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GamecockGirl17 got a reaction from Keeper in Hate this lying!
My surgery is in two weeks and I've told some people but not broadcasting it to the world. I get either supportive (well go you! that's awesome!) comments or the total opposite (don't do that! I knew someone who died from that! I knew someone who blah, blah, blah). They are ignorant and I just smile and keep firm to my decision. I'm doing it for me and not for anyone else.
Plus I secretly think the haters are afraid that I'll get skinnier than them
GamecockGirl17 reacted to jefedejefes in Year out tummy tuck covered by bcbs
Started 390 ,240 today
Well was sleeved Feb 3 2014, Dr office called and asked if I was interested in a Tummy Tuck. What the hell went in and had my surgery yesterday with Dr Dinick in Michigan. Lost 140 total ,he took 7 lbs of skin, thought it would hurt more but surprisingly it doesn't. I do have a high pain tolerance. Now to relax and get ready for vacation in may!
GamecockGirl17 reacted to B-52 in Learning to Enjoy Life
Now that I have lost all my excess weight, I have developed a new lifestyle....I still enjoy food now as much as ever...along with drink, parties, etc etc....
...I can do all things, just nothing in excess...the WLS, specifically lap band for me, prohibits me and takes away the urge to be a glutton....
I don't need to eat to the point of being stuffed anymore, and frankly I have no desire to...take it or leave it.
I don't worry about calories anymore, Diet is a four letter word I will never have to do again....the diabetes, cholesterol, high BP, etc, etc are all gone!
I have no fear of ever being fat again....
I am enjoying life, and all it has to offer, more now than I have in a long time. (I'm 63 years old) All the result of WLS...something I could not accomplish on my own.
Bottom line....over a 24hr period, I eat less, WAY less, ( a 1/10?) than I used to....what I do eat I try to make the most of nutritionally...and I stay as active as possible, a real health and fitness addict.......a new Lifestyle that feels great!
Over the past few years, I have found this to be true for me, having been on cruises, vacations to foreign countries, business travel, weddings, parties, picnics, holiday family get togethers....I have no fear and enjoy myself at them all!
It's a new way of living.....opposite from the way I was that made me Obese and unhealthy to death's doorstep
There is life after weight loss!!!
And you know what? I am not ashamed that it was EASY! Why should I not want to admit it?? (learning and breaking old habits was the hard part) I don't care what other people may think....When it comes to this, it's all about me.
GamecockGirl17 reacted to IcanMakeit in Learning to Enjoy Life
A wonderful young man who was well loved in our community died in an accident recently. One of the speakers at his memorial said that one of the last things he said was, "life is for living, not surviving." That really struck me. But I realized while thinking about it that the statement means something different to me today than it would have before I began my Quest to recover my health. I still think it means that I should enjoy my pleasures whenever I can, but my definition of pleasure has changed. I seek out non-food pleasures much more than I used to, and really am grateful for them. I love my life even more now, even though I have become very careful when it comes to food.< /p>
GamecockGirl17 reacted to mybrowneyes in Starting day 4 of pre-op
Today begins day 4 pre-op! Surgery is in 1 1/2 weeks!!! So excited for this new chapter in my life.
GamecockGirl17 reacted to Lolo~t in Interesting article - Top 10 Post-Op mistakes
I like all of them except not drinking alcohol for a year ????
GamecockGirl17 reacted to Jerr_Bear in Got told by a coworker today that I'm taking the "easy way"
Over the many years of being overweight, I've managed to develop a thick skin. Some guy like that could never discourage me. Had we been anywhere else, and not the office, I'd have told him to eff off. Thanks for all the stories, guys. Just wanted to share mine
GamecockGirl17 reacted to Rogofulm in Got told by a coworker today that I'm taking the "easy way"
To someone who says something like that unsolicited, I'd be tempted to say, "Really? Tell me what you think you know about bariatric surgery, and what's so easy about it. The quarter of a million people on my Forum think it's hard, so what do you know that they don't? Are you pulling this ignorant sh!t out of your a$$? Then I suggest that you stuff it back where it came from." But what I'd really say is, "Why would you say such an insulting and ignorant thing? Is that your way of being helpful? Well it's not." Then I'd turn and walk away. And please, please don't let an ignoramus affect how you feel about yourself or the surgery. He's just not worth it! You're making an excellent decision for your health and for your life. Always remember that. And in a few months, you'll be reaping the benefits while jerk-boy watches and stews.
GamecockGirl17 reacted to LipstickLady in Got told by a coworker today that I'm taking the "easy way"
My answer to something like this?
"Cool!" and walk away.
or if you really want to poke 'em...
"You know, as I consulted my doctor, my therapist, my NP, the surgeon, my nutritionist, something was nagging at me and I finally figured out what it was... YOUR opinion. That's exactly what I was waiting for. So thank you."
Or kick 'em in the junk.
Your choice.
GamecockGirl17 reacted to *Lexie* in Got told by a coworker today that I'm taking the "easy way"
Well I just threw up in a trash can in my office during a conference call because I ate something that my sleeve didn't approve of so yeah, super easy. Your post is exactly why I didn't tell a single soul at work. People can be dense sometimes.
GamecockGirl17 reacted to Sharpie in Got told by a coworker today that I'm taking the "easy way"
lol I love your response. For a few people who have made that asinine statement to me, I pretty much told them if it was so easy why didn't they have it done then come back and discuss it .. Most of the people who are making the ignorant comments are usually overweight people who are afraid you might be successful and make them look bad, or they are obsessive, compulsive runners who look like skeletons . Nothing wrong with exercise and eating healthy but anything to the extreme is obsessive. Anyhow, You don't owe anyone an explanation or reason for what you do with your own body. You are smart to realize while you are still young that weight has a lot to do with health. I was 66 when I had my surgery and it was not easy in the least.. Most of the criticizers couldn't make it through the pre-op diet.
GamecockGirl17 reacted to Jerr_Bear in Got told by a coworker today that I'm taking the "easy way"
I don't know how he found out, I really hadn't told many people at work, but I guess people talk. Anyway, it came up in conversation, and he started questioning my motivation, saying that didn't I worry that I was taking that easy way out. That if I just worked hard and stayed disciplined, I could do it all on my own. He made it sound so simple. I could tell he thought he was being positive, but he was being condescending, something he has a reputation for doing.
First of all, it's not so simple. I am well over 200+ lbs over. I have gone past the point of no return. And while I make no excuses for how I got this way, I know it's all on me, and I haven't made the best choices in my past. But I'm at the point where medical intervention is required, and my doctor wholeheartedly agrees (I love her by the way!). And I'm going to do this like I do everything in my life. To the best of my abilities. Despite his opinion, I know this will most certainly not be easy. In fact, I want to it to be hard. It will make it that much more worth it once I reach my goal.
And second. This is life and death, I'm in my mid 30s now, and the clock is ticking. If I keep going on this path, I will not have much time left on this planet. I am not concerned with preserving my honor in his eyes. I have family and friends who are all united in their support of me on this. And he's just some guy we hired last year to do . . .I really don't know what he does.
So for those that say, we're cheating, or taking the easy way out. Kindly direct them to engage in intercourse with themselves. Rant over.
GamecockGirl17 got a reaction from mybrowneyes in March 18, 2015 Surgery
I just had mine scheduled for March 10th! Excited and nervous..
GamecockGirl17 got a reaction from Keeper in Interesting article - Top 10 Post-Op mistakes
That is a great article..thanks for sharing!
GamecockGirl17 got a reaction from Keeper in Hate this lying!
My surgery is in two weeks and I've told some people but not broadcasting it to the world. I get either supportive (well go you! that's awesome!) comments or the total opposite (don't do that! I knew someone who died from that! I knew someone who blah, blah, blah). They are ignorant and I just smile and keep firm to my decision. I'm doing it for me and not for anyone else.
Plus I secretly think the haters are afraid that I'll get skinnier than them
GamecockGirl17 got a reaction from Keeper in Hate this lying!
My surgery is in two weeks and I've told some people but not broadcasting it to the world. I get either supportive (well go you! that's awesome!) comments or the total opposite (don't do that! I knew someone who died from that! I knew someone who blah, blah, blah). They are ignorant and I just smile and keep firm to my decision. I'm doing it for me and not for anyone else.
Plus I secretly think the haters are afraid that I'll get skinnier than them
GamecockGirl17 got a reaction from Keeper in Hate this lying!
My surgery is in two weeks and I've told some people but not broadcasting it to the world. I get either supportive (well go you! that's awesome!) comments or the total opposite (don't do that! I knew someone who died from that! I knew someone who blah, blah, blah). They are ignorant and I just smile and keep firm to my decision. I'm doing it for me and not for anyone else.
Plus I secretly think the haters are afraid that I'll get skinnier than them
GamecockGirl17 reacted to DoneItForMe in Hate this lying!
My surgery is just two days away and I couldn't be happier to begin my new life. What I don't like is that I work with a bunch of extremely judgmental people and hate the fact that I feel I have to lie about why I am having surgery. With comments like "anyone that puts in the effort can loose weight and keep it off if they seriously want to" or, my personal favorite, "weight loss surgery is the lazy persons way out" who can blame me! I so want to tell them there is nothing "easy" about WLS and I am far from lazy, but that would just give me away. Hearing behind the back comments made about a previous co-worker who had WLS about 5 years ago was awful. I simply do not understand why people wouldn't be supportive in every way possible.
GamecockGirl17 reacted to 2babutterfly in Hate this lying!
I don't understand why people feel they are the expert and can sit and judge someone for a choice they are making. I don't even like to hear people put down one wls over another. It's all about personal choice and what an individual needs to be successful!!! Best wishes and good luck with your decision. You did not take the easy way out. Those thoughts just come from uninformed people!
GamecockGirl17 reacted to BayougirlMrsS in Hate this lying!
you own them NOTHING.... no explanation. it's no of there business. I felt the same way when i had surgery. That i had to hid what i was doing. My standard answer to .... Wow, you have lost some weight, how did you do it..... I simply said, I watch everything i eat, cut down my portions and started exercising..... which was the truth. and then i walked away.... unless it was one of the bitches that use to say bad things about fat people, but who has now gained weight..... To them i would say... the same thing, but i added...Wow you have put on some pounds... what happened to you? Watch there face and the expression, flip my hair....and walk away.... boop!!
GamecockGirl17 reacted to mybrowneyes in March 18, 2015 Surgery
Hi everyone, I have set my date for 3-18-15. Would like to meet others scheduled for this March.
GamecockGirl17 reacted to shugal in At what age would you have Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) if you had a do-over?
The same age as I am now 47 and not then (few yrs back).*just learned how to use it now, long story* Seriously. I have it so I can be healthy, so I can re learn Portion Control, eat healthy and give myself a new lease on life. I am old enough to understand all of it, risks rewards and so on. Old enough to have the will power to use my lap band correctly and to know there will be ups and downs and bumps in the road but that I can and will persevere and win
GamecockGirl17 reacted to lovebug_0766 in My story 1yr and 3 months later
I had my surgery Nov 2013. I weighed 353 pounds. I had no idea how big I really was. I was in denial. I finally made the choice to be a better me. I have lost over a 100lbs. It's has taken me blood sweat and tears. I would do it over again. I still have 47 more pounds till my goal weight.
GamecockGirl17 reacted to stay75 in The day is getting closer
Sorry. The not was supposed to be I am. I did get banded yesterdayv