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The Actress

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by The Actress

  1. Thanks for the response guys,

    And yes, I am not feeling the greatest...Jumped on the scale and made me feel even worse. I do like spinach and I do like chicken, but i find chicken sometimes rubs me the wrong way...maybe things like deli meats might help.

    I find however, that I am eating a lot of meats high in sodium like turky bacon. and when i do eat meats they are not the kind I should be eating...I suppose, i get so frustrated with what I can eat, and what gives me problems, that sometimes junk food goes down so much easier....

    What are good Breakfast and dinner ideas? Anyone?

  2. Guys,

    I need help. I joined this group about several months ago..fell off and thought i could do it on my own. I'm realizing...i need some help. I have had a real hard time with food...I get a fill, im too tight, i defill and im ok, and then im not...i end up eating junk food because it goes down best. I just really want to lose this weight, and im beginning to give up. I need help with food ideas. Im not a cook, so recipes are nice, but i know they won't work for me...can anyone help???

  3. Hey Audree,

    Your incisions do look great! It's funny how everyone's incisions can look different, and be placed differently. My best friends incisions are way lower than mine, and yours seem slightly to the right of mine..Its so interesting how are bodies are so different.

    But you're looking great!


  4. Hey BikerGirl360,

    Well, it seems like you've come to the right place. The lower BMI's all have struggeled with losing weight just like someone who has a higher BMI. I got my operation and I weighted 190. People told me all the time "you don't need it, just excercise, you must just be lazy, stop trying to take the easy way out", but the truth is, i have tried every thing in the book. Sometimes successful, sometimes not. I just needed something to help control my portions, and the band is doing that. I'm even having a bit of a struggle right now with figuring out how tight my band should be, but if someone were to ask me if id do it again, absolutely.

    The best advice i could give, is listen to yourself, and your needs. People will be quick to deter you from doing something, and push their opinions on you...listen to what feels good for you.

    Your struggle is no less harder than anyone eles', no matter what your weight.

    good luck,


  5. Guys,

    Im not sure, but i think im too tight. The other day, i went for my 4th fill. Feeling like i could eat more than i should, and also wanting to get back on track with the new year. Well, im at 8.5 cc and i have the swedish band, and since then, everything is a struggle. Even oatmeal. Im wondering if maybe i should be feeling this restriction? or am I too tight? And for months ive heard people talk about the sweet spot, and im not sure what the heck that feels like...can someone shed some light?

  6. Hey Audree,

    Just a quick note to let you know it's so normal to be a little scared. My gosh, i was going nuts the day before surgery, only to find out, it wasn't the so scary.

    From your support on the line, it's clear you've educated yourself, and have a positive attitude, that's half the battle.


  7. Hi Guys,

    Ok, so i got banded in August, lost about 10 pounds on the pre diet, and then lost about another 8 since then. Mind you...i do theatre, and performing, and all that crazy stuff, so my lifestyle is upside down when im on the road. I'm hoping to become more focused when i get back down to earth...its been a tough one for me. Picture being in England, and the whole cast is eating anything they want...and im here trying to hold down what i can. It was tough. Sometimes, there was no time to eat, so everyone would shovle down food, while running for the train, and there i was trying not to be sick while the train rocked back and forth. It's been a tough couple of months, but it all ends Jan.2, when ill be back in toronto.

  8. I am a low BMI'er as well. My BMI was about 30. For me, i put most of the blame for not losing weight on my food choices, but i do find, even when im on track, the weightloss is a lot slower than my best friend who had the operation a year before me. It was like the weight just fell off of her...we all know, it takes effort, but gosh, at times i start to feel frustrated. I know im guilty of expecting too much from the band. Thinking that it will do everything for me. I know i need to be making better food choices, as well as excercising..but at times, i don't really know what to eat? some things make me feel sick, and other times im fine. It's frustrating. Anyhow, im out of the country at the moment, and look forward to heading back to toronto and visiting the clinic for some help..but any help from you all would be great.


  9. Hey Everyone,

    Just wanted to take some time to introduce myself. My name is Rachael, and I've been banded since August. My weightloss has been a bit slower, but i think for two reasons, first - i haven't found the sweet spot yet, and two, i've been doing so much travelling with my line of work, that it's been an uphill climb to try and find the right foods to eat. I head back home in a couple days, and i'll be able to start fresh..thank GOD! Anyhow, i've learned so much since i've been on this site, and i hope to one day contribute and help others.

    Thanks for all the advice so far,


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