  25. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Tonya---yeah...we needed a fresh face!! Great idea. About your hunger...home many grams of Protein are you consuming? Also, someone told me to have a bit of carbs...helps with energy. I am very seldom hungry. But I'm so conditioned to eating three squares (or crap food) a day that I'm anal!! I don't always eat much when I'm not real hungery but I always eat. My bad. Susie...you're not a failure...you just having a time of it. We all have struggles and it is a process...not an overnight fix for some of us. Stick with us and we will be your support. I went up and down for at least the first six months this year. Maybe checking in more frequently will help you. Please stick around. I've noticed my mood being a bit brighter and I'm happy to come here again. It is like, I gotta talk to my people!! All two or three of you! :smile2:

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