Hi sleeve fam! I just wanted you to know, (if you don't already) there's a Protein shot sold at Vitamin Shoppe, 3.8 ounces, 42 grams of protein, 0 fat, 0 sugar, 2g carb. If you have trouble meeting your protein goals try this as a snack. It helps me when im feeling lethargic, from lack of protein. Im 7 weeks post op and have lost 41 lbs since surgery, 50 total. GOOO me! I know my stalls are coming, (I hope not) but Im sure they are, so when the doc says more protein, this will be my secret weapon. its called New Whey Liquid Protein. it come sin 3 flavors, ( at Vitamin shoppe) there may be more. Acai berry, watermelon, and fruitpunch. Doesn't taste too bad. Kind of taste like a now and later shot.