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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I have a doc's appointment for friday with my regular doc. I am trying to figure it out before I go to the lapband doc, as it isn't covered by insurance. I'm sort of back thinking hiatal hernia, but the past few days have been pretty tough. I'm down five pounds in a week. Not good. I am trying to stick to my protein drinkings and picked up some more higher protein drinks...42 grams per drink for this one, so I can keep that part up. It has taken me some time to drink it as I did try some solids this morning and that messed me up. I am also drinking my water. Very strange, is all I have to say about this. I just have to wonder why I'd need an unfill if is has been January 2008 since I got it filled last. But, we do know, fickle!! But hopefully I have some insight on friday and if I have to schedule an unfill, I can do that as well. Oh, and I'm pretty careful about eating too late...recently. I'm going to finish off another protein drink before 6 today and be done except for water. But you know what, usually was burps up is liquid. So, some of the solids are making it down.
  2. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Fickle bitch it is!! I haven't had a fill in over a year and it certainly feels like it is tighter now than when I filled last january. I had terrible reflux last night. I guess part of me is afraid to go in a see the Dr. What if it is something? The reason I have this fear is $$. A friend, who had the bad about two months before me, had a major slip last November and had a emergency removal and reinstall. All on her own dime, because she got her band in Mexico and insurance won't cover any of it. I guess I naively figured that after the fact problems would be covered as medical problems. I don't actually think I have a problem with the band...but maybe just some swelling and might need an unfill. So,now the dilemma, is that I'm losing weight, should I just tolerate it a bit longer and get somewhere in my loss so I can have some movement. I just need to eat even more properly, or stick with some liquids more often. And that doesn't seem to be against bandster rules. It is kinda funny, ironic. I am now eating the portion...like 2 oz at a time. A very small portion. And isn't that what we are supposed to do?
  3. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Sunshine, you have been one of the most determined and dedicted people I've met here and if anyone can reash their goals, it will be you. I'm having the devils own time with eating right now. I feel fine. I just can't keep solid stuff down. I had soup for lunch yesterday and felt icky and up it came. Had cottage cheese (trying for soft or liquids) and it came up as well. I think it is related to this reflux issue. The prilosec worked wonders last week but not so good this week. Also, got a call from the PS office...they feel the need to reschedule. I have just resisted calling to tell them I wanted to put it off, so I think it is all going according to the "big" plan. I'm going to work on weigh loss and try to get it done in the fall. That seems to set better in my mind right now. Also DH had surgery three weeks ago and found that he is supposed to behave himself for five weeks (or more) so we can't have both of us convalescing...someone has to do chores!! I am actually okay with it right now. More frustrated with the eating problem, but might be doing well for weighloss. I'm going to do all liquids today as in protein drinks.
  4. I am tucking my shirts in! I am crossing my legs! I am getting on my horse without having to use a ladder! What I still want?? Sexy bras and panties A beachy vacation To feel average sized! (all psychological but what the heck)
  5. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Tonya, I remember a comment you made here long ago..when you DH grabbed your leg and found solid muscle. I know how hard you have worked and worked out. So, you'll be back in the swing of things in no time. You have had your setbacks....sheesh!! I have not been able to eat a solid thing today..for no reason. I had a protein drink for breakfast...was going for a salad with some chicken and egg on top...got stuck and PB's eventually. Decided to try hot cereal with some protein powder and cranberries, nuts in it...vomited. So, I don't get it. Not how I wanted my day to go but at least I was trying to eat right. Oh, I did have a second protein drink for a late lunch..gotta have something. And now I'm drinking wine (whine!!). My bad.
  6. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Bandana...I think the breast reduction was during my first year of weight loss. However, I see that I can cinch in my bra another notch on the fasteners. So, my girth is getting a bit less..or at least this week!! But still the same size bra. I thought I'd show a weightloss this week but NOT. I have hardly kept anything down, which I think is related to the cold I have...don't ask me why but I feel very tight and things are not setting well. That being said, I hit the pilates this morning and am gonig to work on getting my protein in (I've been bad) and my water. I've got to get back on the bandwagon instead of just coasting. Or hoping it is going to happen on its own.
  7. I have done it twice, when things seem to slow down and I need a boost. It helps to get rid of the sugars and carbs in your diet. It helped me get to onederland. They have a website with recipes and the diet. google it to find it. I'm due for another round with it. I highly recommend it.
  8. Sula

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    I just had a second denial from my insurance company. They said the pics the PS took did not show the shoulder grooves or is there any evidence/history of rash related to pendulous breasts. In addition, they said that his estimate of tissue to be removed, 500 grams, was below what was necessary, and 700 grams needed to be taken out. I can take new pictures to support the grooves and somewhere in the hx is a notation of the rashing for many years ago. But my question/concern is..if my PS said this is the amount that would be appropriate..eg.500 grams, and 700 grams is what the insurance co says must come out in order to be insured...I'm told this would make me a B cup. And I was thinking a C cup is average. How do you make a decision in this area as far as body proportion or what? I do have about 25 more pounds to lose. I am thinking that I should just wait until that happens now and maybe the insurance will adjust their numbers based on my weight. Can you give me any thoughts on this? Thanks
  9. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I think I have figured out the reflux. I have tried prilosec and I have had no trouble at all this week. One pill a day. Oh boy, I hope this is it for me. I need some feedback from my band buddies. I got a second denial from the insurance co on my breast reduction. I talked to the staff at the PS office and was going to go in for another photo but I postponed it. I need to think a bit. When I talked to the office staff (must be someone who knows a bit) she said that if I had the 700 grams taken from each breast it would make me a B cup. The reason the grams are so high, if you will, is because of my weight and if I lose more weight the grams will be less. They use this chart to determine what needs to come out. So, after being somewhat homicidal and then very weepy, I'm trying to think rationally about this. Would I (and my DH) be okay with a B-cup? Would I be better ot postpone it and work on my weightloss a bit more diligently? I'm afraid if I go ahead, I will be unhappy and then where will I be. A major surgery with a less than satisfactory result. For some reason I envision a C cup as being "average". I'm a 40 DD now...was a 44DDD when I first got banded. What do you guys think? Please give me your feedback. I'm in a knot over this.
  10. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hi all...funny how we are all in the acid reflux boat. I do think the part (if not most) of my problem, is the late eating. I'm going to try to work on it again!! I need a break. Too much reflux can lead to cancer of the esophogus, I've heard, so we need to stay on top of it. I had a really bad (infuriated) two days last week after talking to my insurance company. They sent me another denial because in the photos, they couldn't see any grooves in my shoulders and the Dr. estimated that he would take out 500 grams and this scale that they use says they need to take out like 650 grams. BUT...if I wanted to go ahead and have the surgery, they would review it and see if they would cover it after the fact. I'm waiting to hear ( and actually they won't call...I'll have to track them down) from the Dr to see what our next step it..better photos and a new estimate? I was actually having homicidal thoughts. I have this client who's hubby has been thumping on her. He was trying to find me last week (about the same time I was in my snit) to "threaten" me, as the wife said...I just smiled and said, bring it on (to myself). I would have loved to have gotten into it with someone. (I do have this seriously ornery streak ...I call her my evil twin). I was pretty good and didn't kill anyone close to me...even the DH. But he was sure keeping an eye on me. I'm better today..as I had a lovely weekend of riding. Altho my shoulders are killing me!! Too much boob action! But outdoors in Feb...wow..what a treat. Okay, gotta go to work and earn my dime. You all take care and lets see what we can do about this weightloss and Reflux issue!!
  11. Sula

    Insurance Coverage?

    Just got my second denial for breast reduction. First it was the 6 months conservative treatment. My regular doc fired off a letter supporting that I've done all that. Then, today, it isn't medically necessary because the PS estimated the amount of grams to be 500 (to be removed) and that doesn't work for Cigna as they require 625 grams. I feel so frustrated and actually tearful. I have so many things I want to do that are impeded by my large breasts and the pain I get when I do certain activities. I've had shoulder pain for two days this week..and I haven't done anything in particular. Oh, duh, just started my period and so the girls are probably a bit more swollen and therefore, I'm packing around a bit more. I guess they would prefer if you had the reduction before you lost weight so the grams would be there. And that would make so much sense...NOT. I haven't lost all that much in my breasts. Who makes these rules? Oh yeah, insurance companies...like it is their money. So they can pay those excs the big bonus' I guess.
  12. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Tonya, I'm sure it is so frustrating to be so close and then be restricted by physical issues to get where you want to be. I feel for you!! I think that is great, WW is a good program. DH is doing fine. Very active and not too stoved up. He is sleeping in the front room, in the recliner, for now, so I didn't get up to work out the past bit. But I'm still motivated and just waiting till I can get out there and not disturb him. Bandana..way to go on the win!! When we went to Vegas last month, we brought a bit home as well. Always nice!! But I be that doesn't happen very often. I don't think I told you guys I got a brand new CAR. A subaru Forrester...My DH calls it my 50th b-day present, altho we really needed to replace my old Sub. But I'm sure feeling spoiled with a new car...my first!! Side note...remember me telling you about the reflux..well, I'm self-diagnosing here,but I think I've developed a hiatal hernia. From throwing up! Go figure. I should go get it checked but I don't think I will. At least not for now. My Bad...but my eye is on my breast reduction next. Hopefully that will be coming up next month.
  13. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Okay, I feel as though I 'm in a dark room trying to find my friends. :crying: Just kidding. There have been plenty of times when I've skipped out. I made a half or three quarters workout this morning and am not so sore tonight. My interest wanned. My bad!! My I sure feel good. I am, however, feeling overwhelmed at work. Seems like the paperwork pile is growing insteat of shrinking...well, it never shrinks, but I do get new stuff and out with the old. Just a busy week and I wonder if it will stay that way. DH goes in for shoulder surgery tomorrow, so a short day at work and then home to care for the dearie. He is a good guy. I'm not sure he is up to babying, however. Hope you're winning the battles out there.
  14. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Day 2....up and attem. I'm sure sore from my little 30 minute workout tho!! Pathetic, to say the least. Where is everyone? Doing my trick? :thumbdown:
  15. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Well, good news...I got up and motivated. I worked out to Pilates. And I'm going to get on my program and get some results. I had a marvelous yesterday....went riding in 50 degree temps. I felt so good and agile....losing this weight has given me back something that I'd lost. Balance, agility, etc. Love my band!! I also ordered a series of excercise DVD's..called 10 minute workouts. Come with bands and who knows what else. I'm hoping for some quick strenthening sets that will not defeat my motivation. Right? Anyone can do 10 minutes...several times a day. This is only to get me going until I can get outside for my long walks. I just read an article..and Tonya knows this, that the intermittent cardio bursts...reduces belly fat. So, if you can mix up your routine and get out of breath...like doing sprints..but you can do it anyhow....will target more the fat deposits...and I sure have them. Hope all are doing well.
  16. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hey all, glad to see some posting. I've been remiss in checking in. Tonya, glad to hear/see you recovering. Don't over do it so you can get back at it sooner. I just doesn't sound like fun having that kind of surgery. I'm still waiting to hear on the breast reduction...hurry up and wait. I got a bill for 95 bucks to have the Dr. write a letter (and listen to my tale of woe) to the insurance company, assuring them I needed this and I'm not some crackpot wanting to cut my boobies off. Duh!! When did insurance co's get all the power? I did go for a walk with a couple of the puppies and big dogs when I got home. Kinda windy but I thought that the temp at 57 degrees was right up my alley.
  17. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I'm bad on the exercise thing. I do better when the weather is nice and I can do my 5 mile walks...but then I struggle with consistency. One week I'll walk 20-25 miles and then the next...I won't do any. Grrrr. I'm working on some self talk to get myself for a push starting on Monday. I need to get to eating right and moving more. It just has to happen. So, I just have to do it. I thnk tho, for you...you should acknowledge what you'd done so far. I know the risk of that...I'm so much thinner...and we settle. I struggle with that myself. Like this is okay. If I don't lose another pound,this is okay..but it isn't really. I'm way to close to 200 pounds to be happy. So I need to get my rear in gear.
  18. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    BAndana..just typed a nice message to you and got the message that it was too short...what the heck!! Sounds like my college days..must be so many pages long or you don't get credit!! Anyway..WAY TO GO on your loss to day and I hear you on the last 35 .... I have about 25 to go and I'm not too terribly interested in getting after it at the moment. I need to get my self talk and motivation going again. I think the weather here in MT gets to me and I just as soon stay still. Like that is any more of an excuse for me than it is for anyone else in the cold country. I need to quit making excuses...how on earth do you work on that? BUT...WAY TO GO..that is great.
  19. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I'm here, but have been gone as well. Just got back from Vegas...whoooo hoooo..and came home with a bit of money. Sort of broke even..so that is good. Eating crappy!! Gotta get myself back in line but am lacking motivation. I will start the self talk today and get after it. No procrastination. Also, two weeks ago I had a visit with my primary care doc, who wrote a wonderful letter in support of breast reduction. That has been sent off to my damned insurance and we will see. I did reschedule the surgery for the end of March..keep fingers crossed. Tonya...ick. I don't blame you for not wanting two surgeries back to back. Get healed up and see how it goes. You may feel like a million bucks in the near future!! I'm hating winter. I want to be outside and moving around but it isn't so hot out. I did walk a huge amount in Vegas, as I am not a gambler but like to look at the sights. So that was good. How are others doing?
  20. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I'm failing at the exercise thing. I'm busy with the day to day things of having land, horses and dogs..but nothing that you get cardio over. I've got to knuckle down. It was almost nice enough to go for a long walk but I decided to go riding instead. The horse got his cardio! It is so nice to have a few more "faces" here...
  21. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I'm guessing Tonya is recouping from her surgery, but how are the rest of you? We are expecting a 60 degree day, altho the wind will blow...I'm spending time outside..yeah!!
  22. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    The more the merrier...please join. Susie, I'm dealing with reflux issues right now so I read your post with great interest. This started about four months ago..out of the blue. I haven't had a fill since last January. But I certainly feel more restricted. I keep thinking that I should consult with a doc so I can see if there is something wrong..such as a flap that isn't closing properly. What has your doctor told you?
  23. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    The whole boob job is just aggravating. But mostly, as I'm sure you know, it is insurance companies. They act like it is their money. Today, as I think about our old/young cronies...I think if they were interested, they would have checked in. But maybe they can't find us. Or maybe they have either moved on and don't need the support or maybe they have fallen and are embarrassed to contact us. Whichever it is, maybe it is up to them. I dunno. What do you think?
  24. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hey all, I'm over my pissiness!! Mostly... Now I'm working on the solution to the problem. How are you doing? Tonya, anyway to contact the old list members (from our original January group) for a progress report?
  25. Sula

    It's almost that time

    You ladies are doing terrific. It seems the band has done all of us a lot of good. What a terrific two years it has been. Sula

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