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Still going strong, even with no loss for 2 weeks!

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Well, it's been 4 weeks since surgery! Today I am officially released to do whatever I want at the gym, and boy did I ever go at it this morning!!! I woke up at 6:00am to make sure I got there...something that never, ever, ever would have happened before I started this amazing journey. Another poster commented about reading labels at the store now, and even though it takes twice as long to shop, it is so worth it not to bring junk into the house. I am sickened by what I used to fill my shelves with. The kids didn't eat it so who was I buying it for? Hmmmmmm, my butt knows the answer to that one. My 14 year old son is thrilled that we get to all eat the same things now (he is an athlete like his sister and looks at food as fuel....hmmmmmm....I think they were switched at birth lol).


My daughter left for college a week ago and for the first time since I can remember, I did not drown myself in food and wine to dull the heart ache. Instead, I faced my emotions and let them pour out in tears as I sat on her bed after we got back from dropping her off! A much healthier way to deal for me!


I am still staying strong and on plan. No major temptations, though curbing the boredom eating and monitoring portions have been challenging. I have not lost anything in 2 weeks, but when I take my total loss & divide it my the 6 weeks since I started, it's still a 4lb+ a week loss. I'll take that! I get my first fill on 9/1 and am ready/nervous/thinking I don't need one (I don't like needles!). My counselor at True Results says that's when the real weight loss starts. I'm ready!


Thank you God for this chance at a new life and for the strength you have given me!!!

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You are doing fantastic and so motivated! I remember driving home from dropping my daughter off at school. My heart goes out to you. You are making great use of your time working out and getting healthy and happy!

I love your picture!

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I hope you are proud of yourself - we are proud of you! Keep doing what you are supposed to do and you'll get where you want to be - best wishes!

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Seems we are pretty close w/ surgery dates (mine was 8/6). I see you are having your 1st fill on Sept 1st! I am having mine Sept 2nd. Let me know how it goes! Take care, Melissa

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