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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SleevedSharon

  1. Hey everyone just trying to get all the September Sleevers together! I have my surgery September 30th. So when I wake up on the first of a new month I'll be a new person in the making let's all support and help one another!!
  2. SleevedSharon

    Anxiety is setting in!

    Did you start the lexapro pre op or post op? Is it affecting your weight at all?
  3. SleevedSharon

    Wanted: September Sleevers!

    I'm sept 30 we can do this!!!
  4. SleevedSharon


    Hey everyone I have a surgery date of September 30th. That will be 8 months since when I first started this journey. I have always suffered anxiety and panic attacks, they are mostly healthy anxiety related. I fear hospitals, tests, the hospital lighting etc..if a body symptom is off I immediately go into panic mode. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to pull this off. I'm excited but deep down I know how anxious I will be once the day is here. Is there anyone else who suffers from anxiety panic who has been through this? Do they help your anxiety somehow pre op? I'm afraid I'll wake up in a panic attack and then something bad happening. I was told I can take a Xanax before I arrive bit I can really see myself crying and wanting to jump right off the table before they begin the surgery or anesthesia please help! Lol
  5. SleevedSharon


    What do you take for meds?
  6. SleevedSharon


    My surgeon is very well aware of my anxiety disorder and just assures me I will be fine and very well cared for & tells me not to worry. I'm currently unmedicated for the anxiety besides an as needed script for Xanax in severe cases which is pretty rare and 1 bottle can last me 6-12 months. He stated they will give me an anti anxiety med before surgery and says that I will be "out of it" post op when the worst is over.
  7. SleevedSharon


    That was not one of my requirements neither.
  8. Hun it sounds like you need to find a new primary soon, one who supports and understands wls. He sounds pretty uneducated in that area and any sort of diet pills are 100% more ineffective as wls. The same goes for your husband, he isn't in your shoes so it may be hard for him to understand how hard it is to lose weight. Everyone on the other side of "overweight" says that by doing the surgery we are either lazy or taking the easy way out. You have to do this for YOU, not your husband, not anyone but YOU or it will never work. Find a local support group and attend it. I attend one once a month through my hospital and love it!! It wouldn't be a bad idea to have your husband attend as well. My husband goes and sometimes mingles with the spouses of those who have had wls and they support each other on how to support us Sleevers lol stay positive!!
  9. SleevedSharon

    September Sleevers!

    Looks like I'm the only September 30 Sleever lol I'm a nervous wreck. I have an anxiety disorder so I'm petrified of hospitals and I have never had a surgery at all before! I'm not sure how this is all gonna go down. It's gonna fly by I just know it. I'm 5'6 and weigh currently 307 lbs. my pre op diet starts sept 23rd one week of protein shakes, clear liquids and a high protein low carb dinner...Jesus take the wheel!
  10. SleevedSharon

    Post-op 10 hr.

    How are you doing?! Hope all is well
  11. SleevedSharon

    September Sleevers!

    How's the 2nd day going? What's does your preop diet consist if? I know we're all different
  12. SleevedSharon

    Im Now Sleeved

    I'm curious what people use the heating pads for? The incision pain?
  13. SleevedSharon

    i found a lump on my breast and i'm petrified

    Awesome news at least they are being proactive when will you be getting sleeved
  14. Hey, I think if you do it, it will be the best decision you could ever give yourself. Don't focus so much on the negatives, focus on the positives and take the negatives as they come, otherwise your wasting time, energy and positive brain space. All that you are feeling is completely normal for all of us who are pre op. The biggest regret I have come across so far is that people wish they had done it sooner. You've come this far just do it!! If you need someone to talk to I'm here I'm a panic anxiety pro so I kno all about how u feel!! Don't back out and keep thinking of why you wanted to do this anyways. It's far more dangerous being overweight. You will so fine!
  15. SleevedSharon

    September sleevers!

    I'm September 30th too we can definitely connect
  16. SleevedSharon

    Waiting for my date

    Surgery for me will be September 30!!! Keep us posted!!
  17. Hey everyone!! I'm new here. I've started my journey at the end of January. Paperwork got sent in July 30 & I got called with my approval on Aug 12. My surgeons office called me on August 14 with a date. September 30th!!!!!! To tell you a little about myself I'll start by saying I'm 29, female, married with 4 children. I've been overweight since the birth of my first child almost 12 yrs ago and just gained since then. I currently weigh 307 with my highest being 312. I'm terrified of having surgery, I've never had any surgeries before and I tend to panic and have anxiety so I really hope I can do this! Any words of encouragement will help!
  18. SleevedSharon

    Wanted: September Sleevers!

    September 30th here

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
