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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Edieday

  1. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    Audree, it sounds like you are doing great. My morning was okay but this afternoon things fell apart. I'm so restricted I'm having trouble keeping things down. I've PBed a few times today and threw up twice. I feel better now, I got a pepcid and some green tea and jello down this evening. That may sound like a lot, but I mean three baby teaspoons of tea, and four baby teaspoons of jello. I think that my stomach got irritated because there was nothing in it. When I started feeling ill (I have quite an acid stomach)I stopped taking in liquids. I wonder if that may have made it worse. Anyone have any ideas? I just have to remember that each day I've been a little better. Hopefully, tomorrow I can get in more liquids. Edie
  2. Edieday

    Chest Pains?! Help:(

    Isabella, I was also banded on the 25th. I am very restricted and I also have terrible gas pains. I honestly thought I was going to lose it yesterday. However, today they are not as intense as yesterday. I used the gas strips, suggested by another bandster and that helped. I am also very restricted so I am using a baby spoon and just taking little sips of liquids. I can't even get in an ounce of liquid without feeling like I'm going to throw up. This is only our second day after surgery. I've decided to give it a another day or so. If I'm not better by Monday, I'm calling my doctor. Edie
  3. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    Thanks Sula. I'll try the deeper breaths. I'm using a baby spoon and trying to just sip some green tea at 2-3 minute intervals. Edie
  4. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    Thanks Sula. I'll try the deeper breaths. I'm using a baby spoon and trying to just sip some green tea at 2-3 minute intervals. Edie
  5. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    Thanks, Juno610! Thank all of you for being so helpful. I don't have any regular Gas X but I do have Tums. Maybe I'll try that. Do you keep to the limit on the bottle or as needed? I'm feeling extremely nervous. I can't get comfortable. If I lay down my throat starts making these weird gurgling noises and I'm tired of sitting up. Whine, whine, whine. Okay, I'm done. I promise to be better tomorrow. Edie
  6. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    Thank you so much, Audree. I was feeling pretty down this morning. I remember your suggestion from before about the heating pad. It really does help. My husband, is in the kitchen right now making me some hot tea. I'll get through this. Edie
  7. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    Oh, another thing...do you use the Gas-X strips? Edie
  8. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    Hello everyone, I was banded on January 25th, two days ago. I ended up having to stay over night in the hospital. I was suppose to be in and out. Since I am self-pay that didn't exactly thrill me. But anyway, I'm home now. I felt really ill yesterday. I was trying to drink an ounce of liquids every 5-10 minutes. I got this terrible pain in my upper chest, like I was having a heart attack! My doctor told me that he had put in a smaller band because my liver is enlarged and he wants me to get the weight off asap. So I am very restricted. Last night I woke up and took a crushed pepcid with a few sips of water and vomited. I had that terrible pain in my chest again. Out of desperation, I went on line and saw that the GasX is a life saver. I didn't associate this pain with gas, I normally don't feel gas there. So anyway......it worked. Thank you, my fellow January Bandsters, if it wasn't for you I don't know what I would have done last night. Since I am very restricted, I was wondering if there are any others out there who can tell me how to get in all this liquid in without vomiting? Did most of you get your liquids in the first couple days after surgery? My doctor made it sound like everyone is up to 62 oz. right away. Help! Edie:cry 208/208/120 Sacramento, CA Banded by Dr. Cirangle, in San Francisco two days ago.
  9. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    Hello everyone, My surgery is tomorrow. I'm nervous and excited all at the same time. I took measurements this morning. Yikes! Wish me luck! I'll write again on Friday. Edieday
  10. Edieday

    The day before the beginning

    I'm on a liquid diet today. My surgery is scheduled for 1/25/07 with Dr. Cirangle in San Francisco. I want to record my measurements: Bust:48 Waist:49 Hip:48 Weight:212 I had no idea I was straight up and down. Look at that. I'll take my measurements once a week.
  11. Edieday

    The day before the beginning

    I'm on a liquid diet today. My surgery is scheduled for 1/25/07 with Dr. Cirangle in San Francisco. I want to record my measurements: Bust:48 Waist:49 Hip:48 Weight:212 I had no idea I was straight up and down. Look at that. I'll take my measurements once a week.
  12. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    Audree, How funny. I'll have to tell my husband that one. He is Mexican, I wonder if he already knows it but never shared! Well, only two more days until Band Day. I've gotten over my nervousness. I'm actually getting excited. I got all of the last minute tests done and faxed to my doctor in San Francisco. I am staying at my daughter's overnight after the surgery. I better remember to lock the bedroom door if I need to get in the "Petho Position". I would hate to have my son-in-law walk in on me. Edie 208/208/120
  13. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    Thank you for that information, Audree. I was starting to worry about erosions. After paying all that money and then having it be reversed. Yikes, what a nightmare! I have my surgery in three days, January 25th. I am going out today to pick up some protein drinks etc. All of you have been so great with your suggestions; I just went through the emails and made my grocery list. I am feeling very nervous. I have a few loose ends, like my blood tests done at Kaiser (my HMO) have not been sent to my lapband doctor. I am going to go to Kaiser tomorrow and pick them up and fax them over. Then my hospital has been changed from one near to me to one in San Francisco. Thankfully, the one in SF is around the corner from my daughter so I will spend the night with her and my husband and I will walk about to the hospital in the morning. I enjoy reading all of your posts it makes me feel a little better knowing what to expect. Take care all of you. I am off to do my shopping. Edie 208/208/120 I tried to do a ticker but I wasn't able to copy it over. Obviously, I am doing something wrong.:phanvan
  14. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    Hi Sunshine, The lady who died was from Sacramento, CA. which is where I live. Yes, you can drink too much water and it will cause swelling in the brain. this is not the first that I have heard of this, last year a young man in Chico (a town near us) was forced to drink a lot of water by his fraternity and he died. What is amazing is the DJs at the radio knew about the danger and continued the contest. The woman drank about two gallons of water with in a very short time. She complained of being nauseas and having a headache (that was because her brain was swelling). Very sad. I'm sure that none of us would go to that extreme. Well, I have 7 days before surgery. I'm so nervous and I have a slight cold so I have to call my doctor tomorrow. I hope he doesn't want to cancel! Edie
  15. Edieday

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Thank you for the advice. I'll go out and pick some up this evening. Edie in Sacramento, CA
  16. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    I have 10 days to go. And I have a cold. OH NO! It's fairly mild so I hope it won't cause me to have to postpone. I love all your posts. I've haven't told many people, especially anyone that I think will be negative. Edie
  17. Edieday

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Thanks for telling me about the red food dye. I probably would have eaten strawberry jello and ruined the whole thing. I have a slight cold and I'm calling the dr. tomorrow to see if it's a problem. It's nice to hear from others from No. CA. although we seem to be pretty spread out. Edie
  18. Edieday

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Hi all of you Californians, I'm from Sacramento. I am having my surgery on January 25,2007 with Dr. Cirangle at the Greenbrea Surgery Center. I am so nervous! How is it going for all of you? Edie 212/212/130
  19. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    Hi Everyone, I'm sitting here reading about your pre-op diets and I'm starting to panic. My doctor did not ask require a pre-op diet just that I go to clear liquids for a day before the surgery. Unfortunately, since I met with him a month ago I have gained 4 lbs! My surgery is 1/25 and I want to get the 4lbs off before then. I have to go to SF with my husband and another couple this week and when I return on the 18th. I am going to start my liquid diet. HOpefully, I can lose some of the weight I gained over Christmas. Wish me luck. Again, thank you all for your wonderful advice. Edie
  20. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    Hi Everyone, I have been away from my computer for a few days. I was babysitting my grandson in San Francisco. I'm glad to hear that everyone that has been banded is fine. I enjoy reading your posts. It helps me know what to expect. Take care all of you, edie
  21. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    Thank you, Cindy. I just let my husband read this email and he is totally grossed out I guess I still have a lot to learn. I think I will eat at home until I master eating slow and small bites. I have always been a fast eater. I tend to do everything to quickly. I have to tell myself to slow down:o Edie
  22. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    Hi one and all, I am glad to hear from angyl2314 (Jen) that her surgery went well. Thank you for keeping us posted. It helps so much when the bandsters who go before us tell us what they experienced. Shesha and Donnalynncrain it looks like the three of us will be having our surgery on the same day. We're triplets! I wish you both all the best. Now I have a quick question. I know that things can get stuck and on another thread I heard them talk about a PB (productive burp) to get the stuck item out. Is this a natural occurence or is there something we have to do to make it happen i.e. drink Water, lay down etc? Sorry if I grossed anyone out Edie Surgery 1/25/07 Dr. Cirangle, San Francisco 208/goal 130
  23. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    Hi All, My surgery is Jan. 25th. and I noticed that a lot of you are doing a pre-op diet. The packet from my doctor only requested that I have clear liquids two days before surgery. I'm starting to worry that maybe I read it wrong! I guess I'll recheck the information. I was instructed to start taking a multiple vitamin a month out so I am doing that now. Reading this site really keeps me motivated. Especially the before and after photos. I'm struggling with the excercise part so I always visit this site and then go for my walk. I can't believe I have a problem with a 30 minute walk. Really, what is that all about? :help: Take care all of you and have a safe New Year's Eve. Edie
  24. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    Hi, My name is Edie and my surgery is 01/25/07. Like many of you I have been eating more this month. I always do that during the holidays but this year it's a little worse. I'm glad I logged on and saw the email but enlarging your liver. It didn't occur to me. Now for my bio: I'm 55 years old. I live in Sacramento, CA. I have a son, two daughters, and a step-daughter. I retired 6 months ago and getting my surgery after my retirement was part of my plan. A new start on a new life. I too have a very helpful husband. However, he is wondering what our life will be like after surgery. I think his main concern is that I will not be able to eat some foods and he doesn't know whether he should eat them in front of me.
  25. Edieday

    January Bandsters???

    My name is Edie and my surgey is scheduled for January 25th. I'm nervous and excited. Please add me to your January group. Thank you.

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