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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    When I got so tight with my reflux, about all I could do was hydrate. So, I think I've got to focus on that a bit more. Being a 7cc's rather than the 8 I have been at, I can sure tell. I'm getting afraid to get near the scale. My self-willpower sucks@@
  2. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I hear you on the busy bee stuff. I'm booked up with STUFF until the third weekend of may. So, THAT Is where the days go! I do see my lawn greening up. I'm kinda reved up about that. Better than the dull brown OR white snow! I'm trying to watch what I'm eating and drinking. I had such a busy day yesterday that I totally missed the water. First time I've done that in a long time. I think you are amazing in your weight loss and I'm can't imagine why those darn last pounds are hanging on for dear life. Don't they know they are being rejected?
  3. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hey group, where are ya? Busy I suspect..probably at the gym. I need someone to hold my hand and drag my ARSE out of bed in the mornings!!! I"m going to go look for bandsters to pester on the list. :smile:
  4. My 10 cc band has 7 in it right now. I had 8 in it. And was told that I had about reached my max for it. I think I will be going back up to 8 in the near future. I had some problems with reflux and got swollen...the DR took all the fill out for two weeks and then was going to put all 8 in but I opted for just 7. I wouldn't say I've ever hit the sweet spot. My definition is that I could just kinda eat normal (lapband normal) and the weight would fall off...NOT!! I have to watch what I eat and exercise...but that is okay. I need the good habits anyway.
  5. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Keep an eye on it. I think mine got swollen due to the frequent PB's and sometimes vomits. And mostly from the constant irritation from the reflux...would make me sit up and hack and cough up stuff in the middle of the night. I feel so much betten now.
  6. Sula

    4 year out and have issue...

    I had to had a unfill about 5 weeks ago, to solve the reflux problem. There was some concern about a slip but that wasn't a problem. I went back in two weeks after the unfill and he put in 7 cc's...he had taken out 8. He was going to put all 8 back in but I'm so glad he didn't. $200 a fill/unfill for me..but I'd rather go slower for that last cc. I felt ever cc of it going in and for about 5 days...could actually FEEL the restriction, most of the time. That feeling has dwindled... I'm afraid to go back to 8 but probably will in another month. I need the restriction. BTW...I had my last fill about 15 months before the unfill. I just got some swelling, presumably from a stuck episode..and it got more and more irritated..more PB's and vomiting, actually. At the end I could hardly keep liquids down, but just didn't think it could be the band because I hadn't had a fill in so long. Stubborn, I am. I also have 30 more to go...and it isn't happening without me making some more changes.
  7. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I'm not as hung up as I was right after I got the surgery, about people knowing. My family, a few friends...then the second year a few more. I guess I still get stuck with people thinking this is the easy way out, but if you're in the trenches...such as our spouses, or closer people, they know you really have to work at it. Or we'd be there by now, right!! Snowing here right now...I get a free pass on my walk tomorrow...YEEAH!!
  8. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    How come it is too soon to take out your gallbladder? Did I miss a post explaining that? I know my reflux caused my stomach to be irritated and it was gradually swelling up and closing off the stoma. I could hardly get liquids down before I finally got with the program and went to see the LB doc. I just thought it couldn't possibly be the band...I hadn't had a fill in over a year!! My restriction that I had last week has lessened by quite a bit. I'm going to plan on another fill probably in May to get back to where I was....8cc's. It was good to feel that much and know I had to be careful. I had on PB.,..but I really was being so careful. And portion control was great! I got up, went out in the dark and walked/ran for an hour...more walk than run, but I felt like I could actually run for a change. It is never an easy task..I'm not one of those natural runners...But I actually felt pretty good. And I felt stronger than I have in forever. That is a good feeling. Side note.... near a town called Choteau (where Dave Lettermans other home is) is a lake called Freezeout. THis time a year and in the late fall, there is a snow geese migration..where 100's of thousands of them go through. So, we are enjoying the migration. When I got back from my exercise this morning...there is a pond just across from out house...and it was covered with snow geese! It was quite a site. I need to drive to Freezeout...about 20 miles to really see the big amount. Kinda neat!
  9. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Sure sounds as thought you are doing every thing right. I do think that interval training has some merit..maybe shake something up. I have a perverse sense of pleasure (my bad) in hearing about your indulgences. I have all these good intentions in the morning and then just screw it up. That is the problem. I can even feel the restriction at times in the middle of the night and think...I'm going to do the pouce diet for a few days. I make it through my morning coffee. What the heck. So, it is nice, but not nice to see you indulging. Short of wiring my jaws...cripes!! I have been working out this week. I missed the morning workout..hubby rolled over for a 30 minute snuggle/sleep and I couldn't resist. So...I took my workout clothes to my office and put in the ty-bo tape...did my workout. I'm so proud of myself. A year ago..let alone 2 years ago, I couldn' t have gotten thought it. So, that part is good and that I made decision and followed throughw with it. I really need to ramp up the cardio I think. I really (in my mind at least) want to start running. I just know that will be the turning point to buring the calories I consume. Did anyone see Valerie Bertinnelli in the new People magazine. She did the Jennie Craig and looks great. I am astounded at the 1700 calories a day but then she must have been working out more. But for me..to lost weight, I think it needs to be way less or I need to hit it harder. Stick with it gang....come help us with your tales...I could use some more help by reading up on you.
  10. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I"m back...for now. Maybe time for a new keyboard..but my "o's" are back. I"m up and down with the scale. I dread getting on the thing but and afraid not to lest my chronic lapses get the better of me. Tonya, I'm so proud of your determination. You plug away and I know you will get there. You are probably building muscle as you workout so hard. Take measurements..I do each week..well waist and hips. It kinda helps me a bit better than the scale on some of those days. My knee is a bit off but not too back so I did a light workout..and some yoga. Tomorrow...cardio!! Yippee..NOT!! :biggrin: Hang in there...we can do it.
  11. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    k...my letters quit w rking...guess which ne? I'll w rk n it and get back...:biggrin: hahahah geezzz
  12. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    LOL Tonya..you need t
  13. Sula

    havent lost anything

    Also, the first bit of time after getting banded is not about losing weight, but about healing. Many people lose weight at this time, due to the restricted diet they are advised to eat by their Dr. Some do not. I'm sure you're read it hear before, but the band is just a tool and it still takes eating right to make it work. Check your calorie intake and see if you need to adjust it.
  14. Sula

    I've failed at Lap Band

    I would suggest getting in and talking to your lapband doc or nutritionist. The band works. Something isn't going right. I second the suggestion of perhaps too much too soon. I went a long time before PB's. I just went through about 6 months of reflux and finally was so bad I went to the doc...waited too long!! He took all the fill out. I got refilled last week and I can totally feel the restriction. The reflux started about 10-11 months after my last fill. Things change with the band...I have now decided it is important to keep in contact with the doc and and support team to figure out why things are not working. Best of luck
  15. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Good Morning all, Still plugging away over here. I have hit the workouts this week but seem to have aggravated my knee, so I'm taking it easy today. I hope to get right back into it. I sort of felt it ping while doing a manuever and it is sore when I walk so I'm trying to be careful. Don't need a problem there on top of other things. I'm struggling....no that isn't the right word. I have definate restriction. I can feel my band in my chest and food has a hard time going down. I"m taking it easy, but haven't seen the weight fall off. Well, that isn't exactly true. My scale says down 4 pounds...so I suppose I should stop bellyaching!! I want it all now. I was thinking of the early days when we rushed to the scale multiple times (A DAY..come on admit it!)..to see how much we lost..and generally we were down. Ahhh, those were the good days! :smile2:
  16. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hi Friends, I'm back in fill land. I went to the fill doc and he suggested putting back in the 8cc's that he took out two weeks ago. I sort of cringed and said maybe we could start at 7. So he agreed and we did. What a weird, uncomfy feeling that came over me. It was almost scary. I did drink my water down alright but I have to say, I'm a bit gunshy about taking in anything. Okay, confession time. I did weigh in at the docs...10 pound gain. Now how can you do that in two weeks? But I'm back on track and I don't really feel too bad about it. Just blows my mind and tells me what might be if I didn't have my band. Usually for me, it was 10 pounds a year or so!! Scary!! I did some walking today but couldn't move much if I sat still. I'm going to do some yoga in the morning and the get back after it. I know it does get better...but yikes..why do I do this to myself? Winter storm warnings up here...hope it misses us tho. I'm tired of winter.
  17. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hi all, Sounds like you are all doing well. I went eating crazy for the past two weeks and am now trying to rein myself in. I did a modified liquid diet yesterday but had a protein solid food dinner. I go in for a fill today and really need one. I think I put on about 8 pounds!! Yikes. But I sort of gave myself permission to pig out knowing I had to get back on track this week. I know...just shooting myself in the foot. I'm on liquids today due to the fill. I started the 10 minute workout..which is 10 of cardio, 10 abs, 10 lower body..I'm so sore I can hardly walk. It is by the guy who does the PX90...and goes on the theory of "stacking" which is working more than one area at a time. You gym folks probably already do that...but first time for me. Anyway, it was kinda fun but I'm sure paying the price today. I need to do something today but I'm so sore...I'll just push through...no excuses, right? Bandana..I don't get that they won't take some out? What is the reason for that?
  18. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I scheduled a fill for next tuesday. You can sure tell when you don't have any restriction. Tonya, at one time you had all your fill taken out. When they began to fill you up again, how much did they put in? Did they start with small fills or go up a bit more in the beginning and then add more in increments? I think it is so awesome that you are doing the WW. I am really considering it. I'd have to work my work schedule a bit but I just might. I have rescheduled my breast reduction stuff for November with the hopes that I'll lose some weight so insurance will be more cooperative. I might need the additional support and accountability of a group.
  19. Sula

    So Hungry! Solids After Fill?

    I see it has been said...PROTEIN!! Protein drinks...and have more of them. You can take in quite a bit and stay under any calorie requirements/limits you may have set.
  20. Sula

    Reflux at night

    I just went through this myself and procrastinated thinking it couldn't possibly be my band. I hadn't had a fill for over a year (Jan 07) but went to check with the band doc and he took alllll my fill out. He has some concerns about a slip but if not, I can start getting filled up again next week. I felt immediate relieve with the unfill and have slept perfectly (and ate too perfectly) since then. I tried all the solutions above mentioned in the other posts...just get back to the Dr. There are too big of complications to try to solve it yourself. Best of luck.
  21. Sula

    Reflux Question

    I started having reflux several months ago. Finally, it was so bad, I could hardly eat anything or drink anything. I did the prilosec, zantax, tums, you name it. Stopped eating later at night, etc. Finally was so miserable I made an appointment with my regular doc. Then I decided, because I was suffereing, that I should call the band doc. He got me right in and took ALL of my fill out. 8cc's in a 10cc band. I felt terrific. He said that the reflux had probably caused swelling and inflamation. I didn't think it was my band because I hadn't had a fill in over a year!!!! He is somewhat concerned there might be a slip but if no problems over this next week, I can probably start filling up again. So, I share this with you because it could be serious and you should do what the band doc suggests. Oh, and the first few times I used the prilosec, I was perfect,..then it just got worse and worse and nothing nelped. Take care of yourself!!
  22. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hi all, I'm feeling soooo much better, but my eating is not doing sooo much better. I'm trying to knuckle down this week and stay on my program. I can do it...I just have to make myself. I'm also going to set up a fill for next week. Need to get back after it. How are you all doing?
  23. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hi Suzie, I had alllll my fluid taken out. But I'm okay with that. Somewhere on this list, I read (way back when) that this could be another way to jumpstart the process. Anyway, the doc says that if everything seems to be resolved in a few weeks (two) I can start getting filled again. All this aside, I absolutely am still committed to my band and my choice. I don't have any regrets whatsoever. Maria, Yikes!! You sound like you need some TLC. Hope you are on the upswing and getting better.
  24. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Tonya, you're the best. It is so nice to have band buddies that have been there and done that. This isn't something a lot of people could commiserate with you on!! Thanks for the support. Anyway, the pain did go away after about a half hour and I've been feeling fine. Now, because I seem to just have to have something to worry about, I'm worrying about not having any restriction and "losing" control!! So, I"m thinking WW for me. I think I'll be okay for a few days because I need to be careful it I'm inflamed inside and all. But, you have done so well and I do think that accountability is so important. I'm thinking along those lines, anyway. Some of it depends on when the meetings are here in my little burg!! It was 17 below this mornning..but warmed up and snow is melting as I type. Supposed to get to 50 I think tomorrow or Friday. I'm having a belated 50th b-day party by meeting my mom in a "bigger" town and doing some shopping. I'm so excited. We have put it off for two weeks due to blizzards...gotta love MT. I would love a heat wave of 80 degrees, sounds lovely!! Hey, where are the rest of you guys? How are you doing?
  25. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Went to the band doctor and he pulled out all the saline. I almost immediately felt better and was able to drink my water and protein drink without problems. I even had some solids for dinner, albeit, softer foods. I slept well without any regergitation. However, I have this pain this morning...I didn't start off with it, but as I've been up for a bit...It is sort of a dull ache. I'll just have to keep track of it and see what it going on. The Dr. said it might resolve itself (whatever it is) with the unfill...but if not, they would do a CAT scan and see if I have a slip. Then it is back to surgery. And no insurance coverage. SO, I'm freaking. I'm thinking for the cost, I can go back to Mexico three times. On another note...16 freaking degrees BELOW zero this morning. Can't catch a break!! I am so sick and tired of winter.

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