One of my pet peeves is when people blow sunshine up my skirt..... Wait, What..... haha. I appreciate honest answers. I know nothing about the guy other than the videos I watched, which HE put out. His own introduction of internationally known expert made me chuckle but he seems sincere on what he is preaching. If I knew everything about nutrition and dieting I wouldn't be in the situation I'm in. Board certs or not I don't generally just go with what dr's tell me as all truth. With the amount of times we hear things changing up...."This is bad for your health" and than 5 or 10 or however many years later, We take that back "This is good for your health". Or hey you shouldn't do that it's bad for your health, but you have this problem and you should take this. It will cure your condition but it may cause these other conditions or have all these thousands of side affects. Who knows? It's why I ask.