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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I got a call from the PS office..my insurance wants 6 months documented conservative treatment for the pain my big ta ta's cause me. As if lugging around 40 DD's isn't enough, maybe I could go back to the time when it was 44 DDD. And ask them how they would like riding a horse at fast speed to see how it feels. Oh yeah, I just want to have surgery cuz I think it is so fun. So I have to somehow prove that I've been doing conservative treatment....what you may ask, is that? Well, let me tell you...taking asprin for pain in the neck and back, wearing a sports type bra, having massages, oh, and even physical therapy!! And they might want to see the grooves in my shoulder. I swear, insurance companies feel that the money is theirs, instead of the premiums that we pay every month. So, I had to postpone the surgery scheduled for Feb, 3, and am trying to get into the regular doctor, who I saw last may to talk about my big boobs and the problems with them, then see if she will write a letter saying "Oh yes, this patient has taken an aspirin and I'm pretty sure that she wears a good bra...." I think I should ride up to the insurance office, whereever the hell it is, on my horse and full speed and let them watch the jugs bounce around. See how they think that might feel? Obviously I'm upset. (No, really you say, we couldn't tell!!). But it took me a long time to convince myself that this was necessary...They didn't go away, much, with my weightloss...which I thought they would, or at least more. Okay, I might be done venting...bear with me if I go off again. Thanks for listening!!
  2. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I got home about an hour ago and have some time to check things online. I was navigating to get to our spot and seeing (not for the first time, but now I want to comment) the people who are 2009 beginning bandsters. I was remembering the excitement and fear of my time. I was so determined..I never had second thoughts, even afterward...still don't. But the fear that this wouldn't work. And excitement that I was doing something that might help me slay my eating dragons. I sort of envy those that are just starting the journey. Rmember running to the scale every day (sometimes more than once a day)? And reading this website voraciously? What do you remember?
  3. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I'm doing well...and absolutely, I'm sooo happy with my band. I agree with you tho, I'm not using it to its best benefit. I need to get myself into portion control and not eating so late...AND my biggie...get to working out. It is the same mantra, tho...but every day/month/year it gets better. I'm more active. I had a tough two days...band was so tight, I upchucked and so was on liquids yesterday. I slept in a more inclined position, so I'm feeling better today and minding my P's and Q's. But it also brought to mind that I'm over eating and pushing it. And I've probably stretched out my band and if I don't knock it off, will cause a slip and who needs that!! On the plus side...I'm down 13 or so pounds for the past year. That is a bit of a downer, but then I remind myself that my typical is at least a 10 pound gain. The more better news is that I've lost 2 1/4 inches off my waist, 3 inches off my butt and thighs,..and I can't remember what the loss is off my calves. I didn't get a bust measurement tho...was hurrying and didn't have the bra on yet. So, you would think with all those inches...8 1/4 and more..that would add up to more than 13 pounds, right? Oh well, I am NOT complaining..it is all good. How about you?
  4. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Tonya, when is your surgery? Can't remember and too lazy to go back and read...:wink2: And you be off for 6 weeks? Do you have to have an unfill? Or just stay the course? Juno..how ya feeling these days? On top of the cold?
  5. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Howdy!! How is everyone doing? What are your plans for New Years? I'm not a partier...so I'll be home and in bed well before the midnight hour. Probably just a nice dinner and watch TV. We have another storm coming...we set a snowfall record for central Montana this month. Something I'm not really excited about..haarump!! I stepped on the scale yesterday and at first glance, it appears that I lost a pound eating christmas crap!! Go figure! I put on a pair of pants (size 16) that have fit nicely, but all of a sudden it seems that my legs and butt have shrunken..cuz the pants are baggy. NONE of my 16s are baggy. So, I'm kinda bemused by the whole thing. If I try to mind my p's and q's, I don't lose...if I eat crap...well...I know it doesn't make sense, and I made myself eat a nice salad (with chicken) for lunch. I gotta get the food groups lined out again. So, how are you doing?
  6. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Happy day after Christmas, all. I didn't even come close to the computer yesterday. I was wondering if you ever noticed your band feeling tighter, for a long period of time (like months) without a fill..or have you ever heard of it. I had my last fill in January and most of the time I feel like my restriction is pretty tight. But I don't remember it being so tight back in January or for several months afterward. Also, I feel like I have reflux or heartburn on a semi-regular basis...for about the past three months. Have you heward of such a thing?
  7. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Whew, that seems high. I thought it was around 300 a month. At least I think that was it about three years ago at my gym (before we moved so far out of town.) But I was thinking about four days a week at my office. I don't know...I also do pretty well when I make up my mind to work out to my tapes. That is where my motivation is going right now. I'm just sitting tight on the weight...stayed the same when I weighed in on Monday (after having christmas cookies for breakfast. Some habits are hard!! I think you are right, about 3 months recovery time for your type of surgery. I think if I can get my breast reduction, it is about 6 weeks. I have this crazy idea that if my boobs were not so cumbersome, I might convince myself to do the couch to 5K workout thing. The only time I've ever lost weight on my own, if you will, is by running, which I hate, but maybe it will be different this time.
  8. Sula

    im gaining it all back !!!

    Jacqui has some great words of wisdom. It is about calories in and calories expended. That is the bottom line. As much as I want to magically lost these last 30 pounds they won't just fall off. I know I need to get moving. The pouch test is a smaller version of starting the lapband eating program over. liquids, mushies, soft and the firm foods. It also busts you loose from some of the foods that are supposed be on the bottom of our intake list...carbs, sweets, etc. Remember, Proteins, veggies, first. I always remind myself, I know what I need to do, I just need to do it.
  9. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hi everyone, Hope you are all doing well. I think the cold and snow are in your areas now..so hope that you are surviving warmly! I think we are looking at above zero today and in the 20's tomorrow. Wind chill today is supposed to be 20 below..my poor horses!! I'm not eating the best things but feeling very restricted....so not eating a lot over all. I think I should get a fill but then I think that I have so much trouble maybe not. My next thought is that a fill costs $200 and I wonder how much a month a personal trainer would cost for the month of January. That was my new bright idea. They are advertising a Pilates instructor as a personal instructor. That would certainly jump start me again. I also committed to going to a gym with a friend who has five free passes. I'll have to work a schedule out but I really need to do it. Since we have puppies in the basement, my elipitcal is stuck in a corner. We have a basement that is about 15 x 15 feet. Nice a cozy! How are you doing?
  10. Sula

    im gaining it all back !!!

    You might try the 5 day pouch test diet to shrink your stomach again. Might have to do it longer than five days. But it is all about portion control. And choices. We all struggle. Don't give up!
  11. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hi gals, I'm sorry I've been away. I'm having computer connection problems...all week long. Just a window here to try, so I'm trying. We are having hedious weather and I'm sticking close to home. I'm being sooo lazy tho. I gotta get in gear. Sounds like you two are on the mend and doing soo well. I need to be able to get in here more..maybe after the sub zero weather clear and whatever the problem is, gets fixed, I can check in more often.
  12. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Tonya, sounds like you are doing fantastic. Way to go. I'm very impressed with your dedication!! I'm trying for breast reduction and lift. We got new insurance on November 1st and they (the Dr.'s office) said they would wait till after the first of the year to turn in the letter requesting approval. So, who knows. I'm scheduled for the surgery on Feb 3rd. Juno, How ya feeling girl? Hanging in there?
  13. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I don't know how you moms deal with being sick and caretaking kids. And guys have no clue..they are such babies themselves....wouldn't really occur to most of them that they could help out in that way. I don't get sick often but when I do, I still keep plugging away. I've never had a kid to take care of but livestock and such..plus my own business. When my DH is sick...everything comes to a screeching halt. I have to say this for him..In the 11 years we have been together I think he has only missed 1 1/2 days of work for being sick..but he will lay low on the weekends and not do a darned thing. Men...sheesh!! Anyway, I'm a believer in zycam/zicam and Airborne. I know they have disproved the latter, but I think mentally it works!! :tt1: Hope you get to feeling better! Just work on getting rested..I think that is the key to getting over things sooner...not trying to over do it. Hey Tonya..everything okay in your neck of the woods?
  14. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Okay gang, where are you? Alls well over here. I weighed in on Monday and didn't gain, but didn't lose. I started my period later in the day so maybe I'm actually down a fraction!! I figured out how come I was feeling so constricted...duh!! How are you gals doing?
  15. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Oops, did I tell you we won a trip to Vegas in January? Just a short four day, down and back but it will be fun. I was thinking of a fill in January but may wait till after that...and after the surgery. I do have good restriction but it doesn't shut me down enough. I'm back to the old hemming and hawing on how it tight it is supposed to be.
  16. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hi Guys, I've been running around doing Christmas stuff. Hope to get in here more often. Tonya, tough luck but maybe good? And I agree with Juno, lets really work hard to support each other. I've just had a binge week (well, three days but seemed like the whole week) Lost a puppy and kicking myself for not doing something sooner. AND, my meeting with the plastic surgeon, well, it went well, but I had to wait almost two hours for him to finally show up. Missed my own paying client because I was over a half hour late. It just inflamed me. I usually take things in stride and I was polite, but man, was I pissed. I'm scheduled for the surgery on Feb 3rd, if my insurance okays it. Have to go in at 7:45 am the day before, so I laid it on them, I'll be here on time, he'd better be also! In fact, I think I will give them the reminder call a few days before and remind them that I will need a call 45 minutes before the appointment, if the Dr. has arrived or not. I think that is pretty fair. Anyway, I'm still worked up about it. But other than that, all is well. My Water consumption has fallen off and I had a tough day eating at all yesterday...10 days before period so not that. I"m mentally telling myself to start working out to pilates DVD's tomorrow morning..and each morning after that. So, we shall see!! I don't have any excuses, but I'm lazy! :sad_smile:
  17. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Juno, sounds like you have the right ideas and motivation! Hope some of it rubs off on me! I need to do some reassessing after the first of the year. I want to work on my work schedule and put time in there to work out. Or I need to get my butt out of bed and get after it. Which I will do, actually. I was going to start this week and do some PIYO but we have one of our puppies isn't making it so I'm doing extra feedings round the clock...yawn. Cycle of life and death I'm afraid, but I'm not ready to throw in the towel. Woke up to snow this morning..yuck.
  18. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hi all, I thought you were all gone, so I haven't posted anything. I ate like a pig but I weighed in this morning and all is well. YIPPEE. I might look at a fill after the first of the year. I go in for my consultation for a breast reduction on Wednesday...I nervous and excited. Whoohoo. Juno, coping with food. What can we do to help you? Not that I don't do the same thing...but maybe we can motivate each other?
  19. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Boy Tonya, I'm going to pray for some peach and serenity for you, for sure!! What a tough go of it. I'm so glad your dad is okay. I can't even imagine! I will also send you puppy breath (and some pictures) which I tried earlier and my puter didn't want to cooperate! But I will get them. My DH said I took pictures that were too close up so I'll check and make some better ones. (but what does he know!!) So, girl, hang in there. Its gotta get better..and actually sounds as though it already is.
  20. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I hear you on the scales. For such a long time mine went up and down...Like for months and months. Sometime in recent months, it has only gone down...incredibly slow but no bouncing around. I don't know why. I like your determination. I feel that way right now. It was such a shock for me to realize that I was mentally thinking I'd never see under 200. I'm still a bit dazzled by it. I'm really watching my calorie intake right now. I have maintained the pouch test diet to a large degree...two days of liquids, etc. I noticed tho, for the past two days, as it has been cold here, I've drank less Water, so I've given myself a talking to. BTW..girls...we had six new puppies the night before last!! How fun. I'll try to attach a picture.
  21. Sula

    Countdown to Onederland!

    I had to search all over to find this thread. But I made up my mind, when I finally got to Onederland, I would officially post here! AND here I AM!!!! I did a five day pouch test diet last week and dropped to 198. I went up one pound due to TOM, but that still means I'm a member here!! I never thought I'd make it. I'd say the words but I think in the back of my mind I just thought I'd lost enough and I should be happy for where I'm at, compared to where I was!! I have a new attitude and motivation. If I can do it, anyone can. This probably couldn't have happened at a better time for me, with the holidays and food trips coming up!! If I can do it, ANYONE can!!
  22. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Okay, I'm calling it official. I'm in ONEDERLAND!! In spite of starting TOM, the scale says I'm there!!! WHHOOO HOOOOO!! Now I'm going to go to the link on here about Onederland..I finally get to post there! TEE HEE And I'm going to Celebrate..but not with food. I'm getting a massage. Friday..day of pampering. :smile2:
  23. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    This has nothing to do with why we are here, but I think it is so neat, I had to share it. My brother sent me this website...live feed.. Puppy Cam Ustream.tv Video Player
  24. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I don't think I have a slip. I was just concerned with the way I vomit instead of PB more often now...and if that could lead to a slip. So, I've just decided to be more careful and to exercise some control when I do feel full!! I'm afraid to even make the Peanut Butter Protein balls. There was a time I couldn't even keep peanut butter in my house as I'd eat it by the jar. I stopped doing that years ago, but I can binge on stuff pretty easy. So that may not be in my repetoir for food items..those balls that is.
  25. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Tonya, I think I'm just paranoid. I have noticed more heartburn, like last night when all I had was water!! But a lot of it. I take some tums and it goes away. When I PB, like my eggs, this morning, it will evolve from a PB to a vomit, like from my toes. I feel (think I feel) like it is both of my stomachs squeezing. Like when you have the flu. That has been going on for a few months..Probably once or twice a week. And sometimes for no particular reason. Now, since I've been doing this pouch diet, I stopped myself from vomiting. I PB's the scrambled eggs (I only had about three or four bites and just couldn't eat more) and then I mentally got a hold of myself and didn't let it get into a vomit. So, that is what I'm going to do from now on. I don't know that I've slipped, I'm just paranoid. When I read that slippage site on here (link) I should just stay away from the complications from lapband site LOL I start jumping at shadows. Pretty restricted today so I just had some soup for lunch with some chicken sausage. Ate very slowly and all is well. I'm feeling GREAT.

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