I was never a touchy/feely person before surgery, but I was at least apathetic of it when I saw it. I have noticed however that I am having a very real emotional response to things I read or hear in person. And it is disdain or outright aggression. I swear I want to slap the person who utters the words Journey or Chapter. You know the ones, "Beginning my journey!" Starting a new chapter of my life!" Ugh. And the crying. Oh god they never pass up a good opportunity to talk about how they cried about something. "I saw something I couldn't eat!" "Someone ate in front of me!" "Someone said I took the easy way out!" et cetera, et cetera... There will always be something you will not be able to eat. And someone will always be there to eat it right in front of you. We all know it was not the easy way out, so whoever said it you can ignore with impunity. Even though this topic is in the Guys Room and I put Guy Room in the topic title, I know the women will come in and read it. Calm down ladies please, I don't mean just the women. I repeat! It is not just women that do these things. There are men as well. This is not a journey nor a chapter. Those both have a beginning and an end. This isn't a TV show written to tug on the heartstrings about a character overcoming adversity with inspirational music coming to a crescendo at the moment of victory. This is a lifelong change in how we are going to live. Why romanticize it? It is what it is and trying to emulate the sappy crap you see on TV doesn't make it easier or harder. Post surgery life is what it is. It's not a contest to see who suffered the most and then leads the happiest life afterwards. During my research phase and conversations with my surgeon, I discovered that hormones are fat soluble and there will be heightened levels of hormones while we are losing weight. Maybe that explains why others are sappy or trying to describe their journeys or chapters or whatever they want to call it, but why am I not that way? So tell me guys, anyone else feel this way or is it just me? Is this my emotional response to hormonal dumping?