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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Oregondaisy

  1. I am sure I gained weight for all of the reasons that you mentioned. It's so easy to just join right in and eat when everyone else is eating junk. There are days when I am tired of it all, like Rosey mentioned, and I just don't care. I want to eat what I want. Then there are those 100 calorie packs. I can start in the evening with one of the planned Snacks and go right on all evening long eating one thing after another.
  2. Oregondaisy


    People don't believe me when I say Miralax is not safe to use long term. This is a a long term problem for me. I don't eat a bunch of fruits and I can barely eat a few veggies with my meals. Metamucil is Fiber. Fiber is subtracted from carbs. It's really safe because it's just a bunch of husks. Even if I get all my Water in, i still can't go if I don't use Metamucil daily. I mix it in with Crystal Light and down it quickly . I am also anemic and that causes hair loss, which I have been dealing with for 9 years ever since I got banded.
  3. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I am up about 13 more than I want to be but I know even if I lose it, my clothes still won't fit. I still want to lose it though. Weight training is what is going to make the difference. My last year was all about my back. My back was killing me until August when it was finally fixed right. I can't say it was a banner year. My love life sucks too. Sheryl is right. There are no good men left by the time they are over 50. They are suitable for dating but not relationships. Of course, I do know people who have found someone later in life, but it's rare. I wish Florinda would check in too. I hate that we have lost so many people. I'm really glad Cathy, Coops, MG2 and Kim checked in. Sheryl you're always really good about keeping us updated.
  4. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yeah, I am going to cool it with John. The whole thing is just too confusing. He is a friend, and he doesn't not fit any of my criteria for what kind of man I want to be in a relationship with, other than he's funny. I still want to spend time with him, but definitely a lot less. I wish that just about everyone I would like to meet when I read their profile, didn't live in Eugene. I think you're right Sheryl. You should go and have fun with whomever you choose. I keep saying I wish I could put all the men I like and abandoned for one reason or another in a blender and just take out the parts I like. The answer may just be what you said. You can have fun with more than one person. The problem is that they usually do want to have sex eventually. It's all very confusing. I am signing up for the gym a week from Monday and will put all my energy into getting fit and eating better and thinking less about men. Your house sounds amazing, by the way. I completely remodeled this house when I moved into it. I should have never bought it. I was looking for 3 years and was tired of looking, but I should have kept looking. I realized when visiting my son, it would be really difficult for me to find a house if I ever chose to move closer to him.
  5. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I've been afraid to get on the scale. I am anxious to get back into my old routine although it's kind of scary that I'll be able to stay motived to go to the gym often. Weight training made a huge difference in my figure. I want that back. I've been spending a lot of time with my friend John. We have the strangest relationship. We watch movies and stuff on Netflix and he cuddles up to me. He calls me baby or babe or honey. We spend almost every evening together. Saturday night he spent the night because we stayed up really late watching a series on Netflix and kept saying "let's just watch one more" He slept in bed with me, in my king sized bed.I didn't want to ask him to sleep in the guest room with him being 6'2". The bed would have been too small for him. I thought maybe he wanted out of the friend zone the way he's been acting so cuddly. He went right to sleep. We don't kiss and aren't intimate but at times he sure acts like he is my bf not my friend. I'm not interested in anyone else so I am just taking things as they come. He's 13 years younger than me. The whole thing is strange to me but I do enjoy his company.
  6. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yes, it's depressing that if we aren't vigilant every single day, 5 lbs can turn up rather quickly, and turn into 10 just as fast.
  7. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Well that is excellent that you're having fun and enjoying his company. That's the important thing. He treats you well and makes you feel great, so you can't ask for more. I've given up thinking I can find a forever relationship. If I could find someone to have fun with, I'd be thrilled. There isn't anyone on any of the sites that I'm interested in, except for the ones in Eugene or Portland, either 2 or 4 hours away. I've been trying to be really careful and not gain any more weight, but I can't seem to lose 1 lb. I'm thinking I should just get rid of the clothes that don't fit me and make me feel bad about myself. We will have to see what happens when I get back to the gym. I could join now, but I'm going to wait til after Christmas. My acid problems are new. I've been on Protonix since surgery and it wasn't helping me. The doctor put me on Nexium which she said was stronger. It seems to be helping. I hope it does not get any worse because I will never revise to RNY.
  8. Oregondaisy

    trying again

    What was the dating site you decided to drop in on? I find no matter which one I go to, it's all the same people. And none of the ones that interest me live closer than an hour away. They all live at least 2 hours away. I hope things continue to go well. It seems in my life, things always go well in the beginning, but never last.
  9. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I am so glad everyone checked in. It's really good to hear from everyone. Kim I think you are so brave to ride a motorcycle all by yourself. I would never attempt that in a million years. Kelly, be good to yourself. You're going through a lot. Just recuperate. My left arm has really been hurting. I am going to have a stress test next week. I sure hope it is not heart related. Sheryl, Where did you meet Steve? I hadn't heard you started dating someone again. I am completely disgusted with the dating prospects here. I'm afraid I'll be alone forever. Now we need Florinda to let us know she is okay. I am having terrible acid problems too. So many people are revising to RNY because of acid and I don't ever want to do that. I have to get this under control. I've heard drinking apple cider vinegar helps but I can't bring myself to drink it.
  10. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Okay where is everyone? I am a real Christmas hater so I have not been in a good mood. I saw that guy Keith that had texted that he was also seeing other people. I decided I am glad he's seeing other people because I really don't want anything to do with him. He's a nutcase. I managed to gain back a couple lbs and can't seem to be good and not eat sweets when put in front of me. I am afraid of the holidays. I don't want to gain weight!
  11. I lost 5 and kept if off for 2 weeks. I gained 2 over the weekend but I expect them to be gone tomorrow. I don't want to gain weight over the holidays. I don't want any more weight on top of what I've already gained. I have to watch every bite because just a handful of junk can cause a gain.
  12. Oregondaisy

    Giving up

    I sure feel like giving up. I wish I could give up and be happy single. I'm not though. I get really tired of being alone the majority of the time. Jane is right. 50 year old guys have their pick of women from 35 on up. Their main problem is that they begin to experience erectile dysfunction at 50 and some 35 year old is not going to be happy with that. I've got another coffee date next week with a guy that ok cupid says is an 80 % match. My problem may just be I am not willing to give anyone a chance if their is not immediate chemistry. This guy's picture does absolutely nothing for me, but he's probably a very nice man. We shall see.
  13. Oregondaisy

    They seemed sane...Dating horror stories

    I've learned not to spend too much time on the telephone with people. I used to think that's a good way to start, and sometimes it is. You can determine that you don't even want a coffee date with the person. Most of the time, it's a waste of time. I spent a couple of weeks talking quite a bit on the phone with someone who lives near my son, 4 hours away. I guess he thought since we talked on the phone, we already knew each other. We met at the mall, and it was Christmas time.We walked around and I bought a few things. We sat down at the food court and he asked if I was done shopping. I thanked him for being patient while I shopped in stores I didn't have at home. Then I told him I would understand if he wanted to meet later cause I would be in town for a few days. He said he didn't do all the shopping for nothing. We WERE going back to his house to have sex, weren't we? He was also pretty upset that he wasted all that time on the phone, too. Then there was the guy who had a hat on in his pictures and smiled without showing his teeth. We met for lunch, and I wondered how he was going to eat lunch when he had no teeth. He was also completely bald which would have been fine. I asked him why his profile stated he had black hair. He said he used to have hair when he was younger. I can't believe I am still even willing to go out on a first meet/greet again!
  14. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    No, I don't think I gave him any indication that I thought we were going to be exclusive. I think it has more to do with the fact that I wouldn't let him take my clothes off.I could text back and tell him I'm seeing other people too. I still see my friend John who asks all the time for a fwb situation(,I'm not going for it) and I am meeting another guy from OK cupid next week. I just hate when people run hot and cold. Just tell me the truth ,damn it! I am at 145 and I didn't gain weight over the weekend. I have my doubts that I will be able to lose more. I will be thrilled if I don't gain anything over the holidays. I'm trying to be careful but I have that dang sweet tooth! Even 5 lbs and my pants fit so much better!
  15. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I'm afraid to get on the scale tomorrow. The weekends always screw me up. I've tried to be good but it's so easy to pick at food when I see it at various places. Today my little grand daughter was eating trail mix with M & Ms in it and I had a handful without even thinking. Kim that is so sweet that your dad found someone online. I don't know why I would think that 87 year old people would not be looking for love online. My dad wouldn't have even thought of trying to learn how to use a computer. He could barely manage his channel changer without messing up the t't v. So, this Keith guy who was all gung ho on the first 2 dates that he wanted to get to know me better because he thought we were perfect for each other, texted me and said something like "I hope you know since my profile is online that I am dating other people" I have not heard from him since. I hope I don't have to wait until I am 87 to find love. I just turned 63 and I am ready to not be alone all the time.
  16. Oregondaisy

    Care to share your dating profile?

    That's a great profile!
  17. Oregondaisy

    Care to share your dating profile?

    Pirate, I couldn't read your profile. I guess your membership ran out so it's gone. Do you have it written in your computer? I'd love to read it.
  18. Oregondaisy

    Real intimacy isn't sex, so how do you get there?

    Pirate, Where did you meet her? Did you find her online or out in the world?
  19. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    That's so cute and exciting , Kim. I wonder how they met. Floridna, can't you just call the gastro guy yourself and say your doctor wants you to be seen? All that acid is nothing to fool around with. I went out with Keith and he already tried to get in my pants so to speak. I told him he needed to slow way down cause I barely knew him. He was quite understanding but I have to wonder what he was thinking. We are way past the age of sex on the first date. I've been doing really well doing 5:2. I've lost 5 lbs. I am excited. It worries me because of my back fusion but I can't take having nothing to wear and feeling so fat. Sheryl,I noticed your post in the thread about the woman who is sleeping around. You don't have much to worry about catching Hep C. It's very rarely passed sexually. You have to have an open cut for it to enter your body.
  20. Oregondaisy

    Can men and women stay friends?

    Well since it's been a month and a half since I started that thread, things have settled down nicely. We didn't see each other for a couple of weeks and then one day he texted and and asked if I was home. He stopped by and I made him a sandwich cause I know he runs around all day to different jobs and rarely stops to eat. I started ( briefly) dating someone else, and he knew that. We discussed relationships one time and he said he knew he wasn't ready for one (he was hurt badly from his last one) and he was glad that I was smart enough to know it would ruin a good friendship if we tried to be anything more. Now we are close friends again. I noticed some other threads in this Mars and Venus forums where people where doing the friends with benefits thing and that just isn't me.
  21. Oregondaisy

    New body brings new partners -- many new partners

    I totally understand this issue. I lost my weight pretty quickly with the band so this Dec. it will be 10 years since I had my first WLS. I've done a lot of dating over the last 10 years. It's really easy to date more than one person at a time. It's really easy to not feel guilty about it. It's when they want to have that exclusive talk, that things become a problem. Even though I may have dated several people at once, that does not mean sex was involved. I always say I am not into recreational sex. I've had the opportunity to have "friends with benefits" to which I said no thanks. Sex makes me become more emotionally attached to someone, so it's a big decision. I can't be emotionally attached to more than one person. I really hope OP gets this figured out before she catches something or hurts someone deeply. The whole situation and all of her issues are rolled up in layers and if she really wants to change or understand her behavior, she needs to peel all the layers away. It doesn't sound like she wants change though. She asked if anyone else has experienced this. Google is our friend. I am sure if she googled wls and sexual promiscuity, there would be plenty to read.
  22. I don't see anything wrong with eating grilled cheese or a potpie once in awhile. They aren't junk food. I am really bad about this too. I have the opposite problem. I crave sweets all the time and all I ever want is Greek Yogurt and Protein shakes. I get hungry now though, and I need something more solid that's going to stick with me longer. I cooked a bunch of chicken thighs in the crock pot and took all the meat off, put it in different baggies, and froze them. This helps me and I made vegetable Soup. I rarely get enough veggies. I live alone and I hate to cook for just me. Sometimes I eat those Atkins meals. I have to force myself though. I'd rather make a Protein shake.
  23. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sheryl that's great news about the implant! Florinda, I wish you would check in. We worry about you when you report you're so depressed and have constant acid problems. I am excited that I met a local guy from ok cupid and we had coffee this morning. He's very stable financially, seems very nice,nice looking, and wants to see me again. This is rare for this area. He's fit and doesn't hunt or fish. He just moved here from CA. I've been writing to guys from the different dating sites but they all live too far away. I am excited for the possibility of someone local that isn't a loser.
  24. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Florinda, what did the doctor have to say?
  25. It's really hard. I've been at goal for 9 years but in the last 6 months since my back surgery, I've gained about 15 but it feels more like 25. I haven't been able to work out with weights, which really made me even smaller than what I would have been at that weight. Last night, I wanted to go out, and I could not find a top that did not show big fat rolls that were not there before. I was so depressed. I am going to try 5:2 again. I lost all my regain doing that before. It's really hard to get started because the first day it's only 500 calories. If I keep that image in my head, of what those tops looked like on me, I think I'll be able to stay away from snacks.

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