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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by melzie_99

  1. melzie_99


    I have TriWest (prime) and had no problems getting approval. I am, however, more than 100lbs overweight and have high blood pressure as well as sleep apnea. I have been seeing various PCM's for years about my weight so that may also have helped my fast approval (less than 48 hours). My surgeon's office only required me to go to a 3 hour nutrition class; they offer post-op support groups which I'm looking into and am also going to see a therapist for the emotional aspects of weight loss, but really had very minimal requirements I was given.
  2. melzie_99

    Memorial Day Challenge

    I just found this so I'm a week behind; need something like this to get me back on the wagon. Went on vacation last week and gained a good 5 lbs! Trying to lose 40-45lbs by July, so hopefully this works...
  3. I just wanted to thank you for always being so encouraging and honest; you're one of my favorite posters!

  4. melzie_99

    Something in throat?

    Me too, unfortunately. I feel a constant need to try and cough up something. I don't know if it's surgery related or not but it just feels like there's a ball of phlegm or something that just always there. Kind of gross, but I guess it's better than actually sliming or PBing...
  5. melzie_99

    Hunger vs Restriction Argument

    Heather, I'm having the same problem. I just had my first fill about 2 weeks ago, and I don't feel much different from before. Sure, the first couple of days I wasn't really hungry, but I have not reached a point after swelling has gone down where 1/2 c of food (as recommended by my dr) is enough to keep me full for 4 hours. I have had no problems eating anything, and I think that's gotten me in trouble this week. Sure, I still feel like I get fuller quicker than I did preband, but there are very few foods I've eaten where I'm full after a few bites, and most of those foods aren't pure protein. I've actually gained weight since this last fill, which is very discouraging. I don't want to be to the point where I'm sliming or PB, but I would love to know what true restriction feels like. My dr said if after 3 weeks I wasn't noticing a difference then to come back for another fill; I'm afraid I might have to. Trying to remain positive, but kind of feeling like this was a waste of money at the moment if this is all going to rely on my willpower...
  6. melzie_99

    Numbing medication with fills

    Considering they normally don't want you taking in more than 4-6oz at a time after a fill (or at least that's what I was told), being stuffed after a 10oz drink, especially a protein one, makes perfect sense to me. I was full just from the water they had me drink in the office after the fill, and I hadn't even eaten yet that day. I think it's gonna take a few days for the swelling to go down before you stop getting full so quickly, but on the bright side, at least you know you have restriction.
  7. Heather, I'm kind of the same way; I haven't had problems eating ANYTHING other than the fact certain foods upset my stomach or I just don't like them anymore. Pasta, carrots, you name it; nothing's gotten stuck (thank God). Had my first fill today and was SHOCKED to find out I've had 2cc's in since surgery! Yes, I wasn't able to eat as much as before, but I definately feel I should've had more restriction with that much Fluid in. Just once again proves that the band only does so much and diligence will get us the rest of the way...
  8. melzie_99

    Numbing medication with fills

    Had my 1st fill today; I received a numbing shot which just stung a bit. I did feel the prick when they did the fill but no other pain; she got it on the first try with no xrays and was done in about 5 seconds. Bled a little of course; they stuck a big band-aid on, had me drink a cup of water and sent me on my way. MUCH less traumatic than I thought it would be; getting blood drawn is hell so I was horribly nervous about the experience (unnecessarily, I might add)...
  9. Will you always PB/vomit if you are stuck? I've had the stuck sensation that people keep talking about but have never had anything come back up or been restricted from eating/drinking. It always makes me nervous because I'm not quite sure what's going on...
  10. melzie_99

    My Biggest Fear Is Coming True . . .

    I'm pretty much in the same boat; still stuck at the 20lbs I lost from presurgery diet and 1st week after surgery (and fighting to maintain it). I FINALLY get my first fill next week. Been fighting a lot with my husband; he's become really distant and I feel we might be headed towards a seperation. Having a raelly hard time fighting the urge to return to the emotional eating. I've been looking for a therapist but they're taking their sweet time getting back to me. I was snooping around (I know, bad of me) and I found something where my husband wrote if I fail at losing weight he'll divorce me; makes me want to cry just typing it. I'm so tired of being seen as a failure; why can't I be ok the way I am? I'm sorry, I'm not trying to take over your post, I'm just really sad right now...
  11. I was banded the 10th as well and made pot roast about 2 nights ago... no problems with it. In fact, the only thing that HAS given trouble (that I've tried) are my vitamins. I almost wish I had a negative reaction so I wouldn't want to eat it!! I have lost a taste for certain foods, but that's about it. I've been fighting to maintain the 20lbs I've lost thus far, and it's not easy. Don't get a fill for another 2 weeks- aack! It's really weird; sometimes I feel like there's nothing in there and other days I eat a half a cup of food and I'm stuffed. I don't get it. Ready for the ball to start rolling again...
  12. melzie_99

    constant gas?

    I haven't been banded much longer than you, but everytime I eat it seems like I get gas no matter what. I belch constantly now; it drives me crazy. But if I don't then my port pokes out and is uncomfortable and eventually I get the back ache as well. I've been eating Gas-X like candy; don't want to be like this forever. I'm hoping things will be better once I get a fill (still another 2 weeks to go!). I wish you luck, and I totally feel your pain.
  13. melzie_99

    Reappearing period?

    I've been pretty regular on the birth control for years but since the preop diet and surgery I had 3 periods in the month of jan. NOT happy. Normally with the pill they're really light and I have a 'normal' period like every 4 months as someone else mentioned. I guess it just seems weird to me that everything's going bonkers when I was about 75lbs lighter when I started the pill and they've worked just fine all this time; why get wonky now? My dr didn't seem to worried about it, but I definately am not trying to get pregnant anytime soon so I'm sticking with the pills.
  14. I was told by my dr that larger women have a tendency to get pregnant easier as they lose weight because fat absorbs a lot of our hormones, hence the sketchy periods. My surgeon wants me to wait at least 18 months before trying to get pregnant, but have told me a story of a client who got pregnant 2 months after surgery because it made her fertile again. Just err on the side of caution would be my suggestion...
  15. I'm going on 2 weeks since my surgery, and I've been doing a lot of thinking. Eating used to be such a cornerstone of my existence; I LOVE food! Well, at least I used to... It wasn't a matter of being hungry all the time; I just like the way food taste, plain and simple. I was one of those people who when eating something tasty would stuff my mouth full of food and rush to put the rest of it away before I finished what was in my mouth in order to stop. My willpower to stop eating was little to none. I would eat until I was literally in pain, and STILL crave the taste. Food was something I always knew, in some sense, would "be there" for me when I needed it. I could eat something yummy and feel better, occupied, or just plain old satisfied, at least in the short term. Food was my companion when no one else was there. Now that it's been about a month (between preop diet and post surgery diet) since I've had any "real" food, I find myself somewhat depressed. I'm happy to be losing weight and don't regret my decision, but I just don't feel like eating anymore. I haven't quite wrapped my brain around the idea of eating to live instead of living to eat. Nothing really appeals to me foodwise, and part of me feels like "what's the point"? I know further down the road I'll be able to eat a bit more normally, but right now it sucks. I'm tired of shakes, tired of Jello, tired of mushy food...I want something that actually tastes good. I knew the psychological side of the surgery would hit sooner or later, but I didn't think I'd be taking it this hard. Sorry this is so long; just needed to get this off my chest.
  16. I just had surgery on the 10th and things have been ok; haven't had too much interest in food so nothing has 'called' to me as of yet. However, tonight my husband brought home a loaf each of pumpkin, carrot, and cranberry-nut bread! They look so good!! I love pumpkin and carrot cakes/breads so this actually caught my interest. Thank God they're unopened; I actually caught myself sniffing the package for a whiff (lol). And all I went in the kitchen for was a cup of tea...I eventually threw a dishtowel over the package, got my tea and left. I didn't expect the head hunger to be messing with me so soon...how do/did you all cope in the beginning?
  17. melzie_99

    Can someone help me understand

    Having the same problem; I'm supposed to start my normal diet Monday and I've been so hungry lately I'm almost afraid to start on solids. I've gained back about 2 lbs which I know isn't much but since I don't my 1st fill until 2/22 I'm really worried. I've started going back to the gym which I hope helps. I've only felt "pouch full" once; most of the time I just stop myself after I've had my cup's worth. Is a month and a half before your 1st fill normal?
  18. Weird...I stayed overnight as well and had about 5 bags of saline and don't believe I gained anything...however, I WAS pretty dehydrated before I got to the hospital and was in and out of the bathroom for days. Maybe it was saline combined with swelling that was causing the weight gain from all the extra fluids?
  19. melzie_99

    Putting it all out there...

    ME TOO!! The first time I ate something that wasn't on my current plan while I didn't want to get stuck or anything, I was hoping for some sort of 'punishment' so I wouldn't do it again...other than the fact it wasn't as appetizing as I remembered I was ok. My 2nd 'off schedule' eating was today and I intentionally got a smaller portion than what I used to eat (and was full) but again, nothing. I guess my biggest concern is hurting my stiches and that's what's keeping me from being too adventerous...the willpower is only at about 85% right now. Seriously thinking about looking into getting a therapist for when things get bumpy...
  20. melzie_99

    Putting it all out there...

    I'm in the same boat...I've tried some soft/easily chewed "normal" food twice now and have felt SO MUCH BETTER! I'm trying not to make a habit of it, but it's so frustrating trying to tell yourself to eat like you have a fill when your stomach restriction wise isn't much different than it was presurgery! I have noticed, however, that I definitely can't eat as much and when I eat something filling I get a bulge under my port. I thought I had a hernia the first time it happened but went away; guess that was my full pouch? IDK. Anyway, thanks for the confessional guys; we're not perfect but we're trying!
  21. melzie_99

    My lap band size

    If it's an actual Lap band and not a Realize band, then according to Allergan's site the standard holds 10cc's and the large holds 14. Not sure for the Realize band...
  22. melzie_99

    Standard Size Band

    If it's an actual Lap band and not a Realize band, then according to Allergan's site the standard holds 10cc's and the large holds 14. Not sure for the Realize band...
  23. melzie_99

    itchy incisions!

    I've been using cocoa butter on the skin around them; helped immensely!
  24. melzie_99


    Same here; never really got into The Biggest Loser but I was watching I Used to be Fat. Now I feel hypersensitive to shows like that. Maybe some underlying guilt on my part for having surgery? I don't know; I kinda feel the same way about all these stupid WW commercials (lol). I know Heavy is supposed to be different, but the other shows I'm not keen on because they're all about losing as much weight as quickly as possible for ratings without dealing with the emotional side of things or even what happens once they're no longer in that environment.
  25. Here's an article that explains a little more on the importance of protein after bariatric surgery... http://www.disabled-...urgery-food.php Also, protein helps wounds heal faster as it is necessary for tissue repair.

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