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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Joleen

  1. Joleen

    weight loss advise?

    I hope you soon find your problem solved!!! It's no fun working hard and having it not pay off. I am going to be banded 3/28/11, and have lost over 20 lbs. since Christmas with just getting really serious recently and finishing up a week of liquids. I also just meet with my nutritionist and psychologist so it's all fresh. I agree that at times you have to up your caloric intake but that is usually when you hit a plateau because you have been eating well for quiet a while and your body is used to that lifestyle. I haven't heard of it happening early on in the program so I would cautiously up those calories. Do you journal your daily intake? I use an application on my phone, that is easy to use and keeps me honest! I think writing down what you eat is a must!!! For instance I had to make a birthday cake for my grand daughter and before I even thought about it I brought the knife up to my lips to taste the frosting!!!! Yikes, I stopped but as I went through out the day I had to stop myself several times before I condition myself not to "taste test" batter, cake, icing, decorations. I could have easily consumed 300+ empty calories while I was "baking". On my visit this week it was stressed, eat protein first and don't eat 30 minutes prior or 45 minutes after a meal and make sure you exercise. We should also chew are food throughly and enjoy each bite. I would call your MD and ask for a f/u appt. with the dietician to go over your food plan, if you still have questions. Good Luck, Joleen PS I am sure there is more advice that ppl can offer!
  2. Hello and Good Luck on your up coming surgery!!! We have a lot in common. Our surgery dates are the same, we read a lot, and of course we have the same fears!!! I asked questions of my psychologist and dietician at Temple, but realize after reading these boards not everyone gets all their questions answered. Regarding pre-op diet. I have followed mine to the "T", the previous post is exactly right about the liver etc. That being said, your mind and body plays tricks on you, so I journal, blog and I play my own version of Survivor. I keep telling my self this is getting my body ready for my "new life". The people I have chosen to tell are supportive, if someone says something negative or says something that sways my motivation "like, how can you only drink shakes?, or how can you only live on bites of food after your surgery?", I explain it to them, but I almost start to feel superior!!!!! I explained this to the psychologist and he said it is normal and that is a tool that would help in my success! I am not going to let people make me feel bad about my choices in life anymore!!!!! I'm done, so I think everyone should surround themselves with a great support system first and foremost and educate themselves and the motivation to succeed will come also! Regarding the post-op. My team has me following a two day clear liquid then two weeks shakes then progression to full, then slowly to healthy eating (I am speeding it up here!!!), it's explained to me simply but when I was stressed out about reading some of the failure rates. If you don't follow the plan EXACTLY, the likely hood of failure greatly increases (that includes, slippage, hernias, increase reflux, ulcerations, pouch expanding, etc). So it is important to learn healthy eating habits with this tool. The first thing they said is to avoid eating and drinking at the same time (your banding will act as a funnel, and flush the food out), drink 1/2 hour prior to and 45 min. after a meal to stay full longer. Eat Protein first, ALWAYS. You will always fill up faster and less bloating. Our neurotransmitters that tell our stomachs that we are full lay at the top of our stomachs so if the band fit in that area food hits those transmitters sends a signal to your brain saying you are full. Of course the trick is getting to the reason of why we have to stuff ourselves! Tips that Temple has gives me to help overcome this are: Like previously posted, chew your food (over chew actually) When we actually chew are food we start sending those signals to the brain that trigger those transmitters telling us that we are starting to get satisifed and in 15 min. we should be full. (that's why it helps to have a small stomach because it takes us longer to eat!!!! pretty cool huh!!! So don't over stuff never ever!!! The no no on eating and drinking together! Keep a food journal, this is a must!!!! I use one on my phone. Myfitnesspal.com It also has a forum great tool!!!! Exercise, we all know why this is important! Small bites, no carbination, preferred no alcohol for at least first 18 mths. No sweet drinks that slide through or ice cream!!! Call MD for anything out of ordinary and keep all appointments. I think these are the important ones that stood out for me, but I know this board can add to this!!!! They are great support. Peace, Joleen
  3. Joleen

    Tricare Approval

    Sorry to hear that, with your sleeping problems ask your doc. to check for sleep apnea, the odds are high you might have at least mild and that would qualify you. I have a low BMI and have Tricare Prime. My hubby is Active Duty and the said I didn't need any comorbidities, but I have heard it helps. Make sure you call Tricare yourself and ask to speak to the WLS person for insurance auths. Not just a regular authorization person, they will tell you say to everything without throughly checking!!!!! Good Luck, Joleen
  4. Joleen

    March 2011 Bandsters

    Congrats to all the March bandsters that have been banded so far!!! Looks like most are doing OK! I have 13 days, So I am on my 2nd day of the yummy liquid diet Temple wants me to be on! I also have a busy week. I have appts. tomorrow up there for pre admission screening, and the dietician. Then I see Dr. Demspey for my last appt. with him on Thursday, yippee. I don't think the liquid diet will be too bad, I worked my way into it by really cutting down my caloric intake last week! The weekends might be tougher!!! Good Luck and keep up the good work!! Joleen
  5. Joleen

    March 2011 Bandsters

    Bren, I hope everyday gets a little easier for you, I know it's hard with a family and the daily stresses. I think I am going to realize what it means to live in the momemt!!! We are all here for you!!!! Joleen
  6. Joleen

    March 2011 Bandsters

    I am so excited!!! I had my last meal tonight!!! Well ok, I had my last "regular" meal this evening!!! LOL My husband cooked Filet Mignon on the grill with baked potato and salad! It was YUMMY!!! I enjoyed every bite! I start the liquid diet tomorrow for two weeks before my surgery then I am getting banded 3/28/11!!!! I am excited, and nervous! I continue to loose weight, slowly but I am excited to see what the next two weeks bring! I have to drink 6 shakes a day and I can have SF Jello, popsicles, crystal light and broth (basically anything you can see through)! It is going to be a busy week I still have to have a few test and meet with the dietician again, I also have to meet with the psychiatrist and the anesthesiolgist. Good Luck everyone!!! Joleen
  7. Congrats to you both!!! Make sure you join the March bandsters!!!! I am right behind you on the 28th so that means I start my diet this Monday!!! I have been eating light thru the day and a small dinner! Good Luck!!! Yayyyyy
  8. I am a nurse that also has PVC's and I had an episode 3 years ago that scared me to death, basically I got sick on my elliptical at home and my BP shot up sky high, with extreme sweating and dizziness. Long story short I was treated with atenolol for 1 year re checked with an EKG and stress test. The EKG still showed "abnormal", but the stress test was good, so my Cardiologist took me off the atenolol and I have had no more problems. Which brings me to the pre-op testing. I told all this to my WL surgeon and I had to f/u with my Cardiologist and he did another stress/echo. It came back fine even though my EKG still shows abnormal. He gave me medical clearance and said "lots of people have abnormal EKG's and are OK". I would not worry too much, the good news is you should not have to wait more then one day for your test results! Good luck and let us know!! Joleen
  9. Joleen

    I can eat EVRYTHING

    This is what my friends have told me what works for them. I am meeting with one of them tomorrow to try different foods. I will get her to explain it again.
  10. Congrats on your weight loss so far!!! I am from Delaware and I am going to be banded 3/28!!!

  11. Yes, I do use a calorie tracker!! I love them especially now, it helps to know how much Protein you are getting!!! I used to keep a food journal but I am glad phones apps have made it easier! I know when I use my app I am more conscious of my intake! Thanks!!!
  12. I am getting ready to have surgery 3/28 and have questions for small eaters. I have been gaining weight for the past 6 years despite eating a healthy diet and not over eating. My husband and I do go out to eat once a week, but I do not over eat. My normal day usually consist of a yogurt for breakfast, a pack of tuna and soy crackers, or salad with vinegarette dressing, dinner is usually fish or chicken with rice and veggies. Of course we get cravings for the occasionally ice cream out, but we do not eat dessert out and we do not keep junk foods in the house. I need to get to the YMCA more often. I know Im not exercising enough. I also take synthroid for my thyroid. I don't drink soda's only water! Has anyone else had success with weight loss in my situation? I told my doctor I was worried and he told me I was the perfect candidate. I am just nervous I might not loose weight with this either! I will drink liquids forever if I have too. Thanks, Joleen
  13. Thanks for the info. I am sure some days my calories get up to more then they should but I think most days I stay good. I think I need to stay CONSTANTLY balanced. I know I have a horrible metabolism. So I am hoping this is the tool I need to keep me motivated to eat less and stay in the gym!!! My thyroid levels have been fine since going up to 64 3 yrs ago, that is when I got on synthroid! I have learned just because you go on medicine for you thyroid doesn't mean you will loose weight, DANG IT!!! LOL Thanks again, Joleen
  14. Joleen

    March 2011 Bandsters

    I just tried myoplex for the first time today they are pretty good!! NO after taste, they are huge with 42gm of Protein, so I am only drinking half!!! Good Luck! Joleen
  15. Joleen

    March 2011 Bandsters

    Good luck!! I feel the same way the you do about the forever/too fast thing! I also started in August!! I have to do 2 weeks of a liquid diet but will get the exact diet on Tuesday. My friend that had the surgery a couple years ago told me to "eat light" know so that is what I am doing even though my liver isn't fatty! I am going to find Dr. Sewell's book! I also have to meet with the anestheiaologist, so I will ask him questions about nausea. I am actually drinking myoplex right know for dinner! I will keep watching you on your knew life!!! Joleen
  16. I am so happy for you, I understand your nervousness! Good luck! I can't wait to hear your story!!!!
  17. Joleen

    Gluten Free

    I have a gluten intolerance and am getting banded 3/28. I am going to talk to the dietician this Wednesday about rice flour. I don't eat a lot of Gluten free breads anyway so I hope it's not an issue. I will let you know what she says. Congrats on your surgery. Joleen
  18. I have not been on this forum in a while because I have been trying to get lots done for my pre-op and I have been a little depressed with the wait!!!! I started in August and yesterday I received the call for my surgery date!!!! March 28th, wow when she finally said it, it feels really close. I still have blood work, meet with psych, and the dietician but for all intense purposes I am moving ahead!!! I am going to start blogging I think it will help me manage my emotions. Good luck to everyone in their progress!! Joleen
  19. Jenny, I might not have explained myself too well. I had been thinking about the band for a couple years, but really started researching and talking to my PCP in August I had to get the authorizations and research a surgeon in our area (philly). So I called my surgeon Dr. Daniel Dempsey out of Temple University in October to get an appointment November 18. I also had to wait to get my sleep study but that is just the normal process at Temple! They have to get all the authorizations, but it's nice because I had my study done, then on the same day I had my upper GI, x ray, and pulmo funct study test too so I didn't have to take off four days of work!!!! I also had to see my cardiologist because I have an abnormal EKG, but he cleared me after a stress echo. I know some insurance companies require 6 mths or more but mine did not. People say it usually takes that long anyway so my actual time is from Nov. 18 to March 28!!! Good luck Joleen
  20. Trish, Congrats, to you!!!! I am glad that you are doing well!!! I am going to get my pedometer out, that is a great idea! Thanks, OK keep in touch! I can't wait to hear how it's going!
  21. Carol, Good Luck with your journey! I am excited, scared, nervous, overwhelmed, happy, ready, oh yeah, def ready!! Today I have started a blog, so I hope that helps, I am also trying to really start to watch everything that goes into my mouth. I meet with the dietician Wednesday so I will be excited to see what she says!!!
  22. I hope your liquid diet goes well!! I will be thinking of you!!! I start mine soon. Good luck, Joleen
  23. Thanks!!! I am still trying to figure out how to navigate this site!!!!

    Looking forward the journey and sharing it with everyone here.

  24. Joleen

    I can eat EVRYTHING

    Wow, women are a trip! After all the drama! I am going to explain it as my friends (I have two that are banded for over a year) explained to me and my doctor confirmed, sorta. When you breath in for your fill your diaphragm puts more pressure on your stomach and you can get more out of your fill, even if the put the same amount of cc's in! One of my friends has met her goal wgt. The other had more to lose, but continues to do well. Just be aware of your diaphragm when getting a fill!
  25. Joleen

    sooooooo slooooooooow

    Lemon chick, I also have a severe thyroid problem. I am due to be banded 3/28, but am very nervous because I really eat well and don't over eat know. When I talked to the doc. He said I would be a great candidate because It would really help to limit me. For example we do go out to eat (I don't get dessert) , but I would get small amounts. I am just really nervous about the weight loss, I'm also going to go to the gym more regularly then I do. I currently weight 232lbs. I usually weight around 237. I got up to240 at Christmas I think the stress of the band freak me out a little. Good luck to everyone with slow weight loss Joleen

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