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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    How Frustrating Tonya. But I admire you so for keeping after the band and fills. I have a mind set that it is on my shoulders now. I don't know if that is right, but that is where I'm at now. And good news that you done have a leak. I don't get that you feel so wide open. Maybe you are eating too much slider foods? I found that I eat "normally" over the weekend and put on what I lost over the week...how does that seem "fair!" Wahhhhh. I want it to be easy!
  2. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Doing well here. I need to get motivated to add back in some exercise. Had a friend in town last night and ate whatever I wanted and had a few drinks...but the scale didn't talk back to me. I'm going to really watch what I eat today just to keep on track. I like how I feel in my determination these days. I wonder why it comes and goes, and why it stayed away so long? :thumbup: Hope you are all doing well!
  3. Sula

    "Was" doing so well...

    I have fiddled around for the past year with nary a pound lost. I got serious again about three weeks ago and started to pay attention to what I'm eating and eating according to the band rules....guess what..the weight has started coming off. Not as fast as I'd like it but at least it is going in the right direction.
  4. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Alls well...the pound dropped off and I'm on track. I'm trying to think of a way to convince my DH that we should get a weight machine of some sort for the winter. I am reading that cardio does little for weight loss and it is all about building muscle. So, just thinking. Have any of you done that chuck norrise total body thingy? What kind of a workout does that do for you?
  5. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I should clarify..up a pound...not all of it. I was pretty stressed all weekend as our pump went out and we had no Water for two days, plus spending a bunch of money on a new pump, when it turned out it was a 38 dollar relay switch..duh. Anyway, I thought that with the TOM thing, I'd drop more..but that didn't happen so I have to get after it.
  6. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Up the scale went....just too much food over my weekends, even tho it wasn't bad food. I guess I just can't eat so much or shouldn't. Kinda discouraging as it feeds into my fears that I can't eat "normally" and that I'll always have to have Protein drinks for Breakfast and lunch. Perhaps the "cure" is to work on building muscle so I can get there...(nothing new there, huh guys?). Anyway, I'm not discouraged as far as being motivated and committed and am back on program for the week....I just might have to stay more on program during the weekends. But I do have to say, I did watch my portions a lot more...so that is good. How are you all doing? Time to check in!!
  7. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    The scale is still going down..in spite of TOM starting and having a small chocolate binge late in the day yesterday. I grabbed the wrong size bottoms in the sweats, and they are a bit tight..I like em baggier so I'll return them tomorrow. I think it is great that you've made yourself up. I tend to not wear much on weekends but usually do during my workweek. I think I look a little less blotch and pale. I have a friend who won't go anywear without makeup. We were roofing their home last year (group effort) and there was was with eyeliner and all. I like being comfortable with or without. Your weighloss is terrific..way to go Confused!
  8. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I did go buy some new sweats cuz I haven't done any since before the band..almost three years ago...the old ones were just how sweats were supposed to be...big, baggie and full of holes, and let me tell you, I was quite attractive in them!! I also bought a new sweater to wear to court tomorrow...I'm a witness..not in trouble. Well, I guess not really a witness, but a professional regarding someone's ability to parent, or Not parent, as in this particular case. It is sort of like school shopping for the new year, but I never got that part done due to just being so busy and also, so many things to me are just ugly this year....it sort of goes that way sometimes.
  9. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I know each of you have looked in your closet and thought, I have nothing to wear. Usually I can put together something each day...and I am pretty casual in my dress, but today I got stumped. I guess it is time to try to transition for the seasons and I need to get some long sleeved shirts, etc. Or maybe I'm just tired of the same ole' same ole. What I'd really like is to be able to buy a whole new size...sigh. Someday!!
  10. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Stuck to it over the weekend for the most part. It was harder to not eat between meals while at home...at work I'm busier with clients so no munching in front of them!! I'm sticking with it for now..hopefully my resolve will keep on keeping on!! Four times to the gym is GREAT!! Way to go Tonya... Let get after it gang....
  11. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I'm amazing myself. The weight is coming off. I hope I can stick with it but it is really a motivation to see that scale moving. I'm doing a protein shake in the morning with fruit and fiber in it (we won't go there) and then I will treat myself with a skinny sugar free latte mid-morning, then I'm doing another shake. Yesterday I did Appleby's chicken and penne pasta and a salad, very small portions...and then a lean cuisine and still dropped. Today, lots of manual labor. I got a yard of road gravel and am going to fill potholes in my driveway/lane. We will see how long I can last!!
  12. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Way cool, Susie, keep up the hard work. I'm sticking with it myself. Doing well. Hubby is gone for the rest of week and weekend, so that will help. Making a dinner dish that I can/will eat the remaining time. So, I think I might have a good start on some self-discipline!!
  13. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Did good eating (or not eating) yesterday..liquid proteid drinks for breakfast and lunch. Then I did a lean cuisine and was wolfing down some chicken and got stuck....so all came back up eventually and I bagged eating. I'm pretty swollen this morning so I'm doing the liquid bit again. But that was my plan anyway..to get back on track with proper breakfasts to start with. Colonoscopy was fine, they don't need to see me for 10 years...works for me.
  14. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Susie...ouch..watch where you're walkin!! I did the biggest face first flop while hunting...but didn't hurt anything. My DH pointed over at something...silently cautioning..and I thought it was a hole, so I was looking at it and struck my foot into a strand of barbed wire...lifted my other foot to clear it and balance myself and caught the toe in the wire. I did the most graceful fall...and laid there just cracking up. There was a time when I was heavy that I was falling alot..and hurting...It just struck me as funny!!
  15. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Back from Canada, then a local trial, then first day of hunting season in eastern part of the state and then a colonoscopy!! All is well!! I'm getting on track today!! Well, in a weird way, the liquid diet for the colonoscopy has given me incentive. Don't ask me why but I think it is because I proved to myself, again, that I can eat according to the rules. And that is what I'm going to give a try here. Also, a friend of mine has been on nutrisystem for 6 weeks and lost 20 pounds. So I was checking into it, about ready to order it and then had my aha" moment. Isn't our program all about portions, eating properly etc? Why don't I save the money and just eat what I'm supposed to eat. Our food is better anyway!! Duh..sometimes I get so crazy in my head, it scares me!! Anyway, I'll check in more often and catch up on the posts...I just want to say, lets go gettem!!
  16. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    HI Ladies, Sounds like you are all doing well. I'm trying to get back on program. Good moments and not so good, but I do feel like I'm eating less. I haven't gone in for the fill yet...I guess I am afraid..but I see that Tonya has done well in spite of being so tight at first...so maybe I can do it.
  17. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    I'm headed back to Canada for a long weekend of dog stuff...plan is, when I'm back, to knuckle down. Going to get a fill and my doc gave me a prescripton for fasten (a diet pill that was once part of phen fen) and see if I can't get the scales to budge. I will get back to working out as well, but for the next three weeks we are going to be so busy...but I'll try.
  18. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Ambien CR is the culprit...people do things and don't remember them..eating is one. My sis in law got up in the middle of the night and got in her vehicle and wrapped it around a tree..got out, walked back home and got into bed. My bro got up in the morning and saw the car running, smashed at the edge of their driveway. Went back and laid into her...then noticed the goose egg on her forehead. She had no member of it at all.
  19. Sula

    Did I do the right thing???Help!

    the point of sitting in the doc's office and drinking that liquid is to see if you're too tight. And if so, to have some taken out. My doc does that. I had a complete unfillin January due to reflux issues and two weeks later, he was willing to put all 8 back in...we settled for 7 and let me tell you, you can feel it, like someone standing on your chest. Went back in two weeks for the other cc. You're the boss. You get to decide.
  20. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Be very careful with the reflux stuff tho. Keep on top of it. And be careful with the ambien...or is it the ambien cr. the one where you get up at night and eat everything in the fridge?
  21. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Had my annual physical yesterday and all looked good. Am feeling good and strong these days. Altho I got a tetnus shot and my arm is limp!! HA
  22. I have gotten a bit frustrated. My chest hurts..well, actually neck, back and deltoids so much with the activities I do, I can't imagine how you must have felt hauling your girls along. I will keep that Texas place in mind. I am going to do a bit more research to see what it available here in MT.
  23. I'm dealing with Cigna. I've lost between 60-70 pounds. And have gone from 44 DDD to 38 DD. I have done the pictures, doctors letters and alternatiave measures bit..and they still denied. I just started the process again...(definition of insanity??) and will see. I have should grooving, back pain and spasms, can't exercise as I want, ride horses like I want (and do, but it is painful) and some sloping of the shoulders. One of the problems is Cigna has a standard (you can download it online) and they stipulate a body mass proportion for how much the PS must take out. And my Doc seems to disagree (said he wouldn't do what they require) and I can't pay for it on my own. So, I'm giving it one more shot and may do an appeal if/when they deny. How has your request gone?
  24. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Hey all, back from Canada and our dog, Hank was named Reserve Champion!! There were 48 dogs competing...american field trial stuff. Didn't gain or lose a pound up there, even though I was very active. They fed us good, but I did seem to have quite a bit more restriction (also TOM). Had my meeting with the PS yesterday. My original goal was to drop weigh this summer so they could adjust the amount of grams they would take out of each breast..that didn't happen. So, when I was talking to the PS, I explained that he originally said 500 grams per and the insurance requirements for my height/weight was 700...and he said if he had to appease the insurance co, he wouldn't do the surgery. That pissed me off, but I didn't let him know it at the time. He went on to say that he didn't deal in numbers..and I thought that is BS cause it is documented that he was going to take out approx. 500 grams. Some docs think they are gods, I swear. I'm going to still follow through with the re-submittal to the insurance..have it planed for November 24th (the surgery that is) and see what the insurance says. I am scared to death to get a 20K bill from the surgery and don't really know how to deal with this. I'd love your thoughts on this. This surgeon is highly regarded over here..but he rubs me the wrong way...and there isn't other options...I guess there is only one more in the state that does reductions.... I'm also going back to Canada for more dog stuff in two weeks, then I'm going to get another fill. Made up my mind. I'm still needing to get with this program. You all seem to be doing so good....at least keeping after it. Susie, hear you about the reflux. That happened to me and I had all my fill taken out for two weeks and all put back in, in two fills. (No insurance here for that stuff either..all out of pocket.) I think you should let yourself heal and then start back with almost the same amount. I had 8 cc's taken out and 7 back in on the first go. That is a crunch, btw...then a few weeks later the last cc put in.
  25. Sula

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Good morning bandsters. All is well here, altho I'm not doing much in the way of weight loss...I'm staying active and trying to eat good, but it just doesn't seem to be enough to make the weight come off. I must really need to exercise to a greater degree, but I can't seem to get that done. I'm hoping maybe a pouch diet in a few weeks will kickstart me again. I'm headed to canada for a week to run my dog against the "big boys" in a couple of championsihps, so I'll be gone all next week..Saturday to Saturday. Should be fun, tho. Then I have a doc's appointment to start the process again for a breast reduction. I'm gonna give it another go!! They want to take so much out (per insurances policy) but I've decided that I'll be okay with a B cup. My boobs just drive me crazy!

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