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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by anewbeckiboo

  1. When you say "intense breast pain", are you talking like they feel super heavy and swollen? I've been dealing with that myself and I'm about 5 weeks out as well. As for my period...I've had it non stop for over two weeks now. I'm soooooo ready for that part to be done!

    My surgeons office said that I wasn't under anestesia long enough for this to be caused "from the surgery"...however, I posted a similar question to yours earlier in the week and MANY women responded that the surgery messed up their cycles...so I'm going with the anecdotal evidence instead of my surgeon and his male nurse :)

  2. Thanks for all the replies. I am waiting for a call from the surgeon. The pregnancy test was negative...so now that is ruled out for sure.

    I am drinking G2 on advice from my nutritionist last week when I started having issues with electrolytes. I thought I had everything under control but waking with the twitching legs and cramps in my feet again this morning tells me I STILL don't have things right.

    I know I am drinking enough Water...but I'm afraid the Water is flushing out "something"...but I don't know what the something is. I had been bad about taking my cal/mag until last week and really started being good with that, which resolved how horrible I was feeling last week (major muscle aches and pains and massive leg cramping over night), but now this. I have looked to see if "calcium citrate" could be the cause of loose stool but everything I read says it should cause the OPPOSITE problem. I almost wish it was causing that right now. LOL

    My poor "girls" though..someone hugged me the other day and they were so tender I had to pull away. Every night I almost don't want to take off my bra cuz I know the gravity pull is going to be painful. Poor things. I hope this all balances out soon!

  3. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I have symptoms from every direction and just don't know which doctor to call or even what to think it "might be" anymore.

    I had surgery 12/23, first fill 1/17.

    • For the last two weeks I've had my period. It has gotten extremely heavy over the last 3-4 days.
    • My breasts are hurting, like they are swollen or something. They are large to begin with so it's hard to tell if they are actually swollen but they feel so heavy and uncomfortable over the last week.
    • I can't keep my electrolytes balanced no mater what I do. I'm taking all my supplements as directed and they seem to be getting out of whack at every turn. I woke up with twitchy muscles this morning, which is usually a sign of low potassium.
    • I'm not gaining or losing weight...despite the fact that I am only eating 1200 calories a day and exercising 3 days a week (when I was not exercising at all before...so this is an improvement but not quite at the 5-6 days a week it should be)
    • I've had loose and/or wattery stools for the last 6 days...this is getting real old. I don't have stomach cramps or anything....just very suddenly feel like I have to go, and bad things can happen if I don't go fast enough. I am eating solid foods...this isn't a "liquid in/liquid out" thing.
    • This morning I feel a little nauseated...but I have not had anything to eat or drink today as of yet.

    I don't know if I should call my surgeon, my gynocologist or my primary care physician. I have no idea if this is band related...can getting the band throw off your hormones and cause all these issues? I don't "feel" like I have the flu...I feel relatively healthy (minus all the issues listed above). Some of my muscles are sore from working out and my energy level is "somewhat normal" for me...so I don't think it's illness, but maybe I'm wrong?

    I'm 99.9999% sure I'm not pregnant. If I am, I would have to have been prior to surgery on 12/23. I'm about to take a test to rule it out but assuming that is NOT the issue since it's practically impossible...what do I do?

  4. I haven't tried the vanilla yet (glad to hear it might be worth buying!) but have been using the chocolate ready to drink shakes from costco once a day or every other day since I was on full liquids.

    I'm having a slight (TMI WARNING) issue with "loose stools" this week though...I'm wondering if these are the culprit. I can't figure out why this is happening now but I think I'm using these more than I did the weeks prior. I've never had this problem before. It's been going on since Friday of last week. I feel totally fine...no stomach aches or anything...isn't that weird?

    Everything else on my "menu" each day is solid food. I only use the shake for one meal a day. I just don't know what to make of this "issue".

    I also use the 100% whey powder from costco. It's pretty good, but not near as convenient as the ready-to-drink ones are.

  5. YAY! congrats to you too! Didn't it go by so fast? I can't believe its only been a month and *knock on wood*, I have had noooo complications! except my skin being so dry! I look like a reptile! its awful.

    Why is your skin so dry? Are you getting enough Water in?

    I didn't even realize that my one month is a couple days away until you posted this. I'm only down 5 pounds since surgery...and that is only when my "water retention" issues are giving me a break. But I'm sooooo happy to not be gaining weight...ecstatic that for the first time in FOREVER I'm actually motivated to exercise...and feel blessed that I have not had a single post-op issue (unless you count the rash caused by the anti-bacterial soap). Overall, this has been a great experience so far...I'm very hopeful that this is going to work...but not loving being in "bandster hell" even though I knew to expect it.

    I wonder what's up with your skin though...we should be able to get this figured out for you and get you baby-soft in no time. :)

  6. I gained 6 pounds between Jan 3 and Jan 17 (surgery was Dec 23)....

    4 things to consider for ME...

    1. I'm girl and it's "that time"...which brings weight gain due to Water retention
    2. I started working out hard-core last week, which can make muscles swell...swelling = Water retention = weight gain
    3. With the total calories I'm eating, it's IMPOSSIBLE for the weight gain to be fat (you have to eat 3500 calories ABOVE what you are burning just by being alive and doing things in order to gain fat...I'm eating 900-1300 calories a day plus working out for the first time in years...it's not possible it's fat)
    4. Not enough calories consumed, possibly causing a kick into starvation mode. (I should be getting 1200 calories a day. Sometimes I get there, sometimes I don't)
    5. Sodium....if I eat higher sodium foods, there could be additional water retention (canned Soups can be really high in sodium, and my ankles are extra puffy lately, a sure sign of water retention for me).

    As of this morning...all 6 lbs are gone and I'm back to my scale low weight. Weight fluctuates...especially bad in women at different times during the month. Maybe your fiance will recognize some of the above things as possibilities for her weight gain.

    Good luck!


  7. Hi, I'm Lyssa and I was banded on December 16, 2010. To date I have lost about 15 pounds. Today was my first fill and I am finding that the return to an all-liquid diet has left me absolutely starving! Since this morning I have had broth, Protein Water and two Protein shakes and my stomach is still cramped and I feel hungry, hungry, hungry. They put in 1.5cc so I thought I would be LESS hungry....not so far. Anyone else have this problem?



    Hi, I had my first fill yesterday, too. My surgeon allows for pudding and yogurt during the first 48 hours (in addition to the full liquids), which actually has really helped my hunger. The yogurt can't have any fruit bits in it, but having something a little bit more solid helps. Check your allowed foods list and see if you can incorporate these.

    I soooo can't wait to start on solids! :)

  8. I didnt feel any restriction @ my 1st or 2nd fill but call the dr and he did a fill with xray and put in 3cc which i thought was alot but. He said should be fine. I will warn you that when you get a fill its like your airway is being squeased off

    Airway being squeezed off? I didn't notice this at all! I haven't heard this before. Did you tell your surgeon you experienced this?

    I had my first fill yesterday under fluoro...only thing I felt at all was the needle for the numbing medication. I kept looking for something to feel but didn't feel a thing. Unfortunately, I didn't feel restriction when they gave me my 6 oz of Water to drink after it was done, either. But I know it can take a few fills to get there....was just really hoping to notice a difference.

    I think TODAY I might be feeling a little restriction. I ate a yogurt and Jello for lunch, and was totally full....so maybe I do feel it already? The surgeon said I may not really notice till I'm back on solids...so I'm hoping my lunch experience is a good sign.

  9. Hi all. I was banded on 12/23 and have been meaning to join this thread.

    I am actually scheduled for my first fill next monday and I can't wait. I am "dieting" right now same as before surgery by using medifast products, but the whole point of this surgery was to achieve "portion control" without having to use these types of products. In the mean time, if I don't use the medifast, I'm always hungry and if I do use the medifast, I'm always nauseaous. My body hates soy...I can't win. LOL

    If I don't stick to Medifast, I'm eating wayyyyy too much. I'm afraid I will gain back too much weight since I've worked so hard getting this much off and I love how I look right now. But alternately, I'm afraid the doctor won't give me a fill because I'm losing without one. I'm totally not sure how to handle this.

    I know I may not feel restriction after the first fill, especially since I have almost none now, but I sure can't wait to get the fill and find out! Monday seems so far away right now.

    Anyway, it's nice to meet all my fellow December 2010 bandsters! I look forward to tracking all of your progress and success!


  10. Full liquids for me included strained cream Soups, so in addition to the Protein shakes (which for me, the sweetness of those made me MORE hungry), also go for some cream of chicken Soup mixed with fat free milk instead of Water (be sure to strain it!), or some Tomato Soup, again mixed with fat free milk. The Fat Free milk ups the Protein content significantly.

    You can also add 2% milk to get a little more fat (which migh make you feel a little more full), but you lose a little protein so it's a trade off.

    Also, some people add flavorless Protein powder to the soups to up the protein more. I didn't do this myself because I was reaching my protein goal without it, but it's an option. My goal was 44-55 grams a day for the first week.

    It does pass. Promise. :)

  11. I'm a firm Atkins believer...it always worked for me until I would fall into my OWN bad habit of "just one cheat day and then I'll get back on track". It's a great plan when followed as written (eating an abundance of vegetables as your carbs instead of Pasta and white bread).

    All my labs came within range when I followed it...and the real kicker is that I had a heart condition that was un-diagnosed that caused me to have high blood pressure since I was 10 years old. When I was 24 and did Atkins faithfully, my BP came into the normal range for the first time since I was 10 after only 3 months on program. The heart condition was not discovered for 4 more years. I think that speaks volumes.

    Now...when it comes to combining it with lap-band...I think it's practically perfect, with the band adding some bonuses.

    One of the KEY reasons people are successful on Atkins is because their appetite is suppressed from eating the Protein and the fat (fat is satiating), so even though you START the program eating as much food as you want, the volume decreases rapidly as your appetite changes so you really do ultimately eat a reduced calorie diet. (For example, I would start the program eating a 4-egg ham and cheese omelet for Breakfast, but within two weeks would be down to only eating 1 egg and MAYBE a piece of bacon if I was really hungry.

    Now that we are banded, we get the bonus of having immediate appetite suppression/volume control. One of my favorite foods on Atkins was taco salad...but I know I would easily eat more than I probably should have. The band will control the how much but I still get to enjoy one of my favorite dinners (I hope...I don't have a fill yet and don't know how well lettuce will be tolerated, but I'm holding out hope).

    Additionally, because we don't need as much fat to reach that level of "satiation" we achieved pre-band, we can cut back on the fat, thereby limiting our calories even more. Lucky us!

    Even though most surgeons post-op diets vary wildly, I think we can all agree that almost all of them say "protein first, then veggies, then carbs"...well...sounds like a perfect fit with Atkins if you ask me.

    For me, the final bonus is that IF I indulge in something that is high carb/off plan (cake, Pasta, a cookie, etc.) then the band will hold me back from being TOO destructive and thereby easier to get back on track.

    Personally I’m not able to do Atkins at THIS point in the process…but I have a feeling that I will be enjoying my old Atkins style meals on a regular basis.

    I also often hear that most surgeons recommend a "South Beach" style diet...which is really a lower fat version of Atkins anyway from what I've read.

    Best of luck!

  12. I agree with sooooo many of the responses on here.

    And by the way...while I am a "newbie", I did in fact do my research...for FIVE YEARS. I knew that there would be a period of "bandster hell". Some of us post on here to reach out to others that are maybe at the same point in the process and maybe going through some of the same things. I am hoping to meet new people...which might not work by doing a search for old posts.

  13. I am feeling this currently...it's a very tight feeling in my upper back between my shoulder blades. When I was first banded I used to feel it in my left upper chest it was not super uncomfortable but I didn't wanna eat anymore to find out if it could be..lol! Right now I am full, I feel full and gosh darn it that is good enough for me! :D

    Yeah, I ate a lot at lunch today and had that back feeling for a while....but was not at all hungry the whole rest of the day (it's now 6pm and I'm STILL not hungry). I'm pretty sure I was "full". Wow...now if I could just get that feeling on half as much food, because I'm relatively certain I ate more than 1/2 cup of food. I need to pack measuring devices to restaraunts for a while I think...just to get a better idea of what is what.

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