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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About CherokeeGirl

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 10/20/1954

About Me

  • Biography
    1/2 Native1/2 Italian.Animal rights & Native rights activist.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    animals, music, gardening, Metaphysics, Atrology/Astronomy, study of religions
  • Occupation
    On disability. Worked with animals 30 years & Fronted rock bands for 40
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  1. CherokeeGirl

    Anyone here 60 or older?

    I lost $ close family member in a 5 month period. I didn't handle it well..I just ate trough my grief! Then, I lost the mind set. I should of hopped here for support, or reached out to my Dr...but I didn't. Aaaaaanyway, yes, if I can have a revision , I'm going to do it.
  2. I too am at the 10 year mark and I've gained it all back!!! I feel horrible, can't breath if I move around too much. I'm 70 years old now and I'm going to talk to my Dr as to what I can do
  3. I am now 70 years old. I had a sleeve done in 2014, I have slowly gained all of my weight back! Do you think it would be safe to have it again at my age? I'm thinking about talking to my Dr about it
  4. I deeply want to do this...I was for two years and got sick as I didn't know what I was doing. I need any help and info as I can. I had a sleeve done last October. I try to keep my carbs done also...any info woud be so greatly apprecuated!!!! Thank you
  5. CherokeeGirl


  6. Wel...here i am...a big 6 pounds lost
  7. Wel...here i am...a big 6 pounds lost
  8. CherokeeGirl

    Motivational changes early on

    i have had a lot issues and just now leveling out. The slleve will NOT make you thin. As you've probably heard before...it's a tool to help you, but you have to help yourself.
  9. Yep...with you on this! I have resigned myself to the fact that food is no long fun....no anticipation of something good cooking, or enjoying a great meal with everyone...nothing tatse the same, or as good and eating is now really just PIA....but, I'll deal with it....I need to get healhty...but I hate that middle of your chest uncomfortable thingie
  10. CherokeeGirl

    First Time Drinking Alcohol Post Op

    Oh my.."protecting our kids from alcohol" Alcohol kill more people with the diseases it causes, drunk driving, fatal drunken fights, domestic violence than all drugs put together...and that's not mentioning broken homes, child abuse and permanate mental issues for children of alcholics
  11. CherokeeGirl

    Worried for surgery tomorrow

    You wouldn't be normal if you didn't get nervous! Have an easy day....read or watch something you like. try to get a good nights sleep....you'll fly through...update us as soon as you can ::::HUG::::
  12. CherokeeGirl

    My body feels awful...

    Also...pouches are fickle...I have named mine Ms Diva...she definately prefers warm and hot to cold, so I am going ot start drinking decafe falored teas..yesterday I started putting a teaspoon of Steviea in my shakes too...it made a world of differeance!
  13. CherokeeGirl

    My body feels awful...

    Oh sweerie...been there. What flavor shake? I have mixed berry I get at walmart, I put a container of blueberry greek fit & light yogurt in mine as well as a few squirts od berry Water Enhancer....still not the best, but it ups the Protein level..i am not crazy about powdered shakes either but really can;t afford to buy all premade. Just gotta do the best you can....for first few weeks it was bad for me, i had complications...i looked like a ghost, people kept telling me how awful I looked, I wasn't getting enough protein for my body....and i was...am so sick of water, which i used to love...I could scream. put something you like in it, I put a couple of tablesoons of powered milk..I like it sometimes i put carnations canned milk in it...just a bit.....and there a lot of different enhacers you can buy. I'm still dealing, it's such a learning process. ::::hugs::::
  14. Oh sweetie.....you're doing wonderful.....no way i voulda text in recovery.....we're thinking about you {{{{[hugs}}}}
  15. CherokeeGirl

    Going Home!

    yeaaa. It's so good to get back home and be your own surrounding!!!! Happy for you

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