I'm 3 weeks post op, gastric sleeve. The diet my doctor gave me was on the more restrictive side at the beginning - clear fluids for a whole week and full fluids for another week, whereas I've seen other diets that have you on fluids for only 7 days. But it seems less restrictive at the end - graduate to a full diet after 4 weeks. It says nothing about raw vegetables after this point, while I notice that other diets may have restrictions on raw vegetables for 2-6 months. (By the way, I had my surgery in Mexico, so there will be no followup appointments with my surgeon, nor do I have appointments with a nutritionist to ask questions.) I really, really love raw vegetables. Salads of course, but my favorite pre-surgery was cucumber - I usually ate 1-2 a day, as well as others like carrots, peas, green Beans, and broccoli. I'm wondering if I should give any a try at 4 weeks, or if I should wait. I'm curious to ask when people found they were able to tolerate raw vegetables, and if certain ones were better than others? For instance, I imagine peeled cucumber would go over much better than carrot since it is softer.