I borrowed this idea from another site. But to be fair, it's a concept that is not new to the low carb/keto community. Atkins '72 had you shoot for your daily Protein goal and to keep your carbs (whole, non-net carbs) to about 10g or less per day (loosely). If you can't do <10g of carbs per day, then try to keep them as low as possible and definitely do NOT exceed 20g of whole non-net carbs. So those of you who know me, know I get bored with my same ol' same ol' routine! So I felt like mixing things up and tightening up the carb wagon a bit. I'm eating a crap ton of carbs for my body (about 50-60g per day whole which comes out to about 30-40g net after Fiber subtraction). And what tends to happens when you lower your carbs is that you up dietary ketosis (aka you become a fat burning monster, especially if you've already been low carb for a while--you lose your appetite; drop Water retention; and you might just lose a couple of pounds of fat in the bargain--you also return back to easy satiety). And come on...after Fatsgiving, don't we all need to adopt a little austerity? The rules of the game are simple: AMAW = All meat All Week (Meet only for the week--but I'm gonna include eggs, egg whites, poultry, game, domestically and internationally produced red meats, etc, cured meats/jerky/biltong, et al, bone broths and stocks and also all seafood/fish in the meat category) CAMAW = All cheese and Meat All Week (although personally I think it should be MACAW rather than CAMAW and I'm gonna include other forms of dairy + protein supplements + non-milk dairy like almond milk, coconut milk, cashew milk provided it fits into the carbs/calories scenario previously discussed, since you're already eating cheese--it just has to fit into your 10g-20g of whole carbs for the day.) Fats = Healthy Fats as much as you want/can handle (or as little) provided you stay within your daily carb/caloric goal for the day. This would not ideally include nuts/seeds/nut butters, but again, if that is the line in the sand for you, then we'd rather you play with us for the week rather than sit it out cuz you need your mother truckin' nuts. Right? Am I right? Healthy sources of fats = olive oil, evoo, evco, evpo, avocado oil, mct oil, grassfed butter, avocados, lard, tallow, schmalz (rendered chicken, duck, or goose fat), and if you choose to eat nuts/seeds/nutbutters they would also provide fat as well as protein and carbs. Water/Liquids = 100oz or more per day Vitamins = Of forkin' course, silly! Coffee = yes Tea = yes ****************************** We'll start tomorrow, Sunday December 2, and continue through Saturday, December 8. Who's with me?