Omg! Thanks you guys ! Yes okay so after I finished chewing for darn near two hours on tiny pieces I noticed I got super full super fast . And was Super uncomfortable my back started hurting to no end. To combat the back ache I had to walk a mile around the back yard and therefore You guys are right ! Won’t try that again! I’ll stick to my purée for now. And yes! It’s so weird I still get hungry but I’m not on a specific regime and I think that’s my problem. I started to write down a schedule to eat but 4-6x 4oz meals and Snacks of Protein in between. Thank god I am meeting with my dietician this week. I honestly need help in developing the correct diet for me. For everyone I had the modified duodenal switch which includes the gastric sleeve a bit bigger than the norm. So far the best thing about my procedure is that I can keep up to 60z down of Water down with no problem as of today. But I truly appreciate you all for your comments. This is a new road untraveled for me 🤍