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Status Updates posted by jlball

  1. Thanks for your advice and encouraging words!! I will give it a shot!

  2. How are things going?? Can't believe it's been 6 months since we "chatted" and my story is about the same. I have continued to be "stuck"...only lost a few lbs...It is so frustrating! I am walking daily and doing weights 3x per week. I do get into strews eating and late night binging...but no matter what, it's not a big quantity! Had a fill last Mondasy. I am going to our family cabin in MN for three weeks so will be limited in food choices and do different exercise so maybe the switch will help! I still need to lose 60 more lbs at least! seems daunting!


    How have you been doing? Any plateau breakers?

  3. Hi Don! Sorry I haven't been on this cite in a long time...I am so proud of you!! Wow, 126 lbs and that was back in February...you are an inspiration! I have had fills (just last week) but can't seem to lose. I know I make bad choices but I walk every day and do weights 3x per week...it is very frustrating! Even when it's a bad choice, it's just a little. I don't know how you are losing so much...it's impressive! I am going to MN for three weeks on Friday so that will restrict my eating options and give me a different type of exercise. They say to switch it up sometimes.


    I have not been to the hospital support groups in a long time...I always seem ti be busy the first Sat of the month. I keep asking them to have one at the Hoffman Office; I'd be more apt to go! I have a small group of lapband friends that I have met and we used to get together every couple weeks but haven't for quite a while now...I wish you luck though you don't seem to need it!

  4. Hi Leslie!


    I haven't been on this site for a long time, but thought I should check in with you...I'm not being a very good "friend"! I have been gaining and fighting my old demons ever since the holidays. I've only had one fill since my 9/29 surgery so tomorrow is the day...I am not feeling any restriction anymore so I am hoping this will help me get back on track. I hate that I have wasted an entire month going the wrong direction...ugh


    Hope you are feeling success!!@ Let me know what's going on with you! Julie

  5. Hi Don!!

    It has been ages since we have talked. How are you doing? Are you still losing? Have you had fills? I have gained weight since the holidays and am fighting my demons...I go for a fill tomorrow since I've only had one since my surgery on 9/29...I don't feel any restriction anymore so I guess it's time. I didn't like the way I felt after the other one, but hopefully it will help me to get back on track. I have been exercising so at least that is good. It makes me so mad at myself to lose 72lbs and then wast a months time gaining...ugh...it is such a battle. Hope you are doing well-have you had any set-backs? I always am inspired by you and your suggestions. Have a good day!

  6. wow, Don 102 is amazing...did you ver think you could do that? Keep doing what you're doing! I have been eating too muc the last few nights...old bad habits are creeping in. I've gotr to get a hold of that. I'm looking forwaqrd to being able to exercise soon. Walking is limited with all the rain...as is motivation!

  7. I'm doing just fine...I lost like 14 lbs and then I gained back 3 and was stuck for like weeks...it was really frustrating so I quit weighing myself every day. Today I got on the scale and had lost it back plus one!! That's 57 total since May. I feel fine but wish I would lose faster...or consistently. My first fill is in a couple weeks and that s kind of scary.


    How are things with you? Are you still losing? Any new eating tips??

  8. You will get there! I am confident! Thnks for the details as I've been wondering about that-sounds horrible. Is this fullness feeling up high in your chest or down low in your stomach? I have gottedn a feeling like a kind of tight gas-pain tht is high, but that could have been post-surgery junk...don't you like discussing our innards with each other!! HAHA I have gotten the hiccups a couple of times so was planning to ask the doctor about that...keep on keepin on!

  9. Wow, Don!! 101 is so amazing....you must feel like a different person...what exactly is that pb/slime thing? The names sre gruesome...is it caused by overloading the pouch. What do you feel like when you're full? Tomorrow i go for my 1 week check up and am hoping to move to blended food...any pointers there? It's still 4 oz per meal right? I'm so proud of what you've done and appreciate you leading the way!

  10. I live in Elgin, Illinois which is about 50 miles NW of Chicago. Isn't it amazing how fast things move once you get approval and a date!! The nutrition class is very helpful...upper GI not so fun but doable. Keep up the great work...I've lost 10 lbs since my surgery on Tuesday..but who wouldn't eating 1/2 c. of protein drinks every two hours!?! ha. I wonder if I will gain any back when I start eating real food. Going for a one week check-up on Tuesday which will be great since I now have lots of questions. I think I will take the whole week off and then go back to school after Columbus Day...why push it?! May as well enjoy the time off a bit...


    Hang in there with the liquids...I was able to add fruit and nuts to the shakes...almonds were yummy! Be creative! You're 10 days out! whoohoo

  11. That is awesome! The pre-op diet was okay-I just looked at it as short term and tried to be creative with the protein shakes. I went in for surgery on Tuesday and found out I had lost 42 lbs since May when I started my 3 mos supervised program. That was great news. I haven't had any real pain, just some soreness. Just laying low and taking it slow. I have decided to follow the program to the letter so that my results will be the best they can be for me. To go through all of this is not worth a slip...how is your pre-op going aqnd the nutrition class is when?? Where do you live? Your program sounds just like mine...hang in there! In 12 days you'll be on the other side!

  12. Hi Don! How was your weekend...it's already another one! I had my surgery on Tuesday and came home Wed. afternoon. I'm feeling pretty good and haven't had any real pain-just a little sore in the biggest incision spot. Drinking my 4 oz every two hours and have a follow up appointment on Tuesday. What's new with you?

  13. Thank you so much...I can't believe it is finally here! It is so wonderful to know that there are people out there who understand what I'm going through...what stage are you at???

  14. Thank you so much for the special boost and encouragement. You are such an inspiration to have lost 60 lbs!! I lost 30 while waiting for approval and about 7 more on liquids....100 to go!! Sounds daunting, yet possible for the first time ever. Have you found any foods that you can't eat...eggrolls sound soooo good, especially compared to broth!! HAHA My faith is strengthened by you and those who have been successful! Tomorrow at this time I will be banded!! Can't believe it is finally here!

  15. I enjoy reading your advice to others as you appear sensible in regards to making this work. My surgery is Tuesday. Tomorrow I have to drink clear liquids and then Tuesday a.m. I go...can't wait to get to the other side!! Thanks for the support you give others by sharing your experience!

  16. I am doing pretty well...I'm not really scared due to people like you...I found 2 ladies around my age who had the surgery recently. They, like you, had no problems so that really helps me!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend...is it hard to travel and eat right?

  17. Can't remember if I told you that I got my DATE!!!! It's the 29th...a week from Tuesday! I am in my first week of protein shakes and liquids....any tips for that How has your last week gone?

  18. Thanks for your support, Don! I havn't really been pigging out, but having things I know I won't be able to for a very long time...tonight was pizza! 3 pieces...It could have been worse! lol


    Here's a wierde question for you...,since you have lost soooo much weight and have obviously changed sizes many times...did your shoe size change?? I need some shoes but don't want to have to invest in continued changing widths...kind of a silly question! Keep up the good work, my friend!

  19. Hi Don!


    Thanks for the lesson on posting...I need help with electronics often! Well, the news is I got my surgery date yesterday! I see the surgeon tomorrow (FRiday), pre-op tests on Monday...diet class on the 24th, cleansing day on the 28th, surgery on the 29th...can't believe it's actually here. Monday I start the protein shakes for 2 weeks (any vtips on surviving that??) So guess what I'm doing???EATING! Probably not too smart, but it's like the last supper!


    You are having fabulous results...I'm so proud of you...keep it going!

  20. I'm hanging in there, though can't seem to get myself completely back on track. Things at my job are very stressful and overwhelming right now....a great trigger to over eat! Trying to stay busy...Let me know how Wed. goes!

  21. Hi Don,


    Just wondering how you are doing with everything? They submitted to insurance so I'm waiting.........

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