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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by cjkerr

  1. Carole - Did Dr. Spivak do your surgery? I was also banded on 1-12-07 and am wondering if we were in pre-op together at Park Plaza Hospital that morning ???

    I am in the same boat as you - no restriction after the swelling went down and have not had a fill yet. I think I am going to see if I can go tomorrow for my first fill. I am ready to drop some weight and see and feel a difference!

    Lynn :confused:

    Lynn, I had Dr. Marsden in Euless. I liked him a lot. Still no restriction here. I had my 1st fill on the 25th and I want to schedule another in a week or so. I don't know if they'll let me! Keeping my fingers crossed:)

  2. I am in the same boat, I'm trying to make what I do eat a Protein which seems to help with the hunger but really the only Proteins I can handel is tuna and eggs. I have never liked Tuna and all of a sudden I'm eating it twice a day. I hate to admitt it but I have also been eating way to many illegal things~ Wheat thin crackers with my Tuna, baked lays with my Tuna, handful of kids pop corn. All things that I shouldn't be able to eat but manage just fine :phanvan At least soft bread's (a bite of a soft pretzel, bite of pizza) definatley are a no go, one bite and It feels like a lump which makes me stop.

    What are you eating, have you been able to eat ANYTHING or just to much for your liking of legal things.

    When are you going to go for a fill? I am thinking about trying to aim for 5 weeks instead of 6 but we'll see. At least I am still losing.

    Keep in touch it's good to see someone in the same exact spot.


    Well, you're doing better than I am. I've eaten enchilada's, spaghetti with sausage, broiled chicken..... with no problem. I did have a sticking prob with a chicken nugget I took a bite of but that's about it. I had an English muffin last night, no prob. My doc told me to NOT take in any more Protein Shakes since I'm getting protein from what I'm eating. I haven't tried soda and probably won't. I'm not a big soft drink person but I do like champagne. I'm planning on scheduling a fill for next week. It's time to get this band working!! I'm jealous of everybody who has to fight to stuff in a half cup of food. On the other hand though I really had no pain or gas so I should just be grateful for that.:clap2:

  3. Hey Carole,

    I had my band done the same day as you and have lost the same amount so far. I guess we are true band twins :D

    Hope all is going well.


    Actually, I hope you're doing better than me. I am wide open and have no restriction any more. I going on sheer willpower at this point and I'm not happy about it. I want to get a BIG fill and get this band working. Apparently the stomach takes a millenium to shrink back down. I feel sure my swelling is down (since no restriction) but I have to wait on the fill. How are you doing??


  4. Before I had surgery, I spoke to my anethesiologist (sp?) and told her about the horrible gas pains I had with my gall bladder, she said she would do a little extra to me to get all the gas out. And I am happy to say, I have not struggled with it. I have taken gas-x one time and now I'm over it. For all the future bandsters in the next few days, talk to your doc and ask them to make sure they push all the gas out they can.

    I feel for all you guys with the gas pains, I know it is horrible.

    I have 2 more days and I can start mushy's - I can't wait!

    I also asked my anethesiologist to take extra care with the gas situation. I don't know if he did or not but I haven't had even one gas pain. In fact I really had no pain at all other than some stiffness. I'll keep you guys in my prayers that you might feel better soon.


  5. I was banded on the 12th of Jan and had my first fill on the 25th. My doc usually wants to wait 3-4 weeks after surgery for your first fill but he let me go ahead. He told me he likes people to wait because it can take that long for the swelling in the stomach to go down. He says if you get a fill and then your stomach shrinks you won't feel the fill.

    But I went ahead anyway. I really feel no different than before the fill. I don't know how much I can eat at one time because I won't let myself find out but I'm certainly not having to choke down a couple tablespoons of soup! I'm pretty discouraged at this point, which I know is ridiculous.

    I plan on getting another fill as soon as they'll let me. I'm a self-pay and don't have to pay for fills for the first year so I'm hoping to get my money's worth out of this!

    If anybody has a solution please let me know!!!

  6. TOM, you seem to be making personal atttacks to Wootsie as if her opinion is wrong rather than just be opposite yours. It's rude.

    "I am not allowed to be on the jury, because I do not believe in the death penality, so the jury is already stacked (because my disqualification means it is not a jury of peers)."

    Wrong. You won't be allowed on that jury because you're not open minded enough to consider death as an option. You wouldn't be on a DWI jury if you don't drink. The point is to get as many fair minded people out of the hundred or so that are called in.

    "A person executed has no recourse."

    neither does a person who's been murdered.

    "If your post is consistent with the feelings of defense attorneys for their defendant clients which they represent, then there is no wonder we have so many innocent people on death row."

    Grow up. I'm expressing an opinion that you don't agree with. That doesn't make you right. I wouldn't lower myself to launch a personal attack on you.

    "Are they people or monsters? Make up your mind."

    They are people who act and think like monsters. Satisfied?

  7. That's all you can say, "life can suck"? Would you think about saying that to a child that was raped and the man who did it was never prosecuted? "Get over it. Life can suck."

    Clearly I wouldn't say that to a child who was raped. He already knows. I would say it, however, to the person convicted of the rape who years later gets acquited.

  8. I hesitate to jump in here but I will. I am a former tarrant county prosecutor and current defense attorney.

    The death penalty is what it is and there's not much that can be done to "fix" it. As technology advances so will the ability to scientifically determine guilt and innocence. Until that happens every trial is inherently flawed in that it relies on the judgment and discretion of 12 (or 6) members of society. You never really get to know what baggage the jury brings to court with them and hidden agendas play a big part in deliberation. The death penalty is such a hot topic because society as a whole thinks they should object to state sanctioned killing. They think they should be morally opposed to it. Why?? Do you really want to take a moral stand against a gangster who shot up a family in the park as a gang initiation? Or how about the stoned out meth head who broke into somebody's house in the middle of the night and murdered the residents only to steal $20 for his next fix. Perhaps we should let them off because they were "not in their right minds". Better yet perhaps the next person who rapes and slaughters a woman just for the hell of it should get counselling because his father used to be mean to him. Grow up. We are a state that utilizes the death penalty in a fair and deliberate way. Texans should all praise Bush for actually speeding the process up and executing these monsters. And as far as those innocent people who get executed go - life can suck. People make mistakes and that's why we have an appeal system. It may be slow and imperfect but it's the best we have right now. You think 31 years in prison is long enough for taking a life? How long will that vicitm be dead. They don't get to come back to life after an acceptable amount of time and neither should their killer. What could that person who was murdered have done in that amount of time? How has the victim's family been affected? Do I think innocent people should be executed? No. But neither do I think we should commute sentences because it "might" be unfair. Our law is our law and unless you want to fight it on a legislative level we need to learn to live with it. I look forward to the day they execute Darla Routier. It won't bring her kids back but I'll breathe a sigh of relief.


  9. I had my surgery yesterday. I got in the or at 12:30 and was home by 3:30! I couldn't believe it went that quickly. I was a little sore but no major problems. I havent had much gas pain and I'm hoping it stays that way. My nurse told me to intertwine my fingers and lay my hands flat on my head and push my elbows back as far as possible. She said that opens the esophagus and lets the gas out much quicker. I've had a headache today and I'm tired but other than that I feel great.

    rms78645- I don't really feel any restriction yet either. It's possible your stomach isn't as swollen as some others. That's what my nurse told me when I asked her about it during my followup call.

  10. How are my band-day buddies doing? What time are your surgeries? Mine is supposed to be at 9 am.

    I've got to take a bottle of Magnesium Citrate, now. Just lovely. I thought I could wait until around 2pm, when I get home today. But, when I reread the instructions, it said that I have to take it at 10am. I'll still be at work for the next 3 hours. Guess I'll be spending that time near the restroom...

    I get banded in the morning at 9:30!! I can't wait. I didn't have to do anything to get ready except a "modified" Atkins diet. They want me to drink 2 large glasses of Water before I go to bed. It's not like I'll sleep anyway!:clap2: I'm loving the countdown!


  11. congratulations!!! I hope your recovery is quick. I have 46 hours to go and I can't stand it! I'm so excited! I've done all the house cleaning, laundry and shopping that needed to be done. My house hasn't been this together since I was studying for finals! I hope I'll have this much energy after the band.

  12. Hi everybody! I'm having my operation on Friday and can't wait. I did just have a bit of a downer conversation with my bff who told me that somebody she knows got banded in either August or october and hasn't lost a single pound. Up until now it hasn't occurred to me that this could actually fail. I'm going to chock it up to one of those stupid things people say when they don't know better.

    Glad to join the jan bandwagon!


  13. until I get my band!!!! Curiously I'm not the least bit apprehensive about it and can't wait for this week to get going. I've spent a lot of time lurking here and have a good idea of what to expect. I met with my doctor for the first time last Thursday and was so relieved to talk with him. He put aside all my concerns and was wonderful! He's done thousands (or so) of these and doesn't anticipate any problems (keeping fingers crossed). I"m taking off work on Friday and don't have to go back until Weds of the following week. I'm hoping that's enough time to get adjusted to the beginning stages of the band. I'm on a modified Atkins diet this week and have been working out a "menu " of sorts for the weeks after being banded. My major concern is the anesthesia. Kind of stupid I know, but still!

    I'd love to hear any advice from anybody about things you wish you had gotten ready for or bought before being banded (making up Soups ahead of time.... stuff like that.



  14. Hi everybody, I'm Carole and I live in Crowley, Tx. I'm not banded yet but

    have my first consultation with my doctor on the 4th. I'm a self pay so

    he thinks he can "squeeze" me right in.

    I've been lurking here a bit and am thrilled so see so many bandsters

    from my neck of the woods. I'll be using Dr. Marsden. Has anybody heard

    of, or used him? I'm hoping I can get this done before the end of

    January. There 's a Pirates Ball I'm going to in April and I'd love to

    shed some weight by then.. Aargh!!

    Well, I just wanted to say hi and Happy New Year!


  15. Hi Amy, I'm Carole and I'm also new to this board. I've been lurking forever it seems like. My first appointment is also on the 4th of January with Dr. Marsden. I'm a fellow Texan as well. I live in Fort worth and spend a lot of time in Austin. I have a sis who lives there. I have two boys (7 & 9). I'm a self pay and hope to get my surgery done as soon as possible. I'm 5'5" and weigh 218. I'd love to be back at 140 and know that with this surgery and a lot of work it will happen. We're in the process of getting a pool put in and if that isn't incentive I don't know what is!!

    Good luck to you and everybody else!


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