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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Oregondaisy

  1. Oregondaisy

    Why no Spell Check???

    On another thread they said there is spell check on here but I can't find it.
  2. Oregondaisy

    Taking Suggestions for NEW LBT Features!

    I can't find the spell check. I didn't think we needed to download anything to be able to use the LBT features. I also don't see a calendar above on the blue line. It starts with home and ends with log out. Is that where there is supposed to be a calendar?
  3. Oregondaisy

    Taking Suggestions for NEW LBT Features!

    I noticed that there are now threads for each state. I think it would be nice if there was a section for threads by the months. I always have to search all over for the December banster thread. I hope I am not asking for too much. I already appreciate everything you do Alex. LBT is by far the best and you must be a genius to keep up with all of this.
  4. Oregondaisy

    To fill or not to fill....

    Boy you sound exactly like me. I can't decide if I should get one or not. I am not losing weight. When I went to the doctor, he said I didn't need one because I had just lost 5 lbs after being on a plateau for 3 months. So now I have decided I am getting one at the beginning of June if I haven't lost anything this month. I don't want another very long plateau. Then when I get something stuck, I think I am never getting another one again. But really it's my own fault if something gets stuck, from eating too fast or not cutting my meat up small enough.
  5. Oregondaisy

    December Bandsters

    How much do you have now? I will be curious to hear if the fluro showed anything. I think I am going to get one in the beginning of June.
  6. Oregondaisy

    confused about restriction

    There is a place on the board marked fills. Aren't we in there? I think we are discussing fills as far as I can tell. Do I need one? somebody tell me!! I know I am the only one that can answer that for myself.
  7. Oregondaisy

    confused about restriction

    No, I am not losing 5-8 lbs a month. I went for two months without losing anything, then I lost 5 lbs. Now I am waiting to see if I am going to plateau again. I am going to meet up with my band friend this week. She has been banded for about 4 years. She will give me good advice as to whether I should get one. I don't really think I need one because I do get full pretty fast. My doctor didn't want to give me one the last time I was there, because that was when I had just dropped 5 more lbs about 3 weeks ago.
  8. Oregondaisy

    is this restriction???

    That is not necessarily restiction. That is a sign that you aren't chewing well enough of taking too big of a bite. I have that happen and I hate it so much. Restriction is if you get full pretty fast and stay full for a few hours.
  9. Oregondaisy

    I can still eat???

    :)I hope you can keep your band. You're doing so well. I hope they get your tummy problems figured out.
  10. Oregondaisy

    What I like most about exercising....

    That's as fast as I can go on the treadmill too. Today I moved it up to 4.3 for one minute. I just read a book where it said to do a big spurt at the end of higher intensity. I really feel like I am accomplishing something when I can jog.
  11. Oregondaisy

    December Bandsters

    I was the same way. I think I went two months before I lost again. Then I lost 5 lbs the next week. Just make sure you're doing everything you're supposed to be doing and you'll be surprised one day that you have dropped again. Bubble is right. I have to write down every calorie because they really add up fast. I got a great book. Connie Netzer -The complete book of food counts. It has fat grams, sodium, calories, Protein and fiber grams. I like it because online I have to figure out my portion compared to the portion they have for the calories listed. Like they will have one cup of this and I only eat half a cup. This book is easier. It has every food imaginable and restaurant foods too. Lets keep this thread going and check in with each other!
  12. Oregondaisy

    I can still eat???

    I am losing hair and I certainly have not lost anywhere close to what Wasabubble has lost. I have complained time and time again that I exercise daily and watch what I eat, and I am not losing weight. So her theory of why some people lose hair not being related to weight loss sounds<br /> logical to me. Anyone who is not losing hair is lucky. I started taking Biotin<br /> immediately because everyone on here suggested it to me, to prevent hair loss. <br /> If I could eat 600 calories a day and not give in to head hunger or my stomach growling, I would do it. The foods I eat are healthy, but for me it's hard to maintain 800-1,000 calories a day.
  13. Oregondaisy

    What I like most about exercising....

    I love the fact that I don't have to take anti depressants anymore. Regular exercise is the best medicine!
  14. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Missy, I totally understand your feelings. It's so frustrating to see everyone else losing faster. It's such a fine line trying to find that restriction. I have been hungry all evening, yet I am really afraid to get another fill. I guess it's fear of the unknown. I am hungry, yet food gets stuck. How much more will it hurt if I get another fill is the question I keep asking myself. Welcome Carol!! I hope you are very successful with your band. Tell us more about yourself!
  15. Oregondaisy

    confused about restriction

    Yes Syrah, that's so much better! I use firefox. My son always tells me it has built in spy ware protection and that I should use it. I really want to lose weight, but when I hear about all the trouble people have, it makes me think I should wait. The band is supposed to get looser as we lose. At the same time, if I am not losing, how is that supposed to happen. What a dilemma.
  16. Oregondaisy

    confused about restriction

    Syrah, is there any way you can use a larger font? I like this thread because I am trying to decide if I need to get a fill or not. I am really having trouble reading your posts. I can't decide if I can handle another fill. I wish I knew the answer. It scares me so much after reading what happens when we are too tight. Sometimes I think I need one, and when food gets stuck I think I will never get another one.
  17. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Chrispy, I should have your problems!! I would like to see what it feels like to find it tiring going out all the time. I am glad to hear you're having fun. ahh....to be young again.........
  18. I have recently started more jogging. I usually do 20 min on the stair stepper 20 min on the eliptical machine, and 20 min. alternating between jogging and power walking. I haven't been able to get past 10 min. jogging yet. I am wondering if I should skip the other two, and concentrate on building up to jogging longer. I am so tired of eating right drinking the Water and exercising and not seeing results. I had a resting metobolic test taken which showed I have a very slow metabolism. Is there any way to speed up a slow metabolism? I already have a lot of muscle in my thighs from all the weight routines I started a few years ago. I know muscle weighs more than fat, and all that. I also know that when you build muscle, it's supposed to speed up the metabolism. So far, that has not been the case for me. Opinions, please? I need help! thank you.
  19. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Kristy, I could use some advice about fills. I have only had 2 fills. I have 2cc in a 4 cc band. i am afraid to get another fill because it's like you said. It hurts so much when food gets stuck. I really don't know if I need another fill or not. I don't know if that would even help. I already eat tiny portions. As for Tattoo boy, I would tell him how you feel. If you're still interested in him, tell him you'd like it better if he called more often, even if you aren't able to see each other as much as you would like. Can you suggest dates that don't cost much, like a picnic or something?
  20. Oregondaisy

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    I've been trying to decide if I should get another fill. I am so tired of not losing. I went off the good food plan at a friend's house last night and gained 2 lbs.I can't help but think that if I had more of a fill, it would be harder to cheat. I really can't decide what to do. I was pretty sure I needed one, then tonight I had meat get stuck again, which made me think there is no way I want another one. The band is so complicated!!
  21. Oregondaisy

    Recommend a good protein bar

    How many carbs are in these protein bars? The only ones that I have found that aren't loaded with carbs are the Atkins ones. Should I be worrying about the carbs or just the calories? I think the Atkins ones have 150 calories and are pretty tasty. The carmel nouget one tastes like a candy bar. I usually only eat half of one too. I figure if I am going to have a snack, at least it has protein in it.
  22. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    I have done a lot of counseling over the years. It's great when it's going on, but I can't seem to make anything stick. It's the same thing when I read all those books. It sounds so good, but putting all that good advice to use seems harder than I think it should be. I am sure if I was able to get some of this weight off, my self esteem would improve. I am disappointed because I was told I would lose 2 lbs a week and I was so excited at the thought of getting this weight off. So far, I have only lost 10 lbs in the last 3 months and I am doing everything everyone tells me to do. I am pretty disappointed in the band, actually.
  23. Oregondaisy

    Tips for a new runner?

    I haven't had the time at the moment to read this entire thread. I have recently started jogging on the treadmill. I really enjoy it because it seems the time goes faster than any or the other cardio machines. Do you think you burn more calories jogging at 4.0 mph than say on an elliptical machine? Thanks!
  24. Oregondaisy

    Pills and Supplements

    I got the hoodia awhile ago and I felt like it did absolutely nothing. I felt like it was a complete waste of money. I was told the kind you buy from Costco in a red box was pure hoodia and I may as well just flushed money down the toilet.
  25. Oregondaisy

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    It's fear of gaining weight!! I can gain so easily and it takes me a couple of weeks to lose what I gain if I blow it and eat wrong one day.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
